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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/03 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=143, 15, 87, 99, 138, 142 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:143|Ma...")
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Latest revision as of 22:45, 25 October 2017

An Act of God Wakes the Princess.
Date of Scene: 03 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 143, Superman, 87, Mercy Thompson, Loki, 142

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
It's been roughly two days since the villainized Adrien Agreste walked out of Marinette's ICU room and claimed his first victim. His bodyguard Gorille. Since then, he's made quite the mess that has been all over the news.

Among his list of victims are people of such notability as Lois Lane and Tony Stark as well as a couple dozen others who happened to be in the right place at the wrong time.

The hospital was ... almost a war zone. More coma patients were coming in by the hour and the staff was having problems keeping up with it all.

The feel of the kwamis magic is likely easily sensed and followed through the hospital back to an ICU room.

In the room, the kwamis can't be seen but their magic is strongest here. What can be seen though is a raven haired woman who, for all intents and purposes, looks to be asleep. Or she would if it were for the respirator she is hooked up to, the heart machine that holds a steady rhythm with the rest of the coma patients and the multiple IV lines hooked up to her.

Anyone trying to get into the room gets a half hearted attempt to stop them but really, the staff is just too busy.

Superman has posed:
There is also a Superman. He is giving a nurse some freshly eyelasered back to perfecrly steamy cup of coffee. Because he has spent the day here, helping as he could. Mostlyn it was heavy lifting.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Cats don't wait to be let in. Cats go where they want with or without permission.

Unless there's no cat door. Then, they paw at the window and yowl and meow until you are half out of your mind.

Fortunately, this cat makes his own cat doors. The magic of the kwamis is suddenly complemented by a strong burst of chaos magic as Vorpal steps through the Rabbit Hole and enters Marinette's room. He has a bag under one arm, carrying an undisclosed assortment of things.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The last few days have been something of a whirlwind for Mercy Thompson. As such, it took the coyote almost those two full days to realize that Adrien was or rather, is in trouble. Upon seeing the stories within the local papers and on on television, Mercy would have offered a general, "Now what's going on?" Because, again, the last few days were quite crazy for her too. Once she chased down other stories confirming that Adrien has indeed gone a little crazy, the dark-haired woman took action. That first action being a visit Mari, to see how the young woman is doing, but also to potentially ask questions. If not from the girl, to the little spirits that typically hang around them.

While the prospect of going back into a hospital isn't necessarily thrilling to Mercy, it can't be helped and so, she goes.

Whether she had to contact Loki by phone, or if he was nearby, she would have asked him to come along. It's only once in the hospital lobby that Mercy will pause slightly to take in the higher traffic volume, before moving towards the elevator. "We need to get to ICU."

Loki has posed:
When it comes to walking politely through hospitals, "Liam Serrure" has a fairly fantastic track record lately. His one instance of doing so involved minimal property damage and the unfortunate sacrifice of a latte. He stands in excellent stead to walk through the utter disaster zone that's become of this poor, hapless place without taking a scratch. Especially when the staff has trouble even identifying he's there, their gaze sliding off the tall fellow. He might have had dark hair. Was it blonde? Definitely English. And that coat...

They won't remember how he got here. They will not recall how he seemed to walk around the dust and the mess without a speck of it sticking to him, either, and neither how the elevator squeaked alarmingly when he stepped into it. Well, maybe he carries around adamantium for the off chance someone needs a bone-grafting. It never hurts to be prepared, Asgardian Boy Scouts' motto.

"You know, there are more direct ways to do this," he murmurs to Mercy, his volume low. "Though a pity we hadn't the advantage of your friend's knowledge of medicine. I imagine trepanning is still practiced here?" Mischief curves his grin. Two buttons are pushed in sequence, lighting up to go in two opposite directions. Don't ask why. Only know the up rather than down floor applies.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Superman's out in the hall and then there's a Vorpal in the room and... No kwamis to be seen. Unless one gets nosey and goes poking around in the little pink purse that sits on the tiny stand near the bed.

Nurses weave back and forth through the hallways. A steady thrum of conversation and orders being shouted fill the air.

