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Latest revision as of 19:33, 24 October 2017

A Star Arrives
Date of Scene: 22 May 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Star Sapphire

Wonder Woman has posed:
A rainy spring afternoon in Metropolis. The rain falls calmly though, and the winds outside are cool and crisp. The flowers and greenery around the Consulate are all in-bloom and there's a rich pleasing aroma in the air.

When Star Sapphire arrived, she was greeted by two members of Diana's Amazonian entourage, Adrastea and Galatea. They both kindly introduced themselves and went out to show great hospitality while escorting the arrived guest through the large Home's museum-like hallways.

Once they arrived at Diana's office, they parted the doors for Star Sapphire's entrance and Diana rose from behind her desk after a moment of detaching herself from her work there.

"Please." Diana said then, stepping around her desk and walking toward the new arrival. "Come in." She said with a smile and an offer of her right hand for a customary greeting.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire paid particular attention to her dressing rituals this morning. How could she not, when coming to meet the ambassador of Themyscira? Even if such choices doubtlessly don't impress an Amazon, her hair has been carefully slicked back so it shines and falls behind her in a disciplined rush without being completely fused into one solid chunk of hair; her lipstick and eye shadow, both violet, have been carefully applied to be smooth and even; her bare skin is lotioned until it nearly glows with radiance. Fortunately, her uniform being a ring construct keeps her from needing to pay particular care to it, and her latex gleams mellowly as she approaches Wonder Woman with slightly wide eyes and a not-so-slightly wide smile. Her heels click precisely but rapidly on the floor as she walks with long, quick steps toward Diana, her hand extended to shake. "Ambassador," she greets in a voice that only barely manages to not be a cry of enthusiasm. Her eyes look fearlessly up at the towering Amazon. "Thank you so much for seeing me. I hope I haven't interrupted anything important."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was dressed in a white dress that flowed about her legs and went up to fit snugly around her upper body, over that she had a crimson vest on that was buttoned twice in the front over her stomach. "There is no interruptions. I assure you." Diana said with a smile to the other. "Come in, please have a seat." She motioned to the sofas and chairs on the eastern side of her office. "Would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, a wide variety of juices." She asked while making her course set for the small bar area that was set between two large bookcases along the wall.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Oh, water, please. I'm trying to teach myself not to drink my calories," Star Sapphire explains as she walks over to the couch and takes a seat upon it, her latex boots creaking slightly as Star crosses her legs regally and laces her fingers together around her top knee. Her back is straight, her chin is high, and her shoulders are round as she waits for the water, which she accepts with a gracious, grateful smile. "To your health, and the good of your people," she offers as a toast.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smiled at these words while she prepared drinks for them both, she was having tea and she put a little ice in the water for Star, but not too much. "Well it is clearly working for you." She replied. "You look amazing." She offered the compliment as she turned around with a smile and walked back over to join her and take a seat upon one of the leather chairs. She handed the glass of water over then and went to take a sip from her own. Diana's blue eyes were upon Star there-after. "I imagine you are quite busy, so how is that I may assist you today?" She inquired then.