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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/24 |Location=STAR Labs |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=339, 340, 105, 30 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:339|Ginger S...")
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Latest revision as of 20:10, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 24 May 2017
Location: STAR Labs
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Singh, Ares, Sister Reinhardt, Crusader

Singh has posed:
The ambiance within the STAR Labs Medical area is not unlike that of a hospital. The occasional Beeps and calls for various doctors and scientists resound throughout the large rooms. Lights shine bright on those that are present there. People who are being checked out due to chemical, technical, or any number of other accidents.

One such person is Ginger Singh. A young cook who some how crashed a car into STAR Labs and wound up coated in odd substance. The Hindi girl has been out cold for days. A soft groan can be heard as she tosses and turns. Unseen to those monitoring, The events which transpired replay in her mind, echoing through her. Its almost too real...


"Ginger we need you on Delivery tonight. Joey called in sick again. Get in here! Move it!" The words from Mr. Carlo annoyed the heck out of Ginger. She hated being on Delivery. The tips were nice, and seeing the city was fun but, not getting to actually cook just was horrible. With a sigh she grabs a big travel mug which has been filled to the brim with coffee and hops in the car.

Ares has posed:
    Meanwhile, down a good twenty minutes away from Ginger's place of employment, they'd gotten the call and when it was taken it was definitely something out of the ordinary. In the background there was noise, heavy music, the steady oontz-oontz-oontz of the bass pounding while some guy tried to scream an order. Eventually, however, by hook or by crook they placed some massive order that definitely would pay for the night. That is if they tip well.
    But when she rolls up, she'll see it's the chaotic set up that always speaks ill for a delivery person making the rounds. A party, with drunk people, music in a rich person's manor house on the edge of the neighborhood. The curving driveway is filled with cars of all varieties, some pulled up on what passes for a lawn, others squirreled away in any spots available. Outside there are some people smooching in the shadows, a few people sharing a drink and a long talk on the porch of the entryway, but then when the door... which is already open, is reached... well the music is pretty intense.
    Inside it's a crazed thing with people moving about, small crowds forming in conversational gambits, while other people congregate around the bar. One thing that's missing, however, is food. And luckily Ginger is on her way. Inside the place the owner, Don Vinto, is holding court amongst a half-circle of hangers on. "So then I tell him, 'Buddy, you add a 1 and two zeroes onto that or we ain't got a deal!"
    Cue laughter.
    Leaning against one of the nearby walls is a rather tall man, arms crossed, looking decidedly out of place considering the general youth of the crowd. John Aaron grimaces, looking down at his solo cup, then back up. He owes the owner some small duty, since well... he did help build this place. Still. Not his crowd.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Inside of the house and watching people mingle, dance and the like, Suzanne stays with a small group near the DJ booth as a bodyguard-slash-tech. She was imposing enough to be the former, but she had enough know-how to be the latter. the crowd wasn't a big worry for her since she did stuff like this all the time. It was mostly a casual night for her.

A couple of people come over to talk to Suzanne and she chuckles from, thankfully, behind the speakers, since standing in front of the speakers would be.....rather painful. They laugh, carry on and such. Seems they're there, just for SUzanne....

Crusader has posed:
ANd some people, just happen to be in the area. Bjorn Arturson was walking around the rich neighborhood the party was taking place in. He heard there was some good restuarents around and hoped to walk to them. Quietly he passes by the party house and gives pause
    "Heh, youngins always partying. Back in Bjorn day, vee knew how ta really party, and vat was in 1970s!" he mutters out to no ine in particular, though it was also joking. He may be an old man....but he was hard to mistake for one. Of course, he still had a bit of a wild streak, one more extra partier wouldnea hurt. The man clambers up the fence and over the wall. Time to get his party on!
    And with that he makes his way towards the crowd, easily standing heads above the rest...and begins to dance like its no ones buisness. After all whats the point of partying if you can't have fun

Singh has posed:
The young woman pulls up in her old beat up Saturn. The car backfires for good measure as she Shuts it off and grabs a rather large stack of pizzas. God's she hopes they tip well. THis is a lot. She carefully carries the stack of pizzas which is edging on 30lbs to the front door. "Carlo's Pizza Delivery."

