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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/14 |Location=Brendan Cemetery, Sunnydale |Synopsis=The Slayer encounters the Lord of the Vampires. Two natural enemies have a very indepth interaction that ends without violence. |Cast of Characters=1308, 328 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1308|Dracula (1308)}} has posed:'''<br> There is the usual activity in the cemetary at night. Goofy kids playing around. A strange couple or two making out because it is quiet and convenien...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:17, 16 January 2024

Meeting another Slayer, is this a good or bad thing
Date of Scene: 14 January 2024
Location: Brendan Cemetery, Sunnydale
Synopsis: The Slayer encounters the Lord of the Vampires. Two natural enemies have a very indepth interaction that ends without violence.
Cast of Characters: Dracula, Buffy Summers

Dracula has posed:
There is the usual activity in the cemetary at night. Goofy kids playing around. A strange couple or two making out because it is quiet and convenient.

There is a new grave sitting freshly covered. Someone had reported to the local paper that there was a strange wound on the woman's neck. It made it to a local tabloid and it must have crossed Buffy's attention.

In the distance, a tall silhouette of a man waits to see. He knows there is a Slayer in the city and decides to see if he can catch her again, unawares this time.
Buffy Summers has posed:
Indeed, the Slayer had read about the Spontaneous Neck Rupture (SNP) death of the woman and thus she was headed to the final resting spot. Hopefully. If they were lucky.

Who was she kidding? She was never that lucky.

The cemetery was on her patrol route anyway but she opted to go directly there after she got off shift at the Magic Box. She generally worked afternoons and closings there. Since it allowed her to then just head straight out to patrol after.

She made her way past the few people that were about and found the newly covered gravesite. A moment to read the flat headstone, as they hadn't opted for one of the big ornate numbers. Then she moved to one of the more ornate ones nearby and leaned her backside against it as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her lightweight leather jacket. Because it was cold, dammit!

"C'mon c'mon..." she muttered. But thus far, there were no warning aches going off in her early warning system for monsters.
Dracula has posed:
This one is wary enough of the legends of the Slayer that the shadows and distance cloak the intent or what it might be.

In the groud though, something does start to stir and the aches will start to creep on her. The dirt starts to shift and then a raven haired woman finally starts to crawl from the grave.

She looks around and tries to climb out some more. She is a little oblivious at first, unable to orient herself,"The Master said she would be here." she mutters and starts pulling free,"The dark haired warrior." Talkative to herself and quiet is lost on her.
Buffy Summers has posed:
Feeling that slight ache, she knew it was time. Buffy simply pushed off from the headstone and moved over to the top of the grave in question. When the woman finally dug herself free of her own coffin and the dirt that had been covering it--a feat in itself--Buffy was there to hear her muttering. And being Buffy, she had to respond.

"I'm sorry, the Master has been dead for a while now. Oh wait, you said she." She scrunched up her face as she considered that. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to tell me who that might be so I can give her a quick visit once we're done here?"

She still didn't move but she had palmed a stake in her pocket, hands still in them for warmth cause there wasn't a reason to have them out yet. Though once the woman got free and flipped out, that was likely to change.
Dracula has posed:
Finally dragging her legs from the ground, the vampire looks up and seems shocked,"You're not her. The Master said she would be here. The dark warrior. Dark eyes, dark hair...I remember the picture. The Master wanted to taste the Slayer's blood again."

This emboldens the new vampire to rise,"Just another mortal. It is convenient for me, I am hungry." she growls.

In the distance, the shadowy figure starts towards the two of them. Curious to see what is going on. From the distance he can see the blonde hair as opposed to the brunette and he remembers.

The vampire lunges all fang and fury leading with wild strength and instinct of demonics memory. Confused, but hungry.
Buffy Summers has posed:

Now that had Buffy's attention fully now instead of playing with her food. So to speak. Not literally cause EW! But a woman with dark hair and dark eyes. She hadn't slayed any vampires that fit that description recently so that made her realize she needed to go more on a focused hunt instead of just her normal patrols. Maybe see if any of her contacts had information about a new player in town that would be making more vampires.