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire drinks lightly from her water, nearly licks the moisture off her lips before realizing how that might look, and instead sucks her lips lightly between her teeth to get the water off before smiling back at Diana, demurring, "From the Princess of Themyscira, that's the highest praise. I won't waste your time telling you what you already know about what a vision you are." The violet light swimming in her blue irises glints; her ring flashes very lightly, very briefly, as Star Sapphire leans forward to set the glass on a coaster on the table before her. "But as for what you can do for me... Well, Ambassador, that would take a bit of explanation. Are you comfortable? It will be a bit of a lecture," she jokes lightly.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a large smile at the compliment paid back at her and she just settled back into her seat then with her drink set aside on a table next to the leather chair she occupied. "I will be more comfortable if you'd use Diana, rather than Ambassador." She said in her heavily accented English. "But yes, of course, I have cleared my schedule so time is no issue here. Please, let me know what is on your mind. I am eager to assist you. Afterall, my place here is for that very reason, assisting those in need." Her hands then went to the top of her left thigh as she crossed her legs at the knees.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire smiles back at Diana, her nose crinkling with merriment as she does. "I'd be delighted to, Diana," she agrees in soft tones. "Thank you." She holds eye contact for just a moment, then clears her throat. "To begin with, I have to tell you things you might or might not already know about myself and my corps. We, the Star Sapphires, are essentially analogous to Green Lanterns, but where their rings operate by mastery of will, our rings operate by mastery of love. Take our uniforms as an example," she invites, wafting a hand down her mostly bare torso not entirely unlike a stage magician inviting you to look closer at her top hat, or maybe like one of Bob's Beauties drawing attention to the item she stands next to in the Showcase Showdown. "I don't dress like this to be provocative. That we leave our cores bare is intended to be symbolic of the openness, vulnerability, and intimacy love requires." She pauses, and her nose crinkles as she admits impishly, "The boots are for me, though."
    Her little joke told, Star Sapphire continues, "Our rings can be given out by myself as gifts or prizes, but mostly, they choose their own hosts from people who have mastered what it means to love. And do you know something interesting? To this point, the rings have only chosen women. I don't know why that is. The Green Lanterns Corps has thousands of years of study and infrastructure to draw upon in teaching their new recruits, but I'm Queen of Zamaron and leader of the Star Sapphires, and I don't know why my rings have only chosen women. I think it's because only women really understand how to love; that men are too concerned with matters of ego and dominance to achieve the compromises and mutual respect love demands. It's a theory, anyway, even if it's not one I can test.
    "And that brings me to you, Diana. You come from a society without men, a society of women, a society that, at least according to certain articles I can find, practices compassion and submission as a way of life. I find that fascinating. As the leader of the Star Sapphires, I feel I have a duty to learn as much as I can about the nature of love, so I can be a better teacher to my subordinates," she explains, fingertips coming to rest lightly on her breastbone for emphasis. "I don't ask you to permit me to Themyscira, but I would like very much to begin a sort of cultural exchange with you, to learn what I can of your people and what that can teach us. I don't know yet what I can offer you in return, but I hope you have some ideas for how I can repay you," she concludes earnestly, holding eye contact again, leaning slightly forward over her crossed knee.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana sat with her back straight up against the back of the chair and her hands placed atop her knees. She looked upon Star as she spoke and the boot joke made her grin mischeviously. "They are nice boots!" She said in a loud whisper of agreement before Star continued. Diana's eyes did look over the clothing that Star wore, and it certainly didn't make her bashful or anything of the sort... afterall, she'd grown up around nothing but women and the female form was hardly something that put her on-edge.

