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Latest revision as of 02:01, 25 October 2017

Too Late to Help
Date of Scene: 02 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Clark is told of Lois's injury, Plagg is grumpy, and Tikki is adorably clueless about the Big Blue Boyscout. Or Superman meets the Miraculous Kwamis and promises them he and his friends would super help. No one is surprised by any of it.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Superman, 143

Lois Lane has posed:
It took a little time for everything at the hospital to settle and then a little more to verify all the victims were stable. Once that was confirmed each person was then moved to a room within ICU. Then the calls were made -

- For Lois Lane the Daily Planet was called. Eventually the nurse was connected to Perry White, who was just getting ready to head home, "Mr. White?" Began the conversation and when Perry responded with a gruff and vaguely annoyed, "Yes?", the nurse broke the news.

"Lois." He says quietly, then a game of phone tag began. Perry reached out to Lois' family first and then, Perry called Clark.

However many times Perry would have had to call Clark until he answered, he would have and then once he answered, Perry would have immediately said, "It's Lois -"

Superman has posed:
Clark had just gotten home from dealing with bullets and saving people from them when he spied his phone, heard it ringijg. He moved over, pulling off tje top of the blue uniform to answer.

Those two words...


A moment later, call disconnected, Clark moved into the ICU and told the nurses who he was looking for. He was already scanning around for her.

Lois Lane has posed:
Once the call is disconnected Perry will stand there in his office, gaze worried, but then he'll step to his door. That door will be opened as the Editor-in-Chief shouts, "Get me -"

There's a story here and it needs to be reported; Lois would want it that way.

When Clark arrives at the nurses' stations and asks where Lois Lane is, the nurse will say, "She's in bed eight, but -" Begins the nurse, attempting to say 'you can't go there; visiting hours are over', her words never finish as a phone suddenly rings right next to her. "- hold on." She's quick to add and then the nurse turns her attention to answering the phone.

Leaving Clark enough time to slip over to bed eight, where Lois Lane lays.

She's dressed in a typical hospital nightgown with a sheet pulled up to her chest. An IV bag hangs from a pole with the line dripping saline into her bloodstream; a heart monitor is likewise in use, beeping its slow sound of life with every beat of Lois' heart. Her expression is relaxed, which probably makes her look younger than her actual age. She usually has so much animation within her face and now, that's all but gone.

It only looks as if she's asleep, but no amount of calling her name will wake her.

Superman has posed:
Clark slipped away and gently closed the door behind himself.

"Lois..." he murmurs softly, as he focuses on her. Je can hear her heartbeat matches to the soft beeps. He moves to her besside, taking her hand gently.

"What happened?" he asks. There's a story here. One that needs finding.

Lois Lane has posed:
When he takes her hand in his, there's no reflexive grasp of it back from Lois; it just lays there inert in Clark's grip.

But, oh, if she were awake she'd likely be giving Clark a look! A look that screams, 'SMALLVILLE, GO FIND THE STORY'. In fact, she'd likely be saying that to him too, even with that flash of a look.

But, there's no look to be given, no sassy words to be offered. Instead Lois continues to lay in that hospital bed, looking frailer than she would ever want to look.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki, a little ladybug looking spirit godling sits on the edge if the bed which belongs to a raven hairrd woman about four rooms over. "How are we supposed to just sit here??" Which is why the little bug kwami flits up and begins to 'pace' back and forth in the air.

"We've lost them before... Every life time. They've been akumatized but this! Dhe isn't... And he just gave in and... "

Now the little bug is flailing and staring at a little black cat like thing now much bigger than she is. "We need Master Fu. He'd know how to fix this! How are you so calm!?"

Superman has posed:
Clark huhs as the tiny voice cuts through the din of the hospital and he turns to look, four rooms over to peer at the... ladybug.... and the cat that appears to be lounging on a girl's chest. Clark hmms and gently puts Lois's hand down. One ear on her heartbeatn the other on the two creatures, Clark moves to tje door. Superman slips out into the hallway, visiting the victims of the attack. He makes jis way to that room, four doors over, nd quietly lets himself in as he reads the information on the wrist band. Dupain-Chen, Marinette.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I'd be calmer if the kitten had left me cheese," states the cat kwami. His whole body reads and calm aloofness, all save the very tip of his tail which shivers in aggitation.