Then it was time to pay close attention and she quickly dodged out of the way with a flip to the side, shaking her head a little as she made a tsking sound with her tongue. "See, we're starting off on the wrong foot here. You're here. I'm here so that whole Slayer thing is covered. Which means we're just missing your master. Give me an idea where to find her. We can go there, have a big party together..."

Another quick sidestep to avoid a swinging arm. "Is that a no?"
Dracula has posed:
Not the most talkative, this one is just trying to eat. She turns on Buffy after completely missing and just managing to not fall on her face. She flash fangs, hissing and running at Buffy once more. A fighter she isn't.

The shadowy figure closes in, standing a few headstones away. He crosses his arms and watches the exchange grimly. This fight will not last and he knows it.

The woman is wide open to attack, counting on ferocity and power to overwhelm the Slayer. Another side step and she would be on her way to dust pile.
Buffy Summers has posed:
So much for helping her out.

Buffy was still trying to think who might have tasted a Slayer. At first, her mind was going back to previous Slayers before her, trying to figure out who had taken them out. She knew Spike had two to his name but wasn't sure about the history of Slayer slayers. It hadn't been important in the training since it tended to remind Slayers that they would have a short lifespan. Very short in the case of some like...

And then she found herself thinking of the one /after/ her. When Buffy died, Kendra had been activated. But then Kendra had died. At the hands of a vampire Buffy did know but who hadn't been in town for a time.

"I'll tell Drusilla you said hi," she said as she blocked a strike coming in with her free hand. Just long enough to see if there was a hint of recognition at the name or no from the woman. Before Buffy used Kendra's former stake, Mr. Pointy, to dust the woman turned vampire.
Dracula has posed:
The vampire isn't terribly helpful, one moment hugry and the next second her attack stopped. She looks at Buffy and her brows raise,"The Master will have you, he sends his regards."

The stake enters her chest and dust falls to the ground.

The danger sense is not gone and a voice from behind her says,"You are the other, the first. You blood doesn't flow as wild, but the light is more prevalent to you. I came looking for the the taste of the dark slayer once more, imagine my pleasure to find her predecessor, still alive and vibrant."
Buffy Summers has posed:
As the dust fluttered to the ground and then was gone a moment later, Buffy fully expected that ache in her abdomen to go away. Yet, it didn't. And then there was the voice.

To her credit, she didn't jump out of her skin. She did quickly turn to face the direction of that voice, the stake still held firmly in her right hand as she eyed the man speaking. The words did not instill her with any sense of security nor help her relax in the slightest.

"Yeah, we kind of broke the mold with me," Buffy quipped immediately, since she was really a complete exception to the Slayer rules. She had died though. Just when the first Slayer was created, CPR had not been a thing. Thanks to Xander, she was able to be brought back from the brink to fight another day. Month. Years at this point. Though it had activated another Slayer. And with her death, Faith. Dark Slayer. Though the whole wild flowing of blood she didn't get. Nor the mention of light.

Or maybe he just had read too many vampire novels and was trying to get his Lestat on.

"Hi, I'm Buffy. I didn't catch your name," she offered with a lightness of tone that was actually friendly sounding, despite her being anything but.
Dracula has posed:
A trace of a smile and he mutters,"You have a different sort of attitude than the dark haired slayer or her pink armored companion." he muses.

He offers the most genteel of bows and tells her,"I am Vlad Tepes. Ruler of Wallachia and Lord of Vampires." He's arrogant. No question about that.

"The world knows me better as Dracula. You may call me either for now." he continues,"It is a pleasure to meet you after so many nights Buffy. You have drawn my attention before, but time and circumstance separated us then."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Dracula?" And there is that scoff in her tone that shows she thinks he's full of something that stinks and comes out the south end of a northbound donkey. "Yeah, right. You one of those theater kids from the college that watched too many vampires movies or something?"