Another patient is brought in and immediate sent to recovery as it's been turned into a secondary ICU temporarily.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal doesn't take any precautions to hide his appearance. Superman was here earlier. While an upright Cheshire cat was several degrees of outrageous, he felt that the man in the underoos of steel had already opened the door for the circus folk. "Hey guys, it' just me," he says quietly for Tikki and Plagg's benefit, sitting down on the chair and setting the duffel bag aside. His ears twitch with the commotion in the hospital, and he shakes his head.

"Goddamnit, Adrien," he mutters. "I hope nobody dies from this, or that'll be the final nail in his confidence." And maybe of Adrien as Chat Noir at all.

Figfgernutels, did he want to kick Harkmoth hard in the papillons for this.

Superman has posed:
Finishing with the nurse, Superman glances toward Marinette's room when he hears someone talking from there. A flick of a glance and he spots the feline. Hearing his half-prayer Superman puts on a light smile and once again tells the nurse to let him know if she needed anything before he pushes away from the counter.

Clark is praying too, that no one dies from this.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The protest of the elevator earns a glance from Mercy, even as her gaze shifts to Loki when he offers those murmured words of his. A fleeting smile will be offered to the man, before her expression morphs into something of a grin. "I had that thought halfway here. I'm going to place blame squarely upon old habits are hard to break." She'll say, as her eyebrows raise upward slightly at him; after all, she's not used to having someone around who can teleport so readily.

It's the mention of trepanning that earns an actual amused sound from the coyote, as she snorts at the man by her side, "Our hospitals are not /that/ bad." She defends with a quirk of a smile lifting a corner of her mouth upward. Then the buttons are pushed and elevator goes upward. And no, she also didn't miss the fact that he pushed two buttons there. One for up, the other down.

The dueling buttons become a moot point as soon enough the doors open upon the correct floor for ICU. Mercy will step out into the hallway and pause for a few seconds as she considers the nurses' station and the people moving rapidly around. Already the magic from the little spirits can be felt by Mercy, though there's also something different there too. It's enough to cause the coyote to turn a look towards Loki. "Do you sense that?" She asks quietly, even as she begins to move. Her stride is purposeful, confident, nothing to see here, she belongs here. No reason to stop and ask if she's a blood relative of a patient -

- And then, just as Mercy gets to Mari's door and starts to push it open and step inside, her gaze will lock on the Man of Steel. Eyes widening, Mercy will mutter, "Holy crud, is that really Superman?"

Loki has posed:
Liam slides his hands into his pockets, for all the world a carefree visitor with little concern for the disaster zone that might constitute a need for front-line medical staff to be guarded by superheroes or men with very impressive firearms. The incongruency is possibly deliberate. He allows that grin to widen for just a moment at the snuffle snort out of the coyote, and nudges her with his elbow.

Then the doors are open, another mask in a performance called for. Burning ember-green eyes discern far more than standard wavelengths and phenomena, magic as tangible to him as the colour orange or the emissions thrown off by ghosts, ectoplasmic-coated spirits, and spatiotemporal rifts signalling an incursion by the likes of, say, Shuma-Gorath. Nothing new there.

"Yes. They use far too much cleaner in that corner, and have left the entire wall untouched." Judgment on the staff, or the fact they are lucky to have standing walls at all. He nonetheless tightens in his aura in the event one of those spirits gains a glimpse, panics, and then proceeds to summon its volcanic big brother or something equally unlikely. "I'm fairly certain--" gaze ticks up to Superman, "--that is the real thing. Impersonators are much more common south of Jersey."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The little red Godling peeks her head out of the purse as Vorpal announces himself. "Sshh. Plagg's sleeping. Are you feeling better now?" We won't discuss how Tikki is feeling really because... Little one may well explode.

She opens her mouth to say more when the door opens. A soft "Eep!," emits from her and she drops back into the purse and out of sight.

Nothing to see here.

Superman has posed:
Earth-skyblue eyes slide to Mercy and Loki as they comment upon him. Superman gives a nod, his smile warm but slightly guarded. He knows what room you have stopped at, and the Man of Steel is protective. His gaze shifts a heartbeat before Tikki eeps and slips back into the purse.

