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Latest revision as of 23:18, 24 October 2017

In search of....
Date of Scene: 30 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Indiana Jones, Danger Girl

Indiana Jones has posed:
The jungle is hot, but then again jungles always seem hot. Maybe it is the greenhouse effect with the canopy trapping the heat under it. Indiana Jone isn't a meteorologist so he has no freaking clue why it is hot as he wipes the sweat off of his brow. He is an archeologist, and an archeologist on a mission.

Pushing the brim of his fedora op on his head, he peers at the map in his hands, a rough hand drawn thing that looks pieced together from various rubbings and sketches. He looks around at the landmarks, trying to match positions and locations as he takes another few steps forward.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase is a girl with a job. In fact it is a very well paying job. Obtain the death mask of a little-known Incan Priestess from an equally unknown temple deep in the heart of a jungle reserve along the border of Belize and Guatemala. A reserve where it is illegal to 'excavate' without permits. Which is to say, unless one bribes a lot of officials with even more money, the answer is almost certainly a month in a jail cell then being kicked out of the country.

The blonde bypassed all that unsavory red tape, however, and is treking through the jungle on her own. She'd long since left behind any accessible roads and has been on foot for her second day now. Based on her research and GPS coordinates she studies on a rugged smart phone, she can't be more than half a day, maybe a whole day from the site she believes is her target.

Indiana Jones has posed:
The older archeologist isn't in it for the money...well, he is since he has to make a living, but that isn't his primary focus. No, he has been sent to find the same death mask form the Museum of Belize.

And he for sure isn't expecting there to be someone else searching for the same treasure.

He studies the map he has made again, marking positions and continues to wander forward, his feet stepping on the dry leaves and twigs that litter the unmarked path towards the temple of Supay, the incan goddess of death.

Danger Girl has posed:
Goddess. Priestess. Each legend is different. In the end, all that matters is that the reportedly lavish mask of gold and silver inlaid with countless gemstones is real and in the temple. If it isn't then it was just a hot sticky hike.

Abbey swats away a few insects then wipes at her neck as she pauses to look over a valley beyond her current location. It isn't large. It seems unassuming. Not the sort of place a temple would be. Or the entrance. But she's certain there is one. After a drink from her canteen, she drops down toward the valley floor, eyes scanning the area for signs of that entrance and for predators. There are a lot more of those around here than temples.

Indiana Jones has posed:
"It's got to be here somewhere." says the man in the fedora to himself as he makes his way into the small clearing by the waterfall, as marked on his map. "This is where everything points to." He taps the map in his hand with a fingertip for emphasis.

Taking a couple more steps towards the little river by the waterfall, he sweats down by the water and uses some of it to wash his face off, taking a moment to cool down as he gets his bearings...his eyes focusing on the waterfall.

A grin forms.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase isn't in the same location. She is, perhaps, a half mile away, another valley over. No rivers here. Just thick jungle. Weaving her way through, Abbey stops and finally spots her goal. "Hah!" slashing through the vines and branches, she makes her way to an ancient stone opening. It is small and unassuming for a temple. Yet her fingers trace over a worn but hand carved holy seal along the side. "Bingo." Stepping inside, she pulls out a mini flashlight that affixes to the back of her right hand. Swatting away spider webs, the blonde fearlessly pushes into the narrow stone passage. It begins to slope downward and to her left. Unwittingly on a course that will soon intersect with Dr. Jones. For better or worse.

Indiana Jones has posed:
The waterfall makes an effective barrier, keeping the hidden entrance to the temple from prying eyes as the water cascades down in front of the entrance, but not from someone as skilled or knowledgeable as Indiana Jones.

He makes his way to the spot where the waterfall meets the river and presses himself agains the rock, sliding carefully behind the waterfall and into the space behind it.

"There you are..." he mutters to himself as he procures a torch from his pack, lighting it with a lighter and holding it up to scan the entrance. "Let's see where you go, shall we?" he mutters as he makes his way carefully down the passage, a slight upwards climb with a twist to the right.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase works her way along the narrow passage. She murmurs to herself, "Must be the priest's secret entrace so it would seem they were here 24/7 but could still sneak out for a smoke break.." a wry grin crosses her face. Everyone had an angle after all. Human nature hasn't changed that much in ten thousand years.

