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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/02/04 |Location=Angelica Jones' Apartment, Morrisania |Synopsis=Angelica and Betsy come back to her apartment for a little down time after a conflict with what might be a vampire. |Cast of Characters=1014, 18 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Entering her place, Angelica turns on the light and tells Betsy,"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Make yourself at home. Shouldn't be...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:06, 5 February 2024

Wine after the chaos.
Date of Scene: 04 February 2024
Location: Angelica Jones' Apartment, Morrisania
Synopsis: Angelica and Betsy come back to her apartment for a little down time after a conflict with what might be a vampire.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Psylocke

Firestar has posed:
Entering her place, Angelica turns on the light and tells Betsy,"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Make yourself at home. Shouldn't be anyone here tonight other than us. I haven't heard from anyone for a minute so...you got the choice of the place."

There is a better than average living room set that looks comfortable or at lease functional,"I can't swear it is great wine, but it is good. I also have Evan Williams if you prefer."
Psylocke has posed:
The thing about ballgowns is, in addition to being beautiful and difficult to breathe in, they take forever to get out of. It's why Betsy has learned, with many outfits in her modeling career, not to drink too much, because needing the bathroom just proves impossible sometimes.

While Betsy no longer keeps a room at Xavier's mansion, it doesn't mean she's going to be forced into some of the bland gray shirts they keep for emergencies. Nope. She breaks into Warren's room instead, finds a pair of yoga pants she left there, and acquires one of his sweaters. On him, it's tight, on her it hangs loosely off one shoulder. In return, she leaves the dress -- which she cut open with a knife to get out of -- on the floor.

She does like to leave people presents now and then.

"Whatever you have is fine, Angelica. If it turns out really not great, I'll have someone bring something over." Because, well, she does that, too. Betsy's eyes rove around the apartment, visibly curious. "You live with others?" she asks. "Do they know?" about her, and her associations. Always a good question to ask in case there's an awkward encounter.
Firestar has posed:
She is still in the accursed dress and she heads towards a short hall that has two doors on it. She opens one into a bedroom and replies,"Let me get out of this mess and we'll see. If you want to look at the wine it is in the refrigerator." she tells her and starts to get out of the outfit.

There are a few growls and grunts from the room as she does,"Not full time no. Sam crashes here from time to time. Vanessa...well not as often as before I guess." She doesn't elaborate,"While he was still here, Jimmy would come by some nights, but when I joined the League, he moved on."

It takes a few minutes and then Angelica comes out of the bedroom, hair a toussled mess, wearing a loose black sweats and an over sized tank top.
Psylocke has posed:
The discarded dress Betsy left behind was clearly custom made. It must have cost a fortune. Yet it speaks to how she treats it that she leaves it cut up and seems to prefer the far more casual wear for now. Betsy gives a noise of agreement as Angelica goes to change, and absolutely goes to look in the refrigerator. If nothing else, it will satisfy her curiosity. She'll open it up and take out the bottle, hunting through the cupboards for glasses.

"People come and go in this life. You can cherish them while they're here, but everyone changes," Betsy says, loud enough that Angelica can hear. There's an ease, a knowing in her voice. Other thoughts there, too, but she doesn't voice them. Instead, she asks, "How are things with the League?"

A beat. "By the way, the Professor is back. I'm sure he'd appreciate a visit from you." There's subtext there, of course. She's aware of Angelica's falling out with Jean. It's in her to want to mend fences, or offer the opportunity anyway.
Firestar has posed:

The wine is nothing special, but a decent label. She isn't rich, but has enough for that at least. It is a red with a little age on it as well. She nods and admits,"People come and go yes. Life goes on and we just try to figure it out." A sigh and she walks into the kitchen area,"What do you think? Is it passable or should we settle for something with a little more kick?"

Hearing the words about the Professor, she conisders for a moment and then she says,"I will come to see him. I never wanted to be enemies with the X-Men, nor Jean either. Red heads should not be left alone." she comments with a hint of humor,"I'll come to see him, make sure the bridge is still...at least standing."

