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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/26 |Location=Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls |Synopsis=Harry and Willow take time to reflect on where things are going for them. |Cast of Characters=174, 190 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:174|Harry Dresden (174)}} has posed:'''<br> The night fades and dawn starts to break. While Mouse watches over the place, the pair sleep. A good thing the dog is self reliant and he sees himself out and back again as the early mornin...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:27, 30 December 2023

Third time is the charm.
Date of Scene: 26 November 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Harry and Willow take time to reflect on where things are going for them.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Willow Rosenberg

Harry Dresden has posed:
The night fades and dawn starts to break. While Mouse watches over the place, the pair sleep. A good thing the dog is self reliant and he sees himself out and back again as the early morning creeps into mid morning.

Around 10:30, Harry starts to stir. He opens his eyes, blinks once and then last night plays back through. He turns over to find the sleeping form of Willow next to him. So, that did happen. He smiles a bit and just lays there so as not to wake her just yet. She's peaceful this way after all.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow slept the deep sleep of someone who wasn't physically exhausted, and knew they were safe. If she had dreams? She does not speak of them. But eventually rolls over with her eyes closed and freezes up for a moment.

She doesn't remember.. wait a minute..

She stretches her body out in the bed, checking. Nope.. nope..

Her foot touches his.

There he is.

She giggles nervously. "I haven't any clothes on. You?" Her eyes open. "It really did happen, then, didn't it?"

Not the best morning after from her. But in her defence she hasn't had good string of luck for a very long time.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry just watches her until she wakes. When her foot touches his he laughs softly,"Decidedly warmer this morning." he teases.

Shaking his head he tells her,"Not a stitch. I can go find you something if you want me to." he adds.

If there is talk about luck in this department, if weren't for bad luck he'd have no luck at all. He lets his hand rest on her shoulder lightly,"You're OK. Nothing bad is happening in here. We have the monster dog watching us."

Down the hall, in the office area, comes a chuffing sound that probably means: It's about time you woke up.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I think I have seen everything now? Besides," Willow gets a cheeky grin. "You would have to go naked to find something." Though there is that point.. hrm..

Now that she has her memory in order, she actually smiles very faintly, as though can't believe what she has done, but is quite satisfied with the results. "Now what?" She hears Mouse. "Am I in trouble with Mouse? "
Harry Dresden has posed:
He shakes his head and tells her,"Well if you put it that way, we could be here for a long time." he teases. He does look over the house, oh look there is the t-shirt of his she started it. How did it get over there?

He shakes his head,"No. Jealous maybe. Mad I stole you away for the night while he watched over the place. He doesn't want to share you. I think he likes you."

Another chuffing sound,"I think he likes you better than me."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles. Then asks, "You really did mean it, didn't you? Trying to make a go of this?" She nods to herself. "I'm happy. When I woke up, for a moment, I thought you were gone, or were trying to come up with an excuse as to why this wasn't going to work."

She follows his gaze to her (lets face it, she claimed it fair and square) t-shirt. And with a motion of one hand, she brings it aloft, to the bed, and sets it down into her semi-lap.

"Should I get it on?" Never mind she has an actual outfit here besides. And whatever class she had for the morning.. and probably this afternoon.. she was ditching. (Who is she, and what has she done with Willow??)

"I like him. He can't do some things, though, that I would be sad if you didn't do them again!"


There she is! Right on time.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I don't say things like that and not mean it." he replies with a smile, watching the shirt jump across the room,"I am happy I woke up and you were still here. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here."

He would have gotten up grumpier than usual and wandered around the place, but this way he can be not grumpy for a while. He chuckles softly and teasingly replies,"I mean if you want to get it on again we can." Yup, might as well meet her in the unfamiliar behavior land.

He laughs again and taps the end of her nose with a finger playfully,"He likes you too. As for the other, it could be arranged." The red face gets a consideration, eyes studying her features before meeting hers again,"Promise me this. When I tell you that you are pretty, that you are not plain, remember this moment. Your beauty radiates when you smile and when you blush."

Who is this guy and what in Hades happened to Harry?
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I'm not usually this way the morning after." (Probably she is.) "I'm .. you said.." And then she thinks. /REALLY/ thinks. "No. I guess I was the person who was up in the air. You tried to tell me not to." Until he didn't.

For some reason fate seemed to knock them across the side of their heads to tell them to give it a try.

