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Latest revision as of 09:52, 30 December 2023

World hunger is your B****
Date of Scene: 16 December 2023
Location: Gym, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Nadia gets to meet Wonder Girl in the Titans Gym. Cassie turns out to secretly know stuff about science. Shhhh don't tell anyone! Somehow she avoids being recruited for GIRL. Probably because she's already on the path to wearing a fedora and telling people things belong in a museum.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (Pym), Wonder Girl

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Now there are plenty of things Nadia Pym can do at GIRL. Science, research, socialise, and she can even get food if she wants. But the gym is merely a functional mundane gym for regular people. Not that she /needs/ a super gym. But it's nice to have the options if she wants to push herself or try something /weird/. Like size changing and doing weights at wasp size.

And thanks to the forcefields built into the Titans gym gear? Well here she can.

Even if no-one can really tell what she's doing. To all but the most eagle eyed it looks like weights bench is pressing itself. Or being lifted by telekinesis. Not that anyone is around to be lifting weights with the power of their mind right now either.

Still there's definitely been someone here. Because there's a Dazzler CD playing on repeat and the lights are all on.

Who knows. The Tower might be haunted.
Wonder Girl has posed:
There are limits to what the gym equipment can manage. So for Cassie, who can on a good day, keep up with Kryptonians and Hulks actually has to slow herself down on the squat machines pushing down on her. It's more about isometrics for her. Which explains the noticeable tone and musculature through black yoga pants and muscle style tank.

Large hollow stars printed in gold on her hips while a metallic gold =W= stretches across the front. Some comfy red sneakers on her feet keep traction while she works.

The Dazzler CD didn't get minded. It's hard to find someone that doesn't dig Dazzler or her music. Cassie had a couple posters from concerts on her wall. But she also had posters of Captain Marvel. The ones of Diana or even Donna and the other titans long gone replaced with actual photos as befitting family.

But that's Cassie's bedroom. In the gym, the music is just good inspo as muscles tenses and flex to control how much tension she can exert on herself and the machine so she doesn't wreck anything.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
The mystery ghost of the gym seems at least passingly curious about the other Gym user! Or so it seems anyway. Somehow one of the bars of weights is floating over. Not an especially heavy bar. The extra weight wouldn't be enough to bother an Amazon. Let alone make a dangerous enough weapon to harm Cassie. But still it does seem to be casually floating in the air. Like some of the laws of physics have stepped outside to take a break.

Of course the question is. What interests Nadia more. The team-mate she hasn't had chance to meet yet? Or the force field emitters built into the gym equipment which allow it to form even a moderate challenge to an Amazon?

Lets assume the answer is they're both equally interesting. Poor Cassie doesn't want to be overlooked in favour of inanimate objects no matter how fancy they might be.

"You must be Cassie right?" Says the thin air supporting the weight bar. "I'd offer to shake your hand but... I've got mine full right now."

If Cassie looks really really hard. She might just spot the tiny winged figure. Carefully supporting that weight at the exact point of balance. Even a tiny movement left or right and it'll probably tip off and fall!
Wonder Girl has posed:
The Dazzler music and concentrating on her weights made it a little easier to sneaky up with that bar bell for a while, at least until wing buzzing even at small sizes hits her ears and enhanced vision that could give feral mutants some competition squint and finally see a very tiny brunette.

"Wow, you are really tiny! And so cute, and like really strong! That is awesome!" she beams excitedly.

"Well I am totally Cassie. You must be Nadia, the other new girl. Besides America and her awesome burritos." she states and when there's a mention of hand shaking Cassie giggles and just makes it easier for Nadia.

The blonde just stands straight like the near triple digit tonnage of weight wasn't much of problem.

Using her shoulders to balance the machine's weight, the other gives Nadia a spot and just takes the weight of the Wasp. Freeing them both up to shake hands.

It's just the size that makes it more difficult now. But a palm held out for Nadia to land on is just as welcoming.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Actually I'm a pretty normal size I'm just... Well it's sort of complicated but think of it like I am compressing matter so I take up much less volume than normal," Nadia says matter-of-factly. Like this is a perfectly normal thing for her to be doing. And also not a gross oversimplification of what is actually happening. "And this is just a regular bar bell. I'm stronger than most people of my age and build. But I'm not /super strong/."

She doesn't comment on the cute part. Because she'd like to think it's true.

"Wait! What?!? America /cooks/?" This seems to shock her more than any feat of strength or endurance. "Huh we only went to the fast food place on the mainland when we last hung out. No fancy burritos for me. And she owes me too." Probably for helping with her check up for joining the Titans. "I've been around a while now but Kara asked me to review all the lab equipment. And I've been setting up my own lab. Between the two projects I've been flying from here to Gotham one night and then off to New York the next."

Always a place to go or a person to see.

And then Cassie shows why she's Wonder Girl. Lifting her own weights like they're nothing and then taking Nadia's too.

"I can just," she pops back to normal size. Changing so quickly even a speedster would only see part of the change. "Do this!"

Dressed in her Unstoppable Wasp red and black costume the petite teenager offers her now free hand. Even as those insectile wings fold away into her backpack.
Wonder Girl has posed:
"She's great on a skillet. Better than I am. But that isn't saying much!" Cassie grins as she locks the squat machine back into place. "I can burn water." she admits with a shrug and a kick of the latch so she can walk out from under the rack.

"I kinda get the idea behind it. Tight molecules, sparce molecules. Extra particles between them making sure nothing splats and explodes. I'm not really a scientist but I do sometimes pay attention. Still working on my archeology masters. And eventually doctorate." she adds while she looks like a California blonde of the Valley variety. She's got some education going on.