Superman's gaze returns to Mercy and Loki where another nod and warm smile is given.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal is about to say something to Tikki when someone comes in. The Cheshire cat stands up quickly, looking just as protective as Superman-

But let's be completely honest, here, people- nowhere near as impressive.

He looks at Superman, then he looks at Mercy, and then at Loki, and then back to Superman, trying to catch a glimpse from the Man of Steel as to whether these are welcome visitors or strangers. He doesn't say anything, but simply chooses to use the first cat weapon- the penetrating stare until he can gauge whether these are friends or foes, or tourists who took the wrong turn at Albuquerque.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy has a half-second more to goggle at Superman and even Loki too. Because really, how does one know where to find the heroic community impersonators? Mercy surely doesn't.

That question is lost, for now, as the dark-haired woman enters Mari's room and with it the majority of her attention too. While surprise flashes across Mercy's features at the sight of Vorpal, it isn't necessarily as strong as it could be. And really, her surprise is more for Vorpal's appearance, versus his presence within the room.

"Hello." Begins the coyote, as her eyes go from Vorpal, to Mari and then back to Vorpal again. "We're friends of Adrien's. Mercy. Mercy Thompson." She adds, no matter the we in that sentence really being an I here. Her brown eyes will then swing to Loki as she let's him introduce himself.

And while Vorpal's stare is seen Mercy's own gaze doesn't shy away from it. She's lived with a lovely (evil) cat for many years now, and werewolves, so staring contests are not something new to her.

Loki has posed:
Cat people and Superman ought to leave someone entirely surprised, awed. Liam has a touch more self-possession and command over his facial expressions. Stiff upper lip of the British whilst being judged by an animalistic spirit, much less the others.

The staredown with him may be the least effective thing in history. He doesn't even lift his chin, giving a mild, plain look back through piercing green eyes. Nothing even presents itself as terribly interesting to read; no flag pins, no expensive watch, no sparkle of magic around him screaming 'absolutely a sorcerer over here.' Rather like meeting a particularly dapper brick wall. Was he supposed to be engaging and mercurial and wondrous? No memo found.

"Liam Serrure. With Ms. Thompson." That's the explanation they need, in this day and age. No point in saying 'I'm Loki, Prince of Asgard, best dressed.'

Superman has posed:
Superman noted Vorpal's looks at him, and a brow quirked: Not friends of yours? As Mercy lets herself into the room, Superman starts forward. And then Mercy declares herself friends with Adrien and the Man of Steel stops. Sure the door is closed, but since when have walls or doors stopped him from listening or seeing?

It's rude, however, to stand in the middle of the hallway and block traffic, and so the Kryptonian moves to the doorway where he has line of sight on Vorpal and gives a single nod: I'm here if you need me and no I don't know who these two are.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal's stance becomes less tenses when Mercy announces herself as a friend of Adrien's. Adrien, that doesn't necessarily mean she knows he is Le Chat Noir.

"I'm Vorpal. I'm a friend of Adrien and Marinette's." Yes. Adrien and Marinette are friends with the Cheshire cat. Because that makes perfect sense in this world. He pauses for a second as Liam introduces himself, and his eyebrow furrows.

Serrure. Now that was a last name. His bilingual brain recognized it, of course, as "Lock"- and for a brief moment he reflected on what a funny thing human surnames were. Over in Wonderland, he remembered, you didn't need them. Over here, it seems like families loved to define themselves by whatever job a great-great-great grandfather happened to be quite good at and then forced it upon several generations thereafter, whether they wanted to or not.

The mortal part of him that belongs to Tommy Hunter doesn't find anything absolutely peculiar about it at all. Then again, he grew up with the last name 'Hunter', for crying out loud. But a small part of him hoped that Mr. Serrure, whose family had clearly fled their French shores, was no longer bound to the obligation of being a locksmith.

"Please be at ease, I know Adrien would be grateful for your coming over to visit-" if he weren't... well. Maybe he would first conk the heck out of Adrien once everything was settled, and THEN kick Hawkmoth in the miraculous. "Is there anything I may help you with?"

