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Hungry Like The Wolf!
Date of Scene: 22 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The Titans come upon a hostage situation and find a raging lunatic leading a few stoners. They have an unseen observer and meet a strange new person.....
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Amarok, Raven, 271

Starfire has posed:
    It is about lunchtime, or so In the upper east side of manhattan. Traffic is medium heavy through this part of the city as people try to find a place to get their lunch, or sit back and relax for lunch. And the 'relative' quiet is broken by several police cars racing towards the.....dominos? Apparently there's a few people that decided to rob the dominos pizza place here and took the workers hostage.

A little bit after the police set up a perimeter to keep out of sight is when an orange skinned girl flies her way in. "Hello. What seems to be the trouble?"

Amarok has posed:
Cliched as it is, the Wolf is perched high above the pizza place under fire. Not because it's the best place to attack from, but because he was already up there on his way to another part of town on 'personal business' as any costumed tourist would be. He leans down over the rooftop and eyes the Dominos suspiciously, seeming to be judging whether or not to get involved.

Raven has posed:
    Raven is also there, for the same reason Starfire is: Titans and stuff. She waits for the police to answer, since she doesn't have any business barging in before she knows what's going on.

Keane (271) has posed:
    God or gods only know what's brought Keane to Manhattan, especially the low-crime, middle-class area of the Upper East Side. The 6'8" humanoid is there, though, drifting through alleyways and surveying traffic on the streets and activity in surrounding buildings. The excitement around Dominos' pizza gets his attention, and he moves up behind and alongside the building it occupies as police set up out front.

    Alien visual perception sweeps over the street and the building, peering through vehicles and people and walls, examining weapons and health states and particle densities and chemical compositions. His downright weird hearing facility picks up frequencies and vibrations as small as insect footsteps from blocks away, processing like high-definition audio sampling and analysis equipment. Shallow Telepathy, more like a brainwave radio receiver picking up things people say or leave unsaid, probably wouldn't pick up much from the street but when he puts himself right up against the alley-side wall of the Dominos' he's in prime position to pick up what's going on in there whether it's from the hostages or the hostage takers.

Starfire has posed:
    The captain, who is rather obvious because he's wearing a trenchcoat, walks forward to Starfire and Raven. "You must be the titans I've heard about. About 15 minutes ago, we had about 5 stoners charge into the dominos here and hold up the staff. It would've been a cake walk, if it wasn't for the fact that the leader is on PCP and is even pushing around his own friends, but the others have.....pretty much given up. They just don't know how to stand up to their leader, who is a lot bigger than they are.

Starfire tilts her head. "What is PCP?"

The captai looks to Starfire. "It's a drug that shuts off your nervous system and really drives you insane. The user feels invincible because his pain receptors are turned off."

"Oh my....that's...not good." She turns her worried gaze to the Dominos.

Anyone that looks inside will find about 25 people of mixed genders in there in different spots, but only one is waving around a baseball bat. 4 others are.....sneaking bites of other people's pizza while the others are put into one corner......*CRASH*.....and there went a display from the bat guy's rage....

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf cant hear the captain's explainations, but he can, albeit barely, see what's going on inside, sizing up the intruders and deciding this seems worth dealing with. And since he intends to be gone by nightfall, subtlety is the first thing out the window. Speaking of which... He leaps from roof, grapple gun firing as he makes his descent and hooking into a nearby building. The line gives him enough control to twist and wrap around the building, smashing feet first through a window and into the back of one of the stoners, hitting them with enough force to send them into the far wall as the Wolf rises to his feet, grapple gun holstering and neck cracking as he gets ready to deal with the group.

Raven has posed:
    Raven rolls her eyes, but it's too late now: the thing has started. She stretches out her arms toward the storefront, fingers curled like claws, and gutturally croaks her mantra; black anti-light flares around the baseball bat, surrounding it in a darkly illuminating aura as her telekinetic powers yank it up toward the ceiling. Its wielder can hang on if he likes, but he's going for a ride if he does.

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane stays where he is, observing the goings-on. Personal property isn't really a concept the Zhylogian understands, but he does understand that these humans are engaging in a conflict over it and since nobody's been hurt except active combatants in that conflict, it doesn't seem like any of his business except in the xenosociological sense.