It wasn't surprising that Buffy wasn't like Faith. While they were both Slayers, they had very different viewpoints on the world. Of course, their lives had been very different. Where Buffy had family and friends, Faith's life had been much more difficult. She didn't know all the details. Faith wasn't one to share. But it was there if one could read between the lines that they were the opposite ends of a spectrum.

But when he didn't join in with her, Buffy's laugh faded into something that sounded a bit more nervous. She narrowed her eyes as though to examine him more closely. And he definitely was a vampire or a monster of some sort.

She began to wonder if he was serious. Which led to the next outburts. "Get out! Really?! You're like the real Dracula? O.M.G." Yes, she actually said the letters.

Then she tried to compose herself as she continued. "Drawn your attention before? When might that have been cause I feel like I'd remember you." Which was rather funny for her to say since she couldn't remember pretty much anything for several years of her life. "Well, normally. Maybe. Kind of. Are you really Dracula or are you messing with me?"
Dracula has posed:
In the darkness, his eyes glow an unnatural red and he crosses his arms over his chest. There is a flutter of his cloak, then a flight of bats fly right at her, right past her, and reforming at her back. His voice near her ear and of course her neck. His right hand touches her chin with a graze and he mutters,"Theatricality has it's place my dear, but I think you see I am nothing like that."

His touch is cold of course, his words somewhere between seductive and malice. A moment later the presence is gone and she can witness a mist that floats back where he originally was. His body reforms and he studies her face.

"I crossed time to meet you, neither of us knew that was to be. Your blood and your life force is far stronger than the dark haired slayer. Such beauty is not common, yet your associates seem to be quite beautiful. The dark haired slayer, the auburn haired witch, and even the warriors that stand with the dark slayer. The man who plays at vampire, feeding from her emotions."
Buffy Summers has posed:
That was not something that vampires could do. Or so Buffy had thought. Him turning into bats was in the media versions of him but she had assumed he was like other vampires in essence. Spike had mentioned smoke and mirrors, just tricks. Yet, this seemed very real as the small winged bodies fluttered past her then were gone and she felt him there. Behind her. It took everything not to freakout and go for staking. She needed answers and, since he did seem the be the real deal, she suspected he wouldn't be as easy to stake as her first vampire of the night.

Could he even be staked at all? That came to mind as the mist roiled forward and she felt a shiver go down her spine that had nothing to do with the cold outside nor that brief touch of his hand.

"What can I say? Some people win at the genetic lottery," she said back automatically. It was sort of instinctive to make a smart comment. Yet, she didn't really feel amused like she had been a few minutes ago. When did this night go completely sideways?

"Sounds like you know quite a few of my friends," she added as she went through the list mentally. Faith. Willow. Thomas. Harry and Nick might be warriors that stood with Faith as well. Xander, Anya, Giles, Angel, Spike. Those were not listed but didn't mean anything. She wasn't about to go throwing their names around either. Except for one.

"You owe Spike 11 quid. Whatever a quid is. I thought it was a kind of fish but apparently not."

Then she tried to get this shifted back to something that was more her leading the conversation. "You mentioned a bite and the dark slayer so guessing you did that. Not sure about the others. Guess this it the point where I ask what you want. Though I'm flattered you say you've been wanting to meet me, I feel like that's not why you're in Sunnydale."
Dracula has posed:
It is fun to be Lord of the Vampires. Either that or he's just an arrogant creep. It could be both. Either way, he's /real/ good at giving people the creepy business and that was his intent.

He nods and chuckles softly,"The genetic lottery did serve you quite well." he agrees and takes a step closer, looking into her eyes, curious by her snappy demeanor. His mind reaches towards hers to touch it on a subtle and hypotic level.

"A slayer with friends. Not something common, let alone the fact there are two of you that seem to be working with others. I am surprised someone hasn't at least removed one of you from the night's equation."

