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Latest revision as of 22:25, 24 October 2017

Gems on the Water
Date of Scene: 28 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nixe, Gypsy Moth, Two-Face

Nixe has posed:
    Streaming through the dark waters of the Atlantic, the Tireless threads a line of buoys as it heads towards the glimmering lights of Gotham Bay in the distance. It's a wet, choppy evening with a steady drizzle of rain and enough swells to be unpleasant, not that the ship's seasoned crew complains too loudly...
    Okay, they're complaining loudly. It's late, it's raining, and they're ready to make port. Sharing the space below deck are packs of crates; metalwork, furniture, and other basic goods... as well as few but far more precious cases of gemstones and artisan glass. The Tireless is carrying a shipment of jewellery for Gotham's stores and if one listens closely to the right ends of the city's criminal grapevine, its arrival schedule has been leaked.
    Unaware of its compromised route, protection on the ship's deck appears minimal from above. Being a modern ship, the crew is all indoors or under cover, at least until the port draws closer.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil is rich, she can afford to buy Jewelry if she wants. She is also a Hedonist, and a thrill junkie...she has decided to see if she can steal the jewels instead of buying them. She has kitted herself out with the tools she thinks she will need and is waiting...hidden on one of the Bouys on the route the Route the Tireless issupposed to be following. She does not like the rain much, so se has her wings extended over her head to keep the rain off. When she sees the ship in the distance she wrings the water out of her wings and estimates the speed and course...she will intercept the ship and (if it is going faster than she can easily fly) use a rope to hook onto it. After she is there, she will look for a way inside. Probably that will mean going up on deck, so she will scan the area with a telekinetic feedback pulse to make certain no one is nearby before she get up onto the deck.

Two-Face has posed:
    "'Ey Boss. Boss! Dere she is! Look!"

    Chance waves his hand with an excitement that he probably shouldn't have over the arrival of a ship that he shouldn't know about. However, the black and yellow suit clad Right Hand Man of one of Gotham's most stylish criminals recently back on the streets due to some shoddy law and order: Two-Face. "This gonna' be a serious payday, Boss!"

    The individuals in question are seated in the backseat of the two-toned vehicle that's parked right at the docks. There are two other classic cars parked alongside of Two-Face's vehicle. Two-Face twirls his coin between his fingers as he listens to Chance's words. The one good eye he still has rolls just a bit before he clears his throat to calm Chance down.

    "Maybe." Two-Face holds up the coin to show the Scarred Side to Chance. "Maybe Not." He turns the coin to show off the smoothness of the Good Side to Chance as well.

    Without anything left to say, Two-Face rolls the coin onto his thumb and lets the game begin...

Nixe has posed:
Two-Face does a fateful coin toss: Scarred Side!

    The Tireless' portholes are sealed shut against the weather and except an exhaust port and drainage holes, its hull is welded shut - the best way may be the one used by the crew.
    Scrambling up over the railing, the deck is wet and slick from hours of the steady drizzle with damp timbers and metal shining in the ship's mild running lights - but it's also empty. A large locked hatch dominates the center of the deck, used for loading and unloading the vessel's cargo, and a metal door beneath an awning offers the more human route below deck. Above the door, stretching overhead and broadly out, is the ship's helm and radio systems. Backlit by the bright cockpit, the silhouette of the captain in his chair can be faintly seen from down below.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Gypsy Moth decides the cargo hatch is too heavy to lift manually and using the mechanism to lift it will probably take a while and alert someone...hmmm that might actually not be a bad idea. She moves carefully over to the controls and studies them. They are locked behind a cover to keep people fromopening the hatch while at sea, but the controls have plastic coatings on the knobs and switched and raised letter on the instructions. She gently feels the lettering with a telekinetic feedback pulse to read it and turns on the mechanism with her telekinesis, then sets it to open and gets out of the way to watch what happens. She figures someone will be coming up on deck to check on the mechanism, and may have to go get the captain to unlock the security cover. That means the crew hatch will be open and unlocked for her to slip in.

Two-Face has posed:
    "You heard the coin. Let's go boys."

