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Latest revision as of 00:25, 25 October 2017

Generational Magic
Date of Scene: 31 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Athenaeum, 232

Athenaeum has posed:
A dark scorch mark sits in an abandoned playground. The once brightly coloured swings, roundabouts and other children's playthings now sit blackened, with paint peeling where it isn't gone at all. Here and there parts of a sandpit have been turned to glass from what must have been intense heat. As a breeze blows, flecks of grey and black ash swirl and eddy into little spirals before settling back down.

A subtle 'pop' accomanpies a woman appearing from nowhere, her form blossoming from a single point to a fully realised human in a heartbeat. Wearing a dark purple dress of heavy silk that covers her from the buttons at her throat, to the gold embroidered hem that brushes the floor as she walks. From within the gowns deep hood, darkly painted lips and snow white chin and the lower half of her cheeks.

With near silence (and picking up the front of her skirts) she walks on matching purple silk slippers through the detritus, crouching down (good girls bend at the knee after all) to examine the middle of the scorching.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson has been busy of late so a chance to get out and do stuff is all too welcome. First stop? Mr. Smoothie! She's gotten her Chocolate covered cherry smoothie and is walking away when she feels something off. Something isn't right. Like the mana in the area has been really stirred up. So She follows her senses.

Quietly she walks into the ashed area and winces. "Yikes." She begins looking around, taking in the horrible sight. "Okay, I think there is a small problem here." She looks up and sees Ysabelle, "Did you see anything?"

She crouches down and moves her fingers through scorched earth. A frown crosses her lips. Quietly she pulls out her spell book and flips a few pages. "Reanima Verdanica!" Pink light spreads across the scorched earth and quickly the fallen grass turns green and springs back to life.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle stands, fingers smudged with sooth that she brushes off before producing a white kerchief from a pocket within her skirts to wipe the rest off. As the green approaches her, she steps over the spreading line, allowing the grass where her feet had been to grow back without issue. Her lips pull up into a warm smile, though she doesn't approach the young woman just yet.

"I only just got here myself, I felt it though. I think something might have come through here perhaps." One hand slides along the air, as though feeling something. "Can you not feel it miss? Either something came through, or someone drew a lot of power from somewhere... Not here." It's a woefully lacking explanation, but having only been here a scant minute before Gwen, there hadn't been time to make any other hypotheses.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson Nods, "I feel it alright. Its not good. I wish I knew what it was honestly. I can't identify what exactly happened. The mana here feels like it's been shaken up or something." She quietly moves to the sand and begins moving the glass pieces. "This is really bad. Whatever came through here was Really hot. I mean several thousand degrees." She shutters. "My first thought is a meteorite but there is no crater or anything. Maybe someone very hot or, something from hell I don't know."

Athenaeum has posed:
Whispered words resonate with the night, the pale woman's hand coming up in a slow arc, creating glowing amber runes in the air. As the women watch, the runes char to black and fade out of sight. "Hmm... Interesting." The older woman doesn't seem quick to share the meaning of the fading runes as she turns, moving towards the sand pit, and of course, Gwenn. "Introductions might be best before we move too further into this particular rabbit hole..." That same bone white hand is offered. "I am Ysabelle Orion, such a shame we could not meet over better circumstances." And she /does/ actually sound sorry about it.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson looks up and smiles, "Gwenn Tennyson. Its a pleasure to meet you but, I do wish it was under better circumstances as well." She sighs and looks around. "What was that spell? I've never heard any like that." She smiles. "I only have whats in this spell book. I sorta swipped it off a villain who was using it to hurt people. Lots of useful stuff in it but I am still learning."

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle's hood dips a little, taking note of the book before looking back up. Her smile deepens; "It's always good to meet someone picking up the Arts." Both hands come up, gently pushing her hood back to reveal that that white skin completely covers her. A simple silver chain rests on her brow, a deep red ruby the size of a thumbnail resting against her forehead.

Though most shocking of all are Ysabelle's eyes, deep turquoise, they catch the light and reflect it like gems. "The spell was a test of sorts, it lets me know what magic was used here. And alas, with scarring like that on the runes, I feel it can only be infernal." The final word leaves a bitter taste on her tongue, though her face remains serene.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson frowns, "I'm afraid that puts me well out of my element. I don't know much about the different types of magic. I use mana. Nothing flashy. I can do a little elemental stuff but much if what I do is direct manipulation." She doesn't go into why she does that. Nor does she go into why she feels much stronger magically then she is.

