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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/29 |Location=Apartment 214, Hugo Building |Synopsis=Willow tells Buffy about Harry, and doesn't tell her about the dream.. yet. |Cast of Characters=190, 328 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:190|Willow Rosenberg (190)}} has posed:'''<br>Willow was awake in the living room, waiting for Buffy to return home from her nightly duties. Most of the lights were turned on, and fresh sage could be smelled all over the apartment.<br><br>Sh...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:16, 30 December 2023

Can We Talk
Date of Scene: 29 November 2023
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Willow tells Buffy about Harry, and doesn't tell her about the dream.. yet.
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Buffy Summers

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was awake in the living room, waiting for Buffy to return home from her nightly duties. Most of the lights were turned on, and fresh sage could be smelled all over the apartment.

She held a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, but didn't drink it. And, strangely for her, she has neither her laptop nor one of her copious amount of books in her hands. She was oddly quiet, and for her weirdly not working.

When was the last time you didn't see her working of something in her spare time?

Then, again? This didn't seem a case of putting her spare time to use.
Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy had been spending a lot of time back home helping out her mother of late, on top of her work schedule and her duties as the Slayer. Which meant she wasn't around the apartment as much as she would like. And thus, not around her bestie either.

After all, Willow had her own busy life as well between working, university, and the Justice League. It was already a challenge to get time with her, without the complication of Buffy's family situation at the moment.

Most times, the scent of sage on the air wouldn't mean a thing. It was something that Willow did, as a witch. A lot of people used burning sage to cleanse their homes of any bad jujus out there. The problem was Willow wasn't doing anything. That /never/ happened. Willow was always doing something. Whether it be reading or on the computer. Laughing at cat videos online. Something!

Thus, Buffy was immediately on guard. She slid her hand into her jacket pocket, fingers closing around the stake hidden there in the hidden interior pocket. "Wil? Everything okay?" she asked as she was checking all around, head on a swivel, as she tried to see what might be there.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You closed the door?" Even though Willow was certain that of all the people in the world, Buffy was the least likely to NOT close the door, Willow still had to be certain.

She had no marks about her. But there was freshly burnt sage.. Maybe she watched a scary movie? (Not likely. Willow giggled at the scariest parts which everyone around her thought she was weird. And usually ruined it for them. Except for Buffy.) But she was alert. More alert than normal.

"I had a dream." She still isn't sure how to take that. And in truth she really wanted to talk about something else! First things first, though. The dream.
Buffy Summers has posed:
Though she knew she had, Buffy moved to double check the door when asked that question. Positive it was secure, she turned to move to the couch, sitting down next to Willow and looking at her in obvious concern.

"I'm guessing it wasn't involving unicorns, rainbows, and glitter." She looked at the cup that was just there, not being sipped from. "You want to talk about it? Or prefer not to think about it? I can get you some fresh tea if that's gotten cold. Or something stronger?"

She wasn't going to push. Though she was worried. It wasn't that long ago she'd had a more weird than scary dream about the wizard for hire Harry Dresden. Willow had dreams then too. Hopefully this was just a normal nightmare. After all, they dealt with monsters on the daily.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No." At that, Willow had to smile weakly. "At least I don't need something to drink." The mugs she held in her hands was gestured to. "I just don't know about this dream. Or more to the point, how to ward against them. This is the second time I had a dream that seemed to be outside my control. I don't like it. I like maybe you had one."

"And I wanted to tell you before someone like Faith beat me to it. But this one is pretty good, for me, I guess? I've got a boyfriend. It just happened out of the blue." A pause. "You know him."
Buffy Summers has posed:
Which no? But then Willow clarified and that left the dream question still hanging. But the fact that she didn't really go into detail was enough to let Buffy know Willow didn't really want to get into it. Thus, she didn't push.

Then Willow gave her the perfect reason not to ask more about the dream. For now.

"Oh?! Tell me everything. Spill the tea." Then she realized what she said. "Well, not like literally. Although that's hot cocoa isn't it. Mmmmm going to make one for myself but talk, woman!"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It left Willow a perfect place to forget about the dream (for now). And, really, she had been trying to get some of Buffy's attention to talk with her about Harry.

"Well, I don't think he'll be hanging around here too often. But that isn't because he wouldn't like you. Or vice versa. At least I don't think you dislike him? And even if you did, I would remind you about Thomas." She hasn't mentioned Thomas at all - through the couple of years Buffy wasn't .. quite ..herself. But Willow expects some 'what are you doing? are you crazy?'. "He's older. Nice to me. He respects my accomplishments, and doesn't feel threatened. He's a magic user.."

Really. Buffy should know who it is by that description.

"It's Harry. I like him. A lot."
Buffy Summers has posed:
That was...odd. Why was she approaching this as though there was some major problem that Buffy might have issue with this guy. "Wil, if your new boyfriend wants to hang around, you have every right to have him over. We both pay for the place after all. It's your apartment too."

But then she continued to putter, getting the milk warmed up and adding the cocoa powder then stirring as she listened to each point ticked off. The mention of Thomas had her raising brows but she was out of sight thankfully. Older. Nice. Respectful. Not threatened by Willow's abilities and positions. Nothing there was giving anything away for her to figure it out although she was tapping through the various people she knew that fit those categories.

