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Revision as of 22:48, 25 October 2017

Busking Away
Date of Scene: 04 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 337, 283, 292, Forge, 34, Yokai (Sakara)

WilyKit (337) has posed:
They had been a bit of a spectacle in the town. "Nice costume!" was said often, with children pointing and tugging on the sleeves of mothers or guardians at the two walking cats. "Is it Halloween yet?" was said by another - and Kit's nervousness was apparent in her form and demeanor. She was a bit jumpy, smiling at all the strange creatures around, who seemed to all be paying very close attention to them.

So there was a spot that seemed good - it was by a bit of a shopping district, with trees and grass and very low car traffic. And considering that it was around lunchtime - the smell of strange food was in the air to her.

Kit was getting by by smiling a lot, and nodding her head briskly. "How about this spot, Kat?" she asks in Thunderian, gesturing to one of the benches. Did the universal translator help with speech too?

Either way, Kit flips up, and lightly lands on the brick upcropping around a planted tree, putting her a head above most of the humans. Of course they were still drawing curious glances. Kit smiles, and...

She draws her head down, pulling a flupe out of one of her pockets. This thing - a round, ocarina-like instrument with a hollow center - is drawn to her lips, and she wraps her lips around it, and...

A rousing, piping melody comes from it - something intended to catch attention and draw a crowd - at least back on Thundera. This was Kat's cue to work the crowd a little bit, generally, and try to get them ready for the show.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
The need to integrate themselves into human society in one form or another was a good reason for the Wily twins to get out into Ivy Town. There was another reason behind it as well, though it remains to be seen whether or not the others find out about it yet. Kat and Kit do have some secrets to keep.

At the least, the other Thundercats were told - or warned - about the idea to go entertain others. It's a ploy the twins had used many a time back on their home planet, but for a different purpose: survival. Here? They can go about it another way. It's also a good test to see how the locals will react to them.

Sure enough, a number of eyes were on the pair. This, in WilyKat's eyes, was a good thing. "Look, Kit. We've already got a crowd watching us." Beneath the surface, he was a little concerned this could go south in a hurry, but outwardly he wasn't showing it at all. Instead, he was all smiles and strutting and tail swaying and playing up loving the attention.

"Right here? Yeah, it's got a bunch of room around us and we can still be seen." His translator is already 'up and running,' all the better for everybody to understand each other, and he hops up beside his sister when she comes up with the flupe. While she starts things off, he taps a mostly bare foot to an underlying beat, and as a few people begin to gather closer he gestures with an arm out, "Gather 'round, everybody! Come listen to the melodies of WilyKit and WilyKat, from New Thundera! We don't ask much, just your ears and your enjoyment, and if you walk away with a smile we'd appreciate anything you can part with!"

It's a pair of busking cat-people.

As Kit continues with her melody, Kat unwinds something of his own, the thing he calls a flank, and the wire string is doubled up on itself a few times before he plants his foot on one end to hold it in place. Holding up one hand, he uses the other to 'pluck' it much like a string instrument.

Lion-O (292) has posed:
It's not that Lion-O distrusts the Wilys, it's just that-

Alright. Maybe he doesn't trust them entirely... to be completely judicious. Their loyalty is beyond dispute, it is only that their natural... effervescence, yes, that sounds like a good word, their natural effervescence can get in the way of other, less important things such as common sense. They can take care of themselves, it's just that sometimes they end up having to take care of themselves from a lot, which is often caused by them.

It is for that reason that the lord of the Thundercats has come along, too. Secretly, of course, to keep an eye on them and make sure they're safe, because old habits die hard...

And because he'd rather not be in the Lair where Tygra could ambush him into a talk about Pumyra. He wasn't quite sure he was up to talking about that, right now.

The hoodie and jeans hide his unusual appearance, if not his strong build, well enough. It's hard for someone built like Lion-O to get lost in the crowd, so instead he tries to find a place to sit down, where his height won't be as noticeable, and watch.

Forge has posed:
A simple Chevy S10 pulls in to Ivy Town, drives up the road and pulls to a park where people appear to be clustering. The truck is quite old, the year 2009 to be exact but it drives like it's brand new. It should. Forge is at the wheel.

Stepping free of the vehicle a tall, broad shouldered yet slender long haired Native American man in his mid to late 20s is striding easily across the street, onwards towards that grouping. It's worth a look before he goes and takes a look at this mysterious new landmark in Connecticut. The Sphinx. Yeah, a Sphinx was in the news and media claims alien robots and catpeople were building it. A wide birth given to them as they haven't appeared hostile yet. Forge enjoys something new, the exotic and of course it also sounded like alien tech might just be involved. Why would he pass that up?

