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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/12 |Location=Central Park, Manhattan |Synopsis=Hyperion and Spider-Woman fight the Abomination! Don't worry, Hyperion eventually catches him. |Cast of Characters=86, 1028 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:86|Hyperion (86)}} has posed:'''<br>New York City. <br><br> A beautiful- <br><br> *BOOOOM!* <br><br> The body of Hyperion, clad in black bodysuit, yellow cape, and golden belt with the radiation symbol on the front of it hits t...")
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Latest revision as of 10:34, 30 December 2023

Log 15791
Date of Scene: 12 November 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Hyperion and Spider-Woman fight the Abomination! Don't worry, Hyperion eventually catches him.
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Hyperion has posed:
New York City.

A beautiful-


The body of Hyperion, clad in black bodysuit, yellow cape, and golden belt with the radiation symbol on the front of it hits the ground hard enough to make a crater. A hand lifts up to his head as he rubs where he got hit. "Ow." he curses, pulling himself out of the rubble. "Everyone, get off the street!" he calls to those present to no avail, his eyes looking forward as something huge descends on him with both fists raised in the air and come down upon him, smashing into his chest as he's embedded back into the ground!

The being that rises out of the cement dust is green and scaly with fin-like appendages where his ears should be.

The Abomination.
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
This is the problem with being a superhero in New York: everyone's so damn jaded. Yet another superhero fight? Get out the phone and see if you can get the most likes on TikTok. Run away? And miss a chance to go viral? Nooope.

It's also made having a secret identity much, much harder.

This is, in part, why Jessica as often as not ventures out in her Spider-Woman outfit. Not because she's planning to patrol like Spider-Man, or do random acts of Goodness like Captain America. Nope, because it means she indulge her love for good food and drink without being judged. After all, why can't Spider-Woman enjoy a chocolate thickshake after a hard day of... well, nevermind what she was doing.

Nothing that was going to end up in SHIELD files, anyway.

Speaking of jaded: "Sucks when they don't listen, eh?" the pithy comment comes from the ledge of a building one floor open, where Spider-Woman's legs are swinging easily as she draws a mouthful of the chocolately goodness. "You ought to not smash the road, too. The City's started sending invoices to superheroes for repairs."

Look at Jessica, being so helpful.
Hyperion has posed:
So. Damn. Jaded.

Hyperion's eyes open as his so called 'Atomic Vision' blasts Abomination in the eyes and a right hand rears back and THUDS against Abominstion's chest, sending him flying in the air until he lands on his back.

He looks up then, to spot Spider-Woman on her perch enjoying some treats. His eyes narrowing for a moment as he lowers his head. "Never said it worked all the time..." he frowns softly. "Though you could help if you like, it'd make this easier!" Hyperion calls to her.

Invoices? Yeah, that tracks.

"I'll send the city a bill." Can he afford it? Hell no. He makes meager money with a meager job. Bug Hd starts to float off the ground towards a rising Abominatiok, who roars at him loud enough to shatter glass and rupture eardrums.

"Do you know what this is?" he asks Jessica, his fists clenching for round two.
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Here's the thing about being jaded: it doesn't in any way mean Jessica's wrong. "I mean, I /could/ help," Spider-Woman hedges, "But you look like you're doing fine. And I have a thickshake. Hundred percent guarantee if I put this down some goddamn pigeons are going to knock it off or something, because that's the Spider Luck."

Send the city a bill? She guffaws. "I mean you could try. I think Tony had his lawyers do something similar once to get us out of criminal damage charges." Jessica squints at the Abomination, shrugging. "Umm. A dude with really bad skin care and steroid routine?" Yeah, she has no idea. "Maybe a Hulk-wannabe? Just like, smash him a lot. It usually works in ninety nine percent of cases." She's clearly no statistician.

Speaking of Spider Luck: that roar is painfully loud... and cripplingly so when you're someone who has exceptionally sharp hearing like Jessica does. She groans in pain, reflexively clapping hands over her ears, and dropping the much lauded thickshake in the process. "Damn it! You ass! That was a nine-out-of-ten shake!"

Now Jessica's actually pissed. She's not motivated by the want to do good or help out her fellow superheroes, by and large. But take her food, and she's right there. She leaps off the ledge, grabbing one edge of a banner strung over the street declaring some politician's race for something or other. With Hyperion playing unintentional distraction, she had the perfect opportunity to swing down and around to wrap the banner around the Abomination's head.
Hyperion has posed:
Wrong? No. Despite Jessica's hardened exterior, she's actually a highly intelligent and profound individual that calls it like she sees it, even if you don't want to hear it. The government /is/ getting sick of collateral superhero/villain fights. It /is/ really bad for the road system and physics /is/ extremely much so an absolute bastard. "I'm doing /okay/." Hyperion remarks to Jessica as he rolls his shoulder. "I'm not rich...but I think it would be something. Better than letting them pay for it." He gestures to the people.

