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Latest revision as of 01:58, 25 October 2017

To Obliteration and Beyond
Date of Scene: 01 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Karrin Murphy, Captain America, Singh

Nick Fury has posed:
"Someone's running down the street, firing automatic weapons into the air!"
"There's a madman on the loose!"
"Please, help! I don't want to die!"

These and others make up dozens of calls to 911 in the last five minutes. Help is certainly needed in the area!

That madman with the automatic weapon? Nick Fury, director of SHIELD!

"Attention all available agents!" he calls through his SHIELD wristwatch communicator. "Protocol Lambda in effect--a Hydra sleeper cell has been located in Hackensack! No time to assemble a full force--whoever's on hand should come to my signal immediately!"

Machine-gun fire punctuates his words. Following his message, Fury turns his attention to the residents of the area as he runs around a city block at whose center is a tall apartment building, shooting his rifle into the air. "Evacuate the area! It's not safe! Evacuate, everyone!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Still in recovery after the mess at the piers, Karrin Murphy wasn't technically on duty. But that didn't mean she didn't always keep her scanner going, and the area the calls were coming from was sort of in that no-man's land of Jersey where the Hackensack PD hadn't quite taken over yet but Gotham didn't have enough man power to cover. Probably why HYDRA set up base there, but it also meant there were a lot of civilians at risk with no timely police response. Karrin swore beneath her breath and took off in her car. She was but a few minutes out.

Driving like a banshee, the woman has no clue what she's actually getting into. She just has her usual holstered gun beneath her arm and the desperate need to protect what scraps of her city that she can. "Lieutenant Murphy, Gotham PD. I'm responding to emergency call..."

Captain America has posed:
     It had been one long, long night for Rogers. From the time he'd woken up to right when the radio call comes in he'd been buried up to his eyes in paperwork.

     Piled high to the ceiling is stack after stack of paperwork which had been set on his personal desk. It's the result of that little Snafu from the other night, a light bit of punishment for going off reservation as it were.

     He's on sentence 12 paragraph 43 subsection j of one of the many documents when the call comes in. His first instinct is to spring up to a stand.

     "Don't worry Fury, I'm right next to your location I'll be there ASA-" Cap starts confidently as he pulls his hood out from behind his uniform, ready for a thrilling adventure!

     Except for the loud clearing of a throat behind him from a senior agent given desk duty. The man's in his late sixties and had been with the group for his entire life. "You might be one of the top dogs, but as long as you're in my sub-district, you follow regulations Rogers."

     Stood off to one side blocking the doorway with his lithe frame and thick rimmed glasses. The man hadn't seen combat in over 30 years and yet there he was blocking the way for Captain frickin America.

     Steve pauses mid stride looking dumbfounded at him for a long moment. Through the window he can LITERALLY SEE Nick Fury moving down the street.

     His jaw drops for a moment in pure shock.

     "Finish up that paperwork, and you can deal with whatever it is the director needs help on." The aging agent states firmly. "We've got plenty of other agents in the vicinity."

     For a moment, a long moment at that, Cap can't exactly believe his ears. Finally closing his mouth Rogers vaults back over his desk and begins to fill in the paper-work as fast as he possibly can, one page at a time flung over to the out-box.

     He wasn't about to fight the agent on this but damn if he wasn't going to get this done soon as he could.

Singh has posed:
As much as she is not ready, Ginger hears the call for basically all hands on deck. She doesn't want to go initially. She wants to hang back. Dealing with someone so dangerous so soon after being recruited? Its a little freaky! Still, She didn't agree to this to ride the pine so, Off she goes. She hitched a ride there by otheres who were on their way. Now its time. Time to find out who she is.

Perhaps her biggest problem, She is unarmed, unarmored. Her fighting skills lacking. All she has is her largely unknown abilities and a can do attitude.

Nick Fury has posed:
Several other officers radio in their approach to the scene as well, but none are as high-ranking as Murphy.

His rifle emptied, Nick Fury throws the gun to one side--without looking, it heads in the general direction of the arriving police cruisers--and begins manipulating a touchscreen interface on his wristwatch.

Fury's eyepatch lights up, and its wearer receives a visualization of the apartment building's structural makeup.

"Damn," he mutters, even while a pair of flying SHIELD SUVs descend toward the street. "They're holed up in the building's center," Fury communicates to his fellow agents.

"The apartment building--it's hiding a giant rocket in its center! And we've got to keep it from taking off!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
And, sure enough, Karrin spins onto sight in her little Mazada before everyone else. It wasn't exactly a cop car, but she had her badge and she'd responded to the call. She whips out of the car as quick as her recovering body can allow her, using the car door as partial cover as she spins her gun around and levels it in Nick Fury's direction. She's not SHIELD or an Avenger or any sort of super hero. She's only on the police scanner frequencies. So, she has no clue what is going on except for a man is shooting a rifle in the middle of a populated area.