A moment of consideration and he muses,"Spike....Spike...." A moment of realization, disgust, and then disdain,"Spike...a master of cheating at poker, killer of two of your lot as I recall, and generally a narrow visioned creature of self want over good sense. How have you not killed each other?"

"I did bite your companion yes. The slayer's blood is an elixir like none other. Unlike my kindred, I don't have to drain a body to sate my thirst. I also enjoy knowing there is such a powerful source to draw from in the world, two of them now." His mind continues to prod at hers, not like possession so much as bending a little. A carny's trick, but he's quite good at it,"My reasons to come to Sunnydale are many, you just happen to be a bonus I wasn't aware of. Mostly I am here because I heard about strange manifesations of dreaming linking supernatural females in the area and I wanted to see what that was about."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Yeah, friends. And two Slayers. Like I said, they broke the mold with me." Then Buffy considers and there is the faintest of smirks on her face. "Or maybe I just smashed it. To-may-to, To-mah-to." She waved her free hand in the air dismissively. The other hand still held Mr. Pointy.

"And while neither of us has been removed, it wasn't for lack of trying. Just didn't really work out well for them in the end." She motioned with that hand toward where the new vampire had been dusted a few minutes prior.

His reaction to Spike had her a bit torn. On one hand, he wasn't really wrong. Spike had always been pretty much self-centered and working toward his own interests. But of late, he had seemed to have changed. Or was she just fooling herself about that? He did have a chip in his head but he didn't have to help the Scoobies. And he didn't always help them just to impress her. Sometimes he did it just to help the others when there was nothing he would gain from it. Xander for example would never be okay with Spike around, yet Spike had helped him more than once. Or was that a roundabout way to get on Buffy's good side? It was too convoluted of a bunny trail to follow or she might just drive herself crazy. Yet, she felt the need to speak up. "Spike and I had our moments," was how she phrased it. And left it at that. She didn't want to give any information away to a potential enemy. So the 11 quid was from poker? That was interesting though. Who knew Dracula played poker? Though a thought came to her mind. "Do you play for kittens?" Then she realized that she didn't want to know and shook her head. "Never mind. Don't answer that."

To her credit, she managed not to step backwards when he took that step forward. Or maybe that was his touch in her mind, something she wasn't exactly aware of though she was feely more antsy for some reason. It wasn't like there was no room for her to react if he did choose to attack. Though, with that bat and mist thing? Who knew!

"Uhm..." She tried to think how to respond to the last bit. "No, there are not two sources for you to draw on. And unless Faith agreed to you biting her then you don't even have one. So maybe slow your roll there a little bit." Which just did not sound at all threatening when one was talking to THE Dracula. "But what dream manifestations?"

Play dumb. Get information. Even if she had a dream previously, but it had been more about Harry's dog and not anything else. Right? Or was there something more going on? She remembered Willow mentioned having a nightmare not long back. The night Buffy found out who she was dating, in fact. Since Willow didn't want to talk about the nightmare. Was that part of it since this guy had met Willow too? She needed to talk to a lot of people apparently if she made it through tonight.

She probably would. After all, he left Faith alive, right?
Dracula has posed:
Shaking his head he tells her,"That is probably what has kept you alive. Having many friends. Most hunters and I assume Slayers live a very secluded life. No connections. My kind are not above taking hostages, embracing allies to the darkness, or even outright killing for the sake of tormenting the hunter in question." He is brutal in his honesty.

"If the two of you exist and Spike is in the area, he must have gotten soft by now. The dark slayer is strong, but her defenses are a little...lacking." he comments. His eyes still on hers, reaching out to hypnotize her for a time.

The kitten question makes his head turn to the left just a little and he raises his brow,"Play for kittens? Why would one play for...?" The connection is made and he looks utterly disgusted,"...no I don't play for kittens. Spike really has fallen from grace. I should end him for the sake of his own good."

Another step, still holding her eyes and touching her will with his,"Of course not, let me ammend my speaking, there are two powerful warriors with a powerful blood near here." he tells her,"There are other sources, not quite as pure or strong, but powerful in their own right. Stronger than average mortal blood anyway."

