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Latest revision as of 15:36, 5 February 2024

A day at the park, no really.
Date of Scene: 01 January 2024
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Jacen and Kimberly throw down with some Putty thugs.
Cast of Characters: Jacen Masters, Pink Ranger

Jacen Masters has posed:
A day at the park. Not something everyone gets anymore. What is weirder? In the park, in the middle of New York, there is a honest to goodness cowboy skipping rocks over a pond.

If he isn't real, he sure looks real. Mannerims, clothing, hat, and boots. Mostly he looks like he is just trying to unwind from a long day or something.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Just because the power coin infused her with superhuman athletic ability among other things, even when she wasn't morphed, didn't mean that Kimberly couldn't or shouldn't exercise. Of course, she was here in New York these days rather than Angel Grove, but teleportation did tend to help a little.

Compared to a 'Cowboy', the brunette jogging along in black and pink activewear probably looked...rather boringly normal by comparison.
Jacen Masters has posed:
Kimberly draws some attention for being pretty, fit, and amongst a lot of people. Nothing for that. Jacen leans down to pick up a few stones, catches sight of the runner and pauses a second. Sure he stares for a few seconds, but he blinks and manages to look away again. Don't stare at the pretty woman, don't stare at the pretty woman.

The skies darken a little as half a dozen putties fall from the sky and land in the park. They know who the jogger is and immediately run towards her with bad intent.

"What the f...." Jacen starts, but checks himself with all the kids around him.
Pink Ranger has posed:
It was often a good thing that Putties tended to be more...chaotic in their approach. Wild and disorganised in their approach, and less creepy than the Tengas...but it helped not immediately blow up her secret identity.

"Ugh...couldn't just let me do some jogging, huh?" she mutters as the creatures charge her, Kimberly turning to run off the path.

Into the trees, where the number advantage was decreased...along with the witnesses.
Jacen Masters has posed:
Jacen is glad when people start to run. He considers just calling 911, but then the weirdos chase after the jogger. He mumbles,"Call the cops Jacen, call the cops Jacen..."

Of course he doesn't do that. Instead he touches the bear claw necklace around his neck,"Wake up you grumbly monster." he mutters. As he runs towards the woods, those with spirit sight would see a massive spirit bear appear ahead of him, standing on its hind legs and roaring in silence into the void.

Of course, he doesn't call 911 either because he is responsible like that. The phone is forgotten. Fight is a fight. He doesn't have a hero complex persay, but he doesn't like the chances of local PD arriving to help before something bad happens to the woman in the woods.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Of course, Jacen had no way of knowing that for members of the Rangers, if they got through a month without a handful of Putty attacks, it was considered a good string of luck. As Kim's speed kicked up a little and she made it deeper into the woods the girl suddenly lept, springing off the trunk in front of her to launch herself back at the first creature chasing her and drive her knee into its head.

Punching things made of stone and clay probably wasn't super fun for a normal human being...but the impact seemed to hit the golem a lot harder than Kimberly.
Jacen Masters has posed:
He runs up behind the ones doing the chasing. He grabs one and lifts it over his head without a blink, tossing it head first at the tree. Of course, he notices the fantastic gymnastic exhibition that leave him a little surprised...maybe confused.

The only thing more impressive than the gymnastics is the fact she hits the thing hard enough to send it flying. She gets the better of the exchange and send it sailing of course.

One of the putties notices Jacen then others do not. Kimberly still has the bulk of them closing on her.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Maybe the girl was a mutant? Or -way- too into martial arts? Who knows, but as Kimberly pivots from her landing to sweep her leg in an exaggerated arc and topple several of the creatures trying to grab her her eyes do go wide at the sight of the newcomer. Both for his attire and the fact he just tossed something heavier than a human being so effortlessly.


Still, there was a more immediate problem to deal with as Kim was forced to duck, block and weave from multiple attacks only to return the salvo in a flurry of fists, feet, knees and elbows.
Jacen Masters has posed:
The tossed putty forgotten, Jacen turns to the one that approaches him. The critter grabs him and tries to throw him. Fortunately for him, that is not an easy thing for the strongest of creatures.

He pushes his hat back from his face and head butts the offensive bother, making it stagger.

The putties attacking Kimberly try, they do try. Meeting the un powered ranger is still more than they can handle on their own. She causes them to go flying with little effort.
Pink Ranger has posed:
It was a well practiced dance for Kimberly, or at least she samed to make it so. In a way Putties were ideal as an invasion force: disposable, mass producable and pre-trained...but when you were used to how they moved and fought? Well, it did make them easier to contend with.

Kimberly twisted, slamming the top of one foot into the face of one creature hard enough to shatter its head before using the 'recoil' of the impact to power the kick in the opposite direction, hooking it into the next one's chest.

That headbutted Putty? It's surface was almost certainly cracked, and Kimberly's dispatching of the others were likely going to make it clear these things weren't human, but that only drew more towards Jacen as the mob were seperated.