"Besides, one of us has to be the calm one. I'm voting that it's be this time, because you are freaking me out. Seriously, it'll be fine. I'm still awake this time and my kitten had the sense to get him away feom him before it happened. Can you imagine? Me? Running around trying to get to you? There'd ve nothing left od this-" cat ears perk. Plagg turns to look at Superman.


Tikki flails her little arms at her other half. "That makes two of us. Your calm is driving me nuts. How did it possibly make sense to leave her?? Doesn't he get it yet? They're too youn--"

And then there's Superman and Tikki's eyes widen. "You can't be here. You saw nothing."

Superman has posed:
Superman regards the two spirit creature things as both sets of eyes turn toward him. He listens about the room, super vision telling him so much.

"I'm visiting victims of the metahuman attack. Can I help somehow?" he asks, hoping to sound just as calm and possible since they both seem so highly aggitated. I can see that tail, cat thing. You are fooling no one.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki has, at least, quit flailing. Instead, she seems to be completely still as if debating whether to try to look like a toy or not. But it's too late for that.

"I'm out. You two blue eyes can hash this out," says Plagg, collecting Marinette's left hand - which has a silver band upon it - drags it to her side, then covers it and himself up with a blanket. The cat promptly curls himself around her fingers and closes his eyes to listen in.

Tikki turns towards Plagg, blue eyes narrowing. "I'm withholding scritches for a week."

She sighs and turns back to Superman. "Unless you can wake Marinette up.... Just make sure no one hurts the guy responsible for the rest. He's not really in control."

Superman has posed:
Superman blinks twice, watching the cat curl himself around Marinette's hand. There is something disturbing about listening to Marinette and Lois right now, so he focuses on just Lois.

"Can tou tell me what happened?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:

But will she? That's the question.

She sighs and floats down to the edge of the bed. "She was hurt. During a battle. It looked like she was getting better. Was going to be okay. Something happened though and her heart stopped... When they got it started again.. They said she had six hours so he sat and waited but she never woke up..."

She sniffles, reaching out to pet Marinette's hand before looking back at Superman. "The akuma... Little butterflies sent out by Hawkmoth, are attracted to pain and sorrow and anger. He thinks she's lost to him... So it took over... He has no control. Not really. Please don't hurt him."

Superman has posed:
Superman waits as the little red creature gathers herself and when she floats to the bed he steps forward and lowers himself to one knee so he stays more eye level. A villian? who pries on the saddens of human emotions and takes away their control. Ohn Ckark hopes Bruce never gets hit with this thing.

"What can tou tell me about Hawkmoth?" because best way to end this seems to be to stop whomever is controlling the boy this creature is so worried foe.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki shakes her head sadly. "Not much. We didn't even realize he was in America."

Her head tilts. "Waking her and letting her get to the akuma and purify... It will wake everyone up."

She sighs. "They were Chosen young becausr we had no choice. Hawkmoth was active and they were needed."

Superman has posed:
"This is magic, then?" asks the caped hero, seeking to keep Tikki talking as long as possible. His tone is measured, calm, and as reassuring in asking those questions as he can make it.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki nods her head. "I guess it would be considered that, yes." To her it isn't. It's simply the way it is. But to others...

She's torn. On how much to say. How much to give away. Too much information is dangerous and she doesn't know this man. Hoe can she trust him.

"Are you going to hurt them?," is demanded.

Superman has posed:
Blue eyes turn sad at the question, but it doesnt surprise him. His smile is just as sweet.

"No. My name is Kal-Eln but the world knows me as Suoerman. I am from Krypton, a planet that was destroyed. This world is my home now and I try to help as many as I can as often as I can with whatever I can. I am sorry for just barging in earlier...."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki blinks at him. "Your world was... Oh!" And she flits from bed over to Superman to hug his cheek. "I"m so sorry!" She sniffles.

A moment amd she flits away. "No one should know about us... It puts them in more danger."

