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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/31 |Location=Daily Planet, Central Business Dist. |Synopsis=Clark and Lois have a totally normal day that ends with a good meal and alignment on a serious, future aspiration. |Cast of Characters=256, 15 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:256|Lois Lane (256)}} has posed:'''<br>    Mornings have been different since Lois returned. For one, she makes a point of going in to wake up with Clark every morning. Or at...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:16, 5 February 2024

A Day in the Life of Lois and Clark
Date of Scene: 31 January 2024
Location: Daily Planet, Central Business Dist.
Synopsis: Clark and Lois have a totally normal day that ends with a good meal and alignment on a serious, future aspiration.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Superman

Lois Lane has posed:
    Mornings have been different since Lois returned. For one, she makes a point of going in to wake up with Clark every morning. Or at least as close to the same time as possible. He tends to be very busy at odd times, after all. She makes time to get breakfast ready, she is strategic and makes sure there is food waiting in the evening, too, even if he's off saving the world. Lunch is kind of hit or miss, but she is trying her best. It's just chaotic and while she's not a bad cook, it is hard to learn everything Martha has to teach her over the phone a few minutes at a time.

    This takes us to the story today. It's only been a few days since she got back to Metropolis, and yet everything to Lois seems new. Like the world has a whole new color and sound to it.

    Clark will know that today she is rather busy. Today is when she finalizes her article. The one that haunted her. The story that got her back on track while almost costing her everything.

    "I hope Perry doesn't mind if I sequester myself to get this all down," she says on the elevator, as they ride their way up to their floor.
Superman has posed:
Clark notices the effort. There are things he wants to say in regards to it. She's making an effort. He just don't want to overdo it either. People can under -and- over do things. He worries Lois may start to teeter.

Although the meals have been nice, even if they aren't the greats. The attempt. The love given intoa ll of this steps, do make the food a little savory even if it's a little dry.

"Wouldn't be the first time you've done it," he pushes his glasses up with a finger. A hand straightens out the lapel to a simple dark-ish gray suit and a muted dark blue tie. "You've got this. You're strong. Stronger than a lot of heroes out there. Even Superman," and he waits. He'll even hum theelevator music, if this one has any. That's something Clark does a lot of in elevators.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois grins at Clark being, well, Clark. Before the elevator opens, she will, regardless of how full it is, kiss him softly on the lips. Another thing she never did. But he's her man and she wants the world to know.

    "I'm not sure how strong I am, but I have to get this story out. I have to do something." Elena is dead, but her story will be told. It must be told. Perry is, unsurprising, a bit sharp around the edges, but there is something about Lois that stands out.

    "I need time in an office. Undisturbed. I need the help of an intern." Someone has to deal with her constantly asking out many Ls are in elegant or Rs in horrible. She could let the software correct her, but she finds it too distracting and has all corrections turned off.

    And on she works. And works. She is left alone, though she comes out to look for Clark before lunch. She's not sure if he's off chasing down a story of his own (or slipping off to 'get a bagel'). The intern comes out with her, looking rather frazzled. Working with Lois when she's on her game is not for the faint of heart. Lois is very, very much on her game.

    If Clark is here, he gets pulled into the office. He is likely asked for opinions on her work and word choice. And well, the blinds are shut for privacy and affection is shared in various ways!

    When the professional side returns, Lois will speak more serious to her husband-to-be. And straighten her hair out a bit. And check her makeup. And make sure no makeup is on him.

    "How is your day going so far? I... sorry I kind of just overwhelmed that moment entirely. Some things about me will take a while to kind of curb." But she'll always be rather pushy. She knows it.
Superman has posed:
Both brows go up and he blushes brightly. "Lois. We're ummm in public," Clark's not used to Lois being this open everywhere. It's not a bad thing. It's just an adjustement.

Clark knows when someone gets the bug. The story has to be told. They won't sleep properly until it's out there. And even Lois Lane isn't immune to the bug.

Clark is gone from the office area, but there's a deli sandwich waiting for her. It's just the way she liked it before leaving for the story.

When he is back, Lois almost yanks him into the office. That's when he will be there for her as editor.

Clark just strightens out his tie when things go from affectionate to professional. "How is the story coming along? Actually, coming along," he will add in case she decides to emeblish a few things.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "It's the hardest story I've ever had to write," admits Lois. "I realize I really liked that girl. I was pulling for her, Clark. To get so close to escaping that trap and having a life she could be proud of only to have it stolen from her by a terrible fluke occurence is just more than I can swallow."

