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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/06 |Location=Middle of the Desert near Cairo, Egypt |Synopsis=Magneto, Polaris and Havok attempt to destroy the Segment of Death but fail to do so. In the process Havok is weakened. |Cast of Characters=221, 128, 210 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:221|Magneto (221)}} has posed:'''<br>Magneto stands alone in the vast expanse of the desert, the scorching sun beating down upon him, casting his tall and imposing figure into stark...")
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Latest revision as of 10:03, 30 December 2023

Attempting to Destroy the Segment of Death
Date of Scene: 06 December 2023
Location: Middle of the Desert near Cairo, Egypt
Synopsis: Magneto, Polaris and Havok attempt to destroy the Segment of Death but fail to do so. In the process Havok is weakened.
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Polaris, Havok

Magneto has posed:
Magneto stands alone in the vast expanse of the desert, the scorching sun beating down upon him, casting his tall and imposing figure into stark relief against the golden dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The relentless desert wind stirs the loose grains of sand, creating miniature whirlwinds that dance around him.

Dressed in a long, flowing robe that billows in the wind, he appears both regal and resolute, his magnetic powers restrained but simmering beneath the surface.

With arms folded across his chest, Magneto's piercing eyes scan the horizon, searching for any signs of movement or approaching figures. He knows that soon, others will arrive, drawn here by a shared purpose and a common cause. The meeting point in this unforgiving desert serves as a symbol of their unity, a place where they can gather in secrecy and solidarity.

As the minutes pass, the intense heat of the desert seems to intensify, but Magneto remains unmoved, his gaze unwavering, his determination unwavering. He knows that their mission is of utmost importance, and he stands ready to welcome those who will join him in this remote and hostile location.
Polaris has posed:
There had been some discussion of destroying one of the objects that could be used in resurrecting Apocalypse.

Lorna didn't like where this was all headed but as long as it put Genosha in danger, as the nation's princess she felt obligated to do what she can to stop it..

The heat of the desert meant no tight restrictive spandex, which was replaced by a dark green billowing robe like dress paired with a deep purple scarf wrapped around her green shock of hair and protecting her face from the fierce desert heat.

But of course she does not arrive alone, having brought Alex up to speed on current events. And given his explosive capabilities, he might just be the perfect person for this job.

"Are you ready for this?" she asks, glancing sidelong at him as they walk through the desert towards the prescribed meeting place. Her green lips set in a determined frown, she just wants to get this whole thing over with.
Havok has posed:
It's hot boy is it ever hot and his super suit is black so yep, nope not for the desert. Shoulder length blond hair covered by a cowboy hat, black Oakley shades cover his eyes but he wears a green t-shirt and jeans with cowboy boots as they approach.

Lorna had indeed caught him up to date on all that had happened recently and though he didn't really care for risking his neck it meant a lot to her so here he is. "Yea I'm ready how about you, you ready?" He asks placing a soft kiss on her as they get closer. "You're luck I love ya Lorna you know that?" He teases.

Once they're in ear shot he raises his free hand to Magneto. "Yo pops what's up? You called we answered." He says getting close. "So what's the plan stan?"
Magneto has posed:
Magneto shifts his attention toward the newcomers, a hint of surprise in his expression. "Well, I was expecting Boom Boom," he acknowledges, his voice carrying a tinge of amusement, "though I must say, you might just be an upgrade."
From within the folds of his attire, he retrieves a metallic bar and raises it, presenting it to Lorna and Alex. "This is precisely why we find ourselves here," he explains, his tone grave. "This object is known as the Segment of Death, one of four components required to assemble the Sceptre of Eternity. We were fortunate enough to secure this particular part from an Egyptian tomb. The remaining four segments are rumoured to be scattered in Tibet, India, and Greece."

He pauses, his gaze steady as he continues, "Rather than embarking on a globe-spanning scavenger hunt, we have opted to thwart Clan Akkaba's intentions of resurrecting Apocalypse here and now, provided we can destroy this segment. Although, it has proven to be resilient against mutant abilities so far."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles softly at Alex, leaning in to the kiss. "That for good luck?" she smirks and winks at him before nodding to her father in acknowledgement.

Dark jade eyes glitter in amusement at his comment. "Better than Boom boom I'd say..If anyone can destroy that thing, Havok can..Just tell me how I can help in the meantime.."
Havok has posed:
Alex smiles at Lorna. "Sure babe for luck, but do I really need luck? I'm just that good." He chuckles and raises a brow at Magneto. "Might be an upgrade? Might be? With my cosmic energy absorbing and plasma beams, I'm by far an upgrade, radiation is my jam and I'm the best there is at absorbing and manipulating it." He winks before looking to the item.
    Popping his knuckles Alex rolls his neck. "So essentially, rather than a global Indiana Jones style adventure to gather all of the bits and bobs, you want me to blast and melt that trinket?" The question is asked as he rubs Lorna's arm. "Consider it melted."
Magneto has posed:
Magneto nods in agreement. "Indeed, that's essentially the plan," he affirms. "Polaris had also considered the idea of launching it into space. However, I've found it to be rather immovable, despite its relatively light weight."