He is trying to be his charming self, but he mostly sounds tired.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The magic that surrounds Vorpal, or rather is part of Vorpal, is considered by Mercy Thompson. She can see the note of chaos within it; something her coyote is very familiar with, even if her own mote of magic is buried deeply within her own self.

Like recognizes like, after all.

Still, with introductions completed Mercy must turn her attention away from the Cheshire Cat's aura and back to the conversation at hand. "It's nice to meet you, Vorpal." She automatically says, before continuing with, "I just wish it were under better circumstances." And as she speaks Mercy will take a few steps further into the room, her gaze dropping to Mari for a moment.

"Can you tell us what happened?" The coyote will finally ask of Vorpal, even as she adds, "When I visited earlier in the week everything seemed to be going good - and Adrien? What's going on with him?"

Loki has posed:
Liam, such as he is called, follows in after Mercy with an unusual degree of decorum, for him. He runs his fingers through the shock of his dark hair that tumbles languidly over his brow and refuses to stay flat against his shoulders. So much for controlling it. Letting the coyote speak for the pair of them proves perfectly satisfactory. He has work to do.

Work that entails a subtle tweaking of perception and a wordless adjustment by magic that attunes him fully ot Mari's aura and the life-web of her living body. Machines can interpret the same data in different functions, but he sees the interplay of various systems in living radiance of a sort. Wounds and injuries stand out all too brightly if someone knows how to look. He could call it many things. Reading chakras, assessing internal wellness, hocus-pocus-now-you're-a-toad. The assessment comes before any thought of mending.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Looking that deep at Mari reveals quite a few things to Liam.

1. She is -very- much aware of what's going on around her.

2. There's a nasty wound on her chest, dangerously close to her heart that the doctors did the best they could with but could stand to be healed properly to avoid future complications.

3. Emotionally, she's an absolute train wreck but irritation, desperation and worry seem to be at the forefront.

4. Her mind is the biggest issue. Everything is there but there's a slight disconnection. As if the wire for a car battery was just slightly off, or a comma was one space too far to the right in MUSH code. It's -so- close to being where it needs to be but isn't quite there.

Aside from this, the only thing that might stick out is that her heartbeat in perfectly timed with each and every coma patient.

Superman has posed:
What's going on? Superman knows. The room might be getting crowded but, no one is going to stop him from going into a patient's room.

The door clicks softly to admit him, and he politely closes it behind him before standing there, a super effective door stop.

"Forgive me for just barging in. Vorpal, good to see you again," Superman says. "I couldn't help but over hear you asking what happened. From what I understand, an embolism formed. Cut off blood supply and sent her into cardiac arrest. She was brought back but didn't wake up in the six hours the doctor gave her." Superman looks to Liam now.

"Are you a doctor?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Superman answers for him, and it is the best answer. Vorpal, being distracted as he is, might have overshared. He realizes he doesn't really know these people, and they might -say- they are friends of Adrien's... but what if they are agents of Hawkmoth?

He has no reason to think that, but all things being equal, it has been one hell of a week. Hes not going to take chances.

He daintily reaches for Marinette's purse and hangs it from his shoulder, where he will keep it until people leave. His body language says something along the lines of 'What? This *is* my clutch, biatch, are you going to judge me? Claws out!'

He says a lot with his body. It's a cat thing.

"If you are a doctor..." Vorpal says, echoing Superman's sentiment "... is there anything that can be done for her?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
While the majority of her attention is on Vorpal, there's still enough to spare for a periodic look towards Liam, and also the spot of magic that Tikki creates. However, her attention shifts again as Superman arrives within the room. Surprise will flare across her expression again, as she pivots carefully upon heel to look at the Man of Steel. The explanation of what happened to Mari earns a grimace of empathy from Mercy, as she says, "That's terrible." But then, her gaze will shift back to Vorpal when he lifts up that little clutch. A corner of Mercy's mouth quirks upward, but she doesn't necessarily point out that there's a little magic bug within the clutch.

Maybe later.

