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(A night out with some friends.)
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The drink after work.
Date of Scene: 24 January 2024
Location: Luke's Bar, Central Harlem
Synopsis: A night out with some friends.
Cast of Characters: Jacen Masters, Phantasm (Drago), Quake, Night Girl

Jacen Masters has posed:
While a drink after work can be a good thing, sometimes it is a must thing. Jacen is all cowboy in his appearance. No sign of the medical gear. He walks to the bar and leans on it,"Boiler maker..." he requests and settles onto the barstool. Tired isn't the word for the look on his face.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
While having a new haunt with some higher end security makes for a good place to get drinks, sometimes you don't want to leave the city. Which is what leads Nick to trying another bar tonight. Luke's is not NEW to Nick. But it's far from what would be considered a regular haunt. Which- in his eyes makes it a safe place to head to.

Heading in, the dressed down rock star makes his way to the bar, taking a spot a couple seats down from Jacen.

"Guinness." The knitcapped man simply requests, resting his arms on the bar and tilting his head down. While the head's tilted down, pale eyes do glance up slightly taking stock of what the reflection of the mirror provides him.
Quake has posed:
Skye was already in the bar. Amazing, huh? Sitting at a booth.

Still, she has a pint of beer, which she makes a face at, and tries to drink it. If she is going off of the previous day's rules, she has to drink it before she can go home. And the fact that she isn't allowing the usual technology while she drinks makes it more challenging to say the least.

She just about says hi to Jacen, when Nick arrives.. Interesting.

Instead, she watches the meeting play out before entering the fray - so to speak.
Jacen Masters has posed:
Jacen looks around the room, nodding to Skye if he catches her eye. The drink arrives and he sets it up and starts to drink it. Rubbing his eyes with his free hand. A sigh and another drink.

He glances to the new arrival, nodding. For now he minds his own business an doesn't engage much beyond that.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's quiet fortunate that the bar has mirrors which makes taking note of Skye in the booth a little bit easier. Head tilting slightly he looks right at her through the reflection, waiting to catch her eye before giving a slight smile.

Getting a sense of movement from the stranger to the side of him, Nick turns his head to see the greeting. There's no smile to this one but more of a return of the received nod.

As the beer is set down before him he looks to the bartender. "Thanks."
Quake has posed:
Drats! She's losing her edge. Then again, she wasn't really trying to blend in which the crowd.

Skye lifts her glass. And nods with her chin to Jacen, and Nick, to join her. A booth was infinitely better than the bar. And besides, at this rate? The beer was going to be warm before she drank it, and company was better with warm beer.
Jacen Masters has posed:
Noticing the invitation, Jacen gets up, pushing his hat back a little, and walks over to her table. He sets his glass down and the takes a seat,"Thanks. Ain' never good ta drink 'lone an' t'night prolly worse th'n usual."

He doesn't elaborate, but does seem genuinely thankful for the opportunity of company tonight.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It probably helped that Nick did spend quite a bit of time staying at the Trisk during his...troubles. Considering his roommate and the people he was hanging around with, he had time to pick up a few tricks here and there. It was probably more dumb luck that he even thought to do the mirror thing here.

Catching the silent invite from Skye, Nick moves to his feet to collect his drink. As he finds Jacen moving over as well, he pauses, looking to him and then back to Skye for confirmation. Seeing nothing countering the initial interpretation he steps over. As he doesn't know Jacen, he ends up moving towards Skye's side of the booth to take a seat. "Thanks. It's been awhile."
Night Girl has posed:
Who stands out as ... not quite blending in? It would be the tall woman, with a high bouffant, in a black full-body outfit, with an owl on her chest (since she's not aware of the ... ah ... implications of such iconography). The half-cape, the metal link belt, the fact that she dropped out of the sky (not that anybody inside would have seen that) to land at the door ... this all makes her someone who doesn't stand out.

That's how Lydda Jath, Night Girl, chooses to enter Luke's bar. And then seems completely unfazed by the staring. Almost as if she's used to it.

With a confident stride, she enters the place, looking around, before focusing her attention on the bar, making her way to it. "Whatever beverage is most popular," she says. Then, adding unnecessarily, "I'm not from here, you understand."

Yes. It's understood.
Quake has posed:
Skye nodded slightly to Nick, as if to say, 'He's okay'.

She shifts over to make room for Nick. Still keeping her one eye on the rest of the bar.

"Nick.. Jacen. There. Now we know each other." Which brings a slight grim to her face. Then she pauses. Looks again. Looks to her tablemates , at whispers. "What do you bet something is going to go wrong."


"Should I.. Should I not.." Yes. Lydda just opened her mouth, with the wrong thing to say - for various reasons. "Should. Damn."