"If you haven't had the dreams of the strange creatures I will not bother you with them any furthur. I am surprised, but not disappointed as it is far more beneficial to me that I discovered you here, after meeting the other slayer. I truly felt I had missed the opportunity to encounter one as full of light, yet touced with the darkness and power. Full of potential and questions. I know of your line and the dark woman of your visions at times, the first slayer."
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Spike doesn't. Others do," she corrected so that he didn't go hunting Spike down right now. "And Spike--for the moment--is under my protection. So ending him? Not on the To Do List for you during your visit to Sunnydale." She sort of stressed visit since she certainly didn't want to think he'd be staying there for any amount of time.

Though when he moved closer, talking about the strength of their blood and that they were warriors, it sounded less threatening. Perhaps because of how he phrased it alone. Or more likely, that little touch he was doing in her mind. So she let it slide because he was just stating fact, right? Right?

But then she was a little confused. "Didn't say I hadn't had dreams. Just asked what dream manifestations since you mentioned they are linked and involve supernatural females. What are they? What is causing them?"

Mention of the first Slayer, who she had indeed met in her dreams more than once, had her dropping her gaze for an instant. Not enough to lose sight of him because that was just asking to get one's neck ripped out. It was just a momentary glimpse that he had struck gold with that statement. If he was guessing, he had his proof. But if he wasn't guessing, how would he know that? "So is that one of your powers? Dream walking or something? And I really don't get what you mean about all this light and dark stuff." Cling to the snippy side, where she was most at home. "I mean yeah, I'm blonde and she's brunette. She's a little rougher around the edges. But I feel like you mean something else..."
Dracula has posed:
"A slayer protecting a vampire. Truly a harbinger of the last days." he muses softly. Despite the monsterous creature he can be, he knows how to get what he wants and how to bend minds to his desires. Maybe he and Spike have a few things in common,"My visit to Sunnydale? Is this the part where you do the posing and the 'get out of my town by sunrise?' speech?" His hypnosis still tickling her mind and he draws another step, within arm's reach now.

"As for the dreams. I am interested to find out myself. It is unusual, even for a Hellmouth in the proximity." he tells her,"I have noticed...a connection. You and your dark counterpart. A powerful half demon among the Teen Titans. A young Amazon warrior, you witch friend, and a few others. All with connection to powerful magics, some more powerful than my own."

"I can enter dreams if I desire or if...you desire." he replies simply,"As for the light and dark. Of the two of you, you are the slayer of the light, but with a darkness caused by the original slayer and the original acts of the ones who started the line. She is a dark warrior with just enough light to not be walking the path of evil. She is rougher, you are more resilient. It is in within your aura, there to be seen by all who know how to look. Your beauty surpasses hers as well, though you are both quite attractive. Your darkness is something you should learn to harness. You can use it without falling to it."

Said every bad guy ever, but he still pushes his will towards her as he says it,"I can show you if you desire, but I don't think you are willing to go that far to protect your friends." He really does know how hit the buttons.
Buffy Summers has posed:
That was information she didn't have. A Titan member? An Themysciran? Witch friend was probably referring to Willow and she felt those little hairs at the nape of her neck standing on end cause this was several times he had mentioned her bestie. And he also had mentioned using people against enemies before. "Considering I've been here for years at the Hellmouth and never had those sort of dreams, it's beyond unusual. It's downright weird."

The explanation of dreams and the he could enter but adding if /she/ wanted and thus implying she ever would had here uncomfortable anew. She had no such desires. She couldn't imagine anyone having such desires. Unless they were under his sway? Or had fallen for him in some way. Possible probably since he was the Lord of Vampires or something like that. He was the most famous at least. Visually, he wasn't really her type but different people had different tastes in the world. Throw in his power and what he was and some people probably threw themselves at him.

"I see." She didn't see. But it sounded like the right thing to say when he explained the differences between her and Faith. And once again, she didn't really have an argument against it. Because she could kind of see it, agree with it. As much as she might not want to do so.