When the woman's words ended, Diana's head slowly nodded a pair of times. "I have heard some of this before. Of the lanterns, of the ring bearers. It is... certainly an interesting tale, and to be honest... of all the things that have come to this world from the far reaches of outer space, this is one of the more encouraging things. If not -the- most encouraging of things." She said then, glancing toward the open doors of her office in front of her for a moment.

"To know that Love is as important as it is to your people, well... it is inspiring." She said back to Star then, returning her blue eyes onto the other woman. "I cannot currently grant passage to my homeland without speaking it over with... well... with the council there. However, I can grant you access to my Consulate here. You can speak to my Sisters at length as well. Adrastea is, in particular, eager to tell others of our ways. She might bend your ear for hours on end, if you allow her." Another smile was shown then.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire accepts the compliment with a nose-crinkling smile and, playfully, she extends her top leg to Diana to brush the slick, violet toes of her boot against Diana's skirt, not quite making contact with her shin itself. "Thank you," she says modestly. "I adore your fashion style. The red vest over your dress is inspired," she compliments sincerely, glowing eyes on Diana's, lips curved in a sweet smile.
    Star Sapphire leans back--or rather, straightens back up from bending over her knees toward Diana--and says, "I'm very grateful to you for any help you can provide, or your sisters." Hm...Star Sapphire doesn't look like she was dropping a deliberate hint there. Freudian slip, maybe? "But I wouldn't want to take your charity without at least offering you something concrete in return. Is there anything I can do for you, your people, or your mission?" she asks, eyes searching the Amazon's face unabashedly.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smiled at the other and she would softly shake her head right to left. "I did not set out on this life to offer aide to others who deserved it, needed it, and came to me looking for it... only to ask them for something in return." She said in response to the Star Sapphire. "Truly, if the stories about you are correct then your gifts to this world are all that I ask for." She glanced toward the bookshelves here in this office and nodded toward them. "You are welcome to all the information here as well. Much of these books are written by people from my home. Stories passed down through our history."

