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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/28 |Location=Roller derby rink in the big city |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1443, 7733 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1443|Harper Row (1443)}} has posed:'''<br>It is Roller Derby Night. It only happens every Saturday for the big names, with smaller more kid-friendly Roll-ups happening on Sunday afternoon. Harper has strongly insisted that Nadia accompany her to the Saturday night extravaganza. The Skidmarks ar...")
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Latest revision as of 12:27, 15 May 2024

Rollergirls roll-out.
Date of Scene: 28 January 2024
Location: Roller derby rink in the big city
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Bluebird, Wasp (Pym)

Bluebird has posed:
It is Roller Derby Night. It only happens every Saturday for the big names, with smaller more kid-friendly Roll-ups happening on Sunday afternoon. Harper has strongly insisted that Nadia accompany her to the Saturday night extravaganza. The Skidmarks are visiting team, with the HotWheelz hosting. Harper has had to rein in her instincts to overload Nadia on the lore, the rivalries and the drama. It's practically a mobile soap opera, but very similar to Wrasslin sports entertainment. Except the Roller Derby promises actual competition.

Harper rolls up to a corner to pick up Nadia, and she is dressed as a fan of the Skidmarks. One leg drops to help prop herself and the bike up, and that leg is bare except for the road warrior grunge, spikey faux armor, garishly neon splashed and wrapped in streamers. Likewise, while she doesn't look as cool as those competing, she's clearly a fan. Facial paint that's a sporty cross between post-apocalyptic brigand and footballer, heavy on the eyeshadow that becomes catty and outlandishly egyptian at the edges. Hair done up tall and proud in a mohawk. Showing lots of skin which wouldn't help anyone on the battlefield but maybe into a photoshoot for wrenches and power tools.

Harper's gloved hands rev her engine and she ~bleeps~ the horn on the motorcycle, eager to see how Nadia may have dressed up or dressed down for what was promised as ~recreation~. "C'mon! The midgets are almost done by now. If I floor it we can make the main event and I'll stuff you full of popcorn!"
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
What does a super genius wear to a Roller Derby night? Well Harper was pretty insistent that she switch off and not over think things! So she grabbed a random dress from her closet (yellow with a flower print), paired it with her GIRL bomber jacket, and put on some military issue combat boots. Both of which were the closest things to her on the way out. A clutch is briefly considered but Harper had promised to pay so... she leaves it.

Technically she's also bringing the closet and everything in her home. Including the building itself. So if she really needs to she can do a total costume change. (Possibly into her actual super suit if things get really hectic!) r
"Heya Harper!" she calls out brightly when her friend arrives. She's actually on time and not caught up in her work for a change. "We're taking the bike? It won't be faster to fly?" Quite possibly it will be quicker to take the bike. Her wings let them be more direct but aren't as quick. "Are the Midgets another team?"

Popcorn? Well you don't need to tell her twice. She hops on the motorcycle with zero hint of reluctance. She's had Red Rood offensive and defensive driving lessons before. High speed chases are nothing new to her.
Bluebird has posed:
The faux road warrior offers a whistle, slick and wet looking lipstick forming a brief blossom. "M'lady." she growls and scooches up further on the bike to give room.

Harper isn't sure just how much training Nadia has had on a bike, but she must be extra careful because after the other woman is on the bike, she helpfully tugs her palms over to grip her sides. "Whether it's faster or not...I'd prefer to have more eyes on two chicks on two road-rippin wheels. It's good to stimulate the mind of the common folk we're sworn to protect. Give 'em something to talk about that's quick, but not too quick to miss." She revvs her throttle again and the machine burbles and rumbles beneath them.

"The Lil'People are kind of a warm up act that the out-of-towners bring to each Derby. Part cheering section and part mascots I guess. They're called the Sparkplugs. They're pretty good at racing around. Something to do with centrifugal force and whipping maybe. Wouldn't be surprised if they've got a few extra talents they don't let the public in on, but...dunno. Here we go!"

The trip doesn't take long, and Harper takes most of the hits for Nadia in the bugs department, shielding her from accident as they whip along. And they ~do~ whip along at an aggressive rate. Harper lacks the finesse of driving lessons, getting by on talent and raw gumption. Near misses here and there so that at least it's never boring.

When they arrive at the arena, she coasts in next to a line of other Bikes, engine put-put-putting until she kills the engine. She produces two ticket with little holographic fun displays of the most basic variety. No nosebleed section for us. Finally managed to win one of those radio call-in thangs. Front row seats baby!"
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia is well prepared in that her super suits helmet works as a motorcycle helmet. Better they set a good example of proper road safety if they're going to have eyes on them! Plus it looks pretty cool. She has no problem holding onto Harper's sides. And certainly has enough training to shift her weight to the exact position which will make the ride smoothest.

"And are they elves? Or fairies? Fae folk?" Someone went on some tangents during her vampire research. "And you can't tell me to ignore science then talk about centrifugal force!"

Probably Nadia's helmet includes little bug zapping lasers. It's the sort of wacky super tech people with lots of time to invent come up with.

"Will there be a big crowd? I've been to the ballet before and they had a pretty big crowd. Tiered seating and private booths, I'm guessing it'll be like that? Only..." She looks Harper up and down. "Less gold leaf?"
Bluebird has posed:
Harper nabs Nadia's hand, though not too tightly. "I know the guy at the door, we can get in through the side." she yammers as she tugs the other woman along. "It might be pretty large. The ladies tend to help warm more of the seats than not. You'll understand why. But don't worry, you can sit on my lap if things get too crowded." she winks.

The main entrance to the arena is still taking in stragglers, but Harper bypasses it and smuggles the two of them back towards the side. A number of buses and trailers are set up here, makeshift changing rooms and travelling options for the teams whether they're local or out-of-towners. A couple roadies are totally having a smoke break near a loading dock, and Harper hurries them on over. "Dudes...We are here. And..." Harper's hand reaches into a pocket and tugs free a small USB to toss it over. "Open Sesame."

The roadies, eyeing the both of new arrivals, smile wry grins, one of the with a smattering of stubble bows melodramatically after catching the little data drive. "Enter fair maidens..."

"Thanks dudes, and just past the dressing rooms and take a left, yeah?"Harper hustles Nadia in a breathless fashion like they had to be quick to disarm a bomb.
Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"So basically you're a VIP here?" Nadia wonders, letting herself by lead along by her hand. It saves her having to concentrate on where they're going and gawk at things instead. Delegation is important for a Research Director! "Is it part of the prize you won? Or do you come here a lot?"

She gives the people a little wave as they pass. And offers an enthusiastic whoop when someone in the crowd shouts out what she assumes is a pre-sporting event cheer. Maybe it's just someone who was in the queue being mad at them speeding past. Who can say!

"Aren't they the magic words from an old story?" she wonders. Ahah. Perhaps these are the magical people. "Does that mean they're..."

The thought it cut short as they bustle in through the side door. Hopefully they don't have to disarm a bomb, because Nadia is under strict orders not to think about science. And she wouldn't want to break any promises!