No reason to raise those taxes.

"Right...smash." Hyperion slowly exhaled, getting ready to re-engage. However, Abomination made the mistake of pissing off Jessica Drew. As the Soider-Woman swings on by, she's able to wrap the Abomination in a banner, obscuring his vision as he lifts his overgrown hands to try and tear it off of his face!

Too late. Hyperion flies directly towards the Abomination, his fists ramming into the beasts abdomen, each shot a shockwave.

and it gives Spider-Woman a chance to do more damage!

"Thanks for lending a hand!"
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
When Abomination brings his hands up to his head to try and tear off the banner, Spider-Woman leaps lithely into the air, even doing a flip at the apex. It means when she falls she has the weight of gravity as well as her own considerable strength behind the fist that's leading the way as she falls, aiming directly for Abomination's head.

Look, she might've been watching some Superman footage and found it just cool okay? It's fine to copy the greats once in a while.

"I'm not helping. I just happen to like punching things in the face. Don't get any expectations." Jessica, setting low expectations everywhere. Her therapist is certainly going to have thoughts on this.

The quippy words are default Spider behavior. That it might make the Abomination look up so she can punch him in his /actual/ face is just a little bonus.
Hyperion has posed:
"Still sounds like helping to me." Hyperion remarks to Jessica while she's playing at being anti-social, or at least, playing at being unfriendly and only in it for herself.

But such is the effect of deep trauma. No doubt soon Hyperion might feel brave enough to ask. But it probably won't be today. He watches the Superman-like move she pulls off, Abomination's head jerking from the force of her punch, the big monster stumbling back a little bit, unable to see what he's defending himself against!

In fact, a little bit of green blood is visible bleeding through the fabric.

It's gonna be a lot more in a minute as Hyperion moves like a blur, his fist reared back as he finds himself next to Jessica, throwing his fist out and sucking the big monster in the jaw!

Abomination flies straight up into the air!

Hyperion rolls his wrist. "You know. I feel like we're good friends already." a playful tease, just to see how she reacts.
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Truth is, Jessica isn't 'playing' at anti-social. She's just being herself. Who, by default, is anti-social. Hyperion's retort gets a grunt and little more.

There's something deeply satisfying about punching someone in the face. Doubly so when they're a bad guy, but Jessica's not always that picky in that regard. When the Abomination stumbles, she's landing lithely nearby, frowning fiercely at the big guy, pondering the question: how exactly to get something this big out of the way? Hulk, maybe? Or...

...nevermind. Hyperion slams his fist into the big guy and sends him up into the air.

Jessica watches Abomination go flying for a second, then narrows her eyes at Hyperion. "Uh. You're going to catch him right? Or something? Because a guy that size falling from that height is going to create a big ass crater, and I'm /not/ taking responsibility for this mess."

So maybe not exactly friends yet.
Hyperion has posed:
Abomination's scream had long since faded into silence.

Hyperion looks back up to see just how far Abomination had flown into the sky, before he turns to look at Jessica with a soft smile on his face. "Don't worry, I'll catch him. I'm just going to let him fall long enough for him to start regretting his decisions. Most folks don't like heights." Hyperion remarks softly with a chuckle. "But if he's going to be stubborn...we might need a Hulk."

Hyperion frowns.

"But, here's hoping, right?" He crosses his arms over his chest. "So how did the 'I'll put on my mask so I can jump the line for food' thing start?"
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Out of everything Hyperion has done, the whole 'letting some guy fall and scream' strangely, seems to amuse Jessica the most. Spider-Woman is clearly not the typical hero in that regard. "I'd prefer not to have to call the Hulk. He has this way of giving me puppy-dog betrayed eyes afterwards and it's a thing, and nope." Chances are good she means the Hulk's alter ego gives her those sort of looks, but she's not exactly going to elucidate and ruin someone else's secret identity.

When she's asked that question, Jessica -- deliberately -- crosses her arms across her chest in a pointed echo of him.

"Look, I don't need judgement. I just take my food seriously okay? And like, I don't always get to eat proper meals between saving the world and sleeping." And all the other stuff.