Diana would glance down at her red vest then and poke at it with a finger before she looked up toward Star once more and smiled at her again. "My sisters are not fond of me adapting to the styles of the outside world. I simply have told them to be glad it is no longer the 1980s, they would've truly been appauled by how I dressed back then." She flashed another grin then.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star follows Diana's gaze to the books, and nods with interest. "That would be lovely! Thank you. Are the books translated to English? I'm just curious; my ring can translate them, whatever the language." When Diana pokes her vest, Star Sapphire scoots forward on the couch a little--just a little, not even half an inch; it could almost be just a repositioning, if not for the expression of interest on her face--and asks, "May I?" as she reaches out, fingers extended toward the vest. If given permission, her glove will dissipate slightly, just up to the wrist, so she can brush the fabric with her fingertips (her nails are short, smooth, and painted a gleaming, bubblegum pink) before withdrawing her hand and letting her glove reform, the latex flowing around her palm and fingers like paint. "It's a lovely fabric!" she declares admiringly. "Who makes it?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look then to the books and nod a single time. "After I decided to come here to this place and be a public figure, I made sure to prepare items such as stories from my home. So yes, they are easily read by those who are fluent in English." She looked back at Star then and did not object to the touch to the vest to feel the texture of the fabric. She glanced down at the woman's hand and then back up at her and smiled at her. "It is funny, actually. I... receive a lot of free gifts... which might not surprise you. Much of it is clothing and trinkets that people want me to wear or endorse for them. Which, I certainly do not publicly endorse items for large companies. But I do not mind wearing items from lesser knowns. And this particular outfit was made by a young woman in Brooklyn who's parents passed away last year. She is struggling to make ends-meet, and I have been passing her name around as an outfitter who makes great items. Such as this." Diana showed a softer smile then. "I'll get you her contact information if you'd like. Though I am not entirely certain if she makes garments quite like what you are wearing." This got a little grin then from the Princess.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star's nose crinkles again, and she leans forward to pat Diana's knee with her fingertips; not squeezing it, but just a spontaneous gesture topped by a friendly smile up into the Amazon's eyes. "You're too kind to me, Diana. Thank you," she says, voice soft with sincerity. Her forearms cross over her knee, making a little scaffold of her shoulders so she can stay leaned forward to look at the princess. "I'd return the favor, but I'm not sure our relationship is to that point yet, so! Why don't I change the subject?" she offers mischievously, eyes sparkling. "What is your understanding of love, Diana of Themiscyra?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a large smile at this question after the soft knee pat and she looked at the woman's eyes across from her. "Love is... a complicated thing." She tells the other in a soft tone of her voice. "I have experienced it in many varities." She said then, following it with a parting of her red painted lips and a light exhale between them. "A strong love for my mother. A strong love for my sisters and the kind of my homeland. I have loved on a romantic level, two times in my long life. A woman from my home, and then a man who crashed upon its shores one fateful day... a long, time ago." She then showed a slight grin and shook her haed as she glanced down toward the floor. "Love is perhaps the most complicated of all things we can experience. At least based on my life's tale."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire smiles encouragingly at Diana as she speaks, and when she finishes, there's a moment when Star is clearly thinking about whether to press or move on. Ultimately, she decides, "It is. And I suppose your life probably hasn't really been the kind that gives you time to think about the philosophy of love, to try to dissect and analyze it, has it? I imagine you must keep busy."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's head slowly shakes side to side then and a smile spreads over her red lips. "Every single day is a busy day." She said to the other then. "But. I enjoy it. I love my life, it is truly rewarding to be gifted with the opportunities that I have. To be able to do what I do and see the positive impacts it has had on this world. I especially love to see my effects in the eyes and hearts of children. That is the moments that I most enjoy, that give me the most inner warmth. Inspiring a child, is another form of love, I would even say." Diana would reach for her tea and take another sip from its brim.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Unless you're super-strong, you can only stay hunched over your own knee for so long before your back and shoulders start to ache. Star Sapphire accepts the pain until Diana is done talking, though; she doesn't want to seem disinterested. She nods along with Diana's cadences, and when she takes a drink, Star leans back against the couch, draping her arms over the back of it to let her shoulders stretch back out again as she agrees, "Those things must be wonderful. I'm significantly less experienced at this than you are, but I think I have a taste of what you're talking about. I'd much rather save people from danger than fight villains or what have you. And I've been thinking about children lately," she adds, as she reclines there in her shining latex, legs regally crossed, arms spread, looking like a calendar girl. "This uniform is sacred to me. I love it, and I love my body, not because I look good in this uniform or because I conform to what society wants a woman to look like but because this is my body and I love that it allows me to think and feel and breathe and live and, and all that. But that's not necessarily the message the girls get, is it? I worry they learn from me that appearance is the most important thing, that displaying yourself is critical..." Her shoulders creak as she shrugs lightly. "It's a hard circle to square."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana sipped her tea and listened to the other's commentary on herself. She set the glass back down onto the coaster on the table beside her chair. "Well." She started to respond then. "Your figure is one of a super model, the kinds that strut the runways of high end fashion shows." She said, entirely meaning it as a compliment. "So it does set a body image that is almost impossible for the average human girl to achieve. Specifically in a world that makes it so hard to have access to a healthy lifestyle... via quality foods and exercise. And... sometimes... even with those things, achieving a form such as yours... is just genetically not even within reach."