"But I was speaking more about Adrien, the reports -" Well, they described someone of his height, weight, look, as the attacker. That goes unsaid for the moment as Superman asks Liam his profession. Like the others her gaze will turn towards the mischief making God; and somewhere deep within her brain, the part that's overly-tired from all the excitement these last few days, suddenly focuses upon the subject or 'speciality' of trepanning.

Loki has posed:
"This is where I say 'Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a miracle-worker,' though in this case, it's quite the other way around," Liam remarks. The dry British accent does wonders for delivery, it really does. He could probably announce 'The world is ending now, please brace for impact with the candy dimension' and make it sound particularly noble.

His unfocused gaze is settled upon Mari and no one else. Not a cat, not the Man of Steel (though truly, must say hello and tell him Thor is a criminal later), nor the coyote or a host of other intrigues. Only that which warrants great, quiet reserve. "Ah, this must be a trial for you. With permission?"

Is he speaking to any of them? No. That he is not, stroking a fingertip mentally right to the point where the flaw in the pattern breaks the intended outcome and the systematic functionality doesn't parse properly. All it takes is a nudge, the wiring to be pushed gently into place. Gluing it there and holding it in place until the next update makes the correction permanent is another matter altogether. Chaos spins, and the lessons of an Asgardian queen, and noted healer, come to the fore. All he needs is a little time and patience, and murmuring under his breath.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Permission was granted.


It takes about thirty seconds after Liam has finished before Marinette's eyes snap open and she tries to take a breath only to have it conflict with the breathing tube. This shift in vitals has a nurse in the room almost immediately and pushing past people. It takes a bit to get Marinette to relax enough that she can be looked over and vitals taken manually. Finally, the breathing tube is removed. She turns to look at Superman. "Please let me know if anything happens while I get her a drink."

Mari waits until the nurse is out of the room and then lets her eyes sweep over everyone gathered. They pause on Superman and blink rapidly. "Why..." Her throat is raw, her voice raspy and clearing it doesn't seem to help. Still... It's an important question!

"Why ... are your ... Underwear on the ... outside?"

She isn't the least bit oblivious to what's going on but everyone being tense isn't doing any good.

"I need ... out... Now."

Superman has posed:
At the nurse arriving, Superman stepped aside, letting the medical professional in... while he looked bck over Marinette and that odd thing he saw but couldn't see in her brain. Whatever it was, it was gone now and Marinette was awake. The Kryptonian farmboy smiles and nods ot the nurse.

Then Marinette asks... THE QUESTION.

Superman looks back over at Marinette, blue eyes a bit wide in faint disbelief before he grins ruefully.

"My mother made it for me," he says simply before fading into the background to help as needed, but when the nurse comes back and he's presence is no longer needed he'll fly off to check on something else.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal's eyes grow as wide as saucers. He senses the chaos, he can *taste* it.

That man... that man just healed Marinette with Chaos magic. The very thing he had thought about doing but refrained from doing it, because-

Well, because he didn't want to kill his friend.

He approaches Liam with quiet reverence, awe, even. "... would you... would you be willing to teach me how-"

And then his face convulses when Marinette asks the question. He bites down on his tongue, hard, in order to keep the witch's cackle that is about to explode from him. He hopes his question to Liam is clear enough, because he can't quite exactly *talk* right now, because his torso is convulsing with all of the pent-up laughter that he simply does not want to let out.

Oh my god, Mari.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Did Mercy Thompson just hear that correctly? Loki quoting Star Trek: The Original Series. If this were a more light-hearted moment she might have shown some of the astonishment she feels, but this is neither the time nor the place. Instead, the coyote will turn her expression to something far more serious, and somber, as she watches the black-haired man step over to Mari.

The change of Mari's vitals can be easily heard by Mercy, as well as the steps of the nurse heading this way. A second before the door opens to admit the nurse, Mercy will step aside, much like Superman did. Enhanced hearing is a wonderful thing.

