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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/07 |Location=Shaw Studios, Lower East Side |Synopsis=Betsy swings by Shaw Studios to speak with Nick. She comes bearing a gift, an admission, and questions. |Cast of Characters=9039, 18 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:9039|Nick (9039)}} has posed:'''<br>\<span style="color:xterm21"\>'Show me the Champion of Light<br>I'll show you the HerAld of Darkness<br>Lost in a never-ending NIiiiiIiight<br>Diving deep to the surrrrfa...")
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Revision as of 13:51, 10 January 2024

Herald of Darkness
Date of Scene: 07 January 2024
Location: Shaw Studios, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Betsy swings by Shaw Studios to speak with Nick. She comes bearing a gift, an admission, and questions.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Psylocke

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
\<span style="color:xterm21"\>'Show me the Champion of Light
I'll show you the HerAld of Darkness
Lost in a never-ending NIiiiiIiight
Diving deep to the surrrrface

"Seriously Nick?"

Nick glances over from the microphone to the studio owner on the other side of the window. "Hey, you asked me if I'd help you test the new equipment, you didn't state the song choices needed for it." The musician retorts, lifting up his hands in protest.

Wade sighs, glancing down. "...You don't even play computer games. How in the hell did you ev- Baloo showed you, didn't he?" There's a flip to a switch before he glances back to Nick. "Okay. Soundcheck's good. As for payment. I'm going to hop upstairs to the office to grab a few things. Meet up in the lobby?"

"Yeah Wade. Sounds good."

With the exchange done, Wade Shaw, owner of Shaw Studios leaves the session room and moves down the long hallway. "Evening Larry." Wade greets the security guard at the lobby front desk before he continues on, moving up the round staircase that leads to the upper floor offices.

A few moments later, there's the sound of footsteps coming from the vacated session room. This time sourced from one Nick Drago as he starts tugging on a jacket. Once he reaches the lobby area, he doesn't move further. Instead he flops down into one of the seats in the waiting area.

Ah the power of a quiet studio night.
Psylocke has posed:
The weather is very unpleasant in New York right now. It isn't just that it's raining, but the chill in the air and the wind, too, make for a rather uncomfortable experience outdoors. It also makes holding an umbrella while carrying a box difficult.

...or it would, if one Betsy Braddock wasn't cheating a little, using telekinesis to help hold the umbrella in place against the determined wind. Somehow, the elegant woman manages to avoid getting water on her outfit -- designer jeans, a loose-necked light brown sweater, and a purple coat with matching scarf.

Still, the overhand of the building's entrance is a welcome respite from the cold wind. The tap Betsy gives to the door is intended to catch the attention of the security guard. She hasn't noticed Nick in the waiting area yet.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Larry glances from the desk over to the sound of the tap. Taking note of the weather and the loaded down hands, he gets up to his feet, walking over to open the locked door to allow her inside. "Evening Miss. Do you have an appointment tonight?"

From his comfy spot, Nick turns his head to watch the exchange going on. Pale eyes fixing upon the umbrella and box carrying model. "Miss Braddock?" Nick inquires, opting for the more formal term in case she's there on business.
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy could have just reached out. Could have nudged. But most of the time she finds she doesn't even need to. Her slender appearance and visible appeal does a lot to smooth any suspicions or concerns on the part of most people she interacts with by default. Larry is rewarded for his chivalry in rescuing her from the weather with a long exhale and a bright smile. "Thank you so much. It's dreadful out there. I really should have checked the weather before I left the apartment, but ah-"

The address of her so formally pulls Betsy's gaze towards the chairs, and onto Nick with a tiny quirk of her lips. "Ah," a beat. "Nothing formal," she's answering Larry, but also in some part Nick's expressed surprise. "I was hoping to get a few private moments with Mr. Drago, if he's amenable."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the answer and combining it with Nick apparently knowing the woman, Larry looks over to the musician. No words are spoken but there's a set message within the look. One that didn't require being a telepath to interpret.

Do you wish to speak with this person or should I show them out?

While the potential result of the section option may prove to be entertaining to some, it's not the one that's chosen.

"You have good timing." Nick responds to Betsy, standing up from his seat "I just finished with work here and am waiting for a friend before I head out."

Nick looks over to Larry, "When Wade comes looking, would you let him know I'm in the artist's lounge?"