Diana would then shake her head. "But that does not mean you should hide yourself in fear of makin gothers 'feel bad'. It simply means that, as a person in the eye of the public, you need to encourage a healthy lifestyle... help educate young ones in how to best treat themselves."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    There's a reason Star Sapphire didn't wear rouge to this meeting: Diana keeps making her blush. Lucky for her the ring keeps her skin cool. "Speaking from personal experience there, I'm sure," she says despite her obvious pleasure at being complimented so by Diana. "But that makes me think of something I've wondered about. Your strength and stamina are so immense. What do your exercises look like? Is there anything you can even do to strength train, or is your body incapable of being let go?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a large grin then at this series of questions and she seemed a bit humbled by them and her gaze lowered to her hands that were resting upon her lap. "I... admittedly, have never tried to see if I could let it go." She then said, looking back up at the other. "The exercises that I do focus on are purely based on combative training. My sisters and I duel on a daily basis, clashing sword and shield or javelin and staff. This is the extent of my exercises. I do not... lift weights with funny looking machines, or spend time jogging on a treaded conveyer belt... But I certainly have a great deal of respect for those who do. I understand the drive to maintain ourselves, for fear of aging and losing our physical looks. I do not ever wish to be considered someone who takes for granted what my body has been gifted with. But, I am sure there are those who do feel frustration toward me." Diana exhaled softly then. "I will die some day. I am sure of that. I just do not know how long that day is away."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Sympathy floods Star Sapphire's eyes at the soft sigh Diana releases; she can almost feel that little needle that works its way into your heart when you think about your own mortality. "There's definitely something to be said for remembering to cherish the life you have and the opportunities it gives you," she agrees as she leans forward to squeeze Diana's knee compassionately, just sharing a touch, a closeness, a reminder of not being alone...and a smile, a smile up at Diana's eyes.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would hear this and she would dip her chin in a soft and subtle nod to the other. "Yes." She said in agreement with the words Star spoke. "I will do the best with what time I have been given. I only wish that I could have started sooner in my own existence. But, there is no reason to dwell on 'what ifs' and 'could haves'." She showed a soft smile then and tilted her head toward Star. "What are your plans with the powers that you have been granted?" She asked then of the other.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire's eyes flicker slightly as she searches Diana's, reading her face if not her thoughts for a moment before smiling. "Well... First, I have a duty as a Star Sapphire to spread love throughout the universe as an exemplar of it. Second, as leader of the Star Sapphires, I have a duty to teach by example, which means educating myself, as you already know from my visit here." Her nose crinkles. "Third, as a person who's been given extraordinary opportunities, I think I have a duty to show enough self-love to take what chances are in front of me." She pauses deliberately there, holding eye contact with a soft smile, before asking, "Would you be interested in continuing this conversation later, maybe over dinner?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's many skills were to be attentive toward those she was holding an audience with, she was a great listener and focused on absorbing what those around her were saying. She showed a smile at the explanations and offered a little nod in understanding. When the dinner invite came she smiled more openly. "That would be lovely." She told her. "I would be happy to do so." She said then to Star. "Would you like me to have the chefs here prepare something?" She asked then. "Unless you meant some place that was off property. Which would also be fine. As I said, I have cleared my schedule for the day, as I had believed that meeting you might be an extended experience."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire's eyes widen in delight at your acceptance, and her lips purse with suppressed emotion before spreading liquidly in an artless, open smile. "I'd thought maybe another day...but you're right, we're both so busy, we'd never make time if we don't make the time right now. Thank you, Diana. I'm learning from you already." She rises from the couch then, this woman who is smaller than Diana on every conceivable axis, but her reduced stature doesn't stop her from extending one violet-clad hand to Wonder Woman to offer her assistance rising. She doesn't answer the question about what she'd like to do quiiiite yet.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana certainly didn't need the assistance to rise up from her leather chair, she could fly afterall... but she accepted it because it was a kindly offered gesture and she admired such things when given from others. "Thank you." She said and stood up from her chair. "We have a remarkable chef on-call here at the Consulate, I am certain he will be thrilled to prepare a meal for us. Perhaps it will give you a chance to get to my sisters as well, as I am quite sure that would love to meet someone such as yourself." Diana would pick her drink glass up and move to return it to the bar to a tray set aside specifically for that reason.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire squeezes Diana's hand very gently as she rises, and she grins at the offer. "I have to admit, I'm intrigued by that offer. I'm thinking of the picnics we hold on Zamaron, our sisters gathering together to share food together in the open air, smelling the flowers, just enjoying each other's company; and wondering if that's a ritual we could reproduce here..." She trails off as her gaze abstracts, remembering the times the Sapphires had gathered for something other than the emotional war across the cosmos, and she smiles wistfully before focusing back on Diana. "But maybe a smaller dinner, where I can focus all my attention on you, would be better to start with?" she suggests. And it is just a suggestion; the question mark at the end isn't just audible, it's visible in the way she looks up at Diana for guidance. Whatever the ambassador chooses, the ambassador will get.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would nod her head softly to the other's words and respond in-short. "That is also acceptable." She said then with a smile before moving toward her desk to place a quick phone call and prepare the kitchen.