Putting her beer down (just in case!), she spoke up, "Hey. Why don't you come over here, and introduce yourself? I'm Skye, btw.".
Jacen Masters has posed:
Jacen listens to Skye and nods to her. He looks to Nick and tells him,"Pleasure." Drink is good and he is making good use of this one. The boilermaker doesn't last too long.

Looking back to see who came in. He studies her for a long moment.

Leave it to Skye to step up to things like being nice. Pesky people. He moves over a little so there is room next to him and rolls his neck a little. The alcohol starts to take effect and he loosens up some.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods to the newly labeled 'Jacen'. "Likewise."

When Skye suggests something is about to go wrong, he chuckles, "Hey, just because a lot of the times we hang out usually result in encountering odd events doesn't mean that will be the case this time-" And then Nick glances over to see Lydda. Brow raising slightly to the image. Lips tightening, the musician looks over to his drink, immediately taking it up to occupy the mouth with something other than speaking.

Yeaaaaah... better let Skye work with introductions.
Night Girl has posed:
Lydda hears someone pipe up with a request for introductions. She looks over in the direction of the trio querulously to confirm the source of the voice, then nods. "Deliver to that table," she says to the bartender, indicating where Skye is sitting, before heading across.

"Good evening. I am Lydda Jath, of Kathoon, newly arrived." She looks around the bar. "I was investigating my new home when I came across this establishment and thought to introduce myself."
Quake has posed:
"See? See what I mean? Fury would have my badge if I didn't step in."

Okay. he wouldn't. But he would be so disappointed if she didn't step in before something they would all regret. And Lydda smacked of being out of this world. Literally.

Better to jump the gun and deal with it before it was a bigger problem.

When Lydda arrives formally, she nodded to the seat beside Jacen. "Nice to meet you. One thing. Here on earth we don't announce for everyone that we are new here. It usually drags all the slimy sorts from the gutters where they usually hide. And, probably you might think about changing your outfit for your job, to something a little more relaxed. It will help you fit in. Trust me."
Jacen Masters has posed:
Waving a waitress, Jacen orders a beer and then settles in his seat a little. He looks at the new arrival next to him. Since he isn't really in a postition to be terribly helpful he let's Skye be all official and authoratative.

The prospect of something about to go wrong should make him uneasy, but it doesn't.

The beer arrives and he mutters,"Thank ya."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the owl chested woman approached the table, Nick calmly set the beer back down. "I am Nick." He offers back, keeping to how he was introduced to Jacen. "And to add to the advice, In general if anyone asks. You're not new here, you're never alone, and if you're entering the building you live in and someone you don't know asks if you live there you say that you're just visiting friends."

He holds up the glass in a bit of a mock toast, "And seconded on the outfit advice."
Night Girl has posed:
Taking a seat, Lydda listens to all the advice with clear confusion on her face. About to speak, she's interrupted by the arrival of her drink. The bartender has selected the most expensive whiskey on the shelf. (It's not very expensive all things considered.) Before speaking she drinks the tumbler, heedless of its potent contents. This further delays her speech as she embarks on a fit of surprised coughing, the strenuousness of which brings tears to her eyes.

"What, by the stars, is this substance?!" she asks, incredulously, voice rasping. She does settle down, however, and take a breath.

"My outfit? I don't understand. It's my distinctive look; it's how I'm identified." Identified as what? "The owl represents wisdom, the star is the emblem of the Legion, and the black represents my place in it."

She looks around ... "You have infestations of your sewers? I can handle any slimy creatures that would come out of them. Do you have need of them being cleaned?"
Quake has posed:
As usual, Nick has better advice than she. Not that she minds it!

Lydda drinks her drink.. quickly (mistake number one). And begins to rack up the questions (mistake two and three and.. you get it).

Oooooo boy.. This one will take some time to sort out.

"That was a scotch. I think. Best to sip. If you wanted to down your glass, a beer, or a fruity drink would be better. As for your outfit? The thing here, most people don't give a shit, and with an outfit that screams 'not from here'? Just trust me, unless you are doing some superheroing, change your outfit."

As for the slimy people? Skye looks around the table pleading for help.
Jacen Masters has posed:
Brain catching up, Jacen looks at Lydda and says,"I'm Jacen." He studies her outfit finally and raises a brow. He stands out, but with her there...not so much. He doesn't offer any advice per say and turns to take the beer that arrives.

"Y'all definately wanna see 'bout wearin' stuff that fits in with th' general public. People don' always need ta know 'bout you. Best ta blend in where ya can."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"My guess?" Nick asks to Lydda's question. "Being that you said you didn't care, you probably got the top shelf liquor. Which, if you don't know the difference between the brands is a bit of a waste of money." He pauses to take a sip of his beer, "Until you can tell them apart, ask for the house brand. Or start off with beer."

He pauses looking to how quickly Lydda's drinking it. "...After that drink, you might want to ask the bartender for a glass of water to drink. I was just around a friend who forgot that step and he learned the hard way."