"As for the League I am still new, but I get to go up to the Watchtower each month and babysit the world. I have met multiple Kryptonians. Superman, Supergirl, and Powergirl are aptly named. Two Amazon Princesses. Diana and Cassie are amazing people. I fangirled a little with Diana at first. I also met the creepiest man you'll ever meet. Batman is intense. A few others as well. I have met a few Titans too."
Psylocke has posed:
There's a faint /tsk/ from Betsy, a dismay as she discovers the wine is red. "Angelica, you don't keep reds in the fridge. It's far too cold. They're better off around sixty. How about I buy you a wine fridge as a moving in present?" She'll open the bottle, but she leaves it to warm up. "Let's try your kick to start with while it gets closer to the best temperature."

Betsy Braddock has standards. One of those pesky holdovers from being born to aristocracy.

"Enemies is too strong a word for what you are. No one begrudges you leaving." A beat. "No one else, anyway. Jean is... well, Jean. Her life is there, and she finds it hard to let go." It's an observation, not a recrmination. "Good," she concludes, with a contented smile at Angelica.

The purple-haired telepath listens through that, nodding. "Sounds like you met a lot of people. But have you been doing what you intended -- what you hoped?"
Firestar has posed:
"I need more friends that know things like that." Angelica admits with a sigh. The offer of a rerfigerator gets a smile,"I would appriciate that. Any information that you can pass on too. I am trying to keep wine around for company like tonight or for cooking."

She nods about the going to see the Professor and actually makes an entry on her phone,"Red heads are dangerous together. I am not angry with her anymore, but I don't know how she feels so...tend to steer clear. I will address that too when I am there next."

She smiles and shakes her head,"It's a bit...dumb for me to say I thought there would be more action, travel, and such things. It is mostly quiet and when it gets a little exciting it tends to be put down quickly. I love it though and I am hoping it will make things better for mutants everywhere for me to be seen amongst them, the way Hank did joining the Avengers. Over all though, I am happy. I am seeing things I wouldn't before, learning things I wouldn't before, meeting people I hadn't before." She winks and pulls down the Evan Williams and two glasses. She pours a double for each of them and slides one to Betsy,"There are fancier labels, but this one always appealed to me. I do admit, there are some people I miss out there. Logan, Kit, and a certain purple haired lady too. I don't tell her such things for fear it will go to her head." She winks, clearly teasing at the last.
Psylocke has posed:
"You probably don't want that as much as you might think," Betsy counters. "Friends who know that tend to judge." Kind of like how the English-born aristocrat is doing right now. Sure, she's doing it kindly. But she's still refusing to drink the win. High standards can be tough sometimes. It's probably why she prefers to date other rich people.

"If I know Jean," and Betsy smiles, "She probably feels right, but also regretful things turned out the way they did. She sees a future for you with Xavier's, and with the X-Men, I guess. But she's been disappointed before, and the world hasn't ended," a wry tone there. "You must do what's right for you."

The laugh she gives at Angelica's admission is both warm and knowing. "Hurry up and wait. Isn't that what they say in the military? It is a bit like that. It was always like that in the X-Men, too, if it's any consolation. I think that's why Scott spends so much time monitoring things. He's not really one for downtime and quiet." She takes the glass, lifting it in a silent toast to her hostess before she sips appreciatively. "No matter how Jean feels, you're not exiled from the Mansion. You should visit with others when you go to talk to the Professor. You might be surprised how much you're missed."
Firestar has posed:
She smirks a little and nods,"Most people wouldn't be terribly impressed with me knowing how much pressure is needed to open that wine cork or how much pressure turns the coal into diamond."

"Nobody does, until of course it is needed. I am not MacGyver, but I am good with Physics and I see things in the world that some people don't. Spot a lever or a fulcrum that others won't see right off or the like." She snorts softly,"Terribly interesting to most people yeah?"

