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Latest revision as of 23:46, 24 October 2017

Stick-it to 'em for Stick-Ups
Date of Scene: 31 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Supergirl

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Step one of his master plan. Amass the funds needed to construct a spaceship. That's why. Uh. 'Earl Docks' is at the bank. He has an Image Inducer on, so he's an utterly uninteresting skinny blond guy in a purple turtleneck and black jeans. And he's waiting in line at the bank. Because he needs to open a savings account. Don't ask where he made that first thousand dollars... "Grife." He says. "This is terrible. How do people stand this?"

And that's when a group of people decide to rub the bank. Why do people rob banks in Metropolis? Why do they BOTHER? And yet rob they do, perhaps under a mistaken believe that Superheroes can't be everywhere. They're wearing teletubbies masks. Tinky-Winky pulls a gun on the teller, and hands her a duffel bag. "Fill it."

Supergirl has posed:
Meanwhile, high above in the skies of Metropolis, Supergirl is out on a relaxing patrol. It's a nice day, the sun is warm on her skin, and tehre's even a few seabirds flying around for her to play with. The blonde Kryptonian laughs as she loops around a confused looking osprey, then Kara dives back down towards Metropolis. Hopefully, the day will remain this casual and no alerts will show up.

Unfortunately, there's an alarm going off at a bank at the robbery starts. Supergirl's super-hearing catches the sounds of trouble, and she alters course towards the bank in question with a sigh. So much for an uneventful afternoon...

Brainiac 5 has posed:
That's when something goes wrong -- the robber notices that the alarm got hit, and he grabs the nearest woman. "EVERYBODY DOWN!" And everybody drops... except Mr. Docks. He's just standing there.

"Hey!" One of the bank robbers says, pointing a loaded gun at him. "I SAID DOWN. Do you WANNA GET SHOT?"

"That's not really in the cards." The skinny guy says. "You should probably set your guns down and surrender to law enforcement. I've calculated the odds based on the weather and this morning's news report and... five... four... three... you might want to drop them and put your hands up... *now*--"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl is focusing on the threats inside the bank that she can see with her x-ray vision; she's not hearing the countdown of the man that's not complying with the robbers. Still, she inadvertantly times her arrival to coincide with 'Earl's' count of 'now'.

Since it's going to cause the least amount of structural damage, Supergirl flies in through the glass window in front, shattering it. He momentum carries her into the lead robber, sending him flying against a barrier and slumping to the ground. "Playtime's been canceled,' she says to the other robbers, looking around to see who might make an agressive move instead of surrendering.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
The bank robber who was threatening "Earl" takes a shot -- and that bullet was about to hit him square in the chest, but a few inches out, its forward momentum just *stops*. It doesn't ricochet or anything, it just stops dead in seeming defiance of the laws of physics and drops to the floor with a *plink!* And Earl takes a half-step toward the guy, and waves a hand, and there's a *shimmer* in the air and then the guy *flips* aft-end over teakettle, as the other two look at Supergirl, and then at the money fluttering in the air, and then they *bolt*. "I told you this was a dumb idea!"

Supergirl has posed:
The sound of the gunshot makes Supergirl turn around and try to race the bullet to it's target. But before she can reach out and catch the bullet at super-speed....it bounces off some kind of invisible shield. Then the blond man waves his head and the gunman flips over. The Girl of Steel blinks abit, but then the flight of the remaining two thieves catches her attention.

"Yeah, this was a really dumb idea," she says to them as she almost instantly appears right in front of the pair. Supergirl punches out with both hands, each fist connecting with a crook, and the two thieves fall to the floor, unconcious. "Is everyone okayt?" she asks as she looks around for any injuries or emergency situations.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Everyone's okay! They get to their feet and pat themselves, chattering excitedly, because even in Metropolis this doesn't happen every day! One guy's hyperventilating a little bit but he's okay, and at least one person asks for an autograph, and now the cops are showing up.

And all the while, Earl Docks is slipping out in the confusion to walk away.