Nick looks over to Skye as she gives a pleading look. "...what?"
Night Girl has posed:
Lydda listens to Nick carefully, clearly taking mental notes. "Thank you. That's very wise. I am unfamiliar with ways things work here; your advice is appreciated."

Her gaze slips over to Skye. "But I *do* superheroing," Lydda says proudly. "I'm a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Lydda Jath is my name, Night Girl of the Legion. I want people to know who I am; to bring them hope in dark times or times of danger."

Were this an online forum, this would be where the GIF with "the point" flying proudly over the cartoon stick figure would likely come out.

Digging herself in deeper, she tilts her head and regards the trio with curiosity. "Or is life in this time not like I've been led to believe: filled with danger and villainy?"

Wait. This time?
Quake has posed:
Oh my. To top this off? She's not just from another place, she's from another time as well.

"Well, welcome to earth." And she mentions the time. "To begins with, nobody is on 100 percent of the time. Even me. Even if my boss thinks I am. And some of us might be hiding powers. For example.."

And here she looks at Jacen, apologetically. "My superhero name is Quake. I have powers over the vibrations - any vibrations. But my day job is a hacker for SHIELD." Mind you, she bends the rules, because her superhero costume was actually forearms bracers to keep her from breaking her arms. "You wouldn't have picked me out from a crowd."

(Yes, yes, she was known for breaking law internatural laws, but who's keeping track?)
Jacen Masters has posed:
It's a good thing he hasn't had a lot to drink, because something comes through on Jacen's phone and he frowns. Getting up from the table, sets some money down for the drinks and a tip.

He tips his hat and heads towards the door.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to Lydda as she asks about the danger and villainy and then looks over to Skye. The look in his eyes are quite clear.

He's going to let her field that one. Not his job after all.

"I'm just your average citizen...boring job and all that." He lies. The accuracy of the statement could be debated later but the rock star takes the moment to down the rest of his beer and start to slide out from the booth. "But, you'll have to forgive me. I know I wasn't here long but I had initially decided Ionly had enough time to stop for one beer before heading home so I should probably get going."
Night Girl has posed:
"Quake. Powers over vibrations. That sounds like it would be very interesting. My Legion name is Night Girl. I am very strong and resilient."

What do strong and resilient have to do with night?

"I am easily as powerful as Mon-El of Daxam. Even as Kal-El of Krypton." She grins proudly. "We have sparred quite often."

Face back to normal, she adds, "I can also see in darkness." And that's enough to be called 'Night Girl'? "And naturally I have my Legion equipment as well."

Quake has posed:
"You got me beat." Kind of. I mean, sure you could be stronger than she is, but stop the vibrations of your body? And you can be as strong as you want, it won't help you! Of course eventually she would have to stop, and then it would be a whole new ballgame.

Like most superpowers, eventually they needed a break.

Most superpowers.

Skye did not care to bandy about powers with someone like Superman. In the long run, she suspected he would win.

"So what you are saying is, like most off-worlders, you have adapted for things out there that translate to earth as super strength, and..you got me, the night vision.. no, the darkness vision. That's pretty cool. I started a heart once, and only once. I don't think my power was meant to be starting hearts without some training." But for that once, it saved a life. "Mostly, I concentrate on my hacking.".
Night Girl has posed:
"Hacking?" Lydda blinks at the unfamiliar term, then shakes her head. She has things to learn and can't learn it all in a day. "No, my father gave me my strength. I wanted to join the Legion and he worked out a serum that would make me mighty." No mention of the little ... flaw ... in the serum. "At first I didn't qualify, but I don't give up. And now I'm a teacher in the Legion's Academy as well as a member!" Obvious pride is lighting up the woman's face.

She looks Sky over. "You don't appear to have an outfit. Are you part of a group? We find it easier to work as a team; individually our powers are mighty but can be cancelled or circumvented. It's together when the Legion is at its best!"
Quake has posed:
Oh, there were so many ways she could answer that question..

Starting with the easy one. "I break into computers as part of my job. Most of the time I keep an eye on the internet watching for alarms. That's the easiest way to look at it. It's more, but if you follow that, it's sufficient."

"I don't have a uniform because of what I do. Most often I work in the background, occasionally I am needed to break into places to stop the bad guys from using technology that I take away the directions for it."

She knows that it is a dumbed down version, but it's simpler to approach that way.

"Lately, I have come into my powers, and for that the only thing that is necessary is these bracers around my forearms. They keep me from breaking my arms every time I use my powers. I work for a government agency, so, no, there isn't a costume. We have a piece of plastic that we flash around occasionally. We're not like the Avengers, or the Justice League. They often do put on costumes so that they are a team. And so that they can take the costumes off and be normal people when they want to."

As if they really do turn themselves off and on. Ha!