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Latest revision as of 22:20, 24 October 2017

Kitchen Flirtin'
Date of Scene: 28 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
Late night in the middle of mermorial day weekend. Not a whole lot of stuff going on this late in the middle of the night.

Remy Lebeau finds himself in the kitchen wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and that's about it, his long curled and wet hair hanging down around his ears and to the base of his neck. The cajun stands over a hunk of meat that's resting in a flat pan and is being rubbed by the man as he gently whispers to it.

"You're a beautiful woman cheri. You exist purely for pleasure, and you will certainly please many many people." All in his 'off' French.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is seated on the counter with her legs crossed at the knees, she'd been sitting in this same spot yseterday afternoon when Storm's friend... the King of Wakanda... had come to see Storm. Then, Rogue had been amused by how much the man loved Storm, and how much they were hiding it, pretending it wasn't a 'thing'.

Rogue was eating fruit out of a bowl, little strawberries and other tiny bits of fruit. "Ya make me sound like a slut or somethin' when ya say things like that." She replied to him with a smirk.

Gambit has posed:
"Ah was talkin' t' t'e pork." Remy says, his bare hand agaisnt the side of the pig meat and is rubbing it slightly, slowly, almost lovingly before he slaps it once, causing a sharp crack to break the silence of the night.

Standing up and turning to face Rogue he smiles at the cutest girl on campus. "You know I wouldn't share you wit' anyone in t'e world."

Remy takes a few steps over to the sink to wash his hand off, stealing a glance or two of the woman on the counter. Who knows what thoughts go through his head when he looks at her.

Rogue has posed:
"That poor cow." Rogue said then while eyeballing the bowl of fruit on her thigh. "It lived its short little life, only t'end up in a slaughte'ah house gettin' a bolt-gun through its head, then ripped apart by giant bladed machines... t'then end up here in a pan, havin' you talk all sexual at it."

Rogue looked up at him with a strawberry and she smiled at him, then put it between her lips and wrapped the redlips around it, then bit into it and flashed him a grin.

Gambit has posed:
"I t'ink you mean pig Rogue." Remy says, his hand moving to the silver feature to turn off the water. "An' somet'in' tells me in all t'at animal's life, my talkin' to it is the worst part, non?" He says with a puckered long distance kiss blown towards her.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at the 'pig' part.

She then looked back down at the bowl of Fruit and shrugged her shoulders at what he said. "Probably not." She told him then.

"Did you know that some'a those places play classical music t'the animals t'comfort them, then lop their heads off in the dark?" She heard this on the internet, so it must be true.

Her head shook side to side then. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore." She just made herself uncomfortable. Rogue dropped off of the counter, to her feet, set the fruit bowl down and went to get a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"What'd ya wanna do tomorrow?" She asked him then with a little smile.

Gambit has posed:
"-Did you jus' make yourself a vegetarian?" Remy asks as the young woman walks over to the fridge and he lifts a few spices off the counter and rattles the shakers over the pig as he thinks a few moments over Rogue's question.

He finally speaks up, "I wanna share in some good food with my family." followed by the most sincere smile she's ever seen on his face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue saw his smile and she stared at him as though he had just lied to her face. "Ah see..." She said to him then, completely unconvinced by this. She knew Remy was about as shady as a person can get, since you know... he NEVER talked about himself and NEVER volunteered any information about his past.

"Well thats nice of ya." She said at him and then shook her head as she uncapped her water and took a sip.

"And no. I don't got the patience for a vegan lifestyle. Plus, eating like that never fills me up. Ah've tried it, it just leaves my stomach rumblin' and I figure it takes time to adapt, but who the hell has the gall damn patience for that?" She shook he rhead. "Sorry animals... I really really really am... not that any of'em care."

Gambit has posed:
"Now why does it soun' like you don' believe me?" Remy asks, putting on his pout face and stepping closer to Marie, his attention shifting back and forth between her two emerald eyes. "Aftah all we been t'rough and t'at rin' I put on yo fingah." He almost looks hurt even.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed at what he said then and she glanced down to the ring on her finger. She did NOT have any gloves on, so the ring was visible. She loved it, treasured it, probably more than most items in her posession.