Both of them were absolutely dumb when it came to taking a chance.

"I fell asleep the first time, knowing that you were safe. The second time I was awake after you got comfy on the couch. I thought: behave. Or what would it be like. Or for a one night stand.. could I pretend that it meant nothing to me? They always tell stories of young girls hooking up with their professors. I didn't want to be just a number on the wall of their careers. And then, last night.."

"I was so angry. I almost flared up!" She ducks her head. "I could put this back on to give you something to take off of me again."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"You're Willow. I'm Harry." he tells her with a shrug,"We might wake up grumpier tomorrow or maybe too tired to do more than..." he pauses and looks at the bathroom. He laughs softly,"...I was going to say take a shower, but if you take one here you will be awake pretty fast. Hot water heaters don't last long around my power."

He listens to her talk about the first two nights she stayed in his home and shakes his head,"The first night I though, well that's a right beautiful woman passed out on your bed. Go to the couch before she wakes up and shoots you or something."

"The second night I was definately thinking I needed a shower." he admits softly.

"Last night, when we finally managed not to kill each other, I decided to hang on until I faded out, wondering if you would slip out before I woke up. Here you are."

Shaking his head, he tells her,"You're not going to be a number Willow. I don't work that way. If I didn't have some connection with you, I would have either let you leave or slept on the couch rather than risk hurting you."

He laughs again, a little louder than maybe he meant to,"You and I were both pretty mad last night, but the result has me thinking I could just take the covers off you as opposed to wrestling the shirt off again."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
A laugh erupts from her. "Even the hot water heater is affected by you? How longer before it kaks out." Thinking of her apartment. "It's probably good we didn't do something about this the second time. It would have been a one night stand. We.. I? .. wasn't ready. Even last night I was sure that we would spend the night and that would be that."

Rolling over completely to face him, she continues, "In truth, I think I was scared. Either you were going to a lot of trouble to bed me, when you could have asked, or you didn't want to believe that I would look at you that way."

"You are good looking to me. And doubly good you are smart. I've dated a bunch of people you wouldn't say are the picks of the pack - truly! I once dated a werewolf, sooo.. Though maybe that wouldn't make you more comfy? What I mean is you are weird in the most ridiculous way, and I kinda am turned onto that."

She thinks, and siiiighs. "One night and he thinks all the nice things can be thrown out the window. Like undressing me."

Yes, she is laughing at him. And, truthfully? Herself.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"There is no hot water heater anymore. The last one caught fire." he tells her. Let her think on that for a minute. It was full of water and still it caught on fire.

He props his head on his hand and watches her. He forgets himself and the soul gaze starts to tug at him, looking in her eyes too long. She can feel that pull the same as him. He closes his eyes and averts his gaze down for a few seconds.

"I think we were both a bit scared. Definately uncertain." he agrees. Shaking his head he tells her,"I won't tell you that the thought of bedding wasn't there. It was the rest of the connection that was missing." He looks at her again, this time just below her eyes,"I am glad you stayed for more than the night Willow. I am."

He smirks and rolls his eyes, laughing with her,"I mean if you really want me to undress you, might as well put it all back on and take my time right?"

He laughs as well. Mostly at himself, but with her for sure.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No. You've ruined the mood." As she moves towards him.

Ohhh yes. She can't deny the attraction of his eyes.

Drawing.. drawing..draw..

And he breaks the contact before it can be more insidious. It wasn't her choice, but his. When he continues she knows why, and accepts his partially lowered gaze. "If I was only going to sleep with you, I wouldn't. You're my teacher. And more, you're a friend. It's going to be a bit of a problem to work where everything goes, but last night when I was arguing with you, it was actually me I was arguing with. I lost, and I won. Apparently I play dirty pool - I didn't have a hope in Hades against me."

Willow does not curse. Period.

"I like you a lot." She reaches up and kisses him.
Harry Dresden has posed:
That's Harry Dresden 101. If there is a way to kill the mood, he will choke the life out of it. He doesn't realize she is drawn to his eyes at first, but it catches on,"Willow. I would share that part of me if you want, but what you see you will never forget and it isn't all sunshine and roses. Also I would see everything about you. Once that happens we coulkd look at each other without concern of it happening again."

