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Latest revision as of 14:43, 10 January 2024

Dark Investigations
Date of Scene: 14 September 2023
Location: Remote TCRI Lab
Synopsis: Shredder and Blackout.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Blackout

Shredder has posed:
    One thing that is clear about DarkForce, it's not something that people should meddle with lightly. Baxter Stockman doesn't do anything lightly, though. To that end, TCRI has created a remote lab specifically for dealing with DarkForce since Dr. Stockman wanted to research it. There have been too many disasters in the past for him to ignore the obvious hazards.

    What is his plan for the use of DarkForce? Well, it has many possible applications, but his first objective is to find a way to contain it.

    "A magnet." The dark skinned scientist strokes one finger across his short-trimmed mustache, looking over his lead researcher's current hypothesis.

    "Yes, sir," Richard Grant, the developer says as he pats the corner of the large circular chamber. "This will be the third attempt to turn it on, the first two failed, it didn't do much, but I think we have the necessary adjustments to make it work. DarkForce energies that are ambient or close by should be drawn straight into the chamber."
Blackout has posed:
Traveling through the Darkforce dimension in a nearby proximity to the new lab, Blackout is minding his own business simply going from point A to point B. Unaware of a switch about to be flipped.

    Darkforce is definitely not something to be messing with. It's potenailly a zero point energy and has things in the dimension that don't want to be messed with. Blackout may, or may not be one of them.
Shredder has posed:
    "Very well, let's see how it works," Baxter says. "We'll find out if you get your funding expanded or cut." He makes no bones about it. This will make the difference of how the next year goes for Dr. Grant.

    The researcher nods, and he signals his team. The hum of the machine begins, and the red signal lights turn green, indicating the machine is on. The system has a snap of electricity, and all at once, the pull upon the Darkforce begins.
Blackout has posed:
Meanwhile, in the Darkforce... Blackout feels the ground shift beneath his feet and a vortex opens to his left. "WHOA!", he calls out as his left leg is pulled into the opening portal. His mind races trying to discern what's going on. He didn't open a portal. He didn't do anything.. He was heading for his destination... then Poit! He's spit out on the other side of the portal and back within the Earth plane. He falls onto the floor of the containment area with a thud. He lays there a second, checking for broken bones and looking around to see where he was pulled.
Shredder has posed:
    The team watches intently as the portal opens, pulling on the darkforce. It starts to gather, and a frowning approval is given as Stockman watches from the viewing room. "Promising," he admits.

    Then suddenly there's the violent appearance of Blackout, enlarging the small mass drastically. When they see a person appear, swirled within the spinning containment of Darkforce, his eyes widen. "What did you do?" he asks. "You just pulled a person from somewhere."

    Dr. Grant looks at the feed of information. "I don't know," he says. "It was working properly. He must have been somehow connected to the darkforce." They don't immediately speak through the comms to the room, but the window is clear, and the confusion of Dr. Stockman and Dr. Grant's team is written all over their faces.
Blackout has posed:
Blackout leaps up and points his finger at the doctor. "YOU! What the hell?!" He quickly glances around at the containment and realizes he's in a containment room. If they could see his face, there would a clear indication of his own confusion and concern. Having been pulled through a darkforce portal, he can still feel the pull of the environment and machinery.
Shredder has posed:
    "Shut it down!" Dr. Grant calls to his team.

    "Not so hasty," Stockman belays the order. "You have darkforce contained in there, and it's not certain what will happen yet if you shut it down, and we don't know anything about this man."

    "Darkforce might kill him," Grant argues.

