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Latest revision as of 14:52, 10 January 2024

Pick the title from the log like usual!
Date of Scene: 18 August 2023
Location: Nadia's Crystal Pendant Lab.
Synopsis: Nadia and Gwen.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (Pym), Ghost Spider

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
It doesn't take much for Nadia to get excited about a project. Even the mention of something interesting she can research has her bouncing up and down with glee. So when Gwen mentioned she had something science related to discuss? Well it was off to the lab with them both. The shrinking process is, as always, a bit trippy. And most people find the way her necklace lab hands in the void between atoms gives them a bad case of the Nietzsches.

A sense of perspective is important but sometimes it's better not to think about just how vast the universe is!

Her lab still looks like it's leapt from the pages of a fairy tale. Pale rose crystal carved into towers, gardens of flowers unique to the microverse, and of course it sits on a chunk of rock that hangs in thin air like it's decided it's not on speaking terms with gravity.

No matter which route they take the lab is the final destination. Every corridor eventually brings you there. So long as you don't get curious and try force any of the locked doors open. It's best not to find out what security systems a former Red Room agent uses to protect her home.

"I've been trying to keep things tidier than I normally would now guests are stopping by..." she admits ruefully. The lab was quite the mess when she first showed Gwen and Harper. "Until GIRL is up and running it's the best place to do non-superteam projects."
Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen follows through the shimmering corridors, her pale blue Chuck Taylors making a muted sound against the crystalline floors. The ethereal, otherworldly nature of Nadia's lab never fails to astonish her. The pinkish hue of the spires and the way the peculiar microverse flora seems to breathe, pulsing softly in the faint ambient light -- she's not in Kansas anymore, or New York for that matter.

"Your definition of messy is a whole different world, Nadia," Gwen chuckles, her gaze traveling to the seemingly gravity-defying rock. This may be the second time she's been here, but the feeling of awe hasn't quite faded. "Honestly, this place is straight out of a sci-fi movie."

Reaching the main lab, Gwen lets her fingers trail over a table covered in various gadgets, instruments, and half-finished projects.

"I mean.. I get it. Privacy wise, too. It's not like anybody's going to be able to snoop on what we've got going on in here."

She pauses, looking up and around again.

"I'm guessing if something happens to the necklace while we're inside it, though....?"
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Well," Nadia starts with a blush. "It looks a lot less sci-fi when it's covered by dirty laundry and stacks of half finished research papers." She doesn't leave food out. That's how you get ants. "After a while you just get used to it." Even the most wonderous sights can become mundane if you see them often enough. "I can look over the edge without getting dizzy."

At least the Spider powers mean Gwen isn't likely to get vertigo!

"I don't stare up at the artificial 'sun' though because it might hurt my eyes." It's not actually a Sun but it's still pretty bright.

"The necklace? It's coated in a layer of synthetic diamond. Plus I've re-enforced it. You could hit it with a sledgehammer for a week and you might knock some books off the shelves. I guess Supergirl or someone like the Hulk could destroy it, but only a few members of GIRL even know my lab exists." She grins. "Security through obscurity. You can't break into a lab you don't know exists. I've also crafted a few dozen identical necklaces that just don't have the lab in." A shrug. "We're also so small time passes weirdly here. So we'd have plenty of warning to escape. But probably we'd have to go fully into the Microverse to survive an angry Kryptonian. I'd really rather not test the theory though, so hopefully everyone makes good friends with Kara!"
Ghost Spider has posed:
"That's what I thought the first time I made it to the top of the Empire State Building... from the outside," Gwen comments with a little roll of her shoulders and a playfully amused grin. "I still love it. Have you been to the top of the /Eyrie/ building? It's /amazing/. There's even a butler." Beat. "By the time I made it to the top, he had croissants and coffee set out for me. Ten out of ten. Would recommend."

There's a little wistful sigh that follows that, like recalling a particularly fond memory. "I should really go back there and see if it happens again. No other building has ever had breakfast waiting for me..."

Focus, Gwen.

"Oh! I haven't met Kara, yet. Or... any Kryptonians, for that matter. Suddenly that seems like a failing on my part. I should probably make more of an effort to have friends that have the ability to fly in outer space. I'm not sure when that would /ever/ come in handy, but you never know. And that seems like one of those things that, if you wait until you need it, it's too late."

There's a little shrug of her shoulders, then, her happy smile still lingering on her lips as she finds an empty spot on one of the benches to slide up on, crisscrossing her legs against the edge of the table.

"So!.. Are we ready for my ideas? And again.. only if you we time, right? I don't want to treat this place like my own personal Spider-Lab.. or.. Spider-Palace, I guess. Still, some of these things would be /amazing/..."

She's already reaching around to pull her backpack off of one arm and slide it into her lap, opening it to pull out a notebook.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym shakes her head. "Not that I know of," she muses. "But I fly around a lot and land anywhere I fancy so... I might have stopped there briefly and just not known it? It's much harder for people to spot me travelling around. So I've never had anyone waiting somewhere to give me food. Mostly just supervillains lurking somewhere as part of a scheme..."

Sadly even if a villain makes you breakfast it's probably not wise to eat it.

"Kara's really nice. She's our resident xeno... anything expert. You'd be surprised how important space travel is though. What if we need a large amount of resources? Space mining will be way easier for us with a Kryptonian to help out. No need for pesky rockets to get things into orbit either. Not that I expect her to be a pack mule all the time just. You know. It's way better for the environment than firing a big chemical rocket." Besides she can shrink anything to be carried into space. So it's really no more trouble than just carrying up a few small objects.

"I am all ears!" She declares. "Except not literally because that would be most impractical."

Hopefully Gwen does not want any extra ears growing on her. That'd be weird. Even if it's technically possible.

"Let me clear you some space." She begins bustling around the lab moving things to make room. Clearing the top of a table that seems to also be a touch screen. "I got tired of doodling on the table and having to clean it off." The woes of being a super genius. There's never enough notebooks for all your ideas...