Was he telling he truth? Did she have more power in herself she wasn't tapping into because it was that dark side of the Slayer? The evil that was part of the creation of the firstin their line? It was wrong. Thus, she shouldn't even consider it. Yet...

But then he hit the big red button.

Buffy tensed and then blinked, a sudden frown on her face to find him so close. When had he taken that other step? She hadn't seen him do it. More magic tricks? "And why would I trust you to do that? When my purpose is to kill your kind. Including you." And then she brought her gaze up to his face, staring him directly in the eyes and having no fear of doing so. "If you are here to actually help get to the bottom of the dreams, that's fine. If you want to do something good instead of terrorizing people and mind controlling them to your will? Peachy with a side of keen. But if you ever--Ever--even imply another threat to my friends, I will take you out. Sundown or no."
Dracula has posed:
"What is the differece in dreams?" he asks,"They are never fully discernable. Rarely are they straight forward."

His general arrogance with a splash of nobility and a strong power of hypnosis preobably gathers a great many to sate his hungers. Still, he is a preadator and most hunters and slayers knew that without question.

The sudden swing in hostility causes a look of amusement and he stands his ground. His gaze never leaves hers as she gets all angry all at once,"Trust is a strange thing." he replies quietly, never blinking. He pushes hard against her will with his when she meets his gaze to brazenly,"I was not implying a threat against your friends. I was implyinging you don't have it in you to embrace your own darkness enough to do what must be done to protect those around you. The difference in distinct and your ability to fall into rage is palpable and outright impressive. You do have the darkness, you just don't always know how to tap into it."

Subtle, very subtle. He plays with words like he's lived for centuries or something. He should probably move, but he doesn't, making his presence just that much more powerful.
Buffy Summers has posed:
"Uh huh," came back the ever so witty rebuttal of Buffy Summers, Slayer extraordinaire. Then she begin to tick off points on her fingertips with the sharp end of Mr. Pointy. "First you mention your kind aren't above using enemies families or friends against them." Tick on the index finger. "Since you are one of then, I figure that includes you. And your reputation as Vlad the Impaler sort of precedes you. Second, you mention that I'm probably alive because of those friends, which sort of implies if you took them out, it would be easier to take me out somehow as well. Which also isn't true." Ticked on the middle finger. "And third. you say I won't tap into whatever I need to protect my friends." Ring finger tip.

She brought up all three fingers in a position like a Boy or Girl scout. "Scout's honor, I don't have to be super smart to see how that comes across as an implied threat." Then her voice dropped a little. "Not that I was ever a scout. Can you imagine me camping?" A little shudder went through her like it was the most horrifying possibility in the world.

Then she dropped the hand and continued. "Don't ever think I won't do anything I have to in order to protect others. It's kind of in the job description." She didn't limit it to just friends because she knew that her job was to kill monsters and eventually die trying to do just that. It's why Slayers had such a short life expectancy. To think she wouldn't do anything to help protect others was just plain wrong.

Though, would she let that darkness out? That demon side that had been brought into the first slayer and still existed in the line to give them their power? She had her first doubt and he might feel a tiny shudder of that blockage keeping him from fully getting into her brain before it solidified anew. Someone had been in her brain before. It was an instinctive protection, not something she was even aware of happening in there.

"I may not know how to tap into it but I'm not sure that you are the person that can be trusted to teach me. Perhaps if you proved yourself as an ally and not an enemy? I still don't know I would. Help us figure out the dream thing. And something else, that vampire," Buffy said, motioning over to the now gone pile o' dust. "Mentioned a dark Mistress who was here and had tasted a Slayer before. Help us find out who that is and where they are. We don't need anyone around here adding to the vamp population. Then...maybe...we'll talk more about teaching people things."
Dracula has posed:
"My kind is not above anything." he replies simply. He can feel her resistance and that impresses him a great deal. His mind knows she is working through things and mostly his opportunity for blood tonight is past. That doesn't change is annoying arrogance in the least.