"Have you ever thought about using that trick for being strong while normal sized? Can you also go bigger? Like giant girl or something?" valid power questions and maybe engaging the superhero fan girl side of the young woman. The weight bar that Cassie snagged form the now fully sized Nadia might as well be a feather in the Olympian's hand.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"On a skillet? Doesn't that get uncomfortable?" Nadia muses. Her eyes flicking to the gym equipment. The force fields really are kind of exciting. You could do a lot of cool things with them! "Or do you mean the things she's cooking are on it?" She blinks a few times. "Sorry English was not my first language. I had to learn it from a pop music CD. So it did not really cover much cooking terminology."

She glances left and right, then makes a shhhh motion. "Well don't share the secret with anyone else," she jokes. "I don't want everyone figuring out how to do it!" She pauses a beat. "Archaeology is probably a fascinating field of study. Although I would imagine it gets complicated by all the attempts to travel in time. Was a Big Belly Burger wrapper there because of littering? Or did a Flash pop back to change our timeline and the wrapper was pulled back in time with him..."

As it to demonstrate she unhooks the helmet from her belt and throws it up into the air. It grows in size and comes crashing down around Nadia with a thud. She doesn't actually change size. Just ducking so it can land like a little armoured house. And from the size it's grown to she probably can grow much bigger. Large enough it'd be a serious problem fitting indoors. "Yes," she says with a grin. "But it's exhausting and tends to cause a lot more damage than it prevents."
Wonder Girl has posed:
I'd be more worried about clothing damage while on a working hotplate or frypan type thing." she states and giggles. "We aren't all immune to extreme heat or electricity or other hazardous environments." she goes on and giggles.

Cassandra keeps that lasso around so she isn't the electrical danger. Pesky uncontrolled weather and lightning powers.

"I think there's actually people that police the timelines for a living. They go back and collect the trash we leave behind, replace the divots on the lawn, and so on. There'd have to be or who knows what might happen." it doesn't exactly worry her. If the timeline gets screwy on her, she probably won't be the one that fixes it.

Somethings just need some faith.

The helmet thrown further engages fangirling while she looks wide eyed. "I expect energy does not scale with size? That'd do it. Or we'd be powered by skyscraper sized D cells." she guesses and hmmms as she pokes the helmet with a toe. "Remind be to bring you along next time we meet Giganta. You might be able to subdue her just by talking shop!" she suggests.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym tilts her head. "That seems like something from a TV show," she points out. "And also like it would cause as many problems as the time travel itself. If you go back in time to fix a temporal error that just adds more chances for something else to be altered. Seems like the /optimal/ solution would be for everyone to just not time travel in the first place but ah well." Not that she hasn't designed a time machine herself. It's just that particular device required the entire worlds supply of nuclear weapons to accelerate to as close to light speed as possible. Slingshot around a suitably dense stellar body. And arrives back where you started so fast you're there before you set off.

In short it needs a little more work. But to her credit. It was something she doodled in the margins of a text book while waiting for her coffee to cool down..

"Generally speaking the energy you need to size change something is vastly more than anything you would gain by, as an example, making a quartz watch battery really huge to increase the energy output. It'd be far more efficient just to leave it at the normal size. And put the energy you would have spent making it huge into whatever you were going to power. In the same way I can't feed the world off a single sandwich. Because the amount of energy I would need to make the sandwich massive would cost more than it would to just buy an equivalent amount of food."
Wonder Girl has posed:
The ponderings of energy scaling does get a little nerding out of Cassie as she moves to bend down and pick up the helmet. "So you've never checked the nutritional value of a normal sized sandwich scaled to double it's size? It might well be less that way. But you'd be still creating more food by volume alone!" she points out.

"Honestly, a hamburger twice it's size with the same calories... You could make it last all day." she adds and giggles while she bounces the enlarged helmet in her hands till Nadia is ready to collect it herself.

"World hunger is your bitch Nadia!" she encourages work in that direction.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"If I was solving world hunger there are far more efficient ways to go about it," Nadia assures. "For a start I could shrink some industrial scale hydroponics bays. Get them into orbit and grow crops that have twenty four hour a day access to sunlight. No seasons. Totally controlled climate. And the risk of blights is dramatically reduced."

"Food by volume isn't really what is required. That might fill someone up but if there is no nutritional value... You can starve to death while still eating. Rabbit meat is a good example. Eat it as your main source of food and you'll have horrible stomach troubles and start to starve. Because it's not actually providing everything you need."

A shrug.

"But don't worry world hunger is already on my to do list. Eventually I'm going to make Earth a post scarcity society. Completely remove the need for money. Make sure everyone has access to clean drinking water and healthy food."

She is nothing if not ambitious.

"All this talk of hamburgers though... I could go for a cheeseburger or six. With all the extras. They do not last anything like all day though... I'm lucky if half a dozen is enough for a lunch."
Wonder Girl has posed:
"It's math. I'm sure you'd be fine at figuring it out. Making something with a high nutritional value really small. Like some of those energy bars Wally or Bart eat. Those are the things you can make bigger to stretch out for mere mortals." which Cassie long since stopped being in her teen age years.

"At least you got an angle to work the problem from at least!" she points out as right then her stomach rumbles.

"I don't actually need much food to get by. But I also don't worry about my weight so a half dozen cheese burgers sounds like it's right in my wheel house." she rubs her midsection and chuckles it sounded like muffled thunder in there.

"C'Mon, lets go eat. We'll check the left overs first then we'll go grab some sliders somewhere." she says and offers a hand to escort the dark haired scientist to their culinary destiny.