    Lois does not sound emotional, but Clark can hear her heart beat. He can read her face better than anyone. Even Lois might not realize that she might end up crying, but Clark probably can.

    In this moment, she gets more vulnerable. It's still in the office. It's just them. "How do you handle it when you can't save the day?"
Superman has posed:
Clark's quiet for a while. The gears turning for a moment. "You wanted her to get out. To go on and lead a normal life. Maybe that's not her purpose. What if it's her voice that's meant to help others like her? Inspire hope in several others like her," he says just putting that out there. Yes, it's sad that she got close to the source. Maybe even -too- close. However, sometimes stories aren't meant to just tell stories of the departed.

Maybe it's to spread their words to the living. Those that might need to get out of a tight spot or else they'll repeat the past. That's Clark's perrogative.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois nods, and something, well. It just hits. Clark sees her sit down, select all her text, and then delete it. "Thank you, Clark. I think I understand it now." She smiles at him. Then her focuses settles. And she just types. This time there is no stopping. She's just going and going.

    "Oh, Clark..." She pauses. Stop being bossy, Lois... be nice! "Can you please tell Perry I need an intern to stay late? We're nearly at the deadline." It's a bit obscure, but Clark will know what she means. It's the Pulitzer nomination deadline. "Elena deserves this." She doesn't submit every year. So this is a big deal. She's confident. "And again.. thank you, Clark. I know I have done this without you sometimes, but the truth is, I never want to do that again. You're the best part of me"
Superman has posed:
"I will," Clark is expecting bossy Lois. Yet, she shocks him with tenderness. "Lane. Focus on the story. The rest, the how's and why's, can wait a day or two. Tell the story. I'll be here," he says firmly. Not quite contrasting the softness, but reminding Lois to keep her head in the game. That's when he'll leave.

And it doesn't take too long for Perry to assign an intern. Someone that wants it for "exerpience" because no intern is going to make overtime on his watch. However, it's experience with Lois Lane, this helps the sell.

Clark will be long gone. A cold pizza will wait on the ktichen table. Her favorite toppings. Television monitors in the building will report on various activities including a few Superman sightings. At least Clark isn't sitting around the apartment.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois keeps her head in the game. The entire story is polished up and on Perry's desk by six. There's not a lot of discussion. He knows Lois when she's in this mode. He only has to do a few touch-ups and it is ready. The submission is done by seven-thirty. Cold pizza is eaten along the way.

    The intern is shocked to have Lois joking around with her, even retelling stories of the past. The early days with Clark and Jimmy are apparently her favorites. Funny how she can't really spin the Pulitzer stories into quite the same kind of tale.

    Lois is home by eight-fifteen. She knows Clark is busy, and he probably ate by now, but she is going to cook anyway. Cook and wait up for him. The uncertainty of their evenings makes it a challenge, but it is one she refuses to get frustrated by.

    She doesn't feel sad that she was home late. Not this time. It mattered, this time. Instead, she dwells on getting him something nice to eat should he be hungry. And hey, if it isn't tonight, this lasagna will be perfect for lunch for at least a couple days.

    She changes into something nice, too. Not too fancy, but a cute dress with little yellow flowers on it. She wore it to the farm a few times. It's the first time she's ever worn it here.
Superman has posed:
Clark is in the place a little after nine pm. A flash of blue and red. And Clark is back in the suit from before. Breathing out, "How did it go?" he asks as if he came right inf rom the bedroom isntead of the window. "Didn't make the intern too afraid will you?" he asks softly just making sure it all went well.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Oh, no, Cassie was really nice. She's a lot like I was, I suppose. Smart, tough, but, well, probably way too nice to be confused with me." Lois will walk up and hug Clark. "She was great. Perry was understanding. He kept asking me about the submission. He gets more nervous about going for it than I do, honestly. We'll see what they think and if it wins, great. If it doesn't, life goes on."

    Then her attention shifts, "You had a very busy day, though. How are you feeling?" She looks him over. He's Superman, so it's unlikely she'll see any cause for alarm. Things that can actually hurt him tend to be known across the globe. Assuming they occur on Earth.
Superman has posed:
"Well, that's good you got a nice one that's competant," Clark says honestly. There's always a bad intern here, there, that make the others look bad. His dull blue eyes nod to her, "Well, I hope you get it this year."