With hands in the pockets of his hoodie he tries to look as non-descript as possible. Just an observer. One with a very cool set of goggles ontop of his head and a metallic right hand. Also lets not forget that large X belt buckle.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
What the heck is Jono doing in Connecticut? Who can say? Maybe he just wanted to get out and about, and New York seemed too cramped. Gotham was RIGHT out, with the inmates running the asylum both figuratively AND literally. So... well, this seems like a good place to relax. Even if he does slouch like someone who has a miniature world of trouble on his shoulders!

So, walking past the spot where the twins have chosen their spot is a remarkably human-looking fellow. Which makes sense, because he's human. Though he's still a little weird -- dressed all in black, with his face wrapped up from just under his nose. The wrappings go around his neck and disappear under his shirt, so it's impossible to tell where they end.

He pauses at the spectacle, noticing the people staring at the twins before actually seeing them. When he does see them, he blinks. It doesn't take him long to figure out it's a musical act. And then wild horses couldn't drag him away. He likes music!

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
There's an art supply store that has a sale on chalk. There was a problem with a stray monster going after long-haired girls on the nearby campus. Roark Sakura had to relocate the monster, and it used up his supply, so he just spent money. Worse, he also bought more paint. And, alas, there is a doner kebab spinner in a food cart RIGHT THERE next to the art store. Roary has purchased four sandwiches. FOUR. But then, he's also unusually humungous as humans go. The taller ones come up to mid-chest on him. He hears music and patter, and finds a spot to sit ... he's kneeling and sitting back on his feet ... and starts eating. His hoodie is NOT up at the moment. He's accidentally eaten the strings once or twice when it was.

WilyKit (337) has posed:
The little piping melody, that sounds like the beginning to a movie or something, with lots of high notes and pronouncement-sounding melodies reaches a crescendo when Kat finishes his little spiel, and with that, Kit backflips where she stands - ending the backflip - an almost trivial task for her - with her arms to the sides, a bright grin on her lips as she waggles her hands in a 'tada' fashion.

They all look /so wierd/ was going through her mind, but she didn't let her smile falter - not once. Not once as she shoots a wink to Forge, and then her eyes track through the crowd, somehow lighting on Jono. Another wink is sent his way. One might get the sense that the winking was a part of the act, to add a little personal touch so you don't hightail it afterwards after you hand over the money.

But rising easily to a stand, Kit looks over to Kat, and waits for him to lay down a beat with his instrument. Closing her eyes, she sways a moment, before the flupe rises again.

It might be doubtful, but not totally out of the question, that Lion-O might have heard this tune, perhaps during one of his adventures out into the populace. But for most people, this tune would be alien. The Summer Lightbug dance - popular at peasant festivals - it was a lively tune that might incite one to dance.

And Kit was certainly trying to do just that, her feet moving as she plays, mostly staying confined to a back and forth, head bobbing motion - more or less trying to keep the flupe stable in front of her.

Lion-O (292) has posed:
Lion-O, despite himself, finds one of his feet tap-tapping on the floor. He firmly puts his foot down, and then puts his other foot on top of it. Cats don't dance. No, check that, kings don't dance. He also felt incredibly uncomfortable with those shoes on, especially when his claws came out and find the lining and the leather. It was terribly uncomfortable... but it was a necessary part of the disguise.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat does no flips, trying to keep the flank at the proper tension. WilyKit has more freedom of movement in that regard, so she's able to work on those who have gathered around. For any she happens to miss, such as Rory, he shoots a fangy grin at them and waves energetically. "You over there with the sandwiches! We aren't just accepting cash if we're pleasing to your ears! Food is also more than welcome! Where we live, they don't feed us very well!" Oh, is Lion-O there? He..hasn't noticed yet.

Going on, the male half of the twins adds, "If you liked that little tune, we're just getting started! This next one from back home - ahh, home - was a big hit at all the festivals. How do we know? It just makes some people want to dance a little!" A few quick plucks of the flank starts to accompany the shift in style of what WilyKit plays, and his free foot continues to tap out a soft beat for both of them, his tail bobbing up and down a few inches along with the tapping.

There is a bag set up on the ground in front of the pair.

Forge has posed:
Forge at the wink just uplifts a brow. A smile appears then vanishes, "Hrm." Are these the catpeople or something else? So curious but he doesn't want to be rude. His cybernetic hand opens and closes, a small little dish begining to expand out of the palm. Fortunately hes standing behind people so it shouldnt interrupt anything as he assembles it.

