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Latest revision as of 12:22, 15 May 2024

Make up a title
Date of Scene: 08 March 2024
Location: Hole In-One Doughnuts
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Honey Badger, Raven

Honey Badger has posed:
Being a super secret mutant who is on the run from the shadowy corporate forces who are after you can be exhausting. Which is why Gabby Kinney makes sure to take regular breaks to have fun. Unlike her super serious big sister. And that means trips out to have fun, see the sights, and generally enjoy the heck out of life.

But that sort of hijinks, mayhem, and fun requires a huge amount of calories. And thus we find our heroine at Hole In-One Doughnuts. Loading up on carbs and sugar. Not to mention a huge amount of coffee.

She's wearing an eclectic outfit consisting of blacks and yellows. Hair tied up with ribbons. And, for those trained to look for it, probably is packing concealed weapons. But shhhh don't tell anyone.

Not that she is expecting trouble. But hey better to be prepared and not need weapons than being unprepared and needing them right?
Raven has posed:
Outings for fun weren't exactly the same with Rachel Roth, better known as Raven. Being secret wasn't easy either, when you were basically a pale goth with purple hair and a forehead decorated by an infernal gem. For Raven? This wasn't about celebration, this was about peace and quiet.

A long day of heroics was headed to a calmer moment as she was wrapped in a deep purple hoodie and black yoga pants. With a book in her hand she moved her way through the door and towards the counter. Sweets and caffine, a mix that might make even Raven smile.

Honey Badger has posed:
While there are plenty of open booths at this hour Gabby has decided to stake a claim to one of the chairs by the counter. Partly because it lets her order more coffee & donuts but also it means anyone coming in to order has to come close to her. Ideal for discreet sniffing to train her super senses. Laura's training regime is tough. So even during her time off Gabby is looking for ways to test out the family nose.

As Raven approaches to order she'll have to go past Gabby. And when she does? A subtle glance to the side. Nostrils flaring. Sniff sniff. Most people wouldn't even notice, but a veteran superhero? Who can say!

"Did you know they don't take suggestions for new donut ideas?" she wonders aloud. Happily striking up conversations with total strangers. Legs swinging back and forth. Petite enough the chairs are too tall for her. "Even when it's the best donut idea since the cronut."
Raven has posed:
A moment of consideration, pondering what she might actually be intending to choose when she was suddenly addressed. Raven blinks, a consideration given for a moment before she realised that -yes-, Gabby was talking to her. She might ignore, just go about her day, but...well, curiousity got the better of the half-demon heroine.

"What in the heck is a 'Cronut'?"
Honey Badger has posed:
Gabby gasps. Shocked, stunned, down right amazed that Raven doesn't know what a cronut is.

"Woah! How do you not know? It's only the most amazing invention someone other than me has made in the field of donut technology since they came up with the machine that makes the little holes." Do they actually use a machine to do that? Or do they just shape them into rings. Gabby has zero idea.

She spins on the chair. This may have been the secret third reason why she's sitting here. Her spin is enthusiastic enough she almost spins right past Raven before she steadies herself on the counter.

"Okay so. They don't actually sell them here but basically imagine a croissant fused with a donut. You make the donut but it has lots of layers of dough like the croissant. So it's all layered inside. And you can then put caramel inbetween the layers and top it with stuff. It was really really popular for a while. You had to queue outside of stores to get them. But now they're just kind of around." She lowers her voice, leans in, and whispers "But only in fancy donut places. Not like here where they don't really make anything new."
Raven has posed:
Facinating, and certainly it sounded delicious. Raven's gaze watched the excited spin and happy gushing...and she was almost certainly wondering if she'd somehow managed to run into another over-caffinated tamaranian for a moment. However, as the purple-haired embodiment of 'Goth GF that could kill you with her brain' moved up to the counter and quickly gave her order for a rather basic small bag of donuts and a coffee, she turned back to Gabby properly while she waited.

"If you could make something like that, why would you bother coming here?"
Honey Badger has posed:
"I can't make something like that?" Gabby says with a puzzled look on her face. "My donut invention was the cupnut. You take a glazed ring donut, slice it like a bagel, then add cream cheese frosting like off a cupcake. And then add sprinkles. Then put the other half on top. Forming a cupcake and donut hybrid."

"I'm Gabby by the way," she greets. Her hand shooting out for a shake. "I like places like this for people watching. My big Sister has given me some training I have to do. She says I've got to be able to learn to pick out weird people from crowds of normal people. So I can become a true super hero." This is in fact nothing at all like what Laura said. But then again what people say and what meaning Gabby takes from what they say are rarely the same. Super hearing doesn't equate to super paying attention....

She takes another little sniff. Curious what her super nose can pick up.

"On your way to or from the gym?" she wonders. Eyes flicking down to the leggings. "Or maybe you're on the way to work?"
Raven has posed:
Welp, she'd engaged with Gabby, now she had to live with it. The young woman considers for a moment the idea of that equally strange baked creation before folding her arms under her bust as she continued to wait.

"Rachel," she offers back, easing one hand to make the greeting while Gabby when on the strange sensational trip that was sniffing her. Could she pick up on the hint of infernal, the scent of the shampoo she'd washed her hair with intermingled with the lightning-like scent of magics and a recent battle with some would-be robbers.

