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Latest revision as of 20:29, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 24 May 2017
Location: Avalon
Synopsis: In which Morgana test Darkedge to see what he is capable of.
Cast of Characters: Morgana le Fay, 303

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Darkedge had healed from the arrow but that he took it in the first place had set Morgana to thinking.

A servant had been sent with a request for him to join her in the garden. When he arrives, theres a dozen or so guards of various size and strengths surrounding her and obstacles have been put in place as well.

Instead of her typical gown, she's dressed in a pair of light breeches, a tucked in tunic and her has been pulled back into a tight braid.

Darkedge (303) has posed:
Summoned, Belynrath went right away, following the servant on silence footfalls. In the garden, his gaze sweeps over the gathered guards, their different sizes, their points of wrakness, the obsticles, and then morgana. Eyes on her the cave elf bows formally, mind sending a sense of question. He waits for her word.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
See the dark elf, Morgana smiles. **I have a favor to ask of you. You don't have to do it and there's no chance of consequences should you decline. I'd like to see how long it takes you to incapacitate them as they try to grab you." A brow arches and the Queen waits to see if this is acceptable.

Darkedge (303) has posed:
A single silver brow quirks at the request. Belynrath is silent a moment, considering the queen before he finally nods once. He is already prepared to move, even if he hasnt moved a muscle. Incapaciate doesnt mean terminate, so unless they drsw weapons, Belynrath makes the mental note to keep everything nonlethal.
doesn't mean it"s not going to hurt them.... maybe a lot. But they will survive.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana grins, watching him decide and when he finally nods, the grin turns into a full smile. **Thank you.** And then she nods. All at once, he's swarmed by twelve soldiers moving in on him. All with different abilities. One teleports, another flies, once is a centaur... each brings a different style and movement to the table for him to work against and while there's no weapons drawn, this clearly isn't just a training exercise either.

Darkedge (303) has posed:
The moment they move in, Belynrath moves. When the teleporter blinks into his fsce, Belynrath grabs him and yabks him back into the shadows. They vabish and reappear on the top of the wall, where a tree casts a shadow on the bartlements. The elf lets the teleporter go as the flier swoops by, sending them careening toward the ground. The mage, throwing litrle bits of magic, gets the elfs attnetiom next. Smoothly dodging the bits of mage, even when he wasnt looking, Belynrath drops two normal guards, one getting used as a body shield, on his way off the wall and behind the mage. The crack of Belynrayh's elbow to rhe magexs skull rings out. The elf has moved before the mage can slump to the ground.

Centaur.. half beast thing. Belynrath does not stand still long enough for the beast to charge. He uses positionong to get the horse thing off balance so that with a quick shadoe step, the cave elf can land a leap kick into thw cside od the creatures foreleg. It,s a break, but the beasy eill live. just, in pain, as it crumples to the ground.

Its not completely clean, as the unpredoctably of battle needs to Belybrath getting hits a few times, but the solo combatant never slows, never stops, never flinhes or hesitates. He dances through them, aliding smoothly from shadoe to shadow as he disables one after another until there are no more and he has vanished.

Actually, he's right behind Morgana, having used her shadow. He is curious to see if shw noticed and if so, how long it takes her.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
He appears behind her and Morgana smirks. Twisting in place, a sword starts appear. Made of ice and wood, by the time she's faxe him completely, the weapon is fulling formed. **Nicely done. Now, my turn.** Because he'll need to be better than her in order to do what she has in mind.

Darkedge (303) has posed:
Seeing the sword appearing, Belynrath waits only as long as it takes ger to think thar it's her turn befoee he's moving agsin. Forward, inside the reach of her blade. Hands grab her, inw twisting her wrist out so thw bladw is away feom him. Still moving, he is against her, other hand shive twisting her to face away so he can yank her sword arm up behind her harshly, just shy of breaking or dislocating something. All while yabking her backwards and tgriuhh shadows ti the archway on the opposite side of the training yard. He's using the disoriebtatiin of being in a bew place abd the frigid temperatures of shafoe, which he fights back by sheer force of will, to finish cripplibg her will to fight so he can bodily shove her face first into the rough wall.

What? Had shw expected him to be gentle because she was Queen?