An appreciation for music even alien music has his foot tapping it's own light steady growing beat. So preoccupied with his own mechanisms and watching the two younger Thunderians he isn't really paying mind to those around him. Science calls!

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono can dig that beat. He's not the dancing type, and singing is a little out of his ability to do anymore, but he can tap his foot and bob his head. Which he does. Notably he's able to pick up on the beat of the alien tune pretty easily.

He'd chuckle when the girl of the performing duo winks at him, but that's a little beyond his ability to do now, too. Instead he gives what of a smile can be seen over the wrapped face. He recognizes it as an attempt to play to the crowd, though. Still, she's cute. And Jono's hardly a proper judge of what's weird. He has to keep his face wrapped up or fire comes out; that's pretty weird.

The words about not being fed well could be true or not, Jono knows. But he remembers when he was first starting out a musician. It was hard to make ends meet alone, and if he hadn't had his parents, he probably would have starved. So... well, yeah. He brings some bills out of his pocket, and steps forward to drop them in. It's a pair of twenties. Maybe a lot to leave for a 'tip', but hey. He understands the struggle. A little, anyway.

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
For the briefest instant it looks like the guy eating the sandwich is GROWLING at WilyKat for the suggestion that he SHARE his FOOD... with very fangy teeth of his own... but then the sunlight changes a bit and it's clear that it was just a trick of the light. Roary swallows one sandwich in two bites, though, and starts on a second one, swigging down some kind of fruit-and-milk thing from a bottle that looks small in his hand. Once he finishes the drink, he puts the two remaining "spares" into his satchel/messenger bag and "stands" directly up, and walks back to the Doner Kebab Spinner, where he finishes the second sandwich while talking to the vendor. He returns shortly after with two large sandwiches, double-bagged, and looms over the two cat-people long enough to drop the sandwich-laden bags into the bag on the floor. Then he silently sits back where he was, folding back down into the kneeling position.

WilyKit (337) has posed:
Kit's eyes widen in the midst of that song, as Jono drops the bills in. She had /some/ idea of what money looked like, but less sense of how much Jono had given her. That would come later. But still! A smile around the flupe modifies the note played, flattening it for a moment, and she inclines her head towards Jono. There was something about the man - like he understood what was going on with them both. The moment was fleeting, but she felt a connection - an understanding.

And yes, Lion-O ate all the food and starved the poor Thunderkittens to death. Surely, truely, they were ragged cats in dire and desperate need of charity. Your charity! (That actually wasn't the case here.)

The song comes to an end, and Kit flourishes a bow - to a smattering of applause from the onlookers. Leaning towards Kat, she whispers, "Follow my lead?"

And with that, Kit jumps forward with a forward flip, landing nearish Rory. Bowing forward, she flourishes the flupe to the side. "Thank you - thank you everyone, for listening, and for opening your hearts to us!" she calls, her English mangled by the translator's attempt to turn Thunderian to English.

"What I hope for the next piece, is that this gentle little song..." Kit brings the flupe up to her cheek, and leans towards it. "Moves your caring hearts," she says, letting her eyes and features soften on Rory, and then she sweeps the crowd with it. It probably looked a little weird.

But as a kitten, it was gold.

And the song that comes next - it was a flupe-heavy number that enabled Kat to move around a little more, was... well... it was hypnotic. Many of those in attendence were strong enough to resist the gentle tune's play at their attention. But for many of the humans there, their attention was fully on Kit proper - with a sort of slack-jawed, wide-eyed expression. And a little smile at the edges of her lips.

It was a pretty tune, at the least. Gentle, as advertised, and soothing.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"Thank you, kind sir!" WilyKat smiles broadly at Jonothon when he leaves a couple $20s for them. He also may not fully understand the amount yet, but that will come soon. A few others nearby drop in some coins or smaller denominations, and each of them receives no less than a nod of appreciation as well.

As WilyKit continues as the primary source of the music, he pitches in with extra strumming to complement her talents, then he grins and bows alongside her, content to play his part in the matter.

There's a moment of uncertainty when Rory looks the way he does, but it passes as soon as he's returned with the food he places in their bag. "Kit and I will eat like kings and queens tonight! Your size is matched only by your kindness!" Then, his focus turns to his better half. "Gotcha, sis," he whispers back, and he allows the flank to retract back to its rolled-up state, affixing it to the belt at his side.