Starfire has posed:
    "WHOA! HOLY SHIT! I JUST WANTED SOME PIZZA MAN!" the tackled stoner yells as he's tackled by Urban wolf, and just goes right to the floor with his hands out, trying to fend off any other incoming blows. The three others like him also drop to the floor, near the hostages and also proceed to cower. This is when the guy with the bat thinks he can take on someone like Urban wolf with....just a baseball bat. Letting out a feral scream, the largest of the bunch gets ready to rain wooden death upon the 'interloper'....when suddenly the bat turns black and the bat stop so suddenly that the guy actually SWINGS upon the bat. "WHAT THE HELL! GET BACK DOWN HERE AND HELP ME BEAT THIS F*BLEEP* TO DEATH!" And a long running string of obscenities, combined with him trying to wrench the object loose from the black that has taken control of his bat. Yup....he's blitzed.....

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf watches the largest 'threat' getting ready to swing, twitching slightly as he gets ready to move and counter when suddenly the man is dangling from the ceiling. The Wolf cocks an unimpressed brow under his visor and darts forward, running up the dangling man and locking in a choke hold on him on him as he dangles.

Raven has posed:
    Raven shoots a glance at Starfire, but Starfire seems unworried about this. Fair enough, she supposes. A beckoning flick of the finger launches the bat toward Raven to catch in her palm (it would have made a very satisfying slapping noise on impact if not for the long, velvet gloves Raven wears); the aura dissipates, and Raven lifts into the air before lifting into the air, levitating briskly over toward the restaurant, eyes peeled for anyone to make a move on the bystanders. Including this new guy who likes choking stoners.

Keane (271) has posed:
    The alien in the alley seems fascinated by the bat and its aura, his head turning so he can track it and its energy signature as it levitates away from the wielder and out of the besieged restaurant. Once the club is mundanely grasped in a humanoid hand, though, Keane's attention wanders back to the violence unfolding on the other side of the wall from him.

Starfire has posed:
    Starfire keeps somewhat behind Raven as he mr rage off the ground with the 'choker' hanging onto him. The Rage man is still trying to get the bat to 'listen' to him and still spewing rage filled obscenities at the 'Choker' as he tries to free his bareball bat from the darkness.

One of the 'stoners' stands up. "We just wanted some pizza man, but Lars wanted to rob the place. I told him not to take that strange stuff, but he never listens." Anyone who has enhanced smell can smell four VERY high individuals that were smoking weed, and JUST weed, while the one hanging from the bat smells of weed and PCP. Seems like he got a bad batch.

As raven moves in, so do the police.....

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf keeps hanging on, choking more and more on the tweaking A-hole. No matter how high he is, everyone needs to breath eventually. And the brain needs blood to breath very VERY regularly.

Raven has posed:
    "Everyone, run," Raven snaps at the people in the people in the Domino's. She considers ordering them to get better taste in pizza while they're at it, but decides it isn't the time. As the exodus begins, she turns to Urban Wolf and commands, "That's enough, let go of his throat. He can't hurt either of us."

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane still stays where he is, still as a statue there in the alley alongside the Domino's. Others have everything in hand, but the scientific study of those who responded goes on.

Starfire has posed:
When Raven tells everyone to leave, the four stoners don't need to be told twice. Of course, they also grab 5 pizzas apiece, put money on the counter and run their way TOWARDS the police cardon...putting the pizzas on the cruisers. The dominos people run for it as well as they head for the cruisers and stay safe. Starfire floats over towards the four stoners and stay with them to make sure they don't end up like 'Lars' who is finally.....starting to fade...

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf hangs on a few more seconds until the man is fully out, catching the both of them as they fall and gently laying the man's head down. As he rises, a puff of smoke appears beneath him, rapidly filling the building and billowing out of any openings available.

Raven has posed:
    Raven could create a forcefield around the Domino's, but what's the point? Better to just grab the downed thug as best she can in the dark and haul him out before the smoke causes any more oxygen deprivation than the chokehold did. Shame for him he's heavy, so his legs drag along the pavement as she flies him backward, but hey, he can be grateful he got removed at all.

Keane (271) has posed:
    The smoke filling up the interior of the building still doesn't excite Keane into action, whether the alien just doesn't care about human life or whether he has some means of identifying that the thin strata that obscures the vision but doesn't actually make anyone choke or gag is harmless and will dissipate quickly enough - which it does in a matter of just over a dozen seconds.

    Since all the action seems to be over, the alien quietly falls back down the alleyway, slipping around the corner of the building and off to whatever business he was on when the sirens drew him in.

Starfire has posed:
    Starfire is out and the rest of the people look on. 'Lars' is dragged out easily....and everyone watches...the smoke fill the building completely......

Amarok has posed:
As the smoke clears, it's obvious the man in the mask is gone, leaving no trace behind save the choked out junkie and the broken window. High above on a rooftop the Wolf looks down over the scene for a few moments before turning and starting back to his original goal. A keen eyed observer who moves quickly may manage to catch up before he's gone entirely.