She looks up and smiles as she takes in the appearance of the woman. A little smile forms on her face, "You're really pretty. I like your tiara. Its very cool!" She states.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle blinks, then laughs warmly. "That is most kind of you Gwen, you are very pretty yourself." Reaching up, she quickly frees the silver chain from her hair, untangling it carefully so that the loose black waves are unruffled by the manuvere. Only then does she hold it out for Gwen. "A gift, to commemorate the meeting, and for remembrance." It is as it seemed, a simple silver and ruby ornament nothing more.

Whilst still holding it out for the younger woman, Ysabelle continues to talk calmly. "I've been studying a long time, so Infernal isn't beyond my ken, but it is always very dangerous. More so when you don't know what, or whom your hunting."

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson blushes and smiles, "Wow! Really? Are you sure?" She blushes. If its okay, she reaches out and accepts the gift.

Quietly she begins thinking. "Okay so maybe we can figure out something to find out what this was." She flips oven her spellbook again and starts reading through it. "I hope this has something in it that can help."

Athenaeum has posed:
"Books are indeed our greatest asset." Ysabelle agrees letting the chain go without reticence. "And remember, objects are just things, it's metal and stone wrought in a pleasing fashion." Her smile is deep and somewhat maternal, belonging on a woman at least twice her apparent age. But it's open and genuine for all that, at least, the smile's there until she looks over the playground again, tasting that acrid taste of dark energies.

"Witnesses would be better of course, but failing that there are several things we /could/ do..." For some reason though, the magus doesn't ellaborate, instead she stands quietly, watching Gwen from the corner of her eye, waiting for something...

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson looks at Ysabelle, "I have an idea that we can have both." She finds the page in her spell book and holds it out and front of herself. she adjusts her glasses quickly and then speaks. "Silicus Milez Sasitatio!"

As the mana errupts out from the younger girl, a little red begins to drip from her nose. She goes to her knees as her pink magic floods the earth. Suddenly there is shaking in from the Earth. A rock creature rises from the dirt. Then another. Then a third! The rock creatures take form and turn to face Gwenn, waiting for orders.

Gwenn slowly gets to her feet and looks at the creatures. "Hello. I need to know what happened here. What kind of creature struck that caused this level of damage."

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle starts forward as the young magician casts a spell that by rights, would seem to be beyond her. Still the magic takes, drawing the stone out of the earth and giving it sentience. "Are you alright Gwen?" It's a soft words, not wanting to interrupt the other caster's concentration as the stone things communicate with their creator.

Stepping up next to where Gwen lays, but just to the side and behind the younger woman Ysabelle doesn't even need to stoop as she rests a hand on Gwen's shoulder. And fills the younger woman with the energy she knows as mana. Keeping the spell going becomes easier as the older woman feeds Gwen's own reserves. "Try and ask them for descriptions of the creature, or creatures. The more detailed the better..." There is however, a note in Ysabelle's voice that gives her away as being impressed with Gwen's talents.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson takes a deep breath as her body is recharged. If she would just let herself go she wouldn't have this trouble. Sadly that can't happen. Not without losing herself. She quickly looks at the rock creatures and nods to Ysabelle.

"We need information. We need to know who or what happened here. Describe it in as much detail as you can. Please." She requests of the creatures. The first of them steps closer. The other two move in as if to discuss what they know.

Athenaeum has posed:
The creatures talk quietly to each other, before the first begins to talk in a gravelly voice. It describes four small creatures, no bigger than the rocks themselves, maybe three feet tall. That appeared from a rip in the air, and began burning the ground. The things were on fire, and when they worked together, set a huge blaze going over the local area before running off in separate directions. Ysabelle listens intently and then starts laughing.

"Imps. Nothing more than common imps. I have no idea who through them through, but with the first good rain they'll go out and return to their world." She considers something, then smiles a little. "So I guess we should make it rain, shouldn't we Ms Tennyson?" Her smile is more confident now, the worry lines eased from her brow.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles a little. Her gaze goes to the Rock monsters. "Thank you my friends. I will let you return to your rest." She gives a polite bow to them and then, "Discombobulous Negatum!" Immediately the Rock Creatures begin to recind down into the Earth, returning to where they once were. This spell doesn't affect her as bad as the summoning one. She just shakes it off.

