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(Firestar got a glimpse of Lydda in the park dealing with bad things.)
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Latest revision as of 20:16, 29 March 2024

All she wanted was to take a walk...that's all
Date of Scene: 02 March 2024
Location: A small park in a sketchy part of town.
Synopsis: Firestar got a glimpse of Lydda in the park dealing with bad things.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Night Girl

Firestar has posed:
Angelica is walking through the park. It isn't a leisure pace and it isn't a run from fear. Instead she is just working on getting her pulse up for a while. Excercise. A novel concept.

That being said, maybe she should find a better park than this one. It isn't obvious to the casual, but things are happening. Not too obvious, but not too hidden either."
Night Girl has posed:
Lydda, of course, has no need of using parks for exercise. She has the hardlight gym on the Cruiser for this. So why is *she* walking in a park in a shady part of town?


She's exploring her new home century (for however long it takes to finally get back to the 30th) and upon seeing the park from above while flying overhead, she drops down to look at the lovely yellow flowers that pepper the grass. (It's not a well-maintained park and dandelions are taking over.)

She, too, is oblivious to the nature of the park; to what dangers a weirdly-dressed woman in a black catsuit and a half-cape, towering beehive hairdo making her already-tall frame look like a mobile skyscraper, might face.

Well dangers were she not Dark Girl of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

As the sun sets she feels the power it chases out of her start to flood back into her in waves as she walks between obstacles that block it.

An unsavory-looking man leers at her as she passes by with a look in his eyes like he's assessing her for something. "Greetings, Citizen," Lydda say politely to the gang's scout, the man looking for victims to mug.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica notices the woman in the strange clothes. She doesn't let her eyes linger too long, especially not when the point man engages her.

She moves her eyes over the area, looking for potential problems. She isn't a master strategist, but she has walked into something like that before and walked into it face first.

She eyes the would be thug, but doesn't stare.
Night Girl has posed:
"Could you help a vet out?" the thug says in a practiced, yet somehow still transparently false, whiny voice. "I haven't had a bite to eat in days."

"I'm sorry," Lydda replies. "I don't know where the nearest Vend-o-Mat is. I'm a stranger here. But surely an animal doctor would have food at his clinic?"

Lydda is hitting all the rich target potentials: fancy clothes, stranger, unfamiliarity, and apparently a language barrier.

"The kitchen is closed," the thug, named to his eternal shame 'Edgar', though he punches anybody who calls him that. 'It's Ed or dead!' is his usual reaction.

So Ed keeps Lydda's attention focused on him as he starts to spin some cockamamy sob story or other while the rest of the gang, now visible to Angelica, moves to encircle.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica watches the other woman for a moment, eyes sweeping around. There they are. The rest of the gang. This could go wrong fast.

She steps away from the path and once she is in the trees, she rises into the air. She hasn't switched to her costume yet beacause burning off clothes gets expensive and it is getting dark enough she probably won't be recognized.

One beam, tightly focused, escapes and sets the pants of one of the closer gang bangers on fire. It isn't a huge blaze, but it sets off fast and grows. The guy behind her screams and thus gives himself away.
Night Girl has posed:
Lydda is inexperienced with modern Earth, but for that experienced in a million planets at a million stages of development. Further she has Legion training and, indeed, trains Legionairres these days. In tactics.

The sound behind her catches her attention and with a suddenness that's unexpected from a victim, she steps around BEHIND Edgar to take in what was coming. Spotting the encirclement, she glares at Edgar, hissing, "Criminals!"

She then dispenses justice. In her own inimitable style: picking up Edgar and throwing him at the burning man, with astonishing strength and accuracy both, in a way that takes both out of the fight, but also knocks the burning man into a fountain.

"Surrender now or face the justice of the Legion!" she commands the rest.