Morgana le Fay has posed:
She had! That he wasn't made her quite happy! Any injuries to her own body as well as his are healed but only after the sword disappears and she yields. **That's very impressive.** With the battle called to a stop, the soldiers from earlier head towards the healers. **I have... A proposition for you.**

Darkedge (303) has posed:
The pressure he puts on Morgana stays ubtil the sword is gone and she yields. He lets her go slowly, csrefully easing her out of his hold before stepping away and gicing her space.

**A proposition?*j he akss intrigued despite himself.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana turns to face him. **Yes. Your old life... You're old identity... I give you the option to shed them, if you would like. To take a new one here. You'll be my right hand. My blade. You'll answer only to me. You'll be given a room, or allowed to build one if you want, paid as any of the guards are...** Though likely more. **I understand id this is you would lile time to consider.**

Darkedge (303) has posed:
The option to shed them. The option for a live away from... well the abikiry to kive and serve now tgat he has been cast from his cavern home. She had already gicen him food and shketer and healing and he was feelin gindebted. a position to work of this debt... was deemed acceptibke and so after a momentn Bekynratg nods once.

**It is consisered. I accept the proposition,** he sends back. Queenxs Right Hand, her Blade.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana nods her head and smiles, motioning for him to follow. **I am glad to hear it.... Darkedge. I truly am. If you would come with me, we will get you shown to your new quaters. And, I have a gift for you.** A few, actually but... details.

Darkedge (303) has posed:
Following, the elf tikts his head faintly for a momentn taking in the new name. It's processed, studied, then accepted.

"Of coursen my Queen, ** Dsrkedge replies as he walks at her side. Let someone question. He was told: her right hand, so it as at her right that he walks.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
It's a name that Morgana had taken a great dealbof time to consider. Something that fit the way he moves, the way he thinks, the way he fights. Something to fit his abilities and personality. A name that would command respect or be used to induce fear.

As they walk, her eyes cut over to him. **I will depend on you for many things. You will be my personal guard. My assassin if need be. My scout. I will need you at my side in many things but, perhaps most importantly, I will need you to never back down from me. Never be afraid to speak your mind.**
    They've entered the Royal Wing of the palace. A hall where, until recently, only Morgana's rooms existed.

Darkedge (303) has posed:
**It shall be done,** states the cave elfn catching rhw side glance, replying tonit with a nod.

**Respect dictstes that disagreements be spoken in private,*j he adds, mind narrowing his swnd untik only Morgana can hear it, lockijg it to his Queen alone.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
The way his send locks makes her smile and her own does the same. **This is as private as possible and no one touches my mind or gets in without my knowledge or permission. As long as our minds are entwined, I can do the same for you.**

They come to a halt outside of Morgana's door and it's new twin directly across from it which she motions to. **These are your new rooms. Whatever you wish to add, change or get rid of is your right and all you need do is send word. If it is something unable to be bought, then let me know and I'll take care of it personally.**

The rooms are huge. Very nearly as big as her own. A sitting room. A den/library, his sleeping chambers, a balcony and the bathing room.

**Clothing has been made for you which I have enchanted. Various materials and weights. The enchantment will allow you to be out during the day without risk.**

Darkedge (303) has posed:
As long as their minds are entwined she can prevent anyone from reaching his mind. That bit of information is intriguing and nerve wracking all at the same time. Darkedge acknowledges it, trying not to seem either too interested or too revulsed. He aims for noncommittal neutrality.

Stepping into the room, Darkedge takes in the surroundings, where the exits and entrances are, and were the light sources are and where the shadows pool. He is interrupted from his survey by her final comment. The surprise is a very real thing on his face.

**Out? During the day, My Queen?** Unheard of!

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana nods her heaf. **During the day, yes. You'll be completely protected and safe.**

Her eyes look atound the room and then bacl to settle on Darkedge. **What can I do to make this place more comfortable for you, Darkedge? I'd like you to feel at home and at ease here.**

Darkedge (303) has posed:
Darkedge nods to the confirmation, mind trying to figure out what that's going to be like. Hiding in various places, the light that filtered in was nauseaing. To be out in it fully wasn't something he was looking forward to, but he accepted Morgana's sent as it was offered. Topic changed back to the room and it's accommodations, Darkedge flicks his silver gaze about it again.

**There is little that's needed, My Queen. Home and at ease are rarely words that are found referring to each other.**