After that, she would walk back to Star and motion toward the office exit. "We can move to the dining hall then." She said to her guest. As she went to leave her office she looked over to Star. "So what is a daily routine like for a Star Sapphire?" She inquired, quite curious about what the other does now that she's gotten this little snippet of a taste today.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire makes another nose-crinkling smile as she walks alongside Diana, stride lengthened to keep up with the Amazon, heels clicking on the floor. "It honestly depends on the Star Sapphire. We each have our own understanding of love, and given my planet's history of taking a dogmatic, evangelical approach to love, I'm very reluctant to tell the others what their goals or methods should be as long as no one's harming anyone. For my part, I'm doing my best to reach out to Earth in both my public and private identities to pursue agendas that I think will improve lives for people. I try to keep my ears open for situations in which I can save people; I work alongside charities; I reach out to media to promote my ideas; I work to find a balance that allows me to make time for the people special to me; and I meditate on what it means to love despite not being in love at this particular moment. And you, Diana? What carries you through a normal day?

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana walked along with her through the spacious hallways of the Home, the central courtyard was visible on their right through large windows. "Oh, I see." She said in response to the other. "My average day consists of training with my sisters, as I mentioned earlier, and holding meetings with charities and investors who are looking to push for a better tomorrow and could use my assistance with that. But, of course, I also regularly toss my hat into the political ring and... attempt... to make sense of the trouble throughout the world, by work at the United Nations in Manhattan. Ontop of that, however, is the Justice League and the duties associated there-in. When a call comes that requires my aide, I will drop what I am doing and rush to assist them." Diana glanced over to Star then and smiled. "So... it would seem we both keep busy."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire glances sidelong back at Wonder Woman, and smiles. "It does. Which means I should be grateful for this time we have together. And I am." The blade of her hand brushes the blade of Diana's as they walk, and she smiles again, secretly, as she continues. "So it sounds like you prefer your heroics to be less primary colors and more political?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looked over at her companion and smiled at her with a gentle nod. "Somewhat." She replied. "The Justice League has acquired many talented and powerful heroic-types over the past several years that it has existed. They are a very capable group who simply do not always require my presence to solve problems. But that is not to say that I won't be there whne they ask of me to be, because I certainly shall be." With a light exhale then, Diana approached the double doors to the dining hall and she opened one for Star to pass through. "I simply feel the need to attempt to uphold political ties with the world, to ensure them of our good intentions and keep the world's populace at-large feeling as though we, the powered, are not attempting to shut them out... or 'lord' over them."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "No, I quite agree," Star Sapphire avers. "I've been thinking for some time about approaching the UN to create an official relationship with this world, but at this moment I'm not sure it's the best idea. Establishing diplomatic ties is...well, it's tricky, given the situation on Zamaron. I feel the need to put my own house in order before I start a roof-repair business!"
    As Diana opens the door for her, Star Sapphire smiles simply up at her, and takes Diana's free hand briefly to give it a squeeze of thanks before walking into the dining room. She looks around, taking in the decor, and decides, "This is a very nice room. Simple, understated, elegant. And there's so little echo for such a large room! That's very impressive."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana returned the smile from the hand squeeze and she stepped into the room after the other. There were individual tables setup for a party that was held her the previous weekend and a single Server was waiting for the two women standing by a table that he had prepared. He nodded to them when the arrived and smiled.

Diana looked about the room and she considered Star's words. "Something that I had not thought about, but you are right." She said then to her guest. "Very perceptive of you." She said with a small grin before moving toward the table and taking a seat on the edge of the provided chair. "It sounds as though you have a lot of work on your hands to heal Zamaron, so I would think it wise to focus on that above all else. For now at least."

On the table in front of each placed chair were notecards with a rundown of the selection of foods able to be made right now. Diana scanned her eyes over the card.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    In the scaning of the card, for once, Star Sapphire does not follow suit. She just takes her seat, pulling it up to the table so she can rest her elbow on the tabletop and her chin on her palm, just smiling at Diana. She does it for a long moment, at least until catching Diana's eyes again, at which point she asks (with no hint of reproach in her voice; she was happy to wait for Diana's pleasure to be noticed again), "What about Themiscyra? Does it need healing?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looked up from the menu card when she heard the question asked. After a second of staring back at Star, she set the card down lightly on the tablecloth and then placed her hands ontop of her lap. "It would likely depend on your views of an isolated society." She replied. "Most within the island itself, would say 'No' with a resounding certainty behind their voice. Though there always have been an underlying layer of residents who do wish that their island could be open to the world, like most countries are. Travel enriches a society, more than it harms it... At least I believe that, however... I do not rule over my homeland. My mother and my aunts do and they staunchly believe in a closed-societal operation. But, are the people of Themyscira happy? Yes. By all accounts they are very happy and have been for as far back as our society goes. So in that aspect, there is no Healing that needs to be."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire's eyes are odd; she's both dreamy and focused on Diana as she nods along. Her voice has a slightly muffled, throaty quality to it because of her palm pinning her lower jaw shut when she asks, "So you'd describe their happiness...what, as incomplete, maybe?" she guesses.

