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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/24 |Location=Backyard, Xavier's School |Synopsis=Barbeque, Xavier Style |Cast of Characters=202, 1284, 8143, 16 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:202|Logan (202)}} has posed:'''<br> The day starts out simply, Logan tells Rogue, "I'm grillin' somethin'!" It's a waning. A declaration. Honestly, Logan just wants some grilled meet, a cold brew and maybe a little sun. The great thing about a healing factor, Logan's skin can get a gol...")
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Latest revision as of 15:04, 10 January 2024

Barbeque, Xavier Style
Date of Scene: 24 May 2023
Location: Backyard, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Barbeque, Xavier Style
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Boom-Boom, Copycat, Rogue

Wolverine has posed:
The day starts out simply, Logan tells Rogue, "I'm grillin' somethin'!" It's a waning. A declaration. Honestly, Logan just wants some grilled meet, a cold brew and maybe a little sun. The great thing about a healing factor, Logan's skin can get a golden color. However, if he teeters intot he "burnt" category, the man just constantly heals. Basically, his skin can stay perpetually tanned with small bouts of itching and peeling.

Logan heads outside and starts to haul out all of the essentials. The big cooler, with all of the ice provided by Bobby. Beer in that cooler. Lots of it. All of it his. Then his conscience kicks in. Grumbling, he throws in a few sodas because grilled meats bring a crowd.

The meats themselves vary. He's got burgers, hot dogs, a few pieces of chicken and that's about it. First come, first serve, but he can feed a good sized family with the amount he has. This is how Logan ensures he gets a burger. Someone will need to bring the fixings and plates.

Dressed in a pair of yellow baithing shorts with various blue accents, a pair of sunglasses and a cigar, Logan just enjoys the sunny day. Thanks to 'Ro, it's picture perfect.

"Hsssss," goes the burger and chicken, and their smells start to dance through the air on this day without a cloud in the sky.
Boom-Boom has posed:
Those smells waft everywhere, likely Ororo's control of the winds as well if anyone asks. They even manage to bring in mutant women that may or may not have been missing for six years in the for of the blonde haired Boom-Boom. Not that she's actually currently missing.

She's just out on the basketball court. Being a new teacher is great when most of the students are clearing out for summer. Plenty of time to decompress, train. And worry about things like not being an accredited teacher since you only really have a high school diploma to your name.

One last shot sunk from the half court line and the ball is abandoned to be collected later on as the young woman follows her nose.

This brings her around to where people seem to be gathering. Tabitha dressed pretty casually, denim cutoffs with a cropped hoodie missing the hood as much as the midriff. Yellow with BOOM! printed in pink and faded. Some red chucks on her feet matching a set of spiky wrist cuffs, belt and collar in yellow leather with stainless steel spikes embedded in them. Some red tinted Ray Bans sitting on her nose.

Before she even has any food, she does go right for one of Logan's beers. "I'd have figured actually celebrating the end of the school year would have been in the Teachers' Lounge." she says playfully while popping that beer open by hand.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Humms softly to herself, she brings along another cooler with a smile. She doesn't say anything, at least not till she's closer to logan. She cocks her head " Mind If I help.. I brought some marinated meats and items.. I did at the prep. You just have to grill it ".

     She grins. "I even made some kabobs." Trust the cooking teacher to bring stuff at least till she lift sup "Marinated beer butt chicken? " She says to logan.

     for her part, she's got a White top and bottom, A nice swimsuit that hugs her very pale blue skin and well is the same color as her white white hair. but she has a big smile and is fishing out a beer from the cooler

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is here. Lounging in a chair by the pool wearing a one piece bathing suit of green and gold - the same color of her full body suit. Her hair is down so it's all sort of frazzled out, and that one streak of white is starkingly visible. For the moment she's reading a book and has chosen a lounger with an umbrella so she's not too worried about the sunlight. Otherwise, she's keeping to herself for the moment. Here, and existing, but being kinda quiet and reclusive at the same time.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan steps aside, leaving Copycat to put on the kabobs. Although he did season the meats, they were not like marinated kebobs.

There's a pause and Logan grins at her, "Yer quickly becomin' my new favorite person." Pointing at the chicken, "Save me a piece of that."

Logan doesn't make that until the fall, one of the few things he can make. However, Logan will eat it any time of the year.

"Any instructions on how to do this proper?" he asks, just wanting to make sure nothing gets overdone.

Logan doesn't say anything to Rogue. He just makes sure the sweet tea is cold and the glass never empties.

Then he sees Tabitha take one of the beers, "Yer lucky the cookin' teacher brought food," he doesn't like it when someone takes one of his beers. However, it's a party and he lets this one slide. There are stories about Logan's stinginess about the beer.
Boom-Boom has posed:
There's a smile for Vanessa when she drags out the extra cooler and more food for the grill. "Those are gonna taste awesome!" it's a fair guess aimed at the shapeshifting home economics teacher.

Copycat likely passes on some instructions, but gets called away leaving Logan being growly at swiped beer. "Hey, standard cook out rules. Booze must be explicitly stated to be BYO ahead of time. As this is not ahead of time. It therefore becomes free for all. Just means we send someone inside to grab more from one of the fridges inside." she points out and presses the bottle to her lips for the first swig.