"Yeah. She strikes me as someone that doesn't lose well and doesn't see it when she is wrong." she admits,"I miss her. I miss all of you. I see Sam and Vanessa, but I miss making noise with Tabitha or watching you practice or work out in general. Logan is the hammer and you are the blade. I want to find the middle for me some day."

"Yeah. It's always something. I love it with them, but it can ge tiring." She takes a draw from her glass after meeting the silent air toast and sighs,"How to know it burns a little, I can feel it."

Another little second and she says,"I'll go out there weekend next. Too much with school to go right now. Thank you for...waking me up a little. It was nice to just be there at the mansion, even out in the yard. I will come back."
Psylocke has posed:
"Probably not," Betsy agrees with ease. The way she sips the liquid isn't the kind of imbibing of someone seeking to get drink. It's a tasting of the liquid, a savoring of the flavor.

"Honestly? In that respect, Jean and I are a lot a like. I like to lose about as well as she does. We all have our flaws, Angelica. None of us are perfect. But that's the nature of family. You take the good with the bad. You'll find your way back, and you'll find a balance in there." Betsy's lips quirk upward. "Trust me. I get visions of the future." And while she says it jokingly, it is also not a joke, as the red-head's definitely aware of the dark thrust of some of those visions.

"I," Betsy says, as she regards the liquid, "Am exceptionally grateful I didn't get a mutation where alcohol has no effect. Can you imagine not being able to drink?" To her, it's a horror not worth thinking about. It's forestalled by Angelica's promise, and Betsy's smile is warm and genuine, as is her voice. "Good. And you're welcome. Thank you for watching over me. Your instincts to work in a team are excellent. Not everyone adapts so well to that."

Her breath rattles out for a moment. "That wasn't Lorna, you know. Even if it looked like her. Her mind felt different. We should get the word out amongst the mutants, tell them to be wary of the Countess. I have a feeling she isn't done yet, and I'd very much like an opportunity to save the mutants she kidnapped."
Firestar has posed:
Swirling her drink a little, Angelica nudges Betsy and walks towards the living room to take a seat on the couch.

She smiles again and nods,"You and Jean are alike. The respect I have for you both is higher than either knows." she admits. The mention of the future visions she asks,"So are they really specific or something out of a dream. Are you seeing the future or are you seeing me in an X-Men team being set upon by an army of giants frogs..." she pauses and amends,"...you know that isn't out of the realm of possible either. Nevermind."

A nod and she settles on the couch,"It would suck for sure, but you'd have the blessing of never a hangover too. Still, I prefer being able to get a buzz with a friend or occasionally smashed with a loved one."

She nods as she agrees,"Not Lorna. Really close...but not her." She thinks for a moment and then she raises a brow,"She said she wanted to save them for their blood. Did she say delicious or precious or something in regards to the blood?" For a second the hot girl almost seems cool.
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy follows the hostess' lead, her graceful sway evident and unconscious as she moves. Even in yoga pants and a too-large sweater, there's just something intrinsically effortless and elegant about her. The comment about her respect earns a bright smile, and she elects not to comment.

"I was joking about the vision about you. In all honesty, prophetic visions are... they're difficult to interpret. Or, I think more accurately, a human brain can't really fathom all the context needed to understand it. Mind, I'm only half human -- and even I struggle. I met Doctor Fate once, and he... his mind felt the same. The visions have helped, sometimes. Sometimes only made sense after the fact. This one though," the one that prompted her to form the X-Force, "It's different. Intense. And it hasn't stopped."

"So, no. I think you're safe from frogs. At least in the immediate future." Betsy seats herself, legs crossing. "I, too. Especially after an evening like we had. I like to unwind." Her mouth parts, brow creasing. "I didn't notice her talking of blood. That's... unsettling. It sounds like experiments. The kind Mister Sinister might do. But it's not him." She sounds sure of that, but also troubled enough to look away.
Firestar has posed:
Once they are settled Angelica listens to what Betsy says. She nods and awws,"Here I was hoping you'd see where I'd be in five years, if I found someone crazy enough to be with me, or what next week's lotto numbers are." A wink again and she sobers,"I hope you don't need X-Force, but I am glad you assembled them. Some nights I think I should have remained at least a reserve member or something."