He shuts up when she starts talking about the sleeping together and fighting with herself. He doesn't laugh, just a hint of a smile and he tells her,"For the record, I am glad you lost and won. I definately won. Don't fight fair. Life is too short."

When she reaches up to kiss him, he meets her and his lips find hers. Words? They were using them a minute ago? Where did they go? Anyone's guess.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
If only she had telepathy. Or some way to talk when her mouth was busy. Given the choice, though, Willow had everything she wanted to know right now.

To answer his unasked question, she deepens the kiss, as if to say, 'When you don't have to preface the act - it will be time'. She feels solid enough that if he doesn't ever share it with her, it doesn't change the two of them. Not really.

She carries that on her kiss. And more. Poor Mouse, it will be sometime before they get out of bed..
Harry Dresden has posed:
They should learn how to speak in such a way. The advantages would be many, not just in this situation.

His lips move with hers, a slow inhales as the kiss deepens. Getting out of bed becomes the least interesting thing in all the world.

Across the apartment, the great Fu dog takes a deep breath of his own and sighs. Can a dog exhibit exasperation? Some of them can.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is quite able to 'talk' without words if she has to. Or course it's not a real way to understand. And most certainly does not lend itself across distances! You really do have to have telepathy, or some such to do that.

No, she can only communicate the way that people can say 'more..' 'faster..' 'kiss me..'. But by that, she is duly fluent. Which might be a surprise for Harry.

Coming up for air she smiles secretly for him. "Don't tell anyone."
Harry Dresden has posed:
The time slips away, communication happens in the most primal of ways. Telepathy might make this more close, but it might distract too. The more basic communication is shared by both.

When she comes up for air, he meets her gaze and nods,"Not a soul." he replies. Ironic as the world around them shortly fades and their two souls begin to come together, thier mind's eyes opening to one another.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow really meant she was letting Harry into her life. Where the innocent Willow peeled away to something else. A wild Willow. Torn by the wind Willow. Firmly entrenched by a root system that wasn't deep, but like a mat, encompasses widely.

She loved all her friends, but they weren't part of her inner circle - where all her secrets lived.

Harry was invited to see the bigger view of Willow. The part that very few got to see.

She gave it to him freely, with the words 'don't tell anyone..'.

So focused on that, her giving to Harry, what so few knew of her, really.. that for the first seconds of /his/ soul gaze she didn't even know. Until she fell into him.
Harry Dresden has posed:
When the scene clears, Willow will see Harry in her mind's eye. He is standing with a circle of people. Some she knows, some she doesn't. He stands at the forefront, true north. He is prepared for the next trial, not baking away. At the east, west, and south points are three very different warriors with swords that are clearly mystical. On Harry's left is Mouse and next to Mouse is Thomas with Faith past him. Standing back and armed for shoot out is Karrin Murphy, short fire brand of a lady. To his right, Willow will discover herself, standing ready to battle whatever may come. Beside her Buffy Summers.

The mood surrounding them is impossible to miss, protect those around them and those that need them. She can feel within him the simple truth, whatever the situation Harry will do the right thing and stop at nothing to protect those he loves. Given her proximity to him in the gaze, that likely means she is very important to him.

Above the group, leering toward Willow is a beautiful, but evil looking woman. Power is etherial. Standing at his back, a shadow man seems to be following. Not a friend, something unsettling."

Whatever Harry sees in her soul, she sees in him the one who will stand no matter what and protect those he loves. In his way, Harry is a magical Batman feel to him. He won't stop as long as he draws breath. The vision fades away after, leaving Willow a permanent memory of him.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
At first it is what she thought.

Willow peeling back the layers of herself, except where normally an onion would peel to a simpler thing? Her's is the opposite. Instead of being simpler to recognise the base of Willow, she becomes more complex.

The outer Willow was simple. Good. Blushing. Handing out cookies. Innocent. Always looking for the good in people first. Naive. Hard working. Overachiever. Giving a stranger a place to stay.

But the reasons were more complex than that.

Her parents were strict. They only knew how to love their daughter by her achievements. So her days were filled with things that they would approve of.. and some they wouldn't. In turn Willow didn't know how to express her friendship, and ultimately her love, in the usual manner. She had said that cookies were her language of love, but more so, her working, and taking so many courses at school, and way too extracurricular (read: superheroes)..

In short, the only way Willow knew how much she matter, was the pile of activities stacked up.

Willow was good. Really, she was.