He lets her tick things off and doesn't deny the past or his presence,"If you were able to tap that darkness, there isn't a vampire in the area that would stand against you. You would be nigh on unstoppable."

A shake of his head and he tells her,"You do not strike me as the type for the out of doors no." he admits,"If you are willing to do anything to protect your friends, why does Spike remain? He killed two of your line. Do you think he wouldn't kill you? Use your throat as his chalice?"

"She mentioned a dark woman, implying she anticipaed Faith, not you. She referred to a master, that being me of course. I sought to drain the other slayer once more, not kill her. As I stated there is more that way." He's forthright at least. Not shy about his intentions,"I have seen another more powerful female vampire, she is crazy in a special way. Insane, but funtional. You should be wary of that one."

Confusing much?
Buffy Summers has posed:
Well she had that completely wrong. And that was not good. So he was the one that had made the woman a vampire. Killed her. Thus, he wasn't all rainbows and unicorns himself, despite him acting like he wanted to help her tap into her potential. Which brought her to the next question. "Why would you want to help make me unstoppable?" Because that made no sense considering who--and what--he was.

Though he did mention a powerful female who was crazy. Had she been right on Drusilla? Now she was all the more confused. And why was she thinking of that as if Drusilla was the only crazy powerful female vampire? There were probably lots of them.

That was a sobering thought. She quickly moved past it because dwelling on it? Therein lie her own madness. Which brought her back to the question of Spike. "You can ask him yourself when you pay the 11 quid." What the hell was a quid anyway? She knew it was money now but she still had no idea. English people were weird. Giles. Spike. The Council. All weird.

"And thanks for the warning on the vamp. If you find out where she's sleeping, do let me know." As if she had any sort of bargaining power in this conversation.
Dracula has posed:
"I want you to see your potential. I am just arrogant enough to make you worth my while in battle. Most are beneath me. You and your witch are the most interesting in the area."

Is he trying to get her upset? Probably. He's good at that after all,"I didn't say I wanted you unstoppable, more worthy of my time." A shake of his head and he rolls his eyes,"Tell him if he wants it, come take it." That's all the regard poor Spike gets.

"As for the unstable one? I am sure I could find her if you really desire as much. I could possible command her to my side as well, but what benefit for me I wonder?"

He looks up into the night sky and smirks,"You're better than the dark one in many ways aren't you? You've kept me here almost until sunrise. Impressive." Was that her intent or is he just giving her credit she doesn't deserve?

He meets her eyes and tells her,"Since I can't have you following me..." He fades before her eyes into mist. The mist washes over her, passing through her existence and touching her. Where he touches could be anywhere and everywhere all at once,"Until next time..." he whispers near her ear.

Once he is higher into the air, he bursts into the bats to fly away. Difficult to track now, almost impossible.
Buffy Summers has posed:
And there he was. He wasn't offering to help for any sort of nice reasons. It was all self serving. Just like all vampires. Or most. In her experience.

Before she could really say anything about it, he suddenly was mist again. And that mist enveloped her before she could even think to move. As though it would do any good to move. There was a touch. But it was gentle. Nothing improper, no groping or molesting her. Just a gentle slide down her arms as though of a stroking hand. A touch on the shoulder. A hint of a brush at the neck then he was whispering and away, the touch no more. Because though he was a monster, he apparently wasn't /that/ much of one. Or at least, he was trying to give her that impression.

A moment later and the cloud of bats were winging away. Something she had /not/ been taught how to track at all and that was something she'd be asking Giles about as soon as she got the opportunity to speak to him over in England.

When he had mentioned it was almost dawn, she was actually surprised. She hadn't realized that much time had passed either during their exchange. Nor had she realized he had moved so very close while they were talking. That was terrifying.

There were a lot of questions and she had no real answers but she quickly tucked her hands in her pockets anew and headed the opposite direction of the bats. Though she found herself even more on guard than usual for the remainder of her patrol.