Then Loki will find two people moving towards him. The first Vorpal, the second Mercy. Unlike Vorpal, however, she doesn't ask any questions. Instead, she'll simply settle near him, her attention turning to the orange-tabby-cat-like-man. His question earns the vaguest of eyebrow rises from Mercy, surprised once again, and then the coyote is turning her attention to Loki. To see what that answer might be -

- Though the answer might not be heard, as Mari finally manages to speak. While Mercy expected the young woman to say something, she didn't quite expect her to ask about Superman's costume. Now Mercy's attention diverts to Superman, to hear his response and when he offers his simple explanation, Mercy can't quite help that grin of hers.

There's a shake of Mercy's head, but for now, she'll refrain from saying anything about costumes.

Loki has posed:
Tumbling icons of possibility pass through Loki's fingers. Marinette, dead. Marinette, injured; fatal cardiac arrest, displaced aortic valve, transformed into a slavering bear, long life 95, two children, three grandchildren; Marinette, addicted to drink; Marinette, off to Reunion; Marinette, dead by 61 of cancer; Mari the girl who saw the stars, Mari the woman who sang in bars, Mari the pedestrian loathing cars (he understands, so true, that's deadly flammable explosive wheeled weapons for you), Mari the maiden who went too far...

Churning prospects branch out and widen as he reaches into the abyss of her future, seizing hold of one dancing light of fluttering, fragile wings and poppy petals. That matrix recalled in a gesture and a blink of his eyes superimposes over the deep gash in her chest that mortal medicine will not fully mend without a ghastly chunk of scar tissue and threat of future tearing.

So much of magic, unlike medicine, is an act of will. He utters a word in French, at least it surely //sounds// French to Mari; Blackfoot to Mercy; English to Superman (Superpanties!); and Egyptian Mau felinid to Vorpal more than likely. "<Become.>"

That catalyst for the pair of runes he paints on Mari's arm gives an electrified jolt to the system, with the whole purpose of convincing her body it was never injured at all. Mari dancing in the fields of flowers along the Loire Valley, the one who maybe some day likes to eat balsamic vinagrette-dredged bread or curl her toes in the coolest part of the sheets doesn't have a hole cleaved inside, and neither will this one. The probability scorch leaves a drift of radiant sparks to those endowed to see wavelengths of magic, and the nurse?

Well, she can grump at him all she wants as she fluffs pillows, tests machines, and forgets like the rest of the orderlies out and about just who he is.

"Ideally we can talk about teaching in a different setting. 'Twould be ghastly of me to detract from the lady's desire to walk about," he notes in that essentially restrained, slightly scholastic mien that matches the identity of the hour, the year, the lifetime. One so easily sloughed off, as needed. His gaze meets the coyote's. Does this require explaining? Only Mercy's time will tell. "Steak?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The nurse returns with a cup of water as well as a small pitcher so the cup can be refilled. Water which Marinette takes and drinks down gratefully as the nurse, yet again, checks her vitals. Which means she's there when that jolt makes Mari jump slightly and lift her eyes up to Liam while the nurse frowns darkly at him.

Marinette's eyes linger there on him a moment before she smiles. It's warm and radiant and sweet and so very grateful. "There is not any way possible for me to truly thank you enough for what you've done." Because she knows now that he's the one who woke her. "If there's ever anything you need... Anything I can do..."

She looks over to Mercy. "I'll bring him back. I promise." And for a girl who just, there's such a vehement and steely determination in her voice. She and Mercy may not have parted on the best of terms but she knows the woman is Adrien's friend. And that means a lot.

Finally, she waves the nurse off. "I'm fine. Release me or get me the paperwork needed to sign out." Just go be somewhere else!

And then bluebell blue eyes track to Vorpal. "Hero worship later, Vorp. I'm gonna need help. And food... And my purse."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal snaps out of it and walks over to Marinette, looking contrite, that tail-between-legs look. He slides the purse off his shoulder (it was the wrong color for his fur, anyways) and offers it to her.

"What possible help can I give you?" he ask. Mostly because... well. Underoo Man and this chaos weaver were ten leagues further than he was. They were far better equipped to deal with Hawkmoth's fluttershies than he was.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
No. An explanation isn't required. Not by or for the coyote, at least.