Clark shrugs, "Just a usual day. I wouldn't call it busy. Maybe 'active.'" He shrugs a little bit. His gaze goes back to her for a moment, "I'm fine. Just a few idfferent things to do when timed."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I'm happy you're here." Lois says softly. For a while, she just stands there, looking at him. It's not an odd amount of time, but she's clearly enjoying the moment.

    "I have lasagna, if you are hungry," she offers. And lasagna, thankfully, is really hard to mess up. It smells great, too. "Or we can just relax." She pauses and grins, "This is better than the stew though. I promise."
Superman has posed:
Clark smiles softly. "You didn't need to make me lasgna. Are you sure you're not burning the candle at both ends?" Clark's trying to look after her. He moves to her and rubs her shoulders osftly as he looks at her.

"I'm just happy you're falling in love with work again," he says shonestly as he moves with her. His gaze looks at Lois for a moment.
Lois Lane has posed:
    The first touch of her shoulders draws out a relieved sigh. "You keep that up and... I may somehow find a way to love you even more than I already do." Lois grins at him. "I appreciate your concern. I will need to adjust here and there. You are right. I can't measure up to your mother. We're different women. And that's okay. But I think she I figured something out to help get better at this. Also I would like to visit the farm this weekend. If that's okay with you."

    Lois playfully turns to stand by his side, taking him by the elbow. "I do love it. I am starting to get ideas again. Ideas that don't involve me pretending that I'm still 20 and unproven. I won't let up exactly, but well, it's priorities, honestly. There are things I want that are more important than chasing every story."
Superman has posed:
"It's not measuring up to my Mother. It's not measuring up to anyone in my past," Clark says softlya s he looks at her. "You're trying to do everything in your power to do everything. And you're doing this while trying to adjust to life back here after trauma. You're needing to adjust," he says softly just wanting the concern to show in his voice.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois cannot argue against that. "That is fair, Clark. I will try to not get too much stress. I do feel better with the story out there. I feel like I did what I could. It helps." She smiles, looking down for a moment. Try as she mnight, she cannot quite slow down the speed of her mind.

    "But darn it, Clark, I really want to make good food for you. And well, getting close to your mom is fun. Oh, and she seems to be more relieved to hear me calling her. I imagine she's a bit surprised. I've never been great at answering my phone on the first few rings for the people that I should be answering for. And it sounds like a lot. Maybe it is. It is just a new state, too. Like I'm exploring what matters now. What I want to give my time to. And how much."
Superman has posed:
"I know you did everything you could on that front," Clark says knowing she put everything into that story. Everything would be put inside of it.

"You can work on that, but you don't need to cook -every- night. You could have ordered out tonight because the story was priority, not me," in his mind the story is taking care of her. Lois needs to get out the story. His gaze stays on her for a moment. "I know you're exploring what matters, but don't hang yourself up on that one." His gaze stays on her for a moment. Both arms cross for a moment.

"You'll find out the balance. That will take time."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I love you, Clark," she says simply. There is a hug and kiss coming after that. "You are right. I should have." She laughs at herself, "Sometimes I just.. have my Lane moments, don't I?"

    With him looking at her seriously, she just looks back. She is comfortable with that gaze. She doesn't feel any guilt now.

    "I will adjust. And listen to you. I'm engaged to a very wise and patient man." She's not teasing. "I will fail a few times at some point here. I mean other than the meatloaf attempt. That.. that was a different kind of failure." She forgot to set the timer properly. The poor thing was beyong saving.
Superman has posed:
Kissing her softly. "Not a Lane moment. Those shouldn't be a thing. Don't turn your name into a verb," Clark admonishes a little. Not too bad, it's more light hearted, but there's a hint of seriousness. Similar to how sitcoms address minor issues with a quip.

"I'm not wise," he wont' argue patient. That he knows he is. "Well, everyone will fail a few times. I will. You will. She will. He will. they will," he says knowing that it's a bit. That's just the honesty to it.

"It's just try try try again, and keep trying even when you're winning." That's something Clark forced himself to remember.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Just gotta keep getting up," replies Lois. She grins throughout, too. And even laughs at bit at not letting her name become a verb. "You defend me even against myself, Clark."

    She looks at him curiously, shifting the topic. "You told me some things about Krypton. I was curious about something. I mean lately, that is." She's always curious. "I love this ring, first of all. And I love what it means far more. How do we honor both parts of your heritage in the next step?"