After getting confirmation, Nick turns to Psylocke, gesturing in the way of a walled off section to the opposite side of the grand staircase. Nick glances to the items Betsy is carrying. "Would you like for me to carry something for you?"
Psylocke has posed:
There's absolutely no suggestion in Betsy's expression that she clearly notes that non-verbal exchange. She's too well practiced at hiding her reaction to telepathic responses, let alone physical ones. Larry gets another smile and another, genuine murmur of thanks from the purple-haired woman. Security guards like Larry are precious and should be valued! She should know.

There's a smile from Betsy at Nick for her having good timing. It might well suggest that robably isn't by coincidence.

"You may as well take the box," she says, offering the white object up. "Since it's for you." Betsy managed it one handed, but it has a bit of weight to it, enough to suggest she was probably using telekinesis to help hold it. With that hand free now she's able to contain the umbrella, preventing it dripping over the floor as her heels clip over the floor. "You spend a lot of time here?" she guesses.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A brow rises to the mention of the box being for him but to the invitation to do so, he nods. Stepping over, he relieves Betsy of the boxy burden. The box drops slightly as Nick wasn't prepared for the actual weight but he recovers, hoisting it up once again.

To the amount of time spent here, Nick tilts his head. "Not as much as I used to. But, I'm building that back up again."

The walk to the lounge isn't much of one. But the central area containing the staircase between it and any other rooms or areas of activity does hint that it is a reasonably private area. The furniture within, while stylish, is less formal, opting for providing comfort for those who may need to sneak in a nap between recording sessions. Off to the side is a vending machine that sells more musically inclined products. Spare guitar strings, spare drumsticks, guitar pics. Things that may commonly break or get lost when someone's spending a long time in sessions.

Once they reach the lounge area, Nick moves over to a table to set the box down. "What on earth is this?"
Psylocke has posed:
"Does that mean you're recording a new album? Or is that hush-hush?" Betsy inquires, with a little smile that might be as much for his surprise at the unexpected weight of the box as it is the secret of a new release.

In the lounge, her steps are softened, and her eyes flicker over the room. It's not her usual level of opulent surroundings but she seems to approve nonetheless, setting the umbrella down and unbuttoning her coat to rest over the back of one of the chairs. Her smile at his question is pure anticipation.

"A belated Christmas present," Betsy says. "And before you wonder; no, I don't expect anything in return. But I saw this and it felt so you that I had to."

Nestled inside the box is a vintage leather coat; full length black leather, styled to flare out towards the bottom, and adorned with buckles. Perfect for a rockstar... or someone trying to dress gothic. "For next time you're in Europe, or honestly, precisely this sort of weather. It's waterproof. And warm. They really don't make coats like this anymore."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances aside briefly to the question, "Well...Let's just say I have more than one brand."

Nick looks down to the box as Betsy gives explanation. His response cut back as she points out she's not expecting anything in return.

Curious, the musician opens up the box, staring at the contents for a few moments before he reaches in to pull it out. His thumb rubs along the material as Betsy provides context. That it is waterproof is an excellent reason for use during European travel. "Thank you. It looks nice."

opening up the jacket a bit, he slides it on, testing out the fit. Unfortunately there is a lack of mirrors in the lounge so he's just glancing down to make sure the hem doesn't come dangerously close to the floor. Short-ish and all...

It does look like something his stage persona might wear. Which... could be beneficial, making more of a visual distancing between Nick and Michael. "...Thank you. This seems like quite a find."
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy makes a humming noise, clearly intrigued by the vagueness of the answer -- but not so much that she presses for clarity. Instead, she watches Nick pull out and don the coat, smiling as she watches him. The satisfaction in her gaze reads pretty clearly. She does love pairing people with good clothes. "I wish I could claim credit by saying I dug through twenty different vintage shops before I found it. Truth is, I have someone that comes and presents me with unique finds once a month. Most of them for myself, but I occasionally indulge when something feels right."

"I also have... another reason for the visit." A beat, as Betsy pauses. "I have an apology to make to you. Last time, when we'd had a bit to drink at Lux, I think I dived a little too deeply. I saw... felt a presence there." Jagged yellow teeth forming in the inky black of the hood. There's no visible shiver but some remnant of her reaction to that is in her face all the same.