Two-Face is the last to get out of the car as Chance leads the way. Once outside, Two-Face watches as all six of his henchmen load up on guns. Each of them are dressed in two tone suits of black and another color. Black and purple. Black and red. Black and green. Black and cream. There's an entire gang of gangsters with Tommy Guns locked and loaded.

    "Here's the skinny, boys. We want the jewels. Anything else that moves? Shoot it. We don't need the extra heat. If we make a mess, they'll probably think it was the Clown or The Question Mark. So let's do our worst, huh?"

    Two-Face grins as Chance comes up to him with one Tommy Gun and one sawed off shotgun. Soon thereafter, The Two Face Gang is marching down the docks and right towards The Tireless. They don't even look like they're trying to hide. Why should they? They've got guns. Lots of guns.

Nixe has posed:
    The small plastic knobs send vigor through the control panel as a share of power from the ship's massive diesel engines is diverted to the deck. A large motor whirrs to life and engages on the hatch. Not yet fully ready to open, its tone drops to a low, warning growl as it meets the hatches locks, then suddenly the broad sheet of metal tears itself free of the deck with a thunderous clang. The half-set latches meant to hold it down go flying across the deck and one of them slips into the sea.
    Now loosed, the hatch begins its slow, steady climb towards vertical, exposing the metal crates below to the rain above.
    "What in-- what crab-hand opened the hatch?! One of you get out there and shut it -- now!!" In his surprise the captain doesn't bother keying a specific radio, his message blares across the entire ship.
    Not three seconds later, the door to the cabins opens and a sailor runs out across the deck in a yellow raincoat towards the controls.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
A quick pulse of her telekinesis shows there is no one observing the door from the inside, she slips through the door and flies soundlessly onto the stairs, floating down with only a bit of water dripped behind her showing she has ever been there.

Two-Face has posed:
    The Two Face Gang gets to the end of the docks and they all cock their weapons. Down below, though, Chance unveils a pair of speed boats which the entire gang climbs into and starts off through the water without too much resistance. Speed boats that just happen to be painted to match the two-toned color schemes of Two-Face. He really took the time to make sure that everything coordinated, didn't he?

    Chance starts to climb down into the third speedboat but the ruined hand of Two-Face stops him. "Never put all your fish in one boat." Two-Face thumbs over towards a hangar not too far off. "If we're gonna' hit 'em might as well hit 'em two ways." Chance and Two-Face run off towards the hangar.

Nixe has posed:
    Just as the moth slips down the steep staircase, another pulse betrays a second man standing up from a kitchen chair to walk down the same short hallway and peek his head out the door. It's a close call but she might have been quick enough - barely.
    Below deck, the stairs meet a bulkhead and a wall to the left. To the right, the thick steel opens into the cavernous hold, piled full with metal shipping containers, thick wooden boxes, and crates. The sound of the rain takes on muffled, a metallic tint as it strikes the ceiling above and despite the sliver of light coming through the catch, the room is dark and the lonely echoes from its many sheer surfaces make it feel empty and labyrinthine.
    A small illusion perhaps; down a narrow passageway between tall containers and around two corners, a small pinprick of light is hanging over a very special crate and something fleshy is fiddling with a lock...
    Back in the helm, the Tireless' transponder pings its identity in the clear for any vessels that might be nearby in the dark. Its lights make it easy enough to see - at least for a boat - but as it begins to draw into the calmer waters of the bay it pays to be safe instead of sorry.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil does not need the lights...whether someone saw her she is uncertain, but even if not seen she might have leve enough of a trail to cause suspicion. The crewman is probably reporting to the captain that he can not close the haych while tthe cover isstill locked closed, so therw will still be some distraction from that. Sybil has no trouble locating the right part of the hold...she can feel the gems with her telekinetic feedback...they are small but they sting like putting you hand on a bunch of nettles...ouch!

Sybil detects the other person in the hold easily...it is nearly impossible to hide from her...invisibility does not work by someone not percieving the environment by sight. She also can tell that person is working on the same crate she is after. She flies over and says, from a perch on the top of a nearby stack of crates, "I only want one or two things from the collection, shall we work together and share, or did you want to fight over it?"