Supergirl has posed:
Metropolis PD is farily on the spot today, and arrive quickly. Supergirl makes sure everyojne is fine and the police have everything in hand before she goes after the strnge man. She follows him using her x-ray vision, so it's a simple matter of catching up to him down the alleyway he's ducked into. She floats down from above infront of him. "Thanks for the help," Supergirl says, smiling. "If I had known someone with powers was there, I probably could have let you handle the situation by yourself."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Ah." There is a pause, and then the man lets out a small smile. "To be more specific, it wasn't powers, just a little bit of technology. And really... I didn't want to make a scene. I was just worried that when he saw shooting at me didn't work he might have taken a shot at someone else." He has his back to Supergirl, and he pauses, and lets his image inducer drop. He turns his head and smirks. "I stand out in a crowd, Supergirl."

Supergirl has posed:
As the man's true form is revelaed, Supergirl blinks in surprise. "You...certainly do," she says with a slight laugh. "I take it you're not from around here, then?" As she asks the question, she lands near the man. "It's okay, I'm an alien too. I understand that Earth is sometimes a scary place for those that are different. So sometimes, it's a good idea to stay hidden. I won't tell anyone. Promise. My name's Kara Zor-El. What's yours?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"No, actually. I'm from the planet Colu. A thousand years in the future." Querl looks downright... shy, all of a sudden. And then he's tapping the symbol set into his forehead in glittering chrome cybernetics. "Brainiac. Brainiac Five. Don't worry. I'd never hurt you." He pauses, and then his mouth squinches up. "I mean, *I mean no harm*."

Supergirl has posed:
At the mention of the name 'Brainiac', Kara tenses up. She's ready for a fight, but doesn't make the first move. "A thousand years in the future?" she asks incredulously. "Brianiac is a villain...But I know about Colu. It's a computerized society. Brainiac was an abberation. It's possible you're telling the truth, but how could I verify it?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"It's a very long story." Querl says. "I am an aberration among aberrations. The fifth iteration of Brainiacs." He puts a finger over his mouth. "All I can give you is my word. In my home time I am a member of a group of super-heroes dedicated to upholding the example set by... you." He smiles. "You and others like you.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara considers things for a moment. This Brainiac had been a bystander and not participating in the robery. Still, the story about being a good guy from the future seemed...convinient? "Okay," she says, relaxing her body posture. "Let's say I believe you. Why are you a thousand years in the past? Aren't you running the risk of creating a temporal anomally? Altering the future? Creating divergent timelines?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"All of which I've calculated for and the best explanation I can give is that 'since I'm here, I'm supposed to be here.' Given the nature of time fractals." Querl puts his hands behind his back. "To tell you the truth, I can't go home. Some very powerful individuals are preventing it. In order to rule the galaxy, they needed to get rid of us -- get rid of the Legion of Super-Heroes. So they did. " Querl shrugs, softly. "I'll figure out a way home eventually. But it may be several years."

Supergirl has posed:
There's a lot for Supergirl to consider here. The obvious, being that this whole story is made up and Brainiac is up to some scheme. What that might be, she has no idea of. And there, amonst all the other possibilities, lies the small bit of light that this person might be telling the truth. He's an unknown qualtity with admitted ties to a dangerous being. By all rights, she should take him into custody and have him secured until more of the story can be verified. The possibilities chase each other around in Supergirl's mind. And in the end, she says the only thing that she really can say and remain true to who she is.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
That makes Querl smile, just a little bit, and then he looks away. "...You have no idea how much your kindness flatters me, Kara Zor-El. Please." He turns, and holds out a hand. "Call me Querl. It means 'Idealistic' in Coluan. Or 'Naive'. Depending on how you inflect it. We should talk more. "I'll explain the Legion to you, all of it." He takes a step, and then he's walking on air, his eyes bright. "I know you're wary of me. And I would do whatever it takes... to convince you of my sincerity."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods, carefully taking the offered hand and shaking it. "I'll let Superman know about you," she says. "And the best way to convince us of your sincerity is to just stay out of trouble. Or keep doing what you did in the bank today. Help out when you can. Actions speak louder than words, as the saying goes. Kara floats upwards herself, nodding to Querl. "I need to go. But...I wish you well. And hopefully, we can restore you to your right time and space. Take care." And then. Supergirl flies off into the skies, resuming her patrol of her adopted city.