"Yoga," she offers in one-word answer, but it made enough sense...and it wasn't untrue, she just also happened to be levitating for a few parts of it.
Honey Badger has posed:
It's hard to say from appearance how old Gabby might be. End of High School or early college perhaps. Her petite figure makes it hard to be sure. But certainly the facial scars suggest she's not the typical donut store customer! Despite the physical signs of injury there's little in her emotional state to suggest she's a dour serious crime fighter. If anything the empathic readings would indeed suggest a happy go lucky attitude similar to a certain mustard loving type of alien.

"Yoga, that's where you do poses like Downward Doggy style and pretend to be a cat right?" Gabby probably can pick up on the infernal traces, but that doesn't mean she knows what it means. It's pretty likely Raven just smells kind of spicy to her! Magic also sadly not something that she's had much experience sniffing before. But the combination certainly makes Rachel seem unusual and exotic. "I tried yoga once but I got reaaaaaaally bored and some of the poses just seemed like laying down for a nap. And I kept.. you know.. dozing off."
Raven has posed:
"Where you stretch and maintain flexibility for movement," Raven corrects lightly, as her coffee finally arrives and she's left to wait for her donut.

Spicy goth or not, the reality of the empathy came with the feeling of Gabby's own 'sugar rush' mood that she could feel brushing her own brain.

So much for peace and quiet!

"It's not for everyone, but it's a good way to stay flexible and comfortable when you balance it out with other things."
Honey Badger has posed:
"So what sort of things do you do other than Yoga? Do you have a job or something?" Gabby wonders. "Do you run a bookstore maybe? Or work in a library?" Because carrying one book clearly means you work with books.

Her attention seems to skip around the room. Eyes roaming around. "Or maybe you /teach/ Yoga? If so maybe I could stop by and get some lessons? I've tried meditation in the past but everyone always says I ask too many questions."

The questions perhaps are not the problem. It's asking them during the meditation time....

"I'm already super flexible. Watch!" She leans backwards off the stool. Hooking her feet and bending far enough back her hair brushes against the ground. The chair wobbles a little like she might topple over. But somehow never quite hits that point. "See. This is easy. I can also do a handstand for hours."
Raven has posed:
"How many librarians do you think look like me?" Rachel muses, perhaps the closest to humor she'd generally manage. "I'm a student," she offers instead, but any further details are seemingly left deliberately vague. As for Yoga, she opens her mouth to comment on that one and point out she most certainly -doesn't- teach it and generally did the activity alone...but there was little chance to before Gabby was bending and balancing back like that, earning a little blink.

"Huh...seems like you know plenty already. Are you some sort of acrobat?"
Honey Badger has posed:
"There's a few billion people on the planet and aliens 'n stuff. So... probably a few have to be cute and Goth-y? I'd need to see you wearing some librarian glasses to be sure," Gabby muses. Still in what looks like a horribly uncomfortable position. And then Raven mentions being a student and she adds "Me too! Although really that's just my cover story for being a super secret covert operative super hero. I fight crime and stop bad corporations from cloning super soldiers for evil."

She springs back to a normal seated position. Almost toppling her chair again.

"Being an acrobat would be /cool/ but no. I've just got super powers! I'm strong and flexible." She glances around. "And don't tell anyone but I'm basically pretty much unkillable!"
Raven has posed:
"Super secret?" Raven repeats as she's finally given her own donut and makes to step back. She needs to find herself a seat of course, just only for sitting rather than flipping over. She wanted her coffee, snacks and book time after all. Of course, the weird part was that she could likely tell Gabby was being completely honest thanks to her own abilities, which was strange in itself.

"Well, that sounds...handy?"
Honey Badger has posed:
"Yeah. Super secret," Gabby says, nodding emphatically. "So the evil corporation doesn't find me. I escaped from their lab and now I save people in trouble. But I can't let the authorities know 'coz I don't legally exist." She glances around and holds her finger to her mouth. "So shhhhh. Don't tell anyone, okay?"

Before Rachel has a chance to pick everything up Gabby pulls out her cellphone, which is covered in glittery stickers, and goes into puppy eyes mode. "You should totally give me your number so we can hang out some time! We could be study buddies."

She bats her lashes. Who could say no to that look?

"It /is/ handy. Yeah! Especially when they start shooting at us. I mean me. Clearly as a super secret agent I work alone." Nice save. She totally doesn't think about how there are others like her out there. Nope. Mind like a steel trap. Nothing gets out.
Raven has posed:
"Does that line usually work?" Rachel asks before she makes to retrieve her book and set it before her even if it didn't seem she'd be opening it just yet. Instead there's just a bite of her snack taken and a light shift of the pale empathic half-demon.

Of course, it wasn't a -no- strictly speaking...

Another bite of her donut, she leans back in her chair for a moment before tilting her head to the side. "You never actually said what you were studying...aside from 'secret agent' stuff apparently."
Honey Badger has posed:
"What line?" Gabby wonders innocently. "I've never actually asked anyone for a phone number before if that's what you mean?" And it's true. She really hasn't. No trace of deception on the old empathic/telepathic senses!

Her head tilts to one side and she hrrrms. "You didn't either," she points out. Trying to sneak a peek at the book for clues. "But lets see. I study sports, electronics, and a little psychology." Also known as martial arts, demolitions (arming and disarming explosives) and what her Big Sis calls enhanced interrogation techniques. "And a whole bunch of other things. I haven't like picked out a major yet."

After all she doesn't legally exist. She's studying but not at a college!

She beams another smile and flutters her lashes again. Then in a slightly sing-song voice she adds "I promise you won't regret it!"