    She's not pressing for a date! Honest. She is more interested in the how and what side of the actual marriage. "It's important to me to learn as much as I can, so that when it is time, I am ready. I really am looking forward to being your wife."
Superman has posed:
Clark gives a nod. "Lois'ing or Lane'ing, should somehow make a cover story worthy story from start to finish hours before a deadline without having a heartache," he says firmly in that one. R
Clark pauses a bit. It goes unnoticed by Lois, but the pause is a little too sudden. Like maybe she stumbled upon fashion. However, to her it's probably just the out of the blue nature to it. Nothing else, right?

"I don't know, he admits. I'll have to ask Kara. Or Lar," he says dropping another name. A name Lois may not be familiar with.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois tilts her head at the answer and smiles at him. She's perceptive, but she also isn't going to push. If he wants to tell her, he has to tell her. He's the only one here who can detect heart beats.

    "I should back up a bit and ask what matters to you, though. Like who would your best man be?" She pauses. And who would be her maid of honor, for that matter? That is enough of a problem to put her mind in a snarl.

    "And who is Lar?" she asks. "Is this a new friend?"
Superman has posed:
Clark gives Lois a look for that question. That's a short list of people and she should know each name.

"Lar Gand is like a family friend. Not related, but treated like family. I think Kara has a crush, too. Them together it becomes like high school crush palpable tension," sky blue eyes look at her. "He's Kryptonian. Kind of. He's a Daxmite. The Daxmites and Kryptonians are related. Like we have common ancesstors at one point before destiny our people in different directions." Clark tries to think of a good analogy.

"Imagine the ancesstor race. We all worked together on Pangea. Then half of the people went to Britain, the other half went to France."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Ohh, sorry, of course." Lois sighs softly. That was clumsy. She's met him once, after all. Before... all that away time. "Well, if he's like family, that's good enough for me. I'll have to check in and see how Kara is doing. There are more apologies in my future."

    Yet she doesn't sound disheartened. She's determined. "So Lar Gand and Kara know a great deal about the customs and can fill in the blanks. Hm. I think I'll be learning more from Kara than I can teach her back."

    A breath in and Lois remembers something. "Oh. The lasagna. Are you hungry or should I wrap it up?"
Superman has posed:
"Lar has similar abilities," Clark points out to show the distant cousins theory isn't that far fetched. Both are effected by the Yellow Sun.

"Well, she's one of the few people in the universe that remembers Krypton. Like, remembers it intimately." Clark admits. Even he seesk her council on Kryptonian matters. Why? Because she remembers it.

"I would love some," he asks curious how this is going to go. His gaze returns to her for a moment.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois will lead him to the table and then duck into the kitchen. The lasagna is in the oven, still, but just to stay warm. She is not burning it this time. Clark may here her say something inappropriate in a slavic tongue as she manages to get just the knick of a little burn on the side of her hand when taking it out.

    In short order, though, she brings out the pan. There's plenty for two, with certainly enough for lunch besides. And it smells... heavenly. Sure, Lois might need some help with the more difficult dishes, but on this one, she has knocked it out of the park. She sets it down, starts cutting out a large slice, and sets it on Clark's plate.

    "What would you like to drink?" she asks gently. She is still getting the full routine down, but even this is huge progress in just a few days.
Superman has posed:
Clark hears that slavic curse, but he does nothing to move. This is her show, so he's letting Lois call the shots. Although, it smmells beter than he expected. Lois being a good cook is an alien concept. It's becoming less alien withe ach passing day.

"I'm fine with water at the moemnt, Lois," he says and will move to sit down. Flavored drinks are sometiems a treat or done in the work room. Clark tries to keep it simple at home when it's regular.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois can do that. She actually follows suit. She's cutting her caffeine. She has even started drinking less coffee at work. People are in shock.

    With the water set and the food served, she can settle at the table across from him. It's still novel. Getting to see him while eating. Being, well, normal.

    "You know, Clark, this is really kind of... exciting." She smiles and leans forward, her eyes on his. "I never really did this back home, you know. What kind of things do you normally talk about? You already know a lot about my day. So maybe... hm. Tell me one dream you have for our future."
Superman has posed:
"Well, we always would talk about the day, but we both broke tradition there," Clark settles in at the table. "We would make plans, talk about things you're looking forward to in the immediate future. Basically, anything you could get done before the next week began," he has to think a little this one.

"I could talk more about Krypton sometimes," although she being there for her lessons on it, may have quell curiousities.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois looks thoughtful. "I like the plans. I'm looking forward to the weekend. I want to see your parents. It feels like a lifetime ago. I want to cook with mom." She considers for a moment, "I wonder if I could find a story on cooking. Perry might throw a fit, though! He might transfer me to another team."

