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(Catching up is fun)
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Latest revision as of 20:19, 29 March 2024

After shopping
Date of Scene: 28 March 2024
Location: Starfire's Room, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Catching up is fun
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Wonder Girl

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r Smiles as she looks over the piles of clothes on her bed that's almost more than her bed can hold.. but she has money and it was fun shopping with a friend. She beams " That was most fun " She giggles as she grabs a long slinky shiney dress wtih it cut up to the hips to put into her fancy party dresser!

     She looks to Cassie. " I enjoyed the outfits you got.. though I did not get to see them all , it was very enjoyable to hang out with your friend Cassie" .
Wonder Girl has posed:
One of the benefits of super strength is that the limits on what you can carry when shopping is limited only by how many bags you can loop through your fingers. It eventually just gets awkward and looks silly.

But it's worth it sometimes as Cassie looks over the haul from Kori's half of the shopping spree. Money stopped being an issue long ago. Which allows Cassie some opportunities herself as her bags sit by the door.

The small but very athletically curved blonde nodding approvingly in her black zipup muscle top and red leather jeans. Not quite one of her hero outfits, lacking the merch stylings of her sister. "We'll get to mine eventually. Your stash is amazing though Kori. I'm amazed how much those sales girls were jumping to get you fitted and kitted," but then looking at Koriand'r all of that sixish plus feet of model looks, a short fit buff blonde has nothing on the alien Princess when it comes to attention grabbing.

Can't blame them, really."
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r Laughs and grins. She's floating right now, putting stuff away.. it's more fun than walking for her. But she looks at you. " You were cuter than them. " She winks ' So I was looking to impress you, not them " .

     She teases back. "But as Daimen said, being a famous model has assets.. no." She frowns. " Oh perks, that's the word, "she beams.

     " I enjoyed that what did you call it.. goth shop the most, there was so many clothes like friend raven enjoy but with some color that actually fit me " .
Wonder Girl has posed:
Walking is fine. But Cassie also wears heels. A little trick she learned from older friends was how to float just a little so she doesn't have to actually put weight down. But still look like your walking normally.

Between that and her divine healing, she never had to worry about blisters and the balance issues taht come from being a tomboy trying to be girly. "Those assets gets you through doors. A few minutes ahead of the rest of you!" she playfully quips as she plants herself down on the end of Kori's bed to watch the Tameranean put things away. "It does have a lot of stuff. The collars, belts, and wrist cuffs I got are pretty won't have much call for the cuffs." she flicks her silverish bracers of submission with a metallic TING sound. "But being that I'm the same size as Rachel it helps if we drag her to a goth or heavy metal club sometime."
Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r Nods her head " I know I used your help to buy an outfit for her birthday.. because I couldn't get her to try anything on " She pouts a bit.. She smirks about the comment " Why do you think they are too big too" feeling a little self concious about her chest and crossing her arms over them.

     She looks. "Your cuffs are nice, but it can be nice to remove that stuff and enjoy other clothes," she beams. "Just put those in your purse, just in case ' .

     She pulls out one of the many many bikinis she purchased. " This was a find, " it's a bikini with the Teen Titans logo on it .
Wonder Girl has posed:
"They are not too big!" Cassie points out, mostly by pointing at those assets. Lips curled up in a grin. "There are people who might ay they could be bigger. I say they're prefect!" the blonde encourages with a sagacious nod.

The Bikini gets a giggle. "I can't believe we still have to pay for our own merch." technically she doesn't have her own, it's either Diana's or the Titans. But the point stands. Thank goodness she made sure she channeled her illicit earnings as a thief into something legit and lasting.

"It's like the lasso I have. They're functions are to keep my powers in check. When the strength kicked in I was struggling to dial it down for ages. I'm just glad I have so many friends as strong as me so I can hug safely." she explains. The Lasso might be in her room, but it and whatever uniform outfit she'd use is merely a magical twirl away.

Taking the bracers off is a nuclear option though.