But then the magic user part hit. That gave her two options and she appeared from around the corner, the surprise in her face obvious. And Willow revealed the mystery. Suddenly Buffy looked relieved as she heard the name and she giggled before she could stop herself. "You scared me for a second there. My mind went to Giles and he's like...ancient."

Says the woman who dated a 200 year old vampire in the past.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Ewwww. Giles? He's.." Buffy put it best: Ancient.

Buffy didn't sound worried. Or weirded out. Or any of the number of things Willow had prepared for. "He breaks technology, Buffy. It's weird going out was a Hutterite in theory. But there you have it. I can read up all my books, but to have him here means so many things would have to be locked down, that it's simpler if I sleep over there. You'd be better than me comparatively. You don't live for tech. I actually thought you would have a problem being as he's Thomas' brother?"

She sips her lukewarm cocoa. "I'm not unaware of what people think about me. And I guess It was afraid that you would be the way you were and wonder why someone like him would go out with me."

She scooches on the couch, putting her feet cross-legged, "It was funny, actually. We were so upset, yet once it was out there, we circled around the issue, and still came up with the same answer. And when we stopped fighting it, everything just lined up together."
Buffy Summers has posed:
That sort of stopped Buffy in her tracks as she tucked her feet up to the side and a little under her, leaning more on the arm of the couch in the process. She sipped her cocoa then set the cup down on the table next to the couch. Before looking directly at Willow and diving in.

"I am just glad that you have found someone. That's the important thing. But..."

Uh-oh, there's a but.

"You were afraind I'd be the way I was and wonder why someone like him would go out with you? Wil, I would never question why someone would go out with you. I question why someone /wouldn't/ cause I know you are amazing. And anyone who doesn't want to go out with you is stupid. Cause they are missing out.

"I'm a little hurt that you think I'd condemn your choices--y'know, unless they were a dick," she added, cause of course there were limits to acceptance. "Someone hitting you or something, or like that vampire shortly after we first met that I had to dust who was trying to lead you into a trap, they'd have to go and go right away."

Then back to the actual topic at hand. "Or that I'd ever think 'why would they date Willow'. Cause those words have never crossed my mind. And if they have during the times I don't remember? I sincerely apologize and have no idea how that is even possible."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow cringes. "It's not that you had used those actual words, but the people who you were hanging around made me feel as though.. I mean, he's Thomas' brother. What was I supposed to think?"
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Apparently, at one time. I cared for Thomas. And I get that I haven't really been fair to him because of my own confusion and avoiding him instead of slipping back into that relationship with a stranger. Which he was to me, in essence. Still is for the most part but that is my fault, not his. I haven't given him a chance. But, even if he and I had been dating and broke up for normal reasons, that doesn't mean you are banned from ever dating his brother. That's just silly.

"I am sorry that people I was hanging out with made you feel that way, ever. I don't know how I tolerated that sort of thing. It doesn't sound like me at all. But all I can do is move forward. I can't dwell on choices made that I don't remember at all.

"I have no problem with you dating him. As long as he treats you right. Otherwise, he has to deal with me if he ever breaks your heart." Buffy added a grin.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"At first, I didn't know how to take him. He's been in and out of my life for, oh geeze, years. Then he offered to teach me. Something about my magical aura was bigger than was I was putting out. That was very strange. A number of unrelated people had pretty much said the same things to me. In different words."

Now that she feels relaxed enough, she stirs her hot cacao with her index finger to heat it up again.

"He's different? You know? He put his bottom line out there at the beginning, and asked me what I wanted. Well, some of that happened after we went to bed. But in truth we both thought that the other one would have changed their minds overnight. Afterwards we finished the conversation."

"It's weird. He's the first person I actually had a relationship who I could talk to about magic. And as an equal. That alone is.." Her hands spread wide.
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Huge," Buffy finished for her. "Not having to keep feel like they don't understand. Y'know, like when talking to me." She had to grin. It was self-deprecating but they both knew Buffy had no real talent for magic. Sure, she could read a prepped spell perhaps and maybe get a result but it wasn't her calling like Willow. Or Harry for that matter.

"I'm glad he's helping teach you more. I know you've been looking for that for a while and it keeps sort of failing after you get started. And I hope you both are very happy together."

She picked up her cocoa but just before she sipped she added, "Even if your laptop is not. That's going to be interesting for you both."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Yeah.." Willow sighs. "That's the hard part. I figure I can always read of physical papers when I am with him. And will have to accept that a portion of my time is spent with technology. Including my magic. That and I don't eat meat. Not that that is a problem. He cooks less than me. Which is surprising!"

She takes a sip, and continues, "I want you to meet him. The real you. The you I call my friend."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"I'm not sure how that me is any different me than any other me but I have no problem meeting him. I mean, I know him after all. We're at least...work associates? I'm not sure that's the right term either. Probably we were friends at one time as well. I mean, I actually remembered him before meeting him again so that was a plus!"

Buffy took another sip of her cocoa then just craddled the warm mug in her hands in front of her as she continued. "Anytime you want, just let me know. I'll be sure to leave my cellphone at home."