    She's amused. "What about you, Clark? And Krypton lessons are always fun. It's a lot to learn in a very short time. I'm not quite as quick on the uptake as I used to be." She is, after all, nearly 40 years old.
Superman has posed:
Clark does take a moment to process that want. "It would be a puff piece, possibly literally," he says knowing those stories are on human interest. Clark knows that because he will volunteer for that page osmetimes. Just a small thing that keeps him grounded. Or so he believes.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "I think Perry would not be happy with me," says Lois, sighing softly. "I'm irritated when he sends me to the softball assignments. If I start showing I enjoy them I'll probably wind up on the backburner in no time. But, well, I wonder." She grins at Clark, "It's kind of a challenge, isn't it? I think I recall you making first page on some rather surprising sections of the Planet over the years. I'm curious if I might pull that off, too."
Superman has posed:
"He won't pull you. Just everyone understands you'll have trauma and unless the quality of your work tanks, you'll still be an ace in the hole. Even if Perry can't use you as an ace as much, you're still an ace he can depend on when it -truly- counts," Clark says of what Lois should expect with a changge. A little bit of one, but nothing massive. Nothing that would make Lois into a shell of her former self. Not unelss she does something to truly earn that fate.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "You are really kind to your future wife, Clark," Lois says gently. And, well, being in a bit of a mood, she acts a bit more playful. Is that her toe on his leg? Lois is engaging in the time-honored Earth tradition of 'footsie'.

    "You know, after all these years, we are still chasing stories. Did you ever have any other ambitions? Is there anything else you want to achieve?" She knows, he has a pretty amazing second gig going.

    All the while, she is eating, drinking, and playing under the table. Whatever else is going on in her complicated head, she's having fun tonight.

    In the midst of this, though, something changes. A thought goes through her mind. Something that makes her uncomfortable enough for her heart rate to react.
Superman has posed:
"Not really," Clark says honestly on the job front. Well, dream front. "When I first came to Metropolis, I applied to a lot of places. A few of them I did under aliases. I tried out for the Monarchs, you know the Metro's B-League team," Clark chuckles. "They metros called me, practically threw a blank check at me. Told me to, 'Put down anything that makes you happy. This is for five beautiful years of Baseball for us,'" he continues a bit.

"But Superman would have been easy to pick out. A hero that mostly works in Metropolis, but over the course shows up in other major cities. Someone would have connected the dots. And instead of blending into a city of thousands. It'd be a team of tens to search," Dull blue eyes slip up to her. "It would have been like hitting off a pitching machine with a slower setting. Some might go by, most wouldn't."

"Same for research lab. Any one breakthrough would change the world. And I wouldn't have stopped at one. I would have cured the common cold, and this would have been after AIDs, Cancer, and possibly male pattern baldness," Clark knows that would cause a lot of unwanted a ttention. Some may have considered him to be a time travleler because only someone with knowldge of the future could do that.

Booster Gold makes a great counterpoint to this way of thinking.

"So, I did try some careers, but they kept me away from the city. Away from the people. And others presented complications I didn't want."
Lois Lane has posed:
    "So.. of all of the work places in all of the cities, you ended up in mine. With hotshot, teasing, Lois Lane," she replies. "Though I suppose it would have made people really happy to have you playing baseball. Who knows how many championships you could have won for them?" She laughs softly at the thought. "It was a lot to ask of a young man. Yet you handled it with grace and humility. No reach for the throne, you just wanted to be you."

    She smiles warmly, and then, well, pokes at a hornet's nest. "My dream now is to be with you, as you know. But there are some blanks that I am a bit unsure how to fill in." She looks thoughtful and waits. She does not hesitate. "Your mom and I were talking..." She doesn't finish the sentence. It was about getting her some grandkids. And Lois isn't really sure how to response when that topic comes up. Saying we aren't really sure kind of gets, well, a bit like a cop-out.
Superman has posed:
"I didn't wind up in -your- city. You just happen to be in this one. Like whipped cream on a sundae. Not necessary at the time, but a welcome addition." Clark knows that answer would change now. But that's before anything happend. That's just when Lois was a cute reporter unlike anything he'd ever seen.