"It's in my nature to pry, but it was uncalled for. I'm sorry." Yes, Betsy is not apologizing for maybe misleading him over getting /seen/ by a cosmic alien entity they can't possibly beat. Just for peeking a little /too/ much into his head and getting slapped for it -- mentally, so to speak. Go figure.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods to the admission regarding the personal shopper as he slides the coat off and carefully folds it back so it can set in the box once more. "Still, it is nice that you thought of me when you came across it." He gives a small smile as he sets the coat back.

To the mention of the apology, Nick's head tilts once more as he listens to the explanation. "...Dived a little too deeply?" He repeats, closing the box. He pauses, "Dr. Essex has told me in a way that I tend to have noisy thoughts. They can be a bit of a jumble. Maybe you weren't as deep as you thought." He pauses, "What do you mean by felt a presence?" Thoughts of the other Michael come to mind. Is he focusing on him now for some reason? But how? They destroyed the artifact he was using to gain access.
Psylocke has posed:
"You do have... noisy thoughts," Betsy concedes, and the way she smiles, too bright, might verge of intrusive if it weren't for the warmth behind the easy gesture. "It's music, mostly. Sound. If I'm not careful I find myself tapping along."

The suggestion that it might not have been a slip on her part is met by an upward tick of her brows. Her lips part for a moment as she considers. "Maybe," she concedes.

In truth, the telepath knows little of Lucifer's family. She's expressed her clear wish to steer clear, mostly because in her experience that level of power tends to be unthinking of the thoughts, feelings or wellbeing of mortals. Yet it's impossible not to see the deadly, charismatic beauty in Michael, the same tempting and dangerous manner that Lucifer imparts without thought or intention.

A crease between her brow is the only suggestion she caught that thought. "Normally, when I touch a mind, it's non intrusive. It's like I'm a ghost, unless I'm diving deep. Your thoughts, your memories shouldn't -- can't -- interact with me. But," Betsy's eyes tick away, fixing somewhere on the far wall as she recalls, "There was a figure who came right up to me in the crowd. It was... shadow. Shadow and two red eyes, jagged yellow teeth." She exhales a breath. "Truthfully, I thought at first it might be some protective mental conditioning. Maybe something Nathaniel slipped in? But it's more than that, isn't it?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
When Psylocke brings up the crowd, Nick's smile fades a bit. "You were at the concert..." He realizes, aloud. "You were in a little deeper than I thought." Nick brings up a hand rubbing his chin as she brings up the shadow man. When she brings up Nathaniel as a possible source for its origin, he shakes his head. "As convenient it might be to assign him credit based off appearances alone, I can't give him credit for that. He's been part of me for a long time."
Psylocke has posed:
"A concert, yes." Betsy hadn't thought that relevant -- a concert in the head of a musician is to be expected -- not until she becomes aware of Nick's smile fading. Purple eyes tick over him as she takes in his reaction, a sketch of a frown evident when he clarifies.

"Is he dangerous to you?" It might say something of her thought process that that's the first question that comes to mind.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is quiet. As for an answer popping up unspoken it ends up being murky. If Betsy had stopped at the first three words, the answer would have been easy. Yes. But those last two words...

Thoughts of hiding in the treeline, texting as gunmen search the ground below come to mind. Vampires holding children hostage. Monsters in the sewers. And his own form reversing, encompassing in shadow.

"Not to me." Nick decides, "...If anything I'm still alive because of him."

The very same children running out of a warehouse. "...maybe a few others as well."
Psylocke has posed:
The rattle of breath that comes out is the only indication Betsy gives that there was some tension on her part. A sense of impending action -- though not violence, probably -- shelved with relief. "Okay," she says. She seems to take Nick at his word.

"If that ever changes, you'll let me know?"

Is she... offering him a favor, free and clear? Surely not.

Her hand jolts towards the umbrella. "I should let you get back to it. Your friend will be waiting."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A brow rises yet again as Betsy lets out the breath. What on earth was Betsy planning to do if he had said the opposite?

He may never know. But the offer does register. "...I'll keep it in mind."

Somewhere amongst the jumble. He figures there won't come a time when the darker side turns on him. Coins don't do well when missing a side.

But then again-

He's been wrong before.

To the reminder of Wade likely waiting for him, Nick nods. "Ah yes. I've been looking forward to this outing."

He turns, collecting up the box containing his Christmas present. "...Thank you for the gift, Betsy."
Psylocke has posed:
Her answering smile is effortless. Warmth is never feigned when it's just Betsy. "You're welcome. Enjoy your night, Nick." And then she's gone.