She carefully walks through the door, trying to keep from bumping into people. Its not easy. Who the heck hosts these sort of things. It must be nice to have money.

Ares has posed:
    It's always a crap shoot with these things, if the host is attentive then chances are a good tip's in the offing. But if she has to wheedle from guest to guest what to do, then well... the communal nature of the thing lends itself to confusion. Yet at the door she's waved inside, even as people shout towards the inside. "Food's here!"
    "Food! Nice!"
    There's a chorus of answers even as some of the partiers move towards her. A few dart past Bjorn, and to the party's credit people give him a second look, and a third look, but there are a few mutants there, a few beings of curious origin. Across the way is Lance Green, wasn't he in that Mini-Series about North Korea? One of the few known mutants in the industry. But even as she moves past, one man reaches clumsily for her rear to give it a slap if he's not too entirely drunk and she's not too fast.
    For Bjorn, however, there on the dance floor busting his groove, he'll get a few admirers, youngsters assuredly. Twenty-somethings enjoying the night and probably a few pharmas of their own. A bright blonde haired blue eyed girl in tight jeans asks him, "Hey, were you in Lord of the Rings?" Some people laugh, but her... she seems serious.
    And over near the music and the DJ they have their own little cadre of hangers on. People who are moving their heads to the music and even a few who are trying to hold a conversation. "So you work with this guy a lot?" A short brown-haired guy with thick glasses asks Suzanne, trying to somehow be heard over the music.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "WOO PIZZA!" Someone near Suzanne says as the girl wanders in. "Good. Can you get a box over here? I'm starving." She says before the girl goes to get a box...and hopefully before they're all gone. Of course, the pizza is shared between all of them, but Suzanne gets a few slices to eat since she's on duty at the moment.

She eyes the one on the dance floor.....the cosplayer apparently since the guy was mistaken for someone in lord of the rings......

Crusader has posed:
"Not quite my lady, buuuut" At parties, Bjorn had no trouble flexing his abilities some. Espeicaly parties were folks are getting drunk. Yay for blackouts! The man busts a move spinning fast and going down untill he spinning on his head. And before long he flips back onto his feet...as Grimli! Armor, beard and all! Minus the accent though "COuld of been a damn good dwarf!" he exclaims. Yup a mostly ordinary human has litterly just changed into a dwarf!
    This of course gets a round of applause from some of the partiers - both for the moves and the change of wardrobe. However...his eyes spot that man about to slap the Delivery girl, Gingar, butt. He tsks "No sense of manners" he 'borrows' on of the party goers cup and sends it soaring towards the drunken tapper. The man-turned-dwarf has some rather good aim!

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh the young woman quite content to give out the pizzas. "So whose paying?" She asks as the last box is snagged from her. Then it happens. The man slaps her ass. With little warning she whips around and slaps the man across the face. "My body is not for your damn amusement. If you wanna be a dick go hire a hooker." She glares at the man a moment and steps away.

Her attention goes to the man who seems to be drawing the most attention. That guy has got to be the one she needs to talk to about getting paid. She moves towards him. "Hello? Umm, $76.70?"

