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Latest revision as of 22:43, 25 October 2017

Date of Scene: 03 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Wonder Woman

Superwoman has posed:
    It was time for finding the people responsible for giving military grade weapons to young men and women too angry to know that murder is wrong. Faora hit the street, albeit not in her standard uniform- she was going plain clothed today. She's dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. The hoodie has her own emblem across the chest- albeit halfed by the zipper that isn't up at the moment. The hood is up.

    The investigation had brought Faora to the Stadium- or rather, the rather dark alley behind the stadium where a large truck was sitting with the doors open. Faora sits at the entrance of that alley- hidden in the shadows cast by the setting sun. She'd followed one of the thugs that got away to this place, after a phone call.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince wasn't precisely used to dressing down for much of anything. In fact, when she was told to meet incognito and the location was described to her... she actually wasn't sure how to even accomplish such an attire in short order. She rummaged through boxes of free clothing sent to her in the room the items were stored in and she grabbed a few items...

Arriving now, Diana was wearing a hoodie as well, a red one with the hood up and a black braided length of hair extending out from within the hood down her chest. On her legs were blue track pants and jogging shoes on her feet... Sadly, the outfit wasn't exactly 'incognito' however as both the hoodie and the track pants had WONDER WOMAN written on them... the Hoodie, in fact, had her WW logo plastered on the back in bold gold styling and the right leg of her track pants had the name stretching from her hip down to her ankle in bright white letters...

But, who'd expect the actual wonder woman to dress like that, right?

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora was aware of everything in this small alley- smiling as she heard Wonder Woman approach. She couldn't ignore the confidence in those steps, despite their muted by rubber steps. She looks over her shoulder, eyebrows raised at Wonder Woman's choice of 'Undercover' gear. Still, she smiles, stands and waves Diana over.

    In the alley, the truck opens- a man wearing a somewhat exaggerated suit in black and gold appears in the back. He carries a walking stick, and a sickening grin- "Ah! It seems you boys and girls have gone and royally screwed up!" he says to the small group of people there- all from different gangs.

    "How were we supposed to know that the tights would show up?" One man shouts, a young woman nodding her head, "You said we could take on anything with those guns!" The man with the walking stick frowns, "You're idiots. You didn't do what I said, and the suits came in to fight. You got away, though. You few.." He grins, a wicked thing. "I have something new for you."

    The man turns and disappears into the truck again, reappearing moments later with a weapon that looks rather futuristic- a rifle weapon, albeit one that looks very different than the ballistic weaponry that's been seen before. "I have a new present for you." He lifts the gun and fires at a dumpster- directed energy flies from within the chamber of the weapon and the blast of hot plasma melts the steel dumpster completely.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana does a double-take when she sees Superwoman, having not had a lot of time to spend with her it was a bit surprising when she saw her far more fittingly-attired for this approach that she'd pitched to Diana... Diana was far more used to just going in, full-charge and leaving a destructive / yet effective wake of enemies behind her.

The Themysciran woman crouched down beside Faora, her blue eyes peering out from beneath her red hood. "This is the best outfit I had." She said to Superwoman. "I look like an idiot." She added in her heavily accented voice, before smiling to Faora... showing that she found it to be more amusing than anything else.

But the voices pulled her blue eyes away from the Kryptonian and to the source of the chit-chat. Her advanced hearing allowed her to pick up on all of it, every word of it.

"Thats them. Lets end this..." Diana said, moving to stand up and go right at them unless otherwise stopped! It would seem some tactics die-hard and Diana's eyes only narrowed when she saw this hi-tech weapon get fired off.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora chuckles quietly as Diana says what she does. Her hand is sliding out as Diana begins to move forward- pulling her back down. "Not yet." Faora says softly. "Wait a minute.. its not tactically sound." she notes of Diana..."He's still facing us." It was a warrior's train of thought.

    The Man throws the weapon down to one of the remaining thugs and turns, "I have more gifts for you!" he says as he disappears into the truck to collect more weapons.

    Faora smiles over to Diana. "We need to get in front of the truck. There's a man in the diver's seat. If we rush in now..." she pauses, "They could escape in that truck. We'd be fools to attack from a single direction."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was used to a world where she was mostly the strongest, most powerful, she wasn't entirely used to someone as strong as Faora grabbing her and pulling her back from her headfirst-style of dealing with problems like this.

Diana looked back at Faora with a questioning look at first, but when she heard her words she relaxed, at least a little... sort of.

"I will rip off its tires, and push it over onto its side." She replied over to Faora. "The puny, sad little man driving it... he'll be too terrified to do anything else but weep for forgiveness." This was clearly a difference in Kyrptonian Warriors and Themysciran Warriors.