Two-Face has posed:
    Those dual speedboats reach the Tireless with ease since there's not really anything stopping them. Which is also why they manage to pull up along both sides of it and fire off grapples to give themselves the momentum to climb aboard. Which looks pretty weird considering they are all dressed like gangsters instead of pirates.

    That's right, there are now Gangster Pirates climbing aboard The Tireless. And they have orders to shoot to kill. Anything on sight. And they are definitely looking.

    Meanwhile Chance and Two-Face must be up to something bad because they are nowhere to be found. However, Two-Face's voice comes out of the hangar and sounds a bit on the excited side. "That one."

Nixe has posed:
    Crouched over an almost unmarked crate with its side pried open and her hands in the lock of the chest inside, the small penlight nearby illuminates the back of a black skin-tight suit concealing a fairly small woman ninja.
    She squeaks as she almost jumps out of her suit and whips her head around, catching Sybil in an orange slitted gaze. The surprise only hangs on her cat-eye for a moment before she schools it back to calm - with a tight hood and face mask included in her suit, there's precious little else to read the woman's expression from. "Hinterhältig," she murmurs in her native German, appraising the moth-winged thief before offering a more comprehensible answer.
    The lock pops open just as Nixe answers. "Leave me plenty, stay out of my vay, and we can share."

Nixe has posed:
    Up on deck, the short-straw crewman trying to get to the hatch controls is the first to spot the two-toned henchmen - and also the first to taste their tommy guns. The sound of gunfire changes the ship's tone instantly as the other crewman watching hastily shuts the cabin door and pins himself against it, hoping for protection from the thick steel. The captain up above grabs his radio and switches to an emergency channel as bullets rip through his cabin glass.
    With its operator dead, the gaping hatchway of the hold remains open to the air, the rain, and now the pirate gangsters.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil hears the gunshots and comments, "We will have company soon, I can probably open the lock faster, if you will allow." She takes out her own lockpicks, which interestingly are made of hard plastic, not metal. If she is allowed, she will pick the lock very quickly...it helps to be able to "see" the tumblers and tell when your pick is in the right position.

Two-Face has posed:
    Here come the Pirate Gangsters!

They flood through the hatch and make sure that their guns are aimed first. They are pretty much ready and willing to shoot and destroy everything that gets into their path. They want to kill things. So that they can get to the jewels.

"Alright, youse guys! Put 'em up! This here boat belong to us now!" The Get 'Em Boys are clearly attempting to be as intimidating as possible as a group. Numbers should help with that, right?

Nixe has posed:
    The ninja hesitates and her eye narrows threateningly at the slight to her thieving pride, but after a moment she does move away from the chest and slip her own tools back up her sleeves with a small slight of hand. Backing up to put herself in the shadow of a shipping container, she watches the moth work from behind. She takes the opportunity to study her costume in more detail as well, noting especially the broad orange wings... at least until the pirate gang arrives.
    Squeezing herself flat against the wall beside her, the ninja does her best to look absent from the sweep of their guns as she looks between the group and Sybil. "We have company now," she deadpans.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil reaches out with her mind and pulls on a distant rope...the knot is designed to come free if pulled from omeside and not the other, so it slips free and the stack of crates it ishelping hold in place is no longer evenly supported. Sybil gives a push at the top of the stack. working with the uneven pull and the stack tilts and tumbles into the gangsters. Sybil has the lock undone alreadt and pops it open, grabbing a handful of stones at random. She puts them on a pocket and says, "Let's get out of here...no point in getting shot."

Two-Face has posed:

    The Get 'Em Boys are in a collective wail as the crates of doom are falling upon them. They are still shooting though so there's probably all kinds of product getting riddled with bullets as most of them are taken and drowned in this natural cratesaster.

    There are only about two that manage to not get buried and they are ready to give chase.