"GCPD! Put the gun down NOW. Hands in the AIR. That is an order. Gun down or I WILL SHOOT1" Karrin's voice bursts out of her tiny body and blonde hair. She definitely sounds a lot more scary than she looks, but then the P90 she's holding helps her intimidation factor a lot as well.

Captain America has posed:
     With pen gripped firmly in hand cap glides from one side of the page writing as if his life depended on it. Prose and all extraneous details not demanded by this mission report are of course expunged outright for just the pure facts and details without commentary.

     Seeing the guns pointed at Fury causes Rogers to almost drop his pen outright on the spot as he slides one folders worth of documentation off to one side grabbing another to fill out.

     "What if I just finish some of this now and the rest later?" He pleads with the senior agent. "It's about to turn into a bloodbath out there"

     Cap points with his pen to the one way window of the building, the actual space they're in hidden behind a billboard to keep the little lookout point from being noticed.

     "Until you fill all of it out I can't let you do any work for shield." Stated with a firm conviction from the agent.

     Cap can hardly believe his ears as he just tilts his head slightly to one side. This is a bit much, even for him to believe.

     There's a slight wince at the scene unfolding before cap rips a stapler from one side of the desk.

     Weapon in hand he descends harshly against the paperwork, staples are flung deep into the paper flesh of the questionnaires. Reports are mercilessly filled in triplicate one after another.

     There's a look of dismay on his face as the pen splits open in two from a counter offensive by the stack of documentation, quick action needed to tape it back together with the help of a near by roll, cut with his boot-knife.

     He's fighting through the paperwork with all his might, but it seems the tide has turned towards the documents as time grows ever shorter, the clock ticking!

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh arrives in one of those flying SHIELD SUV. Ginger is confused as to what the heck she is supposed to do. Fury gave the run down. She's unarmed, Unarmored, and in over her head. The only thing she really knows is cooking. "Wait! Pizza!" She quickly jumps out and twirls her body, flattening herself out and floating herself right into the side if the building. A single window, cracked open just a bit is all she needs. her body begins squeezing in as she enters the building. Thankfully she managed to keep her clothing from being destroyed from all of this.

Quickly she gets dressed again and hides inside. touching her earpiece, she quickly whispers, "I'm inside. What am I looking for exactly?" She asks as she begins sneaking her way towards the center of the building.

Nick Fury has posed:
The one-eyed SHIELD director turns to look at the officer shouting at him. He slowly lifts his hands and then, following Singh's lead, leaps toward the apartment building, launching himself off a mailbox toward a first-floor window. Unlike Singh, Fury's not as thin as a pizza, and the window shatters inward from the force of impact.

The SHIELD agents in the SUVs take cover behind their car doors, shouting back at Gotham's finest. "We are SHIELD! Stand down! Do not fire!" they cry.

Meanwhile, on the higher levels of the building, Hydra agents begin to open fire in bursts of rounds on anyone in the street.

More Hydra agents can be found within the building, but most seem to be attending to the attachment of hoses and other lines to the rocket at the building's center, disguised as an elevator and HVAC system. One guard near the front entrance attempts to shoot Fury and Singh as they enter, but then he retreats to a higher floor.

A series of sirens, klaxons, and lights begin to sound and flash, and a synthesized voice begins a countdown: "T-59. 58. 57."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well, shit..." Karrin mutters, as both Fury and that other woman weirdly get into the building. She does cough off a few shots of her gun, as she threatened, but the man is already on the move and her heart isn't behind putting him down. She doesn't actually see anyone dead and shot, it's like he wasn't shooting to hurt anyone. But she still has to move. So, she pulls herself around her car and dashes in the building's direction. Totally unaware of what she's going into, she just knows she cannot let a mad man continue to run loose on the streets.

Singh has posed:
Ginger is on the move. She wasn't down where Fury had entered. No she was on an upper level. When she hears gunshots going off, She pauses. Footsteps. COming up the the stairs. She crouches down and gets ready. When the door opens she checks the uniform. Then using everything within her, She swings.


The Uppercut was almost like a whip striking it's target. Her fist had doubled in size, creating one nasty impact point. The hydra guy goes down. Quickly her arm returns to normal and shakes her head. Then there are the Klaxons. Quickly she looks around. Touching her ear piece, "One target down. Where I'm at the top of a stair well, Where do I go from here?"