He gently allows the Segment of Death to drop to the ground before stepping away from it. "Perhaps Polaris and I can collaborate to create a protective shield around you, minimizing the potential damage to the surrounding landscape," he suggests, his gaze shifting between Lorna and Alex.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods, staying close to Alex as she listens. "Launching it into space would have been safer, but I have every faith in Alex. So let's just get this over with." she tilts her head at Magneto. "So let's see this relic."
Havok has posed:
Havok nods his head watching the Segment of Death drop to the ground. He glances between the two and grins but it's not one of happiness. "OK...right then....let's take care of business so we can go home yea?" Havok asks with a shrug as he stretches his arms out and prepares to make the attempt.
Magneto has posed:
As Havok readies himself to unleash the full extent of his powers, both Magneto and Lorna position themselves, poised to create a protective magnetic shield around Alex and the Segment of Death.

"Whenever you're ready, Havok," Magneto instructs, his voice steady and commanding. "To destroy this artifact, I believe it will require every ounce of your power. Utilize everything you've got. Polaris and I will work in tandem to contain the plasma and minimize any damage to the surrounding terrain. Although there's little here, I'd prefer not to leave any trace of our presence."

Magneto swiftly surveys the area, ensuring that no unwelcome observers are in proximity before they proceed.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, tensing as she spreads her hands out, beginning to generate an electromagnetic field as her hands glow green with energy. "I really don't like this..If there's any debris exploding from the impact...Be careful, Alex.."

And even if they minimize damage to the surrounding area, will it leave Havok unharmed? still she nods to Magneto, working in tandem with him.
Havok has posed:
Havok takes a deep breath. "If I use every last bit of my stored energy and power, I'll need help getting back, it leaves me rather weakened." He says his Arms and hands beginning to glow before a wide beam of white hot plasma erupts from his hands hitting the Segment of Death with a grunt of strain!
Magneto has posed:
"Well, I suppose that's precisely why we find ourselves here," Magneto responds to Alex.

As the full force of Alex's powers slams into the magnetic shield, Magneto is taken aback by the intensity. He and Lorna exert themselves to the fullest to maintain control over the searing-hot plasma, confining it within the protective magnetic dome.

After a few intense minutes, Magneto raises his voice above the roaring chaos. "How are you holding up in there?" he calls out to Alex, concern etched across his face.
Havok has posed:
Havok pours more energy into his plasma beam the heat and intensity increasing as he does so! "Ahhhh.....Arrrrrrgggggghhhhjhh!!!!!" Havok grunts out as he strains to keep going body trembling sweat pouring down his brow. "Yea...Im....alright Magneto....Just a little more!!!!"
Magneto has posed:
Magneto and Lorna remain resolute, their unwavering focus channels through their magnetic powers as they battle to contain the relentless onslaught of plasma unleashed by Alex. The immense strain against their abilities begins to take its toll, their energy reserves depleting steadily. Despite the mounting exhaustion, they persevere, driven by the necessity to safeguard themselves and to prevent any unintended destruction of the surrounding environment.

As Magneto observes the awe-inspiring display of Alex's powers at work, a profound sense of gratitude wells up within him for having the younger mutant as a valued member of the Brotherhood. Alex's formidable abilities serve as a testament to the strength and unity they have cultivated within the group.
Havok has posed:
Havok groans putting the last vestiges of his power into a final burst of by far more powerful energy burst! He wavers and starts to sway as the plasma beam intensifies and then finally dissipates. Collapsing to his knees hands falling to his sides as he starts to flump forward.
Magneto has posed:
Seeing Alex collapsing before her, Lorna rushes to his side, cradling him gently in her lap. She offers words of comfort and reassurance, her concern evident in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Magneto steps closer to the Segment of Death, his curiosity piqued. He reaches down and picks it up, turning it over in his hand with a discerning gaze. The object appears unscathed, devoid of any scratches or damage.

"It didn't work," Magneto murmurs to himself, his tone devoid of surprise or disappointment. He then turns towards his daughter and her partner, his expression serious and resolute.

"You both did exceptionally well, but it seems this plan has fallen short. Our only recourse now is to consider the Whisperer's proposal."
Havok has posed:
Havok groans from Lorna's lap and glances to Magneto. "Wh...what...propo....proposal is that man?" The weakened man that is Havok croaks out. "If...If I can't melt the thing....what other option....can work?"
Magneto has posed:
Magneto crouches down, still clutching the Segment of Death in his hand. He extends it towards Alex and Lorna, inviting them to examine it closely.

"If our initial attempt failed to destroy it," he explains, "our alternative plan was to keep it constantly in motion. We'd pass it among ourselves while using decoys to divert Clan Akkaba's attention away from tracking down the real segment."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles, steadying Alex, stroking his face gently. "Nice job but.." she sighs, "Guess it didn't work huh? I still say we jettison it into space.." she frowns, "We will be moving targets otherwise." she arches a brow, "I suppose decoys will delay them for a bit, at least until we find the other pieces but then what?"
Havok has posed:
Havok sighs softly. "I failed...perhaps because of that we should take it first." Havok says softly. "I'm not fond of...fa...failing..." He says as he moves to try and sit up. "I never did, and my brother would never let me live this down if he found out. Goody goody ass boy scout that he is."
Magneto has posed:
"Well, if it's any consolation, I doubt Cyclops would have fared any better," Magneto responds. "I don't know the precise methods involved in crafting this sceptre, but it appears to be an incredibly powerful artifact. Before we proceed with anything else, we should rendezvous with the Whisperer and ascertain whether he succeeded in creating the replicas."
Havok has posed:
Havok nods his head. "The strategy and logic is sound." Havok says lifting himself further up with Lorna's assistance. "Just tell us what the next step is and what it is you need from us."