    "Releasing it may kill all of us." Stockman goes to the comm. "Greetings," he says over the speaker, looking in at Blackout. "I have to say, we are a bit surprised, as it seems you are as well. We are running a test of some new equipment. It seems that you've been unintentionally caught in the operation. What's your name?" The containment field isn't turned off, though, as the darkmatter within the containment room continues to orbit.
Blackout has posed:
Since he's covered in Darkforce and has Darkforce in every cell of his body, Blackout is also contained. And he's not very keen on it. He pulls the darkforce mask into his body and exposes his face, "I'm Marcus Daniels. Lead researcher in Darkforce Energetics, Lexcorp." He clearly has nothing to hide from these men. His ID is of public record - at least to agencies. He may be of note to the men, as being a victim of an explosion in a lab where they were researching darkforce, perhaps 8 years ago. He continues, "You shut down the machine, I'll contain the darkforce. Then we'll talk." is added in an annoyed tone.
Shredder has posed:
    Stockman looks to Dr. Grant with an equal level of annoyance. He says something quietly to him, and then turns back to the mic. "Dr. Daniels," Stockman says. "Dr. Baxter Stockman, CEO of TCRI and StockGen. A pleasure. We will be shutting down the machine momentarily. Please hold for just a moment." He disappears from the window, and talks with the rest of the team momentarily. After about a minute or so, there's clicks that happen around the corners of the containment room, and the pull stops. The door to the experimentation room opens, and Stockman walks through, shedding his white lab coat to reveal a fine gray armani suit. He hits the button to open the chamber himself.
Blackout has posed:
There's a feel of 'relief' that Blackout gets when the machine is shut down. As if his guts were being pulled upon. He looks to the additional darkforce in the room and reaches, pulling it into him and then turns to the approaching doctor.
Blackout has posed:
As Blackout turns toward Stockman, "Doctor. I've read some of your work. Interesting approach on using magnetic harmonics. However, you're right in the assumption that Darkforce is dangerous... rather, it's the things within the Darkforce that are dangerous. Me.. no so much. But indescribable things that you won't want to pull into your lab."
Shredder has posed:
    "Indeed," Stockman nods, watching as the last of the darkforce disappears into Daniels' body. "That is in part of why we are doing these experiments. This world is dangerous. Individuals such as yourself who have control over darkforce are less common than they used to be, and those indescribables you mentioned have been described in the past. The ability to contain them and prevent them from running amok should they find themselves in this plane is something that we believe to be very valuable, I think you'd agree."

    He holds his hand out to shake. Business-like, professional, confident. "We certainly wouldn't want any repeat accidents such as the one that befell you."
Blackout has posed:
There's a pause of reflection as Blackout gives a brief nod to Stockman's assessment. He then takes the outstretched hand while withdrawing darkforce from his own hand up to his elbow. The ungloved hand grips Stockman's. He then says, "Then you better get thicker walls for both eventualities."

Blackout also makes a mental note to get a few orange cones for the darkforce dimension to put around the general area that he was walking through. So he won't accidently walk into the vortex again.
Shredder has posed:
    Stockman has no hesitation with the hand that recently had darkforce surrounding it. "Yes, we are currently located upstate New York," he says. "Do you mind if I ask exactly where you were pulled from? For accurate data. Was it all the way from Metropolis?"
Blackout has posed:
"I was traveling through the darkforce from Metropolis up to Montreal. I was hungry and wanted a burger from Dic Ann's.. They have the best burgers. Anyway. The Darkforce has a constricted landscape. Meaning, one mile on Earth is a few feet to a few yards in the Darkforce. So travel through the dimension is a virtual shortcut, almost like folding space. And in some instances, it's just like it. I can rip a portal here to Tokyo and practically skip there in a matter of seconds. I suppose the best reference, would be wormhole theory without the tubular nature of a wormhole."
Shredder has posed:
    "I see. This was the secondary application," Stockman reveals. "I understand that you've worked with LexCorp regarding Darkforce Energetics quite a bit." There's that look in his eye. "It would be fantastic to have a person such as yourself on the team to research this more safely and thoroughly. Tell me, is it possible to establish permanence in the darkforce dimension? Say, a road of sorts for transit? As you know, teleportation may exist, but has rather restricted usage at presence."
Blackout has posed:
"First, I'll answer the question." Stated Blackout, "The terrain within the dimension is not completely fixed. Many times there are chunks of darkforce floating around. Sometimes there are large gaps. However, there are features that seem to be fixed. Like islands and certain caverns. Things that are best left alone. I've even been told of a castle like structure that a being created and lives within. Something I also do not want to trespass upon. Now, for the second regard, "I'm bound contractually by Lexcorp and am unable to work with any other labs or private parties. I appreciate the offer, but I'm restricted."
Shredder has posed:
    There is an acknowledging raise of the eyebrow from Stockman. "I can understand that. I know that Mr. Luthor is rather stringent on his contracts," He folds his arms. "Well, I do apologize for the rude interruption to your transit," he says. "And we'll be certain to create some extra levels of security now that we know the prototype is operational. And if you're ever in need of better employment, be certain to reach out. I'll see to it that you're very fairly compensated."
Blackout has posed:
Blackout nods and accepts the things said about Luthor, the corporation, and the offer. "Thanks so much."

A yard behind Blackout, an opaque, 7' diameter portal opens and he turns away from Stockton. He starts to step into the portal and then he looks back as his face begins to become covered in the darkforce, "Be careful out there." and then he'll move into the inky blackness of the portal which will close a second after his disappearance.