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Latest revision as of 10:29, 30 December 2023

Pep Talk
Date of Scene: 24 November 2023
Location: The Streets of Manhatten
Synopsis: Captain America gives Spider-Man a little pep talk.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Captain America

Spider-Man has posed:
The scene below is pretty much a mess.

The busy streets of New York City nearly suffered a pretty significant tragedy on this particular evening and the reminders of that are all too present still, particularly from the vantage point of one of the tall buildings that overlook the scene.

Damage marks the street, particularly evident on the vehicles that line the street where an out of control, speeding car rammed into them repeatedly, leaving long scratches across more then a dozen different vehicles. A flood of water pools in the closest intersection, making for rather wet going, the fountaining flumes of water that briefly offered a specacular show from where a fire hydrant was dislodge has been stopped for the time being.

And the car in question? It dangles in midair where it was ultimately flung when it flipped out, arcing through the air to simply hang there between a pair of light staunchions. And, of course, a whole lot of web fluid.

Knowing his luck he will probably take the blame for all of this. Will probably be held up as being the cause of the problem, rather then guardian angel that prevented a tragedy. But high up top that nearby building, feet dangling over the ledge, Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, does his best to try not to think about that.

It's hard sometimes though.
Captain America has posed:
Unbeknownst to the Spider-themed hero, his heroics went observed by more then just those passersby on the ground below. Or even the man in the car who lived through the entire thing only thanks to a certain friendly neighborhood Spider.

It was also by someone who doesn't have so serious public relations issues. Someone who tends to command respect, even if he sometimes wonders whether that unthinking confidence is entirely deserved.

In short, Captain America watched the entire thing play out. Ready to leap in and lend a hand if needed, to make sure that everyone was kept safe, that they made it through okay. But not needing too.

Sure, there might have been a little more property damage done then he'd prefer, but everyone came out of it relatively unscathed. At the end of the day it's lives saved that matter most, not things. And on that, Steve Rogers is fairly certain that Spidey rarely fails to deliver.

No matter what the Daily Bugle has to say about it.

He's not surprised when Spidey flings himself up onto the rooftop -- it is the best vantage point of the scene which is why he picked it -- and as the costumed figure settles himself, Cap emerges from the shadows nearby. It's not easy to sneak up on the wall-crawler but then he's not likely to register as a threat.

"Don't let anyone convince you that you're not doing good work," he says quietly.
Spider-Man has posed:
It is quite the rare thing for Spider-Man to be caught unawares, it's true. But not unheard of.

While that little tingle in the back of his head is usually good for alerting him to the approach of danger, there are rare exeptions when it fails in that. But that Spider-Sense doesn't just react to threats, though that might certainly be the most common advantage. So it isn't very often that Spidey finds himself flat-footed in just about any situation.

But he does this time.

Whirling, he leaps from being seated, legs dangling over the sides of the building, to a full crouch, facing back towards the sprawl of the rooftop, hands coming up, really to fire off that webbing. It is unnatural agility, impossible agility really, though once he picks out the figure there in the shadows, once he recognizes that voice, he almost immediately begins to calm.

"Woah, you're pretty sneaky when you want to be," he says before clearing his throat. "I mean, that is, you're ummm lighter on your feet then I would have expected you to be, ahhhh, sir" he quickly clarifies.

Then he pauses for a moment, letting the Captain's statement in. "Don't let who convince me I'm not doing good work?" he asks quietly. "I mean, I know that I do my best to help out, ummm, Captain. Sir," he quickly adds. Though there is that quiet niggling bit of doubt in those words.
Captain America has posed:
If Steve is concerned about being referred to as 'sneaky' he certainly gives no sign of it, a faint smile sliding over his features at the other man's haste to try and clarify things, perhaps smooth them over at least a little.

While sneaky might not be a word one normally associates with Captain America, he can be pretty light on his feet and when the occasion calls for it he doesn't mind putting that particular skill to use to avoid attracting attention as he gets around. Despite his reputation and his prowess, he has no great love for fighting afterall.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to catch you off guard," he assures Spidey quietly, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. He didn't even know that he could. Though he suspects things might have been a little different if he had any true, hostile intent of the man. He probably wouldn't have been quite so big a surprise.

"Good," he asserts quietly. "So long as you believe it. Still, it never hurts to have someone else recognize it, I imagine. Especially when so many people don't," he points out. "The Bugle, the people who yell at you in the street, even the authorities. They'll eventually come to understand and respect all that you've done for them. Well, probably," Steve adds drily.

"And if they don't, the important thing is that you understand it," the blonde Super Soldier points out.

Then he pauses, for just a moment. "Still, you might want to get the whole misunderstanding with the police sorted out."
Spider-Man has posed:
It is not as if Peter doesn't have any kind of support system in place these days.

While he might have been a pretty big loner when he first started this whole costume thing, he's been at it quite awhile by this point. He's found people that he works well with. People that he trusts implicitly and that trust him with that same level of devotion.

It's pretty nice actually. It makes things easier. Better. Especially at times like this.

What has been a little rarer is finding people outside of that circle willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. To believe that he is doing his best, doing far more good then harm and that he would never do some of the things that he is sometimes accused of.

The fact that Captain America is one of those is definitely a reassuring point for him and Pete actually bows his head for a moment, a mumbled 'Thanks,' slipping from him.

"I won't lie. I wish it was a little easier," he admits freely. "But knowing that there are some people out there, especially people like you, that have faith in me helps. It helps a lot, I won't deny," he admits quietly.

Then he coughs, clears his threat and adds, "I, ummm, I'm working on it sir. I really am," he promises.

One the whole being hunted by the police is not a lot of fun. He definitely would not recommend.
Captain America has posed:
The sincerity is impossible to overlook and once more Captain America offers a reassuring smile, moving closer now that the other man has gotten over that brief startlement, moving to the edge of the building and glancing down at the street below, the authorities on scene, starting the process of trying to clean everything back up. To get this part of the city moving again.

"I'm sure you are. I don't imagine it's easy to find yourself on the wrong side of the law. Just know that not everyone sees things the same way as the Bugle -- or even the police on this matter," Steve promises quietly, turning towards Spidey and laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Keep up the good work. And trust that things will turn around for you. I'm sure it will," he says, that confidence infectious in it's own way.

Then, turning away from the spider-themed hero he flips a casual salute his way before leaping from the building, bounding off into the night.