Perhaps they were confused, thinking the man another ranger?
Jacen Masters has posed:
Yup. This is getting kind of ridiculous. These things aren't real smart so he grabs the one he head butted, shifts his hips, and then flings the putty into the ones that are starting to close on him.

He looks past them to her and smirks a little,"Ma'am, I dunno where ya found y'r playmates, but I reckon I'd be askin' f'r a refund. They ain' nice an' they're kinda breakable." That accent is /not/ east coast anywhere close.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Ever come across some -really- bad play-dough as a kid?" Kimberly offers in return, a twist of her form bringing the gymnast's clearly favoured kicks around onto the next Putty before she spins to drive her palm hard into the chest of the creature, sending it flying but not quite enough to shatter it.

"But watch yourself, they hit like an actual bag of rocks..."
Jacen Masters has posed:
He starts to answer, but like right on cue, a putty punches him in the face. His head rocks back a little and he scowls. In the spirit realm, the bear screams in the putties face.

Officially annoyed, Jacen grabs the creature around the waist like he is going to bear hug it. Instead he fall backwards and uses his body as a leverage point to throw the putty into the trees and finally impaling it on a low hanging branch.

He stands up, rubbing his jaw as he looks to see if there are any more near him. Not seeing anyone, he moves towards the ones after her, though she probably has it in hand,"You ain' wrong 'bout that hit. Man alive."
Pink Ranger has posed:
Well...that would do it! The Putty hangs there, impaled for a moment before the magics holding it together folds apart and it shatters into shards of magic clay. Kimberly's strikes were hard, efficient and...well, as brutal as they could be without morphing, but this was a fight she'd had many times and likely would many times more...soon enough Jacen was left facing off with the last of them as Kimberly shoved her final foe up against a tree trunk and then drove her elbow hard into its head, cracking wood and magic clay alike.

When she'd started as a ranger, barely 15 years old, she'd only been able to really fight when she morphed, or with instruction from the others....but between the grid mixing with muscle memory and genuine practice? Well...Kim knew what she was doing these days.
Jacen Masters has posed:
One last bad sort, Jacen reaches out and grabs on. He twists and throws the putty at the ground. A little twist of the hips causes the creature to hit the ground hard enough to shatter.

No more bad things, Jacen reaches out and lets the power free, the bear fading into nothing. Once more, he's just cowboy in New York.
Pink Ranger has posed:
The last Putty slain has Kim exhaling a breath, lowering her hands and giving a little sigh of relief before turning her attention to the western-themed rescuer. "Are you okay?" she questions, dusting off her...well, clay dusted running gear.
Jacen Masters has posed:
Pushing his hat back on his head a little he nods,"Yeah. I reckon so. You?" This was an interesting trip to the park for sure. He dusts off a little and shrugs, not too concerned with being overly dirty at any rate.

He smirks a little and asks,"What were those things? I mean I ain' never seen'm but I s'pect you have."
Pink Ranger has posed:
Had she seen them before? Sure...but she didn't want to go outing herself to any random person. Instead the brunette gives a little shake of her head to dislodge the dust that ended up in her hair.

"I mean sure, I've seen them on the news, on videos from Angel Grove and other places...but y'know, rock men attacking you? Makes sense to run or punch, right?"
Jacen Masters has posed:
He looks down at the dust piles and back at her. He nods and tells her,"You c'n handle y'rself f'r sure. Prolly be better f'r them they jus' leave you alone."

He considers and asks,"You ah'ight? Nothin' bleedin'r broken?" Absently he runs his hands down his head, neck, chest, legs, each arm, and his back as much as he can. No blood, that's a good start.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"I mean, they should be leaving all of us alone," Kimberly points out with a little laugh before gesturing to herself. "I'm just lucky I have a few self-defence lessons under my belt, I suppose. Girl's gotta know how to look out for herself, right?"

Never know when intergalactic shock troopers might attack after all!

"But thank you for coming to my rescue. Seriously."
Jacen Masters has posed:
"Yeah. Prolly so." he agrees,"You've gotta a good stand up game. Ya ever wanna learn the ground game I'd be glad ta teach ya." That sounds so wrong, but said in truth. Nothing underhanded in the tone.

He tips his hat to her and replies,"My pleasure ma'am. I think you would have been OK, but ain't no reason you oughta have to. Take care of yourself."
Pink Ranger has posed:
A smile of thanks and a nod of her head, Kim turns back toward the beaten path and the rest of her jog. There's one last wave of her hand in farewell and the pink-clad brunette was on her way home, back to the promise of a shower and a change of clothes.
Jacen Masters has posed:
He watches her run for a time, waving as well. He's helpful, but she's pretty so he gets caught up in that for a few moments. After that he shakes his head and turns to go back to his truck,"Y're slippin' Masters." he mutters to himself,"She's prolly too good f'r you anyway."