The mention of steak earns a flash of straight white teeth from Mercy, as she grins at Loki, but, before she answers him, Mercy will say aside to Vorpal. "Why don't you stop by Mercy's Garage sometime soon and we can chat later. You can find the address on the web -" Because bringing business cards to a hospital just seems a little tacky to Mercy Thompson.

Brown eyes will turn to Marinette now and Mercy will offer the younger woman a nod, "Let me know if I can help in any way. I can swing a mean wrench when needed."

And then, "Why don't I get you a few things from the cafeteria, Mari -" And with a quick look of be right back to Loki, Mercy will step from the room, "Shouldn't be too long."

Loki has posed:
Frown, Nurse Ratched. See if it gets you anywhere in the face of smug Asgardian pride. Somewhere later tonight, Loki will no doubt permit himself a madcap grin and toast to putting order on its head. Especially if that order involves someone confounded.

And maybe there is steak to be had. Ice cream, verdict is out on that one. He escorts Mercy on out, or maybe it's better to say Mercy diverts him before he conquers the hospital as an extension of Andorra.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette smiles at Mercy and Loki as they take their leave. Whatever Loki... Liam... Whichever, did to the young woman.. You'd never know she was ever injured.

The next several moments are spent arguing with the nurse before Marinette frowns. "Get me the forms. Now. Or I'll own this hospital by the end of the lawsuit I'll smack it with." Her eyes narrow, leaving no room for argument. The nurse huffs, mutters something about 'ungrateful' and a 'bad idea' as she leaves the room.

The ire fades the moment the nurse is gone and she looks up at Vorpal. "You can start by killing the guilt. I ned your unique talents, Vorp. I have to get out of here... I have to find Adrien." Her eyes drop to the silver band on the ring finger of her left hand. "I have to get him back..." There's no other option. "And we need to figure out how to stop once we find him..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Yeah, well..." Vorpal looks at the ring. "What do you need me to do? I need instruction... I'm a rank rookie, and I keep screwing up. You... you've got years of experience. I can't even heal with my magic."

He's annoyed at himself.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette smiles gently and pats the bed beside her. "I've onlybeen doing this for a few years Vorp and if it weren't for Chat, I wouldn't have been doing it at all. I wanted to quit after I screwed up with the first akuma... He believed in me though. Just like we both believe in you."

"I need your help finding him. I need you to help me subdue him so I can get the akuma. And then I need a fast way back to the apartment."

Her head tilts. "Tell me something.... Do you blame Adrien for what's happening right now?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"No, I don't, Mari. But *he's* akumatized, *I* am not. He's not responsible for his actions, I am responsible for every mistake I've made." He sighs.

"Find Adrien. That sounds easier said than done..." he pauses. "I wonder if maybe the ring..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"And yet... You insist your guilty for me being here... You were akumatized..." Marinette arches a brow.

She shakes her head. "I don't think so... I'm the one wearing it now. Until I give it back, Plagg is bound to me..."

She opens her mouth to speak when the nurse comes in with paperwork to sign. And she hovers there. For the fifteen minutes it takes Mari to sign the documents, each only read enough to make sure she was trapping herself here or in another facility. "We'll get your discharge papers ready," she huffs before snatching pen and papers and walking out.

"Finding Adrien won't be easy, no. Thankfully, rooftops will make it eaaier... And Plagg should be able to give a general direction by sensing the akuma..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Plagg has spent the past day curled up in a ball at the bottom on Marinette's purse. His tail curled up over his nose. He was sick with worry over Adrien, twisted in knoys over whay he was feeling with tikki. Cheese wasnt even a comfort. And then there werr people. Plagg hid, but now, hearing hia name on Marinette's lips, the cst kwami very carefully uncurls and very gingerly pokes his head up and out of the bag.

His eyes arent as bright and his fur"s lost some of its luster. Worried kitties are unhealthy kitties.

"Marinette's awake?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Plagg." Vorpal walks over to the purse and reaches out a hand to offer a fellow cat some comfort. It doesnt matter if Plagg is a godling. ALl cats think they're gods, anyways.