Ares has posed:
    Like a plague of locusts, the party-goers descend upon the stack of pizzas that Ginger carries in. Various ones are liberated and taken off to other sections of the manor house. Slices are held up with dripping cheese drizzling down while people laugh and some try to nibble at the terribly warm food. One guy, thinking it's funny, even tries to stuff a full piece in his mouth.
    The short guy that had been trying to talk to Suzanne hollars, louder this time, "I said, DO YOU WORK WITH THIS GUY OFTEN?" And should that get her attention he'll try a sort of weak-hearted smile tinged with nervousness. Of course his attempt to gain attention might be utterly supplanted by the approach of people who have liberated a pizza from the stack of pies, one being set down on the folding table that's set up next to the DJ's gear.
    On the dance floor, however, the young woman laughs and applauds at the gyrations Bjorn manages while shifting into the silhouette of the heroic dwarf. "That's awesome!" She keeps on dancing, but gives him room for his more acrobatic maneuvers. A few of the other dancers applaud a bit at his dance move, but then he hurls that cup and it connects with a plasticy /thwok/ which causes the guy to look up and away, but to his credit he doesn't get too peeved... instead he laughs.
    Of course that thwok sets him up for a nice resounding /SLAP!/ that sends his head swinging around to the side as Ginger reads him the riot act. His eyes widen and he rubs at his jaw. This does darken his mood as he murmurs under his breath, 'bitch.'
    Yet she's well out of earshot as she advances on the man holding court, Don Vinto. He grins at her as she comes by, "$76.70, good deal for ten pies." He checks his watch, and grins further. "And ya made good time, one sec." He pushes himself up off the back of the couch where he had been sitting, one of the models who had been holding onto his arm gives Ginger a rather annoyed look, but she says naught. "Here ya go," He unfolds three bills, fifty dollars each and then hands them to her.
    "You got a look, girl. Ever think of makin' some money?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne looks about, but then she realizes she's a good deal taller than most people, so she finally looks down to find the guy. "Yeah I do. Not as often as I'd like but this guy's an artist in the DJ booth." She says as she takes a couple of bites of a pizza. She does notice the guy is nervous though. So, Suzanne includes him in her little group and talks to him AND her friends. Mostly so he's not too nervous about talking to her...or other people."

Crusader has posed:
The dwarf gives a bow before growing back into his human form "Vank sie! Took me weeks ta git that doon!" he admits before he reutnrs to the dancing. While he can be acrobatic with his dancing, he does make sure the other party goers have room to break down themselves!
    Sides...he had a eye on Mr.Handsy mopeing over there. Served him right to get slapped by Ginger. Though knowing how these parties could go, Bjorn does seem to actually keep an eye on Ginger...but partying through the crowd no less. That how you move in these things

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh glares at the man again. "I head that." She states in a very pissed tone.

Then her attention goes fully to the Don. Now Ginger has no idea who this man is. Why would she? She's not exactly the type who spends time with the underbelly of Metropolis. Right now she is just a delivery girl. Though at the moment, Money does sound nice. Especially given her car and the fact that she really wants to further her education. "Thats why I have a job. What are we talking about?" She slips the money for the Pizza and of course the generous tip, into her pocket for now. "What kind of job are you talking about?"

Ares has posed:
    The young man seems terribly enthused to be included by Suzanne and her friends, but he quiets down a bit, only contributing now and again when he can, and laughing when everyone else laughs even though it's hard to hear what exactly is said. Still, her place there at the 'head' of the party gives her a good angle to observe the comings and goings of people, especially considering the elevated DJ station. It just happens to give her an angle on a group of four men who are pushing through the front double doors, four men in suits, and four men who don't look to be terribly interested in dancing.
    While Bjorn is busy cutting a rug, he'll see that the guy who made a try at Ginger's butt is speaking angrily to two of his friends. One of them is leaning down, giving his ear to the guy so they can have a shouted conversation back and forth. One of them points towards Ginger and the other shrugs. The third one says something and then they all laugh just as they start to get up.
    Vinto, however, has eyes just for Ginger, at least for the moment. His model girlfriend seems all the more annoyed as he spends more time talking to the pizza delivery girl of all things. She turns her nose up, lip curling downwards in disdain even as she feigns drinking from her glass of champagne. Don Vinto doesn't seem to care about her state of mind and just keeps his gaze on the delivery girl.
    "You could turn a bit of coin, girl. Let me get some guy to manage you. You'd be making ducats now and every Thursday. Bang bang bang, movies movies movies." Of course what kind of movie he's talking about is probably not the kind that people are too proud of to be in.
    Whatever else he was about to say is cut off as in that moment a tall shadow falls over them both. Setting his mug down, John Aaron stands partially to the side and behind Ginger as he says levelly to Don Vinto, "Donald Vinto. I am going to depart. Your festivities are tedious."
    Don laughs, shaking his head first at Ginger, then in turn to John Aaron. "What, man? You just got here. C'mon, you do good work. Enjoy yerself, asides. I like havin' ya here. Ya know?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne had just finished her second slice when she noticed the four guys come through the doors. "Mmmm....this could be trouble. I'll be right back." She says to the group, and even pats the guy on the shoulder before she walks her way over towards the group, but angling slightly away so she doesn't directly intercept them.