Once she launches into her solo piece, he leaves her to it as he begins to meander through the crowd. There's Forge, the recipient of what can only be described as a kitten's 'begging' face, meant to trick someone out of as much as he can get. It remains to be seen how well it works from someone who now looks closer to an adult than a kitten. "We sincerely hope you're enjoying the sounds, Mister, and.." He stops upon catching a glimpse of someone who looks - and smells - a lot like Lion-O, only trying to hide himself. Quickly, he bows to Forge and moves on to turn his focus on a few others. There is /no/ pick-pocketing going on. He's only trying to play up a heaping helping of cuteness.

Lion-O (292) has posed:
And the lord of the Thundercats has seen enough. He slowly gets to his feet and begins to make his way to the crowd. He walks with the stride of a commanding and confident personality, but he doesn't push his way through the crowd. Rather, he manages to slip this way and that, an old practice that comes back to him from a time when he wasn't nearly so tall nor wide.

WilyKat may not notice, but he is aiming for him. His route is meant to intercept the cat, albeit circuitously, and cut him off.

Not yet, though. No, there is still more rope for them.

Forge has posed:
Perhaps it's Jono's and Rory's act of charity or the quite simply the spirit of the theatrics that WilyKit and WilyKat are putting on but Forge toggles something on that dish, it goes from scan to transmit.

Carefully the Native sidesteps a fellow only to realize it is WilyKat, "Yes, I am. Watch this." A wink like Kit had given him earlier.

Forge's fingers splay wide, his arm rising up in the air and that micro-dish fills his palm, that flupe's tune is suddenly amplified and begins to play across the entirity of Ivy Town. Not distorted, not altered, just simply delivered from one end to the other. Forge just turned himself in to a living speaker system for the Thunderian tune. He will maintain it up until they cease playing, to the very last note. Why shouldn't everyone in the township enjoy a little foreign flavor? Especially alien. Something they may never hear again. Besides, music is the most primitive and natural way for others to connect and that is very much one of Charles Xavier's missions, unity, acceptance. Forge has embraced such things.

A hand fishes down, draws up his wallet by the chain and he extends several bills to WilyKat before he scampers off post bow.

Lion-O's stride gets a sideglance but Forge pays it little mind for the moment. At least until their music is finished and he can reconfigure the cybernetic extension.

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
Roark's hands are no longer occupied by sandwiches or bags so there is naturally a sketchpad in them instead, and he's now sketching the Wily family, rapidly drawing the two young thundercats and their musical instruments. He also captures some of the more unusual audience members with these quick ink-brush-pen sketches. A human with two children. A long-haired man with ink showing on his body. The fellow who has his face covered. The older feline that looks to be the keeper of the two youths, or possibly something worse. There is an alien magic in the area, something not originating on the Earth ... it's intriguing but he hasn't quite //seen// it yet.

When the female begins her charm-song, though, Roary just sketches a quick protection sutra and lets it keep her spell at a proper distance from him. Fortunately it holds when the inked man does something to put the charm-song on all the speakers around.

"You're a bit too old for that to play well any more," Roary says, in the language of Yokai, when WilkyKat approaches. (Not the all-tongue, it's comprehensible to all monsters. Roark thinks these two might be relatives of some sort, but they don't //feel// like relatives. But if they're monsters even a little, they'll get it.)

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods to WilyKat at the thanks, and offering a thumbs-up. This one's a little strange, this human. Maybe moreso than usual. WilyKay may notice if he gets close. This one doesn't have a scent like the others do. Well, he HAS one... but it's an odd almost ozone-like scent that tingles weirdly in the nose. Superior hearing? This wrapped-up guy isn't breathing, and he has no discernable heartbeat. His steps make noise, though, so there's that.

The charm like song? Jono really has no defense against it, since he was open to it from the beginning. So his eyes lid, just a little. He's got his wits about him, but he's still quite relaxed. Particularly when Forge starts broadcasting it all over town. He doesn't notice Lion-O, not yet. He's trying to stay hidden, and Jono's not really paying attention to much else but the music.

WilyKit (337) has posed:
And the whole thing comes to an end. That song - the charming song that Forge amplifies throughout the city. For a moment, the entire city just... stops. Cars kinda drift to a stop (small town, not a ton of traffic, thank heavens), pedestrians stop what they are doing, and just... listen.

Okay. Mrs. Finley just rear ended a cop car, but one would think they'd understand. Maybe.

And with the last, drawn out note - the song is released. And it was like people snapping awake for the first time in the morning. As if the last few minutes, or more - had just vanished. Most people just carry on with their lives at this point.

And Kit, from her perch atop the little brick outcropping, ends the pirouette she starts with a little bow. "Cats and kittens, ladies and gentlemen - thank you for listening to our song. We hope that our tunes have touched your hearts - as much as your generousity has touched ours. Thank..." Kit notices something going on - Kat had startled when spying Lion-O. And she was in tune with her twin. "...Thank you," she says, putting on that dizzying, fangy smile once more, and bowing again.