Wonder Woman has posed:
At the question, Diana showed a faint smile and took a moment to consider her response. "Incomplete is a way of describing it, yes, if you're looking for as few of words as possible." She said that with a growing grin for a moment before continuing. "I would just like to see my people become more worldly. Take my sisters who are here now for instance. They have only been here for a handful of short months. They still understand so little about this society that they're wrapped up in, which can be dangerous for them. It has made them as naive toward the world as I was, when I first left Themyscira. I would just like to see my homeland embrace the wider world, to reduce the naivety... But, this is the best I can do. My mother has permitted four of my Kin to be with me at any given time. If one returns, I can request another volunteer. Baby, steps, I suppose."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "More words are better. They let me listen to your voice more." Then Star's eyes widen and her cheeks flush as she realizes what she just said; she straightens up in her chair, embarrassed but smiling, before clearing her throat and changing the subject. "So, um...your aunts, hm? Are they really your aunts, or is that more like a title?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The compliment got a smile from Diana, she was not one to blush or show much reaction beyond purely enjoying a good compliment. "I am glad that you find it pleasant to listen to." She responded to the words that caused the other to blush. At the question, Diana glanced down at the menu card once more as she thought about the response. "I guess you would phrase it as a title more than a traditional use of the word such as it serves here in the United States. They are my mother's council and closest friends. They serve as the ruling governing body of the island as a whole and decide its rules, regulations and how things will be handled upon the island. As I grew up, I looked upon them as a parent essentially as much as I did my mother herself."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire gets her courage back quickly, you have to give her that much. "Who wouldn't enjoy listening to you?" she asks, but drops the flirting when you talk about your aunts. She nods along slowly, buying herself time to think about that, before asking, "And I read somewhere that you're the only daughter to grow up there, is that right? So did the entire island share mothership of you?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was flirted with a lot in life, she wasn't against it or unused to it. She enjoyed it, who doesn't enjoy it? "Someone, I am certain." Was her quiet response to the first part. The second part got a gentle singular nod. "Not precisely. I spent a lot of time simply with my mother and aunts and watched the others from afar. I was escorted around as I grew up and I was brought to public events quite frequently, but in an effort to keep me from becoming overwhelmed with sources of parentage, it was kept to primarily me interacting with that of my mother and her council. As I grew older, however, my interacts with the rest of the island grew more broad and inclusive. This is how I lead to things such as combat training, social gatherings with my own close friends, and even falling in love." Diana grinned then and added softly. "A long time ago. When I was a much different person."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "How was that?" Star Sapphire asks, honestly and nakedly curious. "Did your age and physical maturity make it awkward for either of you, as she'd watched you grow up from a baby but she'd been the same age for who knows how long?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's head shook lightly side to side. "Not especially." She replied then. "I had already grown into an adult by the time that she and I had had any significant interaction together. And, the amount of time we actually spent together, ended up being tragically cut short." Diana took a moment to gather her next words carefully. "I... arrogantly made a mistake, and it lead to her death." She glanced down at the menu card again then. "It was after that that my personality shifted, and I swore to become a better person."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire reaches across the table for Diana's hand, cups it, squeezes it. "I'm sorry. I know how that is," she promises gently, and leaves her hand there on Diana's until the princess decides to remove it. "Let's change the subject to something happier. What are you planning to ask the chef to make?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana returned the kind gesture toward Star's own hand. "It is okay. It was so many years gone by now that its become a life lived by an entirely different person, essetially." At the follow-up question Diana showed a soft grin and lifted the menu card up again. "Little gives me as much trouble as the decision of 'what to eat'." Diana said, following it with a light and short laugh. "This is primarily why I instructed the kitchens here to simply make the decision for me." She looked across the table to Star and smiled at her.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire laughs along with Diana and squeezes her hand again. "Very good! I'll leave it to that as well, then, I think." She's holding eye contact steadily now; whether ultimately accepted or rejected, she's putting out her best moves, paying attention to Diana and meaning it. "So. What's been the best day of your life so far?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana signaled the Kitchen's employed Server and she took a moment to tell him to simply prepare what was to be a surprise, whatever the Chef wanted to make most. The Server nodded to both women and vacated to the kitchen.