The old saying of 'giving someone just enough rope to hang themselves with........'

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn rolls his eyes, well seems he came to a party featureing several pricks. Though he dosn't actually recognize anyone...because party crasher! Really, what kind of man ignores the girl he is with for another girl?
    Bout enough of that, Ginger seems more than able to care for herself consider that slap down she layed down earlier. Bjorn...just keeps an eye open...and can't help but notice John. Dudes a walking brick wall!

But he also couldn't help but notice the men in suits. More party crashers....except they don't look like their here to party. He keeps han eye open for them now. Which wasn't too hard, but still. There goes a night of just partying

Singh has posed:
"The last person who made an offer like that wanted me to make these really raunchy movies that umm... Even Porn stars would be like 'OH GODS WHAT THE HELL!'" Ginger snickers a little. "So What kind of movies? I mean I don't exactly have any acting chops. I'm a cook. A pretty damn good one too!" She states with a wink.

As for the jerk, she doesn't respond to him. She can live with being called a bitch. Its not the worst thing she's been called on this job. When she's baking and preparing food things are pretty peaceful. Whenever shes on delivery though this sort of crap happens.

Ares has posed:
    That group of four men does indeed warrant consideration. They move forwards, all lined clearly up behind the one in the fore who navigates the crowd with practiced ease. One of them is wearing a pair of glasses, another has a goatee, and a third has his hair slicked back, each of them subtly different from the others, but all dressed similarly in that black and white colors.
    As she closes with them, Suzanne doesn't draw a second glance, which in some ways might trigger a few red flags. One, considering she's a comely woman, but another is that as the one man in black who glances at her seems to see her, gauge her, and most likely to his mistaken regard... dismisses her.
    At the same time, Bjorn's got a good eyeball on the group of three young party-goers that include the one that made the play for a grope at Ginger. They're moving up on the other side of the room, starting to close the distance. Close enough to hear some of what Vinto says, "That chick? Man uncle Don, that girl's so ugly I wouldn't pay her anything let alone attention." To which this causes his friends to say sharply, 'Oh damn!' and one high-fives the other.
    Vinto, however, is still eye-balling John Aaron, but then his attention snaps towards his nephew. "Then yer blind, kiddo. I knew yer mom was retarded, but at least now I see it was genetic insteada all the times she got rolled by her johns."
    And /that/ triggers an even wider-eyed pause from the young men.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Excuse me." Suzanne says stepping in front of the four men. "But I would suggest you go back to the front door and hand over your weapons to the doorman." Suzanne calmly suggests it to them, even though she can tell, by their demeanor that they won't......they tried to hard to 'blend in'.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn laughs heartedly at the expression of the young men. Boy they deserved it. He wasn't so good at cracking jokes, he'll let the proffesionals like John handle that. He better at cracking skulls. Speaking of which, he can't help but also keep an eye on those suited gentlemen, especialy as Suzanne stops them. He could feel a rising tension...but kept cool for now.

Singh has posed:
As Ginger continues speaking with the Don, something begins bothering her. Something begins bothering her. Something about those guys that just walked in has her a little worried.

Then it happens. The man insults her appearance. Now, Ginger is used to not looking the greatest. She works in a kitchen day in and day out. Her clothing gets stained up by grease and such. But physically she is far from unattractive. So getting insulted like that causes her to lash out, this time verbally. "Where I'm from we have a little saying. Apni lund choos!" She snickers. "In English it means, "Go suck yourself off!" She glares at him.