    The sound of chopper blades, though, can be heard outside and anyone with the right abilities or eyes will be able to see the military grade TF-22 chopper hovering outside. The man, in all of his insane glory, is standing at the door to the chopper with his hands on the gatling gun that's aimed at the Tireless.

    He's grinning madly and just waiting for anyone that's not a Get 'Em Boy to show their face.

    Poor Chance is in the pilot seat and looking like he really wishes Two-Face would put on a seatbelt.

Nixe has posed:
    Nixe ducks as the crates come crashing down, then uses the opening to rush over behind Sybil and grab her share of jewels. Where they go in her skin tight suit? Up her sleeves, of course.
    "Guter plan," she agrees, clamping her penlight between her teeth and beating a hasty retreat towards the exit stairs. "...Ist that your helikopter?"

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Gypsy Moth says, "I do not need a Helicopter...but I think I do need a diversion." She flies upward, waiting until the thugs have started shooting and jumping, then continuing up. Just before exiting the hold, she :pings: the nerves in the arm of the chopper pilot, causing his arm to suddenly jerk to one side. While the helicopter is headed east, she flies west and quickly drops behind the rail of the ship, out of sight. The Ninja will probably make use of her obvious exit to get out of sight.

Two-Face has posed:
    Chance has no defense against crazy people with powers! The Chopper gets taken off to the side and Two-Face ends up getting bounced around like nobody's business. Since he's not wearing a seatbelt. He smashes into the inside of the chopper and then gets at least two levels of anger in his next scream.


    "I'm on it, Boss! I'm on it!" Chance levels the chopper back out and turns to hover over the Tireless so that they can get the jewels and whatever's left hooked up for a great escape.

Nixe has posed:
    Nixe can't fly. She has to run off the ship like a normal person but Gypsy's distractions have given the ninja just enough of a window to make it up the stairs without being shot. As she crosses the deck and runs towards open water, she passes in view of the catch and the helicopter both and bullets ping off the hull around her.

    "Nyaaaah!" the ninja shouts in alarm as her oil-black figure is illuminated by sparks. Just as she reaches a railing and prepares to dive, two bullets find their mark and punch through the young woman's arm and side. Nixe cries out as she tumbles out of sight and a dark spray beats her to the water's surface below.
    Up on the deck, a few tiny gemstones are left in her wake.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil frowns, as she is hovering hidden by the ship she can feel the black-clad figure tumble into the ocean. They are only partners of convenience, but still she should do something to help. The two of them together are too much for her telekinesis to handle...so she quickly flies to a nearby marker bouy and then searches the water for the other girl.

Nixe has posed:
    Soft salt water replies to the moth's telekinetic ping, along with the hull of the ship, a few sinking lock picks, the penlight, and bits of jewellery dipping beneath the choppy surface in a roughly ninja-shaped pile. There's no feedback of flesh, bones, or organs from the injured woman's body. When she hit the water, it seems like she stopped existing.
    Almost... Instead of dropping to the bottom of the ocean depths, the denser objects as well as the ninja's tiny personal effects steady a few meters beneath the surface and begin to flow towards the coast as if grabbed by a current.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil senses the metal and the gemstones moving undder the water...though oddly she does not sense the person or her costume. She follows, soaring over the waves until the other girl comes ashore.

Nixe has posed:
    As far in the bay as they are, it takes a while for Nixe's old and stolen belongings to drift their way to land. When they do arrive, it's in the shadow of an unused pier, partially shadowed from the drizzle above. The waves lap in and out against the mossy wooden piles near a small, easily-missed sack.
    The gems, jewels, and penlight pause for a moment in the rocky shallows and sway in the current until a preternatural tide draws the waters edge out, out, and up beyond the grip of moon or wind. Rising up in the shadow of the dock, Nixe emerges from the water and rubs at her eyes for a moment before flicking on her penlight and bending down whole and intact to open her bag.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Gypsy Moth pauses and watches, then sees that her ally is apparently unharmed. Obviously the lady has some interesting abilities of her own. Sybil sees no reason to speak with her ally, she can presumably take care of herself. The orange-clad mutant flies off into the night with her gems...it was fun...