"Rain? I don't think I have a spell for that but, I do have something that can work with a rain spell. One that can help put out fires. Its up to you though." She smiles. Quietly she takes the silver strand ruby head piece and puts it on her head.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle giggles softly, the sound seeming a little alien when combined with the white skin and shining cat-like eyes. "May I?" Assuming Gwen isn't opposed, the woman helps her by showing her how to twine the chain amongst her hair, holding the ruby in neatly in place. "Perfect, the red really brings out your hair..." She smiles warmly, the small moment of normalcy passing with some regret back to the task at hand.

"Rain is tricky, I'll need a few things, but we have their entry point so it shouldn't be too hard to make sure it covers them." She looks up at the sky, frowning slightly. "At least there's plenty of water in the air, I'd hate to cause a flood or a drought... Weather is a many fickle thing." Words older than Latin spill from dark lips, her index finger and thumb touching in a circle, fingers outstretched as she pushes towards... and /through/ the air, bringing back a book with more of the old runes embossed on it's cover.

"Now, where was it... Seeking storms...seeking storms..." She carefully turns the pages of the book, eyes flicking of a script that seems to shift as Gwen looks at it.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles brightly as the gem tiara is properly set on her her. It does feel a bit odd. Still its cute! She closes her own spell book. She knows the spell she can use. She's used it before to help protect herself and others. Even now she is going over it in her head.

Then the elder woman gets out her own spell book. She quickly begins looking over her shoulder, trying to see some of the spells in it. They definitely look different. She's no idea what language that is but, thats never stopped her before.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle notes the staring and smiles. "If you want to learn, you only have to ask." She gestures to the book, sliding her hand over the surface and murmuring a few words. For a while the letters settle into a similiar script to Gwen's own book, though far more complex.

"See here? This is the base, that you attach the flows to, then here, here and here, these are the branches, where you'd let your power slip into the clouds... Do you see?" The old magician points to various parts of the script, where complex diagrams show raidal paths upon hexagonal planes. Complex perhaps, was an understatement. "And as always;" she turns the page, tapping on a short paragraph at the end "The warning comes at the end."

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson blinks a few times. "I never knew that part. I knew the language root. I've been studying it. I just didn't know that the format played a part in the spell. That explains the shaping of some of the ones in my spellbook." She smiles over that. "What is the warning for this spell?"

She looks at Ysabelle. "My Grand Mother, Verdona, wants to teach me more about using my abilities. Part of me wants to but I know what will happen if I go that way. Its a risk because of who and what I am. If I agree to it, I may never be able to return to my normal self. Its confusing."

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle nods in understanding, answering the question first. "The warning here is regarding what I said earlier. Playing with the weather is risky at best, you can cause gales, tsunami's, drought or terrible storms. Too much energy and you can cause a flood, too little and if you're lucky, nothing happens." She pauses, giving Gwen a serious look. "And if you're not strong enough, it can burn you out, or kill you." She snaps the book shut with a soft 'thump' of parchment hitting it's twin.

"Only you can decide if you want to learn Ms Tennyson, and if so, who you want to teach you. The mystic arts have as many routes and traditions as politics, more perhaps." She smiles gently, softening her words to soothe rather than inform; "I am sure she is trying to do what she thinks is best, but you are a woman grown, and have your own mind. Rush not, worry not as the saying goes." Though goodness knows where that saying is from...

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson takes a deep breath and understands well. "It sounds like your spell may be beyond me at this time. At least like this. If we combine the two spells though it could be more effective I think." She nods and finally wipes her nose off.

"Its not like that. I love to learn. I'm sure you can feel it. There is a lot of magical energy in me. Mana. Its because I'm sorta not entirely human. I'm part alien. If I let that other side out, I may never be able to return to being human. My Grand mother doesn't bother with a human form anymore. She is very powerful. Anyway, I am trying to do all I can without losing myself. Its kinda freaky."