Nick Fury has posed:
As Fury lands in the building, he glances over his shoulder to see the tear across the back of his coat, caused by Murphy's off-by-a-hair shot. Then, he ducks into a roll to avoid the fire of the Hydra agent firing down the stairs at him.

"Singh!" he calls through his watch comms. "There's got to be some kind of control setup on an upper level--this model of Hydra rocket has a kill switch in the cockpit and in an external panel. Maybe look for the super's unit?" he asks. A moment later, his colleague's uppercut takes out the Hydra soldier slowing them down.

However, even as that happens, others' footsteps can be heard approaching from upper levels. Fury sighs and mashes a pair of buttons on the ankles of his boots. The soles suddenly hum, and the SHIELD director begins running up the walls alongside the staircase, drawing a sidearm from a holster under his left arm.

There's a sudden WHOOSH and THUD as half a dozen rope lines are thrown over balconies closer to the top floor of the building, and uniformed Hydra agents begin rappelling down, spraying wildly with their submachine guns at each level as they descend--including down toward the police officer entering the front door far below.

Meanwhile, in another building nearby, the SHIELD agent looking over Captain America's shoulder snorts. "Soldier," he says gruffly, "did you fill those out in triplicate? Uncle Sam needs you to give it your all! HR is counting on you, son!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Just in time, someone in SHIELD got a call into the local PD. Karrin's comm squawks a bit on her shoulder 'Lieutenant Murphy... this is an official operation. ALl civilians need to be evacuated. Repeat, this is a sanctioned operation, being evacuating the building...' The blonde blinks, mutteirng beneath her breath a few choice curse words before she pushes down on the comm button. "Understood. Got it. Murphy out." And with that, her tactics change entirely. She begins going door to door, knocking loud and flashing her badge when need be. "GCPD. This building is being evacuated now... Please, out, quick as you can..." Then she decides to handle it as easily as possible, just going to pull the fire alarm...

When the HYDRA agents burst into the area with sub machine guns. She blinks, swears, and then gets down low. She knows when she's out gunned. SHe withdraws out the nearest door, yelling loud into her comm, "We need a lot of back up. THey have a lot of people with submachine guns!" Karrin will, wisely retreat to her car until she can get more back up.

Singh has posed:
"Understood." Ginger states into the comm before she starts moving deeper into the building. There was a reason the Hydra guy was coming to this level. So there had to be something here. Right about now she'd kill for a gun. Wait! There's a gun not being used right there!!! Quickly she helps herself to the unconscious man's knock off AK-47. Then she starts moving her way through the building.

Expanding her ear, she puts it against a door. It allows her to hear soft voices. She can't make out what they are saying. Still the door is opened and she crouches her way in only to find a trio of guys who quickly point their guns at her.

TAT TAT TAT TAT!!! TAT TAT TAT TAT!!! "CONTACT!" She states over the comm as several rounds hit her body. "DAMN!"

Nick Fury has posed:
Having an augmented reality overlay in his vision of Singh's position, Fury continues to race along the walls, dodging Hydra gunfire until he's on the same level as Ginger, and his shoes' humming dies as he returns to standing on the floor.

"Can we shut it down, Singh?" Fury shouts, nearing the doorway. "Or do we have to bring the building down on this rocket?" He holds his pistol up and close. "Pop quiz time."

The announcer's voice resounds through the building: "33. 32. 31."

Singh has posed:
Winces a little but looks down noting that the bullets never actually penetrated her skin. "Damn!" She looks around. The guys in the room are finished off and then. Oh Cool there's Fury, "Shutting it down?! I don't know the first thing about Rocket Science. But..." She quickly looks at the floor and the wires. "I have an idea. Tell my family I love em!" She takes off running

Following the cables to the next room, There is the Rocket. Its not a small one either. The thing is large enough to fill part of the room. Moving closer as the count down continues, She quickly begins using her new talents.

Flash back to when she was a teen in school. "Today we are going to learn about force. To demonstrate force, I am going to do a little demo. See this watermelon. What happens when we put a rubber band on it. The force of the stretched rubber band is exerted on the watermelon. Its not enough to do anything. So what happens when we add more?" The teacher proceeds to add more and more rubber bands until *BOOM!* The watermelon explodes!

Fast forward to now...

Ginger smirks. "Oh this is either going to kill me or destroy the thing. With a quick motion she whips her arms around the rocket. Tighter and tighter. Over and over. She can feel the strain on her body but it doesn't matter. This will either save the day or end her SHIELD career.

*CRACK!* Something begins giving way.

Nick Fury has posed:
While Singh does SOMETHING directly to the rocket, Nick Fury runs to the control panel. He begins maneuvering through the physical buttons and digital options available to him.