But then..

She was good because she was afraid of looking inside herself. As good as she was, some days she didn't care. She forced herself to be good, when really her inner voice said differently. Don't give a crap about helping others. Don't worry about others.

Don't.. Don't Don't..

And at the base of Willow, there was a shadow that even she would not look into. A long, deep, blacker than black shadow that all off good little Willow was opposed to. You could taste the blackness and good warring for supremacy.

Then Harry was forced out.
Harry Dresden has posed:
When the visions fade, Harry blinks and considers what he's seen. There is a lot to unpack for both of them. When things clear and he can see the pretty red head once more. He meets her gaze and tells her softly,"You've seen the inner most parts of me and I of you. You haven't jumped up and ran from the apartment so I take it you are OK with it."

He reaches out to touch her cheek lightly,"We both have our world. I intend to make you as much a part of mine that you will allow."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow closes her eyes as he touches her.

"I didn't think you would see so much of me.." Her eyes open. "It was you, wasn't it? I've never gone so deep alone before. I could have told you a lot of this." But then again, there are things she would have hidden if she could. "I know people have this picture in their heads about me."

"You sure you want to stay with me?:

All the while Harry past, present, and future have been accepted just like that. "You? You are like a knight in banged up armour." Which brings a smile to her lips. "It's nice."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He lets his finger trail over her hair and the side of her neck,"Like I told you, everything. For better or worse. It's there. I saw it yes. You saw the things that pollute my presence too. Not everything about me is wine and roses either."

Listening to her ask the question he leans forward and kisses her once more, just a brush of their lips,"I am sure. You can't get rid of me that easy."

He considers her words and admits,"I know a few knights. Someday I want you to meet them. Each wields a magic sword. I can't say anyone called me knight before. You know my banged up armor will stand beside you to battle, before you if you are hurt, and behind you when you need strength."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow leans her head against that hand. "I'm not really trying to chase you away. It's just.. I haven't shared my fears before. Maybe you wanted someone who was innocent." A brief smile is given. "I suppose I could cast a spell on you? Making you fall in love."

Of course she is joking.

"I kind of know what is involved in that spell. It's not nearly the same as you would think. You know the kind of things that we sell at the Magic Box to the up and coming yuppies. We make a lot of business on those types of sales. Don't worry, they aren't anything that would hurt people. Just the worst they could do is make the air smell nice."

When Harry speak of the order (she's already put them there), she nods, actually paying attention. "Are they.. you.. supposed to be a protectorate, or is there some prophecy?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Innocence is something we all leave behind when we choose to practice." he replies finally,"Even those who only heal find themselves at a cross road someday. Heal the bad person or watch said person die when you could prevent it. Besides, do you think somone so innocent could stomach my company for any amount of time?"

He smirks at the spell joke and assures her,"I think you will manage without any of that."

"I have been in the Magic Box a few times." he admits,"The books upstairs...they have some terrific potential for disaster. Other than that, like you said, most things are for wanna be practitioners that would probably soil themselves if they met a wizard or witch of any power."

He shakes his head,"The Knights of the Cross? No, I am not a part of their group. They are an organization of their own, we just fight together sometimes. Each sword has a nail as a part of the hilt. Each one has holy power connected to it." He touches each of her palms with a finger and points to her feet,"One nail for each position." While he doesn't say it, the unspoken should probably tell her what those nails were used for.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You aren't so evil, you know! An evil man would have lied to me, bedded me, and thrown me away when they were done." She tries not to think about what he has said about her potential power. She refuses to look at Harry as one of those. Refuses.

"Most of our sales come from yuppie sorts. Usually they are quite harmless. We sell a lot of things to the wanna-be-pagan crowd. There are really good intro books on all sorts of things on the main floor, but you are right, the upper library we don't really open the doors to those. Sometimes, we loan them out. Mostly, say you, could read them upstairs. John lets me look at his library. The House of Mystery likes me. Though, John has given me succinct orders to only go to the kitchen, bathroom, and the library. Nowhere else. He can't keep track of the House's rooms."

Although Jewish by birth, she knows full well what those nails came from. "Just how old are you, anyways?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I'm not evil. I might not have the whitest hat on the board, but certainly not black. Just really grey." he admits,"I could have done that yes, but then I wouldn't have this warm, beautiful woman still keeping me warm."