"But... this is your mission." She then said in a softer voice. "I will approach it as you see-fit." And with that said, Diana's sky-hued eyes looked back to the man who appeared to be in charge. "I want to see him cry the most." She muttered.

Superwoman has posed:
    "You are a warrior. You seek battle. We are the same in this." Faora offers softly, "But there is wisdom in knowing not just when to attack, but how to attack. That truck has weapons on it- and some of them are undoubtedly unstable." she offers quietly, eyes scanning the truck much like Superman's might. "We will be victorious, my sister in battle... but it is better to keep those weapons intact. They are clues. They lead to the head of this operation." she offers softly- the man in the truck still fiddling inside. "Wait ten seconds. We attack simultaneously from the opposing sides. Do you want to go in from the far side, or this side?" she asks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana nodded to the reasonable explanations given by Faora, she was right... the truck clearly had dangerous gear in it besides commonplace assault weapons. "Fair enough." She said back to the other before hearing the final question.

Diana's blue eyes locked onto the faces of those down the alleyway and she had a deep-rooted anger when she looked at them. "I will go from this direction." She tells her. "I want them to see me coming. I like it when they know who they have precisely upset."

Diana's hands pulled the sleeves of her red-hoodie up on her forearms and she tucked them into the golden bracers that encased her body there. "I will go when you go." Diana said over to Faora then.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Be careful." Faora states simply, "Ten seconds. Starting... Now." Superwoman says as she bursts into action- shooting into the sky and seeming to disappear before she's no where to be seen.

    In those ten seconds, the man appears again- holding a pair of pistols. "And look at these beauties! They can cause some damage, let me tell you. Real damage. Maybe even to Superman! Although, I wouldn't bet on it- might just piss him off. See how its important to keep yourself quiet." he says with a laugh as he tosses the pistols out to another pair of the thugs. The thugs are getting familiar with the weapons, "Each of them has settings on the side. Keep the settings low in your everyday crimes, and you'll just stun them. Keep them high, and you'll vaporize them. They're set to medium right now. Standard setting.." he explains..

    And then it happens. Ten seconds are up- and Faora is on the attack, just like she said. A blast of heat vision that is pin-pointed into the engine compartment of the vehicle. The scent of smoking oil as Faora comes at it from the front.

    The man in the truck shouts, "Helmuth! We got trob..." he's silenced quickly as Superwoman tears him from the driver's seat and tosses him into a wall with a bit of a crunch. He'll survive, but he's got some broken ribs for certain that'll make shouting more warnings all the more difficult.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would give FAora a little singular nod of her head before the Kryptonian rocketed into the sky. The Princess of Themyscira would then turn to stare at the would-be-criminals and she'd start to count down, muttering under her breath. "three-onethousand, four-onethousand." until she reached the end of the count.

At this point Diana would rise up, cast her hood back and rocket forth toward their target, leaving a wake of alleyway-trash and sundries flying wildly around behind her!

When the heat vision came down upon the engine of the car and Faora grabbed the man out of the driver's seat, Diana lunged for the man who'd been doing all the talking, aiming to strip the weapon he had in his grasp and toss it aside!

Superwoman has posed:
    Helmuth found all of this entertaining, apparently, laughing loudly. "Oh! Look at that! You look redicul.." he yelps as Diana grabs him, his gun tossed to the side as he presses the head of his walking stick to Diana's side. It sends out a rather incredible shock. The three with weapons below start to run.

    Faora moves forward now, towards the chaos on Wonder Woman's side of things. She rushes one of the thugs with the rifle- taking shots as he fires wildly at the Kryptonian. Her clothing is burned away by the hot plasma- but her flesh doesn't burn. Thank goodness for that.

    "Don't let him get into the truck!" Faora shouts, at the struggle between Diana and sleezeball.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana felt the electrical attack and it made her stagger to the side before she swept her arm over to the electrifying walking-stick and she crushed it into halves. At Faora's words Diana shook her head. "That won't be a problem." She said before tossing the man in her grasp across the alleyway and into a wall!

Diana spins around then to the three men who are attempting to flee and she slams her braces together causing a kinetic burst of energy to tidal-wave down the alleyway and collide with the three criminals!

"Your foolish endeavors end here, and now." She said to everyone within earshot.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora grins as she watches Diana in action- leaping forward after that burst sends the criminals to their backs. The weapons are tossed aside, and with precise strikes each of the thugs are on the ground writhing in pain- their limbs refusing to work.

    Faora turns then, looking to Helmuth- who groans in pain against the wall, trying to stand. She looks over to Diana then. "So. We've caught our weapon distributor."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looked over to Faora then and lowered her arms back down to her sides after sending that kinetic blast down the alleyway. "It would seem so." She replied, her gaze now going to the man in-question...