"Fuel supply...check. Reverse?...check." The rocket fuel begins siphoning back out of its tank.

"Destination coordinates...where are you?" Fury mutters to himself.

"15. 14. 13."

The rocket, meanwhile, continues to crack--and crack--and then the rocket snaps into multiple pieces, shattering within its bay.

High above, a secret door in the roof begins to open, revealing sunlight down onto the busted rocket and Ginger Singh.

"Hello there," Fury calls through the Hydra intercom. "The rocket's not going anywhere. This mission has officially failed."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh winces a little as the force from her own body snaps the rocket. Quickly she pulls herself back to her normal shape feeling as though every muscle in her body has been over exerted. Still, it worked.

The doors open and the sun shines in. Ginger looks upward into the sky. She has no idea where the rocket was going. No idea what Hydra's grand scheme was. The only thing she does know is, lives were saved. She was a hero and that is something she never thought she'd be.

"The rocket's destroyed. We did it. Any idea what their end game was?" She asks curiously. Its probably above her pay grade but, no harm in asking. After all, she just did stretch herself a little thin to help out.

Nick Fury has posed:
All through the building, Hydra agents anticipate this line of questioning by biting down on cyanide-filled false teeth and dropping dead on the floor.

The few SHIELD agents that were standing off with the Gotham PD finally arrive, local law enforcement behind them.

Fury moves through the control computer. "Looking now..." he says.

As the countdown finishes, however, the computer suddenly sparks and catches fire, and the panel begins to melt.

"They've got a self-destruct protocol enacted!" Nick Fury shouts, running to the staircase. "Everyone--watch yourselves!"

In rooms on each floor of the building, electronics explode and are reduced to slag. Filing cabinets catch fire.

Singh has posed:
"Shit." Ginger winces and quickly stretches her body upward. Reaching up and out of the opening in the roof. As soon as she is up there, she dives off the roof. Her body spreads out and she floats down to the ground carefully before reforming her body.

"I'm out." She states on the comm. She makes her way to one of the SHIELD suv's and leans against it. She still has the gun on her. Idly she slips the sling off her and tosses the weapon aside. "I need to practice with those. And with everything else." She states to the others present.

Nick Fury has posed:
Fury heads out the front door just behind the assembled GCPD and SHIELD agents, barely outpacing a series of controlled explosive bursts that follow everyone down the stairs.

The building, slowly but surely, begins to implode, collapsing in on itself.

Soon, there's a giant cloud of dust rising from a pile of rubble where the building once stood.

"Well," Fury sighs, rubbing his forehead. "It wasn't the best execution, but we stopped a weapon of incredible destructive power. I guess that'll have to do for now."

"Singh," he adds, looking around for the young agent. "Nice thinking. I'd definitely rate your performance..." Fury thinks for a moment. "Satisfactory." He breaks into a grin.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smiles a little. "Thank you, Sir. It was a gamble. I think I need to learn some more stuff though. That was my first time using a gun." Yeah she's going to have some nightmares after that one. She actually ended a few people. Its already messing with her head.

"Also I need to learn more about using my abilities and how to fight. I dunno how I knocked the one guy out." She smiles. "Still. I'm happy we managed to keep people from getting killed... other then the ones in this building. Do I even wanna know what that rocket would have done?" She askscuriously.

Nick Fury has posed:
"Always, Singh," Fury replies with a nod. "You ALWAYS want to know everything you can. The intelligence agent without intel is no good to anyone." He opens one of the nearest SUV's rear doors. "I'll make sure you get some intensive education on the subject."

Several of the SHIELD agents also get into the SUV, while the other carload remains to deal with local police and Damage Control.

"It was going to hit the helicarrier," Fury says as he settles into his seat. "Wasn't totally sure about that part until we were in the building. I was ready for it to have been just about anywhere, though."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh gets into the SUV as well. When Fury states the target, the girl just jaw drops over the whole thing. "All of the people there could have been killed or injured. Glad we acted then!" She smiles over that.

She looks down at her clothing which right now looks rather stretched out and weakened by her activities. "I'm going to need to talk to R&D I think. I need something that can stretch with me. I don't wanna destroy any more clothing while I'm trying to help. Also, apparently I can take some gunshots without getting hurt."

Nick Fury has posed:
"Let's see how you pass your remaining courses first," Nick Fury responds, eyebrow raised but a smile slowly emerging on his face. "One field mission doesn't make you a fully-certified agent who gets to requisition special attire."

"Still," he adds as the SUV begins to ascend and maneuver away from the ruined building, "we'll see what might be available..."