Hopping down, at first, Kit takes a moment to stow her flupe away - unaware of Lion-O's motions, even if she was warier now. She approaches Forge and Jono. "Thank you the both for being so much kind!" her translator garbles as she smiles. A beat, and she kinda bangs it.

"Thank you. Did you... what did you do to the song?" she asks, canting her head towards Forge, curiousity full in her eyes. Jono draws her attention as well, next. He was... strange. Like... it kinda reminded her of Mumm-Ra, for some reason. Her features draw into a frown, and she offers a handshake to Jono, recalling something Tygra had told her. Her tail flicks.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
There are a few moments, after Forge has given WilyKat a little warning along with that mischievous look, that even the Thundercat is left in awe as the music is made to carry throughout the small but wealthy town. "Whiskers..." he whispers, eyes wide with amazement. It's nearly an afterthought that leads his clawed hand to close around the money Forge hands over. "Uh..thank you, sir! You must, um, really know a lot about technology or magic!"

It takes WilyKit wrapping up her song for him to finally react to what he picks up on from Rory, namely his comment about the cuteness working or not. "Maybe I'm just out of practice," he replies, grinning the big man's way. "And this cat can learn new tricks." Voice is kept low enough for mainly just him to hear, especially as others are beginning to come out of the state the music had left them in. Somehow, whether through the translator itself or another means, he did understand the words in Yokai.

Moving along, he slows to a stop as his head tilts in Jonothon's direction. He hadn't had the chance to get the teenager's scent, or maybe it's just the fact he doesn't /have/ a normal one, but his his nose wrinkles, a more curious expression forming before he and his sister pass.

He gives WilyKit a quick cheek-rub, and head bunting, the sort of thing close siblings might do if they happened to be felines. There are others to mingle with, to thank, to smile at, but he's also making sure to retrieve their pouch of goodies before it's forgotten.

And, he's avoiding Lion-O.

Lion-O (292) has posed:
And suddenly there is Lion-O, coming into view and out of the crowd. His face is hidden by the hoodie, but there's no mistaking the expression in the eyes that glitter half-covered in shadows.

"Tell me again," he says in a mellifluous, but eerily calm, voice, "How you are ill-fed and ill treated, young one?"

Forge has posed:
"You're welcome." Forge doesn't toot his own horn but he knows quite abit about both despite having just been suckered in to a mass charm. His magic is rusty after all. Dusty from lack of use.

"I rather enjoyed it." Forge replies politely to Kit, while he studies Jono. He almost feels like he should know the man but doesn't pursue it, instead glancing back at the young woman before him, "It was cool." A slight angle of his palm and he shows her the mini-dish, "You like it? Just a basic sound re-enforcement system and preamplifier. Basic. A 9 year old could create one." Hopefully she pays attention to it long enough he can -zap- her with a quick scan. Not an actual zap, she'll only see a flicker of light from the very point in the center. Sneaky sneaky.

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
Satisfied that the young cat-person has paid exactly as much attention to the advice as he himself did when he was 14 and suddenly growing rapidly into a human equivalent to an oak tree, Roark sketches a few more details of the intriguing persons, and then prepares to return to the Land of Monsters so he can get back to Manhattan in time for all-you-can-devour hot wings at the Fubbalo Wild Wing Fire-Pit-a-torium. He considers going invisible and following the felines, but that older one might be trouble, and it's none of Roark's business.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Well, on the bright side, the wrapped-up guy doesn't smell like rotting flesh, so that's an improvement. But how does a being made of psychokinetic energy that's... well, basically stuck halfway through that change smell? Particularly when he has a furnace of that same psychokinetic energy in his chest? That's how he smells. Probably unpleasant to a feline's sense of smell, but unpleasant in the way that something with too much citrus would be unpleasant. Not 'rotting flesh' unpleasant, thankfully.

He pauses, though, when he notes the confrontation. Maybe someone who knows them? He can't see Lion-O very well thanks to the cloak hiding much of his features. Forge gets a look too, a raised-eyebrow one that clearly asks if he has any idea what's going on. Unfortunately he can't speak up; he tends to pose as a mute in public, since mental speech is a bit much for most people to handle.

WilyKit (337) has posed:
Kit just kinda stands there as Kat bunts his head against hers, although she does lift her cheek when he rubs his cheek against hers. It was a reflexive motion - her attention was on the people in front of her. Forge's little device especially. "A nine year old what?" she asks, kinda narrowing