She won't give Plagg away. "I am Tikki. The spirit of the Ladybug Miraculous."

She blinks, curosity clear in her big blue eyes. "Why do you wany to help?"

Superman has posed:
Getting hugges by such a tiny adorable creature makes Clark smile, and he very very gently brings a hand up to craddle Tikki. His skin is warm, a gentle summer sun.

"It's alright. Turns out, I wasnt the only one who survived," he consoles the spirit before she flits away. His hand moves away just in time.

"I understand. There are things I keep secret too, to protect the human family that raised me," he says with that warm Kansas note to his smile.

"Nice to meet you, Tikki. I want to help because I can and because helping is the right thing to do. I wont force my help on anyone but.. if I can, if the allow, I will."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
He was warm! And smelled like sunshine. Plagg would adore him. The thought made Tikki giggle. A warm, bright, water over rocks in a babbly brook, tinkling sound.

"I'm glad you aren't alone. No one should be. Our Chosen only recently found each other properly."

And then the little bug decides. And the Chosen will likely kill her for it later. "They need help, yes. They need to learn how to balance... They need help out of this situation... Ladybug and Chat are still learning but they're young." And need guidance.

Superman has posed:
The sound of the giggle had Clark smiling again. Lois would never admit to loving this creature. Superman nods to Tikki's words.

"I'm glad they have. That kind of thing is important." He says as Tikki makes her choice.

"Of course. Right now, the most important thing is to make sure your Chosen stays healthy and Chat is subdued as gently as possible. I dont work alone either. I have friends whose knowledges and skills and powers fill gaps I have, letting them do things in ways I cant. May I call them? Many hands make light work."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki considers this a moment. "They can't know who Chat and Ladybug are, okay? They aren't going to be happy I told you but they need help...."

As long as he agrees that their secrets remain secrets, she nods her head. "That would probably be best, yes. But he can't be hurt! And they have to understand it's not his fault."

Superman has posed:
Secret identities, something the League knows all about, so Clark nods.

"Of course. Nearly all of us have a secret to keep, in some fashion. And I will make clear that he needs to be. subdued as gently as possible." Superman holds oit his hand to the spirit, offering to shake on it.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Shake? Does she look like a dog?

"Okay!" And there's one of those flying tackle hugs. Or as much of a one as Tikki can manage with The Man of Steel. "Thank you!"

Happy little bug kwami is happy. Still worried but happy.

Superman has posed:
"You're very welcome, Tikki. I'll check back in in a few hours. For now, if you need me for any reason just callout for me. Use my birth name: Kal-El. And then say: <"I need you."> Can you repeat that? " he asks, hand once again cominf up to cup the litrle spirit. He waits to see rhat she can get close to sou ding out rhe kryptonian words.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki blinls, lityle nose wrinkling cutely. "Of course I can!" Her tiny little hands go to her hips. "After five thousand plus years, I've gotten very good at mimicing accents."

And so she repeats the phrase back to him in near perfect Kryptonian.

And then she peers at him. "But... How will you hear me?"

Superman has posed:
"You're five thousand... wow. Ok then. That was perfect," says Superman, smiling brightly. and thenn he chuckles.

"I have really good ears. Im actually listening in on a couple of heartbeats right now and a radio broadcast from Switzerland. I'd have to be out of the ionosphere before I completely lose the ability to hear specific individuals...."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And there's that giggle again. "Over actually but yes." And then she beams at the approval.

That is before her eyes widen. "Wow. That really is good hearing!" Netter than Plagg's but she won't say that outloud. "I'll remember."

Superman has posed:
"Your friend can call me too, if he wants. The language is rare enough that it'll cut through the din of television jingles," Superman says with another warm smile. He floats up to his feet without any sort of strain.

"Take care, Tikki. And call me if you need me." he adds as he turns to go.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Plagg snorts and it makes Tikki roll her eyes. "Plagg's a grumpy kitty right now." Still adorable though. "We will. Be safe!" Because she's clueless.

Superman has posed:
Another warm chuckle and Superman nods on his way out... only to get spotted by a nurse and so, he makes his rounds as a superhero here to check on victims and gice support to their families.