Diana returned her attention Star Sapphire then and a grin played over her lips. "Now that... is a difficult question to answer." She told her. "Considering my age, mind you. I can say that I have had a majority of good days over bad ones. That much is easily answered. But a singule and sole 'best day'?" Diana gently shook her head as she tried to play along and conjur up a memory of a single day. "I can recall several. Some were with those that I loved the most. Some were after I left Themyscira and came out to the rest of the world. Some involve the smiling faces of impoverished children that we have supplied food and water, clothing and homes to, across the world." Diana grinend again at Star Sapphire. "A terribly hard question to answer."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire squeezes Diana's hand again, this time in a sort of farewell, because she's taking her hand back. She's still gamely asking questions, though, trying to draw Diana out some as she prompts, "So when you need to feel warm again, there's no one particular moment you think of first, huh?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana seemed amused by this question as the hand was pulled away once more. "Comfort in memories is no further away than simply remember my days riding across the beaches of my homeland with my horse. Let alone laying out upon the sandy shores and soaking in the rays of the afternoon sunshine. If I need to center myself, these are most commonly, the thoughts that come to my mind. There is much I miss about home, but my secluded treks across the peaks and valleys of the island are what bring peace to my core the most."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire's eyes and ring flare violet for a moment, but only a moment. She smiles her way through it, nodding. "I see. And that's specific to your home island? You haven't found a peak or valley you like as much here?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana took in this question and she gently shook her head at it. "Its not so much a lack of quality enviroments throughout the rest of the world..." She replied then. "It is simply more about living a more simplistic existence that lacks the day to day bustle and hustle that we both touched on for each of our daily routines. Are there nice public places to walk and enjoy here?" Diana nodded her head then. "Quite so. I especially love the Fall season here in America, when the trees become varying beautiful shades of oranges, reds and yellows. Though the crisp and chilled air makes it a 'little' harder to enjoy... I can manage that." She said all of this i nthat accented English of hers and smiled throughout it. "But, nothing can match the nostalgia of our youthful years and the home we grew up within."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire's hands rest on the tabletop, her wrists crossed, as she smiles politely and nods along. "You really have to get out of the cities to enjoy autumn the most, though," she says. "But I suppose you must know that already, since you can, you know, fly!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana grinned over the table at Star Sapphire as the Server returned with a tray of drinks that he deposited onto the table in front of either woman, providin gthem with lemoned ice waters. "I try to spend time north of here, every fall season, if my schedule allows." She replies then, thanking the Server for his work and watching him a moment as he returned to the kitchen.

"I feel as though I should be asking you questions about yourself." Diana said then. "But I have never been much for such things. But simply talking about myself makes me feel as though I am self-centered." She grinned a little more then.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire nods along, first at Diana's explanation, then at her little announcement. "It's okay. We can keep talking about you, if that's what makes you comfortable," she offers. "Hm...do you have any hobbies you think people would not expect you to have?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana laughed at this and she shook her head side to side. "That is not what I mean, no." She responded. "I would be eager to know more about you. But... I get the sense that you are a private person, where-as I present myself as an open book." An inhale of oxygen was had then and Diana shook her head. "I rarely have time for such. Outside of the day to day work that I have piled upon myself, my time is either spent in combative training with my sisterkin, or in meet and greets, such as this dinner." She gave Star a little smile again. "I would like to be a painter though, if that counts." She laughed a little again. "Maybe someday, down the pathway... a litlte further."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire pointedly glances down at her outfit and asks wryly, "I give an impression of privacy? You'll really have to let me know how, so I can correct that." Sure, her statement began with a heavy dose of irony, but that quickly faded and the request sounds sincere, like an invitation.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana laughed softly again and her head was shook side to side. "I certainly do not mean in that regard." She replied the other woman. "Goodness no. Essentially nothing is private in that sense." She flashed a grin then across the table. "I more-so mean that since you have come here today, you have divulged little about yourself beyond the nature of what you do and who you do it for. It is my understanding that 'Star Sapphire' is a title and not a name. Yet, I have not been given your name. This is the root of the privacy that I speak of."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire nods in agreement, unabashed and unapologetic. "You're right, I haven't given you my name...but I have given you what I do, and I think that's a pretty good measure of who I am. I'm keeping my identity secret out of respect for the people in my life who deserve their privacy, but if there's something else you'd like to know about me, just ask, and we'll see if I can answer. Is that fair?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I understand and I belive it is entirely fair." Diana replied to the other, taking a sip from the water glass in front of her. "Its quite common amongst those with enhanced abilities to do such a thing for their loved ones." Diana's head would gently shake once to dismiss the topic. "I will not pry into your life and will respect your boundries."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire's disappointment is visible, but only for a moment. She forces it down, and lets her old, polite, non-nose-crinkling smile reappear while she waits for dinner to come. "Alright. So, painting, then. Have you studied it, or is it more a fancy?"