The raven haired woman in all the flashy Wonder Woman clothing walked over to the man as he tried to rise-up and she put her hand out to take him by the collar and help him up. "Helmuth Sade." She said to him. "You are being detained for illegal arms-dealing. Your men have ratted you out... and we will be taking you to prison."

diana would turn around then and drag the man across the alley toward Faora, offering him to her. A nod would be given as well. "You did good, in finding him." She said to Superwoman.

Superwoman has posed:
    "It required some work." Faora replies, as she looks over Helmuth. Helmuth just laughs quietly, "Oh, I don't think you'll be taking me in." he says with a wide grin before there is a *crunch* as he grits his teeth. Within moments, he's foaming at the mouth.

    Faora frowns, as the man begins to shudder... he's dead within three seconds of that crunch.

    "He's dead." Faora confirms quietly, "He died for his cause, or his boss. Whatever that might be." She looks back to the truck. "We're going to have to do more police work, it seems, Princess." she says softly as she shakes her head. "I don't know who's supplying these weapons, or why. It bothers me."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana took a step forward at the man as she realized what he was doing. She'd seen it happen before, it was essentially impossible to defend against unless she checked the mouths of every person she ever detained... which was a bit much to realistic expect.

"Damnit..." Diana said, watching the man's life leave his body. "You coward!" She shouted at him, hoping those words would be the last to register within in his mind before he went.

A dramatic sigh soon followed there-after and Diana heard Superwoman's words.

"The Police are better suited for this..." She told the other. "We should pick the truck up, take it to them. Tell them what has happened here." She glanced down the alleyway. "After we retrieve the rest of them, and their weapons."

Superwoman has posed:
    "If that is how you would like to go forward, than that is how we will go forward. AFter I've had a few moments inside the truck, though." Faora says quietly, as she moves towards that weapon-filled vehicle. She climbs inside and begins to look around. She's intense in her stares as she looks at every piece of evidence. Kneeling low. Quiet. She looks very much more like a police detective in these moments than one of Superman's ilk.

    "I used to be part of the Kryptonian Defense Forces. We had police duties." She explains, "And, truth be told, I'm not sure I can stand back and wait for the answers to come to me. I very much prefer to face this head on, as quickly as possible."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana moved to follow Faora, watching her closely. She knew that Faora was extremely capable, but she had also witnessed a darkside in the woman that Superman, and even Kara, seemed to lack.

"I have no doubt that you are very capable at it." Diana told her in that non-American voice. "But what I have found, is that the more olive branches we extended to local law enforcement, then far more welcoming they are to our involvement in what -they- are doing." She tells the other, glancing around the interior as well by remaining where she was outside, looking rather uncomfortable in those donated 'WW' clothing she'd thrown on for this event.

"When the local police feel as though we do not respect them, thats when they make everything much more... difficult, on us."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Of course they think we don't respect them, Princess. We're criminals." Faora states simply. "Kal doesn't seem to understand that. We're vigilantes. We act *outside* of the law." Faora notes as she continues to look over the weapons- pulling one off the side of the racks- looking it over. She's surprisingly quick as she gets to know the weapon.

    "These weapons are designed to kill men in armor. Take down armored weapons... tanks, or swat vehicles most likely." Faora notes next, "You're not a criminal here because of your diplomatic immunity. However, you are still acting outside of the law as written." she notes next, as she turns the weapon in her hands.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Indeed we are." Diana said in agreement with Faora as she stood where she was, looking about and giving the Superwoman time to do her peaking and poking around. "And yes, that includes myself." She said further. "But I still respect the man and women of the Police forces. Many of whom, do not, have any special abilities that set them apart from the standard human condition."

Diana's head gently shook side to side. "But even still... they volunteer for the job... and risk their lives on a daily basis. They are truly heroic for doing so. So I do my very best to make it clear that I respect them for what they do... and most seem to respect me for how I assist them against threats greater than they are able to defend against." She paused then and glanced down to her feet for just a second. "Most do at least."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Of course. They are worthy of respect." Faora says next, as she shifts her attention towards another of the weapons- a pistol. She takes a look at it closely- turning it over. Scanning it deeply. "They run towards danger when others run away from it. Its brave what they do." Superwoman notes, next.

    "I don't have anything here but work, Princess." Superwoman notes. "Kal is moving slowly on helping me create an alternative identity. Something to take my mind off of work." She admits, as she goes next to one of the other weapons- a sphere. "Grenades. Dangerous." she says to herself. "These could even knock someone like you or me on our asses." she notes, as she continues to scan the weapons. "These were all made in the same place as the weapons we found before. We need to trail them back to where they came from." she remarks, "That's the next step."

    Faora looks then over to Diana. "We should move quickly, then. Get those officers here."