Ares has posed:
    The first man that she steps in the way of, he flares his hands helplessly and tells the woman, "Hey. Darlin'. S'ok. We're friends of the Don." The man with the goatee gives her what some might call a disarming smile even as he looks her up and down for a moment, then his smile becomes a little more of a leer. "We're friendsa his. Take care of some work for him now and again, odd jobs."
    As the first man tries to keep Suzanne occupied, the other three split up and start to go into the crowd in different ways. One heading towards the dance floor and Bjorn as chance would have it, another towards the stairs that lead upwards, and the third heads on towards Don Vinto himself.
    Don Vinto's nephew looks flabbergasted, anger causing his features to turn red. He shakes his head sharply and turns away, starting to walk away from the gathering even as the other men are moving towards other parts of the crowd.
    But it's then, once the men have moved off, that the one that had been trying to hold Suzanne's attention... he turns back towards her and tells her. "Sorry, kid. Nothing personal." And as if on cue there's a quick crack/snap/hiss of compressed batons being drawn and jolting into position. Over the steady oontz-oontz-oontz of the music, it's a sound hard to identify, but Suzanne can see it right up close as the man draws back his arm and swings the baton straight at her face.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne sidesteps the baton, grabs the man's shirt and actually lifts him off the ground for a shoulder throw so hard that the man bounces off the floor. "yeah, nothing personal....for you."

Suzanne, still remaining calm, cups her hands forward and.....causes a blue comet to streak forth from her hands to hit a second suited man.....if she's lucky, it'll knock him down, but she's in pursuit now.....

Crusader has posed:
As the suited man tries to shove Bjorn out of the way...it quickly becomes apparent Bjorn is VERY hard to move. Perks of weighing more than a car. With all the lights and partying going on....people probably wouldn't notice one harmless trick. Bjorn smiles at the perplexed man "Sorry, didnea mean ta shock you" and grabs the the confused looking mans hand to shake it vigorously. Untill quite suddenly the man looks like he is seizing up and than smokes as quite a few volts of electricty are surged into him - just enough to knock him out "Oh, wait, Bjorn did!" and the man is down! Of course many just think the suited man MAY have had too much to drink.

Singh has posed:
As things start going crazy, Ginger begins panicking. "I umm. I need to go! You can find me at Carlo's pizza!" With that she takes off running clear out the door. She has no desire to lose her kneecaps tonight. She needs those! So she quickly hightails it out to her car.

Once in her car, She tries to start the engine. It sputters out. She tries again. It sputters again. She tries once more. This time it starts. She really needs a new car. Maybe after this hellish night she will go invest in one. Quickly she peels out and takes off driving away. Her heart is racing. She doesn't call the cops. She doesn't do anything to draw anymore attention to herself save for speeding.