Of course that last part is a tease.

"I have seen a few of the people that come in and out of there. Without sheer, blind luck they won't amount to much. They don't have the potential either of us does. The song says the world love's wanna bes and there is a lot of love there."

"The House of Mystery. It is an interesting place. I don't know how anyone would be able to keep up with it all." A gentle nudge to the tip of her nose,"You are a rebel aren't you?" Again, teasing since it's clear she has explored the place.

"Oh I am so old. Halloween was 34 trips around the sun." he tells her,"So I mean practically retired at this point." The fun part of having a younger companion.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Rats. Part of me was hoping. I guess I will grow old as usual."

She snuggles up beside him, and relaxes. "Everyone thinks I am innocent and naive, to the point that.. Well, in sociology Durkheim says that we put everyone in a place. So the town drunk. The jock. The hot broad. That kind of thing. In our group, I am the innocent. The trouble is, once you are labelled, it's almost impossible to shift that label."

Willow shrugs.

"When I am away from the Scoobies, I take on a new role. I'm not sure how you decided to look under the hood to really look past the label."

She giggles a bit. "Actually I tried to be good in the House. I have had runs in with John rescuing us from someplace different. I figured if something scared John that much, I probably should listen." A pause. "I guess I went into the living room. John was not happy. Though for other reasons."

Nodding about the customers. "The thing is, they are better off without training. Their potential is so little that the odds of them hurting people is greater with training, then not. I mean accidental. Not on purpose."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He shakes his head, wrapping his arm around the snuggling Willow,"There are ways for you to learn to live longer. I know wizards that are completely human and hundreds of years old. It's just a matter of learning." he suggests.

He is thoughtful for a few seconds and he finally tells her,"Use it to your advantage." He lets her think on that a second,"If everyone is going to make assumptions, then use it to your advantage."

"I don't let other people make my decisions for me for one thing. When you were bitten and we came back to the lab I realized you are used to doing things on your own at times and despite things being in danger you were composed. Mouse thinks well of you. That goes a long way to looking past the obvious."

A smirk at her giggling,"It is an intersting place what little I know of it, but for all his short comings, John is a capable sort and concerns are better to be listened to." A snort,"Did you catch him with one of his potential conquests?"

"Most are probably better off. So many things that can go wrong untrained, you're right it gets worse when they think they know more than they do."

He considers something more,"I'm not much for labels, but if someone asks what do I call you? Friend. Girlfriend. Something else? I'd rather not call you something to make you uncomfortable."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow laughs. "At the time, it wasn't funny. I actually caught him post.. break up? Argument? Something. He was hoping for a better night than he got. He was drunk, and did not appreciate the tea and toast that I made him. I think he was miffed of as teaching me to get me to my potential, while dealing with someone as naive as I. It drove him up the walls."

Even to this day she can picture him.

"I liked him. But don't tell him. He likes to pretend he's a grouch, and he is going to hell. As if that would make me hate him. Pfft."

Willow thinks. "I know I can use it to my advantage, but it is getting old. Real fast. It's more like everyone has grown up, but I'm not allowed to. I want to help, but sometimes they have gone on and filled my hole, or at least the potential hole for me, with another. I've been really depressed about it. When I had to choose the Scoobies or my Master's, in the end, there wasn't enough to keep me looking at my Master's with the intent of moving off."

"Turns out, I decided on Columbia. And Buffy actually had something wrong with her for the past couple of years. But you probably got enough of that whole thing from Thomas."

Which did make her think, "He's going to look at you askance you know, because of me? And what do you want to call me? We're more than friends. And just because I'm bi doesn't mean I can't be called your girlfriend. What do you want to be called, since we're talking about it? My being bi isn't a problem?"

May be she should have started the conversation with that? Ooops.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"He needs a little humilty sometimes. Any magic user does." Harry admits and looks at her closer,"Even you and me." He shakes his head a litte,"By Catholic reasoning he is going to Hell...well so I heard. Commited suicide and got recussitated. Rumors pass around. I can't even tell you where I heard that."

One finger traces her cheek and neck,"I think you've grown up. Very grown up. It is hard to keep that up, but in life and death situations you need every advantage." He doesn't push any harder at that.

He nods and replies,"I know something happened. She couldn't remember Thomas, but did remember me. I don't think I ever really heard how that ended up. I know I got the missing piece of my memory back."