"Have we really been through a lot?" She asked him then, looking up at him with her sharp green eyes. "I mean, I got here like four months ago. You put the moves on me about three months, three weeks and six days ago." She flashed him a grin.

"Since then, its just been... ya know... learnin' about the X-Men." She glanced at the hallway, but the school seemed to be fully asleep.

"Some missions, some weird shit happenin' here'n there..." She looked back at him. "I mean, thats about it, right?"

Gambit has posed:
Gasping a little and putting on his best shocked look, "So ya sayin' all t'at wasn' a big deal?!" The cajun looks baffled for a moment before he shakes it all off with his cocky smile. "We have a lon' time t' spend toget'er Rogue, let's make it enjoyable." The man says turning around to move the pig back into the fridge and grabbing himself a mignight snack while he's in there.

Standing straight with a couple of individually sealed slices of cheese in his mouth, Remy smiles, scratches his backside and uses his heel to close the fridge.

"What do YOU want to do tomorrow?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue put the water bottle down on the marble top island counter and she heard his question after smirking at him.

"Take a boat out on the lake." She said. "Just lay there on it for awhile." She smiled at him nervously, shyly almost. "I don't know what else. Summe'ah classes aren't that far off now, an' then I'mma have t'focus on those and make sure I get it all done real good. Cause first thing ya know, it'll be August and I'll be up for my Final Exams."

Gambit has posed:
"Do you wan' t' go out on your own?" Remy asks, cause despite how much he claims to know about women and people in general, sometime's it's best to look like a fool while making sure he's doing things the right way.
He's careful to not talk about school with Rogue, it's summer, she's not in classes yet, why rush it and make her more nervous.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed softly and she shook her head. "I'm not gonna go out on a romantic boat ride by myself, stupid." She said at him then and flashed him a big grin. "Besides. Ah'd fall asleep and then end up with a sunburn or somethin'." She grinned, lifted her water up for a sip and shook her head. "Don't ya wanna see me in a bikini anyway?" She said at him then, fluttering her eyelashes. "Guess... though... I've already given ya the whole show, so why would ya wanna see it again...."

Gambit has posed:
"I couldn't imagine anyone wan'in' t' see you twice. Like, what's t'e poin'?" Remy asks, putting on a really REALLY bad Valley Girl accent but still mostly cajun as he winks his ruby eye at her.

He slowly unwraps the two pieces of cheese and starts to softly nibble on one while he picks at the second one, slowly ripping tiny pieces and lifting it up as though he was going to send them through the air towards Rogue's face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue eyeballed him even fiercer then and she watched what he was doing closely. "If ya even think about throwin' cheese at me, ya ain't seein' none'a my kille'ah body in a bikini any time soon." She said then, flashing him a big grin.

Gambit has posed:
Remy opens his mouth wide along with his eyes, selling Rogue the idea of being a little bit playful. It's just a small piece of cheese and he's got one primed right against his shoulder between his fingers. It really would be a shame at this point to not even try.

They're not even that far appart. How could he possibly miss when he does that playing card thing all the time.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slowly shook her head at him. "Ah will end you." She told him. Before starting to back up and make for one of the two doorways that went out into the hallway. "I'm goin' up t'my room... I'mma put on a movie and watch it in bed. You eat whateve'ah the hell it is you're cookin' and then maybe join me if ya wanna..." She backed up, eyes on him the whole time to make sure he didn't thorw without her having a chance to dodge/duck/dive/dip or doge.

Gambit has posed:
Remy remains standing there with a piece of cheese on the island before him, and a small piece of another one in his right hand while more ammo rests in his left hand. The cajun's eyes squint slowly as she starts to back out of the room and as she's nearing the door, he throws the american cheese piece at Rogue.

The topless man will not cease in his playful manner it seems.

Rogue has posed:
He might be a good card thrower, but Rogue has a 'seventh sense' for personal danger, so when he threw it... she just screamed and then ran!

Someone, the next day, might find a wad of cheese in the hallway unless the evil Card Shark went out to retrieve it.

Nevertheless, the last sounds he heard from her down here tonight was the sounds of her socked feet running down the hallway toward the foyer.