Ares has posed:
    Rarely do people expect a gal so tall to move with such ease and precision. That baton whizzes right by her ear as she steps in. She's able to make the grab, connects the hold, turns and lifts, then brings the man down heavily even as other party-goers quickly skitter out of the way. The guy hits head first and his head makes a short sharp crack as his body jolts once the lies prone.
    A shout goes up, one person screams, "AAAAH! My leg!" As one of those men in a suit /cracks/ the baton against their knee, causing the civilian to hit the ground shrieking and clasping his knee, the leg bent awkwardly to the side. With that an almost palpable wave ripples through the crowd as people become aware that something is up, something is gone wrong, a crowd sniffs danger and depending on the people... they tend to panic.
    But then there's a flash of blue flame and the man who just clocked that person in the leg is sent /flying/ by the impact of it into the small of his back. t sends him hurtling... straight into the man that is jolting and twitching and sizzling as Bjorn's electrical power lashes through him!
    As quick as that three of them are down, two of them completely out while the third is grabbing at his back and wincing as he tries to pull himself to his feet slowly. "You fuckers. You think this is a game?!"
    Hardly anybody seems to notice Ginger's departure in all the hub bub, though one of the young men who had been laughing at her does follow her with his eyes, smirking to himself as she makes her departure.
    Yet that leaves the last, the one who had been heading to the stairs. He turns, scowling at Suzanne as she starts to make her way through the crowd towards him. He looks around quickly, holding his baton in one hand and then snaps a knife out of his inner coat pocket and it clicks into place. He seems ready for her and shouts, "C'mon!" As he gestures with one of the weapons...
    Only for the wrist he reaches out with to be grasped by the tall man who had been standing near Don Vinto. There's a single turn, sharp, precise, as if the man had practiced it a million times. It causes the man to follow through with the motion lest his own wrist be broken. It's a smooth take down, bringing the man down and ending with him on his back, his arm straight up behind him with his wrist twisted and the man known as John Aaron holding it with pressure. Nothing broken, yet. But he glances towards Suzanne and cocks an eyebrow at her. For now, he says nothing.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Only now does Suzanne slow her approach.....as the suited man is taken down with so much ease. She takes a deep breath as John Aaron holds the man down. "At least I didn't have to use a secret technique." She says under the music.....then she looks to Don Vinto. "You lucked out, buddy. You had a party and the people you hired, and a party crasher were able defenders." She then takes a deep breath. "I think the pizza girl was freaked out though."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks down at the man who tried to get up "Such foul language iz nit of vee need" and promptly reaches down and...electricutes him as well. Only enough to knock him out of course. Oddly though...said party crasher seems to have just vanished from sight leaving just the now 3 body tall pile of men. Where he went is anyones guess

Singh has posed:
Ginger is driving at high speed. She wants to get away from that madness. As she gets closer to the Carlo's She is getting into the more heavily populated area. Happily to be free of the chaos, She slows up, or at least tries to. The breaks go right to the floor.

Her eyes go wide with fear. Everything is going bad. She quickly tries to steer the car away from traffic. Its not working. Then down hill she goes! The car picks up speed.

Then just as things feel like they can't get any worse, THe car jumps the curb. It goes flying into STAR Labs. Ginger is buckled in but, Not even the seat belts are very good in this vehicle. As the car slams into the wall, it punches a hole into it. The seat belt tears and she is thrown clear out of the car. Her body goes crashing into several different odd substances, culminating with one called Silitex. The girl's body finally stops. Her body is extremely banged up and she is out cold. The strange fluids coat her body and begins vanishing...

Ares has posed:
    At the words Suzanne murmurs, the tall man cocks an eyebrow, but he says nothing. Instead he looks down at the man who is still struggling upon the ground and casually places his foot upon the side of the man's neck. A precise amount of pressure is placed for an exact amount of time... and consciousness rapidly flees from the man until he rests limp upon the groud.
    The others are quickly contained, some of the larger more capable people in Vinto's take them into custody. Someone recommends calling the cops, but for some reason Don Vinto tells them, "Nah. Nah nevermind, we got this handled." He takes a moment to shoot a look at the duo of people who affected the save of his party. For a moment he looks around for Gimli/Bjorn, but not finding him he leaves it at that. "You folks, feel free ta stick around, enjoy yourselves. Help yourselves ta the top shelf booze. We got stuff to handle here."
    And as easily as that the party slips over the hump, it's going to start winding down now... even as the men in suits are being carted off.
    As for John Aaron, he seems to not care one whit what shall happen to the men. Instead he turns away, scowling to himself as he walks towards the double doors that lead outside. "Your parties are terrible, Donald Vinto." And with that judgement pronounced, the God of War steps outside.
    When he steps outside only the sounds of the city greet him. Eventually, as he starts to walk he'll hear the distant sounds of the ambulances and emergency vehicles responding to some distant emergency. Does it concern him? Not at all.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I don't drink, Mister Vinto, but thank you for the offers." Suzanne then smiles. "I'm just glad I was able to keep most of these people safe, but need to find out who that....Gimli person was so I can thank him." She then ponders. "Actually...if you have a smaller bottle of Crown Royal, I'll take a bottle for home." She then winks to him and goes back to her place at the DJ booth with her friends, and new friend.

As the party winds down, Suzanne helps pack up and eats the rest of her pizza.