"You owe me a thickshake, by the way. Not now. Just whenever I happen to want one in future." IOU's are dangerous when wielded by one Jessica Drew.
Hyperion has posed:
"Ah huh." Hyperion chuckles. "I was thinking that the Hulk would cause way more problems than just dealing with the Abomination, but I guess that's also a potential problem." Giving Jessica the looks, anyway. "But it's good to know that you care about those things." He winks playfully, just perhaps to get a bit of a rise out of her. Though she crosses her arms to mimic him and he turns to look at her.

"Not judging, not judging-" He lifts his hands up in defense. "Eating is important. Trust me, I love food too. I tried to leave you a cheeseburger on the day that you couldn't get one because we got attacked." He reminds her with a smile. "But sleep and saving the world is just as important."

He tilts his head. "A thickshake? Alright. Should I get a number to be aware or are you going to come find me when you want a thickshake?"
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Spider-Woman's eyebrows flicker upwards, eyes narrowing. Recognition is apparent now, and she connects the dots to that other event when he was dressed far more casually. "I had JARVIS destroy the cheeseburger. He assured me it scanned without trace of chemicals or drugs, but there's a lot of people who don't like me that much. But mostly it was cold by the time I knew about it."

Jessica has very strong food standards. At least when she has any kind of choice in the matter.

She snorts. "A number. Good one." Yeah, that's not happening. "What are you? An alien shapeshifter? Hydra agent? Evil scientist? Ambitious magician?" Someone's just a shade paranoid.
Hyperion has posed:
"Awww." Hyperion seems to actually be a bit put down by that information. To know that the cheeseburger he tried to deliver to her was immediately destroyed by JARVIS when she learned of it. "Well...guess I'll just try and knock or just hand it to you directly." It makes sense though, if she has a lot of enemies, a random cheeseburger probably won't help her feel super great about the situation. "Next time I'll leave a note, I guess..."

He shrugs softly.

"Alien yes, shapeshifter no."

At least he's honest. "If it helps, I work with SHIELD as a Alpha Flight liason between Canada and the U.S.A. I don't like poison, if I wanted to kill you, I'd probably just do it. But thankfully, I don't like killing. Swore I wouldn't do it any more. So you're probably safe." He smirks a little bit at her. "Usually this paranoid?"
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
When he confesses he's an alien, Jessica actually groans. "Figures. Mars? Jupiter? Or further afield?" She holds up her hand. "Actually, you know what. Doesn't really matter. I chalk the big question of how the heck do you look like a human up to 'because science shit' and call it a day."

Her brows flicker upwards. "And Fury signed off on that? An alien liaison?" Jess whistles. "I wonder if he's getting senile in his old age." The suggestion he could simply kill her if he wanted gets an eye roll. "Heard that before, too."

Paranoid? "Yeah. My therapist says it's because of years of being brainwashed by an evil organization, but you know. He's been wrong before. But it's not paranoia if I'm right -- which I am." She points upward without looking. "I think your new friend is due back, so I'll leave you to it? I've hit my social limit for the day."

She turns her back, abruptly, pacing away.
Hyperion has posed:
"I don't know, actually."

Hyperion shrugs. He truly doesn't know where he's actually from. "I know I'm something called an Eternal. I don't even really know what that means. I just know that we're 'kind of' like humans, just genetically advanced and unique. I haven't met any other Eternals, so I don't know if there are others or if I'm the only one. Anyway-" She holds up her hand and her words just make him chuckle.

"Guess so." He shrugs softly. "I mean, I've heard 'today you die, Hyperion'. 'Last chance to breathe, Hyperion'. 'I can make your brain explode with a thought, Hyperion'. 'I can kill you with a flick of my hand, Hyperion'." he lists them all off. "Trust me, it's just part of the gig sometimes, I think. Eventually the vernacular just fuses with the conversation."

Is his semi-apology, yet as she talks, he remarks to her. "When was the last time one of the people you hate tried to kill you?" Hyperion asks her, though as she walks away, he hums.

"You know, there's an organization called Department H. They found me when I...landed here, I think. They fabricated my entire life. Even built towns and hired people to play my parents so I never went off mission for the Canadian government. I get the whole brainwashing thing, but I'm sorry it happened to you all the same." He shrugs.

"But, take care of yourself." They might have more in common than one might think!
Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
This is the problem with exceptionally sharp hearing -- one of the many problems. Sometimes you hear things you wish you hadn't.

Jessica's in full flounce mode and she can't exactly stop. There's reputations to consider, but mostly she's a stubborn woman and already in full flight.

Undoubtedly though she recognizes the similarities. Whether that's a good thing or not... yet to be determined.