Rogue reading and sunning getting a snappoint. "That umbrella gotta be a pain to block out sunlight when you want to read?" she states. "If ya want I can bounce a light source to help. Like a mini sun under the shade." she offers playfully.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks at hearing the words 'umbrella' and 'read' so she glances over to Tabitha and - since she's peering that direction anyway - Logan. Closing her book, she sets it down and then shifts to stand and meanders over their way. "Ain't too bad. Sun would make the pages easier to read I reckon, but it would do murder on my skin." And since not everyone knows she's trying hard to better control her powers, that's the excuse she uses. Cause it's hard to put sun blocker on parts of herself.

"So...." She slides up over to Logan and gives him a little grin. "What's cookin' good lookin'?" Then lets out a slightly cheerful laugh before turning and looking around once more. "Prolly won't be too long the smell of cookin' food'll bring more comin'... I can't promise Imma stay out long enough for that to happen."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan just stares at Boom-Boom. He's in complete disbelief. And while he wants to argue about those rules. Because this isn't technically a cookout. Logan just wanted grilled meats and people tend to follow in this school. The man wants to bring up this technicality, but Logan can see Scott doing this if he was manning the grill with the beer.

Grumbling, Logan nods at his cooler, "Take some," he doesn't want to go down that path.

The taste of defeat doesn't last long as Rogue slides up to him, "I could make a joke about the hot dogs," those were down they just don't sizzle like the other meats. "So yer sacrificin' me fer the greater good? I see how ya are," Logan teases a little bit. Logan knows he would be chained to this grill until the food is gone. People will come and go, that's fine.
Boom-Boom has posed:
Victory, there will be people telling tales of how Tabitha valiantly managed to snag a precious brewski from the ever stingy curmudgeon that is the Wolverine.

So she might just drop a case of the stuff at his door later on. Replacement with interest. Another sacred rule for beer drinking.

"Most of the hot dog jokes are about buns. Plenty of them to go around!" she states and playfully wiggles hips.

"If you wanna eat while more of the stuff is cooked, I can manage a grill." she adds and playfully sticks her own hand in the flames. Not so much as a blister, but it probably looks like Tabby might have left some sanity behind as she grins wide eyed while staring in at each little flicker of fire. She threw balls of plasma around for the fun of it as much as to not get killed.

While she's keeping it on the down low for now, she can do way more than just throw spheroid bombs these days.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks from the grill to Tabitha, then back and forth again a couple times. "Cool party trick. Though, in a home of mutants, that's not really much is it?" She grins and then turns and looks at Logan once more.

"Oh don't give me that. You know I'm not that much of a social creature. You got me out NOW and in a bathing suit no less!" She playfully chides him before offering a kiss to his cheek. "I'm just saying. My social battery might run out quicker than most and I'll head inside. It's a normal thing for me...and you know you wouldn't leave the grill for anyone....not even your girlfriend. Don't lie." That smile remains even while she gives a little wiggle herself and snags her own beer. Girlfriend privledges. He won't gripe at her.
Wolverine has posed:
"I was tryin' to avoid the bun jokes n' the weiner jokes," he chuckles as Tabitha makes motions that should make single teachers come out of the woodwork. Logan even looks around to see if anyone is looking at that playful motion.

"Nah. I can work the grill. I mean yer good, but this is why I signed up fer. I figured I'm gettin' credit so I can say 'I grilled a few times already' when July 4th comes," there's a method to Logan's madness.

Rogue and Tabitha speak about their tricks. He focuses on the meat for a moemnt before Rogue slides out.

"It's only a victory if-," he cuts himself off. She chides him, the kiss comes. "Yep. I know ya would run. I figured," and then he rols his eyes at the comment. Then another time when -she- takes a beer.

"This is why I brought a lot," not for himself. Ocean blue eyes looking toward her.
Boom-Boom has posed:
The kiss is noted and there's a grin. "I see somethings have improved around here!" she states and grins. The healing factor probably helps mitigate some of the drain. "I figured you'd have gone the technological way around power control. Inhibitor tech always gets a bad rap around here. Shame, limiting quality of life because tech can be used against us as much as for us." she states and chuckles.

There probably was someone that was getting an eyeful of hip motions on teachers.

"You could also take the grill with you and open a window inside.!" she ponders and grins. "Add a fan to help ventilation and keep it all for yaself? Some of us out here have some straight prodigious metabolisms. I'd say appetites but dirty jokes abound there." she states sagaciously as she retracts her hand from the flames.

Eventually she does load a plate with a little of everything which turns into a lot of food soon enough.
Rogue has posed:
"You know you love me..." Rogue says this to Logan and then glances to Tabitha. "Anyway. Yes. This is me running away. I need to get out of the sun regardless. Make sure to save some food for me and bring me a plate." She grins, takes up book, tea and unopened beer to head back into the mansion.
Wolverine has posed:
"She downgraded," Logan says firmly as Tabitha takes notice of a few things. Then he looks toward the pair for a moment. Honestly, Logan thought the same as Tabitha.

"I got the grill," and then he smirks about Tabitha's sageness.

"That's the only reason yer survivin' due to the beer," Logan's not quick to point out the flaw in that logic. Tabitha got a beer, so either there's a weird conversation due. Or Logan didn't think that statement through.

Flipping various meats come forward, he grabs a serving platter. Taking various meats off the grill, he lets it there. Although, he snags a burger quick to have it. A smile on his face, "Thanks fer the buns," Logan says to Tabitha. And he will look to see someone brought ketchup, mustard and a few other things.

Ocean blue eyes close as he savors the first bite of meat.