"Hey, furball. I'm going to find him. I promise you that. You're just going to have to have some faith in me."

He needed it. He had very little for himself.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Not only is Marinette awake, she looks completely fine. Heartbeat is strong, volot is notmal, her eyes are bright and clear.

And she turns a smile on Plagg. "Hey, kitty. Yes, I'm awske. In desperate need of a shower, a toothbrush and the man who ptonounced himself my fiance." Which still makes her smirk.

Looking up at Vorpal, shr smiles. "My advice, since you asked for it... Quit trying to live up to the hype. Don't try to be Superman... Just be you. You're unique abilities amd way of thinking is your strength. I have faith in Tommy. I have faith in the Cheshire Cat. Those are who I need."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Plagg eyes Vorpal for a very long and critical moment before he haulz himseld up and out and onto Vorpal's hand.

"I accept your tribute of cheese. Tomorrow. I dont feel like eating. I know you'll fine him, so when you I need you to Gibbs smavk him repeatedly... Actually letting the akuma have him! hmph!" The annoyance fades as Marinette gives him a pep talk. little ears perk.

"Cheshire Cat? Really? Woohoo! Are we in for aome fun times." he adda, crawing before he flaots himself off Vorpals hands abd to Marinette for hugs and pets.

"het kid. good to see yoh up."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Actually, I already had planned to Gibbs him. I fell for him -twice- and he didn't even tell me... you know, all of this could have been avoided if he had told me he was Chat Noir?"

Actually... that's sort of kind of true. "I'm going to hug him to show him I'm glad he's alright, and then I'll smack the crap out of him, and then Mari can take her turn." The cheshire cat smirks and stands up. "When they get your stuff ready, I'm Rabbit-holing you home. I hope you don't mind if I stay with you tonight at your shared apartment? It's a stretch, but Adrien might come back for you there. Also, you're sleeping in his bed and I'm sleeping in yours. Just in case." With an illusion to make himself look like her.

"But I'll go and patrol the rooftops for a few hours before sleeping. Just in case I find him. But... it's best if you don't go out with me on patrol tonight. I know that... whomever that guy was, healed you with chaos magic. But you might still want to get a full night's sleep before doing the 'spots on' thing."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Ooh! Kitten loves. Yay!!

Mari grins, letting Plagg settle in her hand before bringing him up to her cheek to hugs and nuzzle out for a moment before she starts to bed. "Thank you." A kiss goes to the top of his head. "And thank you for taking care of Tikki."

For a moment, it looks like Marinette may argue. Instead her head tilts. "Home.. I shower, eat, brush amd then I'll get a coiple of hoirs before we go out, deal? I have to find him, Vorpal. As soon as possible."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"And you'll find him. I'll help you. Remember, Mari..." Vorpal goes over and takes Mari's hands in his. "... I love him too."

Uncomfortable silence.

"He is yours, completely, and I'm ok with that. In time I am going to learn to love him like a friend. I just want you to know that. And I love you too, like a friend."

He reaches out and fusses her hair. Just a little.

"Just know that after all of this is over... I might have a bit of a hard time around Adrien. But I don't want anything to be secret... no Akumatizing possibilities. So I'll talk to him and he'll know that I'm working off my crush on him, and that nothing is going to get in between our friendships. 'cause it's Ladybug Chat Noir and... Vorpal Noir forever, right?"

He pauses. "Oh. Right. You haven't seen Vorpal Noir. Just you wait..." he says, suddenly grinning.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Vorpal No--" Mari blinks curiously. Before she can qurstion it though, a pair of nurses are there. There's one last vital check, a wound check that leaves them beyond confused, and then machines are disconnected and IVs removed.

Her belobgings and dischsrge papets are handed to her and after a quick moment to change, Mati's ready to go.

"I get that. I do. And so will Adrien, trust me. Just know we're always here for you. All you have to do is call. Or drop in. Ot, ya know, whatever."

Gtabbing her purse, she smiles. "Okay. Ready."

And then it's home. To eat, shower, brush her teeth and get a few hours of sleep before starting the hunt for Adrien.