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle nods in understanding. "Do you think I always looked like this?" She indicates her bright white skin, glowing in the moonlight, her eyes, shining like crystal. "An accident, when I was still an apprentice. Even people who /are/ human take risks learning what we learn Ms Tennyson. Where you draw the line is between you and your conscience. But..." A single finger is held up; "Just because your Grandmother decided to spurn her human form, doesn't mean that you would have to. And just because she has offered to teach you, doesn't mean it is the only way to learn, or safely uncover your own potential." Ysabelle's lips fall closed a moment, and the skin at her cheeks turns a very pale pink in what might be a blush.

"I am sorry, I'm getting carried away. It has been a while since I met someone I could speak with openly, and here I am acting the Headmistress." She sighs, shaking her head at herself, hair sliding softly over her shoulders. "If I begin, will you be able to follow the direction and know when to enter your own spell?" It doesn't seem to occur to her that Gwen's spell won't work as she says it will.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles, "This is how I look as a human." She pauses and looks around, trying to make sure they are alone. She sits down on the ground and goes into a trance. Gwenn's body begins floating as something strange happens. A pink glowing figure flows out of the floating body. Her eyes glow white. From different perspectives she looks pure black but she is always glowing. Her hair is as purple tendrils. "This is my other form. I figured with the range we might be looking at, I should probably be ready for a stronger spell."

She smiles. "Yes I think I can. Lets hope things go well together. I'm ready." She smiles. Her voice sounds like two people talking. Its definitely odd.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle looks at the form and smiles. "I was right, you are very pretty." Before setting her book on the ground. A twitch of her finger and it flips open to the same page as before, only now the writing shifts again. Raising her hands to the sky, Ysabelle begins a slow incantation in that same arcane language, each syllable a bell tolling resonance into the ether.

Her arms spin in a large circle, leaving behind glimmering trails of deep blue that then branch and branch again, a hermetic ritual circle hovering in the air between them. The wind picks up, swirling skirts and hair alike in a whipping frenzy. More words follow, Ysabelle's voice becoming louder as her will presses against the wind, shaping it, coalesing the maelstrom into dark storm clouds above them.

Points of bright violet join the blue on the circle, the pale woman's hands coming together, fingers interplaying in a series of patterns too complex for an eye to easily follow, but their effect is obvious as a peal of thunder rolls across the sky.

"Now, if you please Ms Tennyson." Ysabelle's words are still calm, even as they're called over the wind, the violet lines crossing and recrossing the circle in an exact replica of the symbol in the book. The first fat raindrops begin to fall, peppering the newly grown grass.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
As the Elder Mage works her magic, The Anodite begins drawing in mana. As she does her body glows a little brighter. Her hair tendrils begin flowing a little more. She's cast the spell she's about cast numerous times. Still, she is wanting to double check the spell to see if there is any further pattern to it like the one Ysabelle is casting. With a quick gesture, the spellbook floats to her and opens up.

When she is cued, She closes her eyes. Carefully she starts working the spell pouring more mana into it then she has ever done before for this one. "Incendia Absum!" The wind begins picking up. Its a strange wind. Not the type that would spread a fire but one that would blow it out. It builds and build before being released in all directions. The Spell works its way upward into the rain causing a the rain to blow around wildly.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle watches the new spell join her own, a subtle shift to the circle's design allows Gwen's own lines of power to appear on the magic represantation of the power at play overhead. By now the caster's hair is sodden, slicked to her face as the rain tumbles down in waving sheets over the city - her dress doing little better as it flicks water this way and that in the maelstrom.

A shift in her stance, a foot skimming a slow semi-circl from front to back puts the magician side on to the circle, another, shorter litany of that dead yet alive language and the rain whips up, seeming to come alive as it hunts out the secret places, getting into nooks and crannys, under eaves and umbrellas. Hunting out it's target as a Seeking Storm. No innocents will be harmed by this magic, at least not by anything but their own stupidity. People will still be people after all.

Ysabelle's outstretched palm touches the circle at it's very centre, a wave of energy pushes the rain away from the two women for an instant as the circle evaporates into a myriad of colourful sparks, the spell left to run it's course as she lowers her arms, her shoulders slumping just a little. "There... It is done." The two women look up, faces bathed in clean, clear rain water as they admire each others work...