A look of feigned relief about the frogs and then she sobers a little, taking a drink to help that,"My memory isn't the best, but if she said delicious or anything like it...makes me think with what you are saying about her mind..."

She takes another drink,"Yeah. We need to unwind. Crazy purple girl tomorrow. You're welcome to stay tonight if we put too many in. If you have a driver, not to worry. Just offering." She considers Sinister and shakes her head,"I hope you're right and I hope I am wrong."
Psylocke has posed:
"No. I've seen enough of the future to know that that's not a gift anyone should have or want. Even just a taste of... possibilities was..." Betsy exhales sharply, shivering at the memory still. "Anyway. The future isn't set in stone. That much I know. Some things are more likely than others. But there are no solid answers. Not even for the lottery."

Her smile is genuine as she regards the other woman. "You are where you need to be, Angelica. The world can still fall apart, even before what I saw reaches us. The Avengers, the X-Men, the Justice League -- you guard the now. Let us prepare for the future. And when the future becomes now, we'll all have a stake."

"She was strong, psychically. Few can withstand my powers. A handful that I know of. Either she's known to us, or... someone experimented on her. If what you remember hearing about blood is accurate, that doesn't bode well. We've been tracking a group who has been kidnapping mutants, experimenting on them or selling them. Remember the body in the warehouse?" Betsy reminds. "I wonder if they're part of the same outfit. Yet the one we've been tracking has been much more careful about not being noticed, deliberately choosing mutants without ties to organizations. This one seems more overt."

"I have a driver, but thank you for the offer, it's kind. I find the older I get, the more I appreciate being able to sleep comfortably in my own bed." It probably has a lot to do with the very expensive sheets, too.
Firestar has posed:
She nods solemnly in regards to seeing the future not being a gift. Considering that she nods,"Yeah. If we could see it for sure, we'd beat ourselves up trying to prevent that bad. How many of us would have been flying over New York on 9/11? Spidey worked himself to exhaustion that day. Would one of us taken down the plans to stop that?"

The smile and comment is met with her own smile,"I think I am yes. If you need an ear within the Justice League, you know I will always listen and present it to them. No matter what. I can't swear I have enough sway to help, but I'm there."

The mention of resistance to Betsy's powers makes her more uncomfortable and she sips a little more,"If I was right about blood and she could resist you." She holds up the glass,"You can see I'm not drunk yet. I met a woman recently, she was fighting a man. He attacked her, she stabbed him with wood in the chest, and he erupted into dust. Spidey, Bobby, and I encountered the legitmate Count Dracula when we were younger. I know it sounds crazy and I can try to lower my mental defenses enough to let you look, but I am serious."

A nod and she agrees,"I get it about a bed. Mine isn't the most comfortable, but it is roomy and it is better than sleeping anywhere else."
Psylocke has posed:
The questions being posed are hypothetical, and yet Betsy answers with a certainty, "I would have, if it were mutants at risk. I will, if it comes to that." It's precisely why she formed X-Force. Why there's a level of obsessive drive in her. It's fair to say seeing the future hasn't exactly left her untouched.

"Thank you," Betsy looks sincerely grateful for the offer. "It may... come to that, sooner or later, should things get bad enough. But I still have hope there are avenues open to us to avoid such an outcome."

"Vampires?" she says, a thread of query, but not doubt in her voice. She's seen -- dealt with, and killed -- far stranger things than that. "I'd like to see, if you'd let me," Betsy agrees, setting her glass to rest on the couch's arm, turning to face Angelica, offering out a hand. It's unnecessary, for the purposes of her power, but it's one of those habits she's acquired over the years to make people feel comfortable about the invasion. As if they have a choice.
Firestar has posed:
"That's why I joined. To help the mutants." she tells her softly. She knows things get crazy that way. A smile and a nod,"I would rather not have it come to that, but if it does, so be it."

She turns on the couch towards Betsy, setting the glass aside. Closing her eyes she tries to focus and relax her mind,"OK. This is as good of a window as I can give you. It will probably still be hectic, but at least you can see me and Buffy the other night and the time with Spidey and Iceman." She doesn' make the obvious request because, well, it's obvious. Please don't look at Spidey's real face. She wouldn't have offered if that worried her.

"Look back, see what she said earlier. Whether I am just paranoid or if she said that." she adds lastly.
Psylocke has posed:
"I remember," Betsy says, with a smile. "And you will, I'm sure of that." Help mutants. That much Betsy wholly encourages. There's still a lot of work to do before mutants and humans can work together without fear and distrust.

Her fingers touch Angelica's, lightly, and she dives in. Her mental presence is, in some respects, a very strong reflection of the outward one: her warmth is genuine and apparent, her touch felt psychically like a light, guiding hand as she follows Angelica's thoughts toward those memories. The flips through them in rapid succession, absorbing it with a skill that speaks of familiarity and long use.

"Vulnerable to extreme heat and wood, it seems. Good to know."

The telepath is discreet and respectful, at least; seemingly sticking close to the subject matter at hand, though of course because she's in Angelica's minds, catching stray thoughts is inevitable. Spider-Man? That thought amuses her, however briefly. She doesn't look because she doesn't need to. Nor does she doesn't linger on it, though, almost immediately pulling them away to earlier in the night. While Betsy was already reaching out to try and breach the Countess' shields, words were spoken, words she missed.

//"Now now, remember my master wants them alive, so he can feast on their delectable blood.."//

"A master, and blood. Surely the presence can't be coincidence. I got a feeling of the faux-Lorna's mind. If I was able to touch the vampire's, it's possible I could sense the trace of her in him, and link the two for sure. Though I sense it would just be safer all around for you to merely blast said vampire to a crisp."
Firestar has posed:
She relaxes much as possible. The touch light, but a solid connecting point. She isn't worried about the presence of Betsy in her mind. Instead, she is about as relaxed as she can be, trusting the other mutant.

The mention of the killing things and she says softly,"Buffy told me they are not fond of losing their heads either." Common fear for most.

"Son of a..." she mutters when she hears the words in her mind again as well,"Her master wants to...oh no...." she mutters softly.

She nods though, a lot better at dealing with this now than she was,"If she speaks of the Lord of Vampires, watch out. His eyes lock you down, he has some weird abilties too. If I see another vampire I am going for total annihilation."

Angelica holds a high regard for life, Betsy can see that. She can also see that Firestar doesn't see a vampire as a form of life.
Psylocke has posed:
"Most people aren't, I've found," Betsy is wry. "I also like my head where it is."

As the memory replays once more, Betsy withdraws. All in all, for a psychic's presence it's a pleasant experience. Betsy isn't normally so delicate; she hasn't the precise skills of Charles or Jean, but she's much more the sledgehammer powerhouse for all that.

She reaches for her glass, making sure to wet her throat before she responds to Angelica. "So, mental control? I should be immune to that, but not a theory I'd like to test without some confidence. That blonde woman seemed to be familiar with them. Perhaps you can talk to her and find out more?"
Firestar has posed:
She smirks a little,"Yes. I find I am quite happy where mine is."

She looks down at her hips with exasperation,"I mean if she could find a way to shave these off." She is it self concious there. She is definately an hour glass figure, but that's her own doubts. Nobody has ever said anything.

"Yeah I don't think I want to match it again. It was like a low grade hypnosis. I was there, but I wasn't. I could see him with me, but didn't...have control. Memories are foggy."

She nods lastly and takes a drink again,"Yes. I'll call Buffy tomorrow late morning. See what she thinks. I wish you'd met her. She's pretty impressive and terribly smart."
Psylocke has posed:
"I have dealt with... worse." Unfortunately. Not pleasant at all. But against mental control Psylocke definitely has some advantages. As Angelica explains, she frowns a little. "I could help unlock them, make them clearer. Then again, it may not even be the hypnosis. The mind naturally dulls and changes traumatic events. Sometimes those sort of memories are best left alone."

She's speaking from experience, clearly.

"I admire both impressive and smart. I'd be happy to meet if you want to make the introduction," Betsy says. "I'm not out, though, so you'll forgive any caution."
Firestar has posed:
She pauses for a moment. Her mind has always wondered and she has resisted the urge many times. She takes a drink again, savoring the flavor,"I want to know." she finally manages,"Let me have a night or two to make sure I still want to know then."

"Maybe make sure someone can stay with me that night if you find something that I don't want to process. Kara did some tests and doesn't think he bit me, but there is no...for sure."

She nods as the mention of not being out,"I am not out for the most part, but with her...well the whole situation. I will tell her that I have a friend who is an adept fighter who has ran into something she thinks might be vampires and see if she'll come talk to you."
Psylocke has posed:
"All right. You have my number. Reach out and I'll make myself available." Betsy smiles a little. "If you can't find anyone, you can always stay at the Mansion. It'll always be a safe place for you. I can break into Warren's room and you can stay there if need be." Though probably unnecessary; the mansion has plenty of guest quarters.

Betsy just finds Warren's room to be one of those safe places in her head.

"For you, I think it only a matter of time now you're in the Justice League," Betsy says with a smile. "That hair, and your powers, make you kind of distinctive. But yes, tell her that. I have no problem if you want to let her know I have some psychic powers. Just not that I'm a mutant."

Some people still react badly to that. No so much to 'psychic powers' weirdly. It's one of the many issues they have to address before mutants can be fully accepted.
Firestar has posed:
She nods and agrees,"Got your number. She's tricky to catch sometimes, but I will arrange it."

She thinks about the mansion and nods,"We can do it there yes. My room might still be open, who knows." She chuckles softly and adds,"I met Warren once, fairly recent. He's pretty amazing. Angel is a suitable moniker."

"I'll tell her psychic yes. It might be a little more beliveable. I wouldn't out you like that. I think Buffy would be OK with it, but not outing anyone. She smirks a little and adds,"I am thinking about changing costumes for Justice League operations. Get attention, make people ask questions. Know what I mean?"
Psylocke has posed:
"Good." Betsy nods in satisfaction. "It is," a suitable moniker, "But confusing of late, given your name, and well... actual angels." She might have a thing for winged men. Who knows. Yet despite their closeness they haven't dated since Betsy returned to New York.

"I'll make an assessment if I can trust her discretion." Is Betsy suggestion she'd read this person's mind to make sure she wouldn't out her? Yes, absolutely. She has no compunctions using her powers to protect herself -- and other mutants -- and she's far less constrained by ethics than Charles.

"I think that's an excellent idea. Find a good designer, though, because you'll be stuck with it. And it'll be on toys, posters, cups..." she chuckles. "I can give you some names, if you like. Just for the aesthetics, mind. Nothing protective, but I assume the League has contacts for that." With the last of the liquid drained, she stands. "Thank you for the invitation, Angelique. I'm glad I came by. I really should go, though. Sleep is in my near future."
Firestar has posed:
"My name does complicate things." she agrees with a laugh,"A few people call me that still. Spidey being one of them."

"I agree fully. If you want to out you can, if not that's fine too."

"I would love that yes. Any help I can get. I designed my first outfit, but this one feels important..." she laughs softly,"...especially on toys and other such things...posters. Yikes."

She gets up to walk Betsy to the door,"Thank you for coming. I have enjoyed your company. You are always welcome here. If you need to crash, hide out, or just try the wine again. You are welcome."