Working her way along, she pauses and drops down on her haunches to study an unusual rock. A trigger. But for.... her eyes begin to scan the area for just what kind of trap or secret it might activate.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Looking at the trigger gives Abbey the notion it is a pressure plate of sorts. As she looks around for what it would spring, the faint glint of metal from above draws her attention to 2 rows of spears, all angled towards that rock. Their spear tips glinting in the dim light.

Elsewhere, Indy continues up the passage, inching his way along as he ascends the pathway. His torch casting interesting shadows on the walls as the light flickers. He stops as he comes across what looks to be a odd section of floor, rubbing his chin before taking a rock and tossing it onto the cavern floor.

Danger Girl has posed:
Odd is right. As the rock clatters onto the tiles, they begin to undulate quite a bit like lily pads on a pond. They appear to be floating somehow. A keen eye will notice that, as most do move, there are a number that seem to remain still. As if properly affixed to solid ground. It might take a few more tossed rocks to find a pattern but it certainly appears to be there.

Abbey ah's.. softly. "Sneaky priests are sneaky." She slowly rises up and traces the trigger back to those spears and carefully steps over the trigger point, avoiding the business ends of those waiting spears. First trap down.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indy smile to himself. He's seen this before. It reminds him of the 'Word of God' trial during the mission that ended up giving him immortality. He takes a handful of rocks, and starts to toss them one at at time, tracking the tiles that move and the ones that don't. Once he has the pattern, he moves. The first three tiles go past without issue, but on the forth his misjudges the step and stumbles as his leg hits once of the unstable ones, only saving himself from a fall by reflexes honed by...well, falling into traps like these. He catches he edge of the stable tile and hauls himself up slowly and makes his way across the rest of the tiles, panting once he reaches the other end.

Danger Girl has posed:
There is little time to rest, however. The misstep into the pool of brackish water seems to have attracted attention of the unwanted sort. A few floating tiles are dislodged by the leathery spines of a crocodile - a very large one. Slowly it swims toward Indy's side of the trap, searching..

Abbey begins to make her way along the narrow tunnel and it begins to curve again. It won't be long until it opens up into an antechamber of some sort, placing the blonde on a sort of balcony fifteen feet above the path Indy is taking from the entrance.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Cursing to himself for his dumb luck, Indy double-times it to the other side, hauling himself up and out of the water, scrambling back on hands and legs as he keeps an eye out for the croc, hand fumbling for his revolver to pull it out 'just in case'.

Abbey reaches the balcony, above and too the right of where Indy is scrambling back from being potential dinner, a shaft of light illuminating the path in front of her as dust floats through the sunlight, casting a soft haze in the darkness.

Danger Girl has posed:
The predator in the pool has no intention of getting out. It just patrols its territory and waits. It expects something to return. Something for dinner.

Abbey drops down at hearing the scuffling and scrambling as someone moves quickly. In a hurry to avoid something no doubt. Looking down, she spots the figure in the fedora. Odd garb.. but she seems to recall it. Frowning, she stays still for the moment, watching.

Indiana Jones has posed:
"Yeah, that's what I thought..." says Indy as he looks back to the croc, a smirk on his face as he pushes the fedora up on his head. "Next time I won't be so nice and i'll make a belt outta ya."

The man in the fedora turns from the water and looks at the antechamber, his hands resting on his hips as he surveys the room. "Now let's see here...if I was a death mask, where would I be..." he says as he re-holsters the revolver. "Probably in a sub room, hidden from view."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase nods to herself. It's him. She doesn't stand up. Wouldn't want to present a target. Instead she calls down. "If it down, you're going to run into a lack of oxygen. This whole area has gas vents. You might make it in, but making it out would be hard if you can't breathe, Dr. Jones." She pauses a moment and slowly rises up, still cautious however.