Hearing where that talk go gets Clark to shoot out of the chair. "I've got to plan. I've got to..." his voice trails. "Earth and Kryptonian DNA. What if it merges? What if needs some aid? What if you need some aid? All that sun exposure," and then he starts to pace spouting off things that need to be done. It's not a "No." In Clark's mind Lois just came up to him with an assignment that's long, complicated and time consuming, even for Superman. It's still not a "No."

"So much to do! I mean," Clark rushes to get a paperbag.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois grins as she is described as whipped cream. That's.. that is kind of flattering. She /likes/ whipped cream! Butterflies and rainbows and happiness. The reporter is clearly pretty happy about that.

    Then Clark shoots up and has the most adorable little freakout ever. At first, Lois is alarmed. Then she just... watches. She smiles and tilts her head. That mind of hers knows that was not a 'no'. In fact...

    "Well, you have been thinking about this, haven't you, Clark? I imagine there is a lot of work to do. So how many children would you like, then? Do you dream about boys or girls?"

    He obviously isn't saying no! He basically just said /yes/. None of that was 'if', it was all /how/. Lois is up out of her chair and Clark, once in range, will have to deal with a flying Lane pounce of a hug. Probably some excited, happy kisses, too. She already knows he can figure it all out. She already knows he'll make it happen.

    He's always caught her.
Superman has posed:
Clark has a small paperbag to his lips and he's using it. Right now the line between Clark Kent the man and Clark Kent the persona blurs. Hard.

By the time she flies at him, he'll catch her with one hand and use the other to keep the bag to the lips.

Questions come and they don't get answered right away. To him, this is the impossible question. And Lois doubles down on it.

"I don't know. I just," more questions flood his mind. The lips returnt o the bag and before long there's an audbile "POP!"
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois watches teh bag curiously, then winces slightly when it pops. Of course it pops! Clark can basically blow the whole house down! She will be patient, though, waiting for him to wind down a bit.

    "You just need to breathe, Clark. You know, take it down a notch or three. I know there's a lot to do, it's just enough for me to know that you want to and that you need time to figure it out. I need time, too, you know."

    She grins and says, "I did pass the first hurdles, though. There's nothing in my medical background that should rule it out, according to Dr. Stevens. He just gave me vitamins and said I need to get some bloodwork done. Not to mention fix my sleep schedule, cut out caffeine, balance my diet..."

    "So I have a lot to do."
Superman has posed:
"Well, I-," Clark begins to breathe. "I just want happy and healthy. I never gave it much thought because I didn't think it could be a thought," he starts to compose yourself.

"I'm not saying don't prepare. There's just a lot of unknowns. It may never work and I hate to say that," Clark ahs a few plans. But at the end of the day htose differences between them -may- be too much. He's afraid to put his eggs in any basket right now. However, it's rare for Clark Kent to recieve hope instead of give it.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois nods, "Of course. We want to be healthy. And well, hm. I was thinking about it once I knew, well, who you are and that we were together." She is calmer, but still very happy that they at least want the same thing. That's the biggest hurdle. The rest is.. logistics.

    She will settle back on the ground, unless of course Clark /wants/ to keep her held close. She won't object! "And honestly, we won't know unless we check, right? As long as we want the same thing that's great to me. I was hoping we would agree." She wonders if she should tell Martha that they are considering it. Hm. "I'm not sure what to tell your mother. Maybe I should just continue to stall until we can be sure. I'd hate to disappoint her if I just can't." Cause she assumes that if anything will be the failing point, it will be her very mortal, very human body. She's been through a lot.
Superman has posed:
"Tell her we're considering our options. It means she knows we're talking, but still looking into it." It's the truth without sugar coating it, overhyping it, or killing any hope witha cold answer. A little above neutral, with a little positiviity.

Clark will set her down, but only after a bit. "Should we focus on dinner, first? Let the rest kidn of fall into place?" Clark asks.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Yes! Sorry to make the night so much more intense. We can calm down again now." Yes. Yes she can. But there is a bit more of a bounce in her step as she sits back down. She is hungry, after all. This probably explains a few things, too. Like the water she drinks and the coffee she doesn't.

    "I came across a really weird lead. Have you ever heard of someone claiming to be Satan's daughter? Satana?" Only at their table is this casual conversation. "I met her following-up on some society scandal at a party. A Perry softball fluff setup that led me to her. She propositioned me and tried to trade for my soul."
Superman has posed:
Hearing that person's name comes up makes Clark blush. "I ummm. Might have," he looks down for a moment. "So, how did you meet her?" Clark just begins to deflect. This conversation may take an odd turn. At least it's with Lane though.