"He can get over any issues he might have. I don't tell him who to share his bed with and I don't care to hear what he thinks of me and you."

He is thoughtful again and admits,"Well I think I could do without being called your girlfriend, but if you are comfortable with the boyfriend/girlfriend moniker I am too. I just wanted to be sure you were ok with being called my girlfriend." Shaking his head he adds,"You being bi doesn't bother me at all. If it bothered someone in the past, they lacked security and vision." he assures her,"Granted I would be the guy to ask you to bring a woman to the bed we share, I am not so old fashioned that if you wanted to and told me as much I would refuse. That make sense?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Why does everyone think a threesome means two girls? I mean.. think about it. Two holes, right?" Of course, she adds, "I haven't tried a threesome. I mean I wouldn't immediately say yay or nay. I think though, why? Unless the two in the couple have a third partner they want to share with, why?"

As for John.. "That's what I thought. He pretty much skirted the particulars, but he intimated exactly what you said. He's got a mission, I guess, or else he could have taken a partner and had a nine to five job and said to heck with magic. He doesn't have a happy life as it is."

Capturing Harry's hand, Willow kisses the palm, and closes it. "I'm a little afraid of what Thomas will think. Well, more so Faith. Although she was surprised at me on your birthday."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He shakes his head and admits,"Oh I know all about the Devil's three way." he tells her softly,"Most men don't care to share one they care about with another man. It's a thing. I don't have anyone I care to share with. I tend to be territorial and want to keep you all to me so..."

"I don't know John real well, but he is definately mission oriented. No question about that. Giving up his magic, I wouldn't do it. When I took up the coin it was suggested I do that too. Not going to happen."

Watching her kiss his palm, he replies,"Don't let Thomas bother you. Look at it as a way to shake off the innocent. Probably he will be fine. Definately don't let what Faith thinks bother you. I may value his opinion, but I have the brother's perogative to tell him to take a hike."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I can see the reasons why sharing shouldn't be a problem. But let's face it, I barely have enough time to focus on one person. I'd prefer to put my attention - really focus my attention - on, well, you."

She frowns a little bit. "Why is it that people say it's a guy thing to not to share. When girls are supposed allow it? Really at a gay bias thing. Men, according to you, are afraid to be in a bed with another man. When they think it's fine if there is another girl. Girls don't want to share anymore then guys. They just are more lenient than guys with their partners."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I honestly don't care to share Willow. I am greedy and tend to want what I want. I want my girlfriend to be mine." he admits.

"I think the mind set goes back a long way. Back when men and women were together for the sake of breeding. The man wants to put his genetics forward and doesn't want another man's invading what he sees as his."

For a socially inept sort, he does think things through before he talks when calm. He pauses and considers something,"I uhh...you know I didn't bother to ask or even think about it. Should I be taking precautions to not get you pregnant? I am not worried about other things, but don't want to cause issues in the baby department with either of us. I don't know about you, but I am not ready to be a parent."

Nobody is ever ready to be a parent, but surely she understands what he is getting at.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks aghast.

That really should be all he needs. Still, Willow explains, "Are you nuts?! I've got things to do with my life that a baby would put a serious crimp in. No. No, we are not having a baby. I go regularly to the doctor, and get my depo-provera regularly. I should be asking you when your last Dr's appointment was and was it clean for any std's."

She has things to say on the nature of family structures, but first things first!
Harry Dresden has posed:
Relief is clear on his face. He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding,"OK. Just making sure." he assures her,"I don't want a child either." he assures her.

"I had an appointment after my last. That's just common sense. I am clean. So we can both breathe easy." he assures her,"I may not be the brightest light, but I am careful about that sort of thing. Not always bright enough to ask about birth control when I have a chance to lay down with a red haired beauty, but at least for the time being I don't have to worry about it."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow breathes out in a similar fashion as Harry just did.

"It's not that I don't.. I don't even know what this is.. But I do know that I'm not ready to settle down with a baby - not even with an accidental baby. Let's face it, even in the day and time the female is stuck with the childcare. I have a future. I've got brains. I don't want to be my mother. Some day. Someday even with you. Who knows? But not right now."

She was adamant.

Then she giggles. "Could you imagine Bob babysitting?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"It's a bit early to know what this is. Not ready for kids either. I know my dad did better than most would in his position, but he didn't carry the kind of power we do either. He did what he could."

He smirks a little and adds,"It is good I found someone with brains for a change." The image of Bob cracks him up some and shakes his head,"That's an image I am not getting out of my head."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow relaxes again. "You know? I've never had a partner who was magically gifted before." The demon was iffy. At least she didn't know that she was with a magic user. "I'm not kidding. And important as my power is, so are my studies."

Let's face it, as an undergraduate with 4 areas of specialization, and a Master's following two, the odds are she will finish her Doctorate the same way.

So far Harry didn't seem to be intimidated by her, but she wanted it all laid out before they entered into the relationship. Well, before they went any further. Ahem. If nothing her past relationships had taught her just this thing: that she would rather be alone, then to wake up one morning and find she was dumped by someone who couldn't take who she was. Or worse: she had pretended to be something that she was not to keep them. And the result was still the same.

"I'm really, really smart Harry. I am not going to pretend that I'm not."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry listens to what she says, eyes measuring each statement. He doesn't say anything in response until she gets it all out there because it is pretty clear she is struggling with it.

"Very little intimidates me Willow..." he pauses,"...ok that's a lie. Mab does a good job and so did the Council while I was under their thumb, but now not much." he assures her.

"Since I am pretty sure you're not interested in trying to enslave me to your plans or trying to kill me en force for the slightest of offenses I will take my chances."

He strokes her hair from her face lightly and tells her,"I am not really, really smart in the way you are speaking of Willow. School learning went past me a long time ago, what I know is magic in nature and detective work. That's about the extent of it."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow rolls over. "See? This is something that I don't understand. The man is lauded for being smarter. Someone always as the lesser person. The fact is in most of my relations I have been the smarter of the two. I can't pretend and still feel good about myself. I can't."

She listens to Harry, and nods. "You have other things that you're smarter at. Probably fathoms ahead from me. The thing is, I don't care about who knows what. What I care about is the respect that we give one another. That we can work together as a team or by ourselves depending what that situation calls for."

She leans into that caressing hands again. "That's all. Can you attempt to do that? I can."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He listens again, completely willing to hear everything,"I don't need to be smarter, hell I don't need to be more powerful or even better looking in a relationship. You be you. You be the brilliant woman that you are. It doesn't intimidate me."

The advantage of the soul gaze, he can look her in the eyes without worry now. His fingers continue to stroke her skin and he says,"I am all about being a team. Equal. Like I said, the battered armor is here to stand by you in battle, before you if you are hurt, and behind you when you need me." He leans forward to press his lips to hers once more. After a moment he breaks the connection,"I respect and trust you. I am going to count on you to have my side when we go in, my protection if I am injured, and have my back when I need it. Does that make sense?"
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
After the kiss, Willow ducks her head. "I did say that, didn't I? Though, it wasn't an evaluation against you. It just seemed to be your spirit. That no matter what, you would try to the ends of the world to save anyone. I don't know if the same could be said about me. And anyways, who wants a knight in brilliant armour anyways. I would rather pick the one who wears his heart on his sleeve, and has fought for all that he believed in."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"So we understands each other." he tells her with a smile,"I think when you get into it, if someone needs you that you will come through." he assures her.

He nods and admits,"Shiny armor means it never enters the fray." he adds. He is quiet for a moment and then he says,"OK. I am thinking there are two opitions at the moment. Pull the covers up again and see what magic occurs or we can get some clothes on, warm up the left overs from last night, and get something to eat. Then see where things go."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"As much as I would love to spend more sexytime with you, I think we should get out of the bed, eat some food, and take it from there."

Willow stares firmly at him. "I am not going to leave you without talking to you. Enough people have treated me that way. I refuse to be one of them. I like to see what becomes of us. Besides, I played hooky on my classes today. Not a good way to start off a relationship."

She kisses him firmly, and then gets out of bed. "Coming?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
He smirks and starts to get out of bed,"Might need some food to get our strength back so we can function today." he teases her.

He meets her gaze and nods,"If things change, if we don't work out, then we meet somewhere neutral and we talk it out. I am looking forward to see where we go as well." He chuckles and adds,"Careful, I am a bad influence."

He meets the kiss she presses to his lips and stay with her until she withdraws. He smirks and replies to her,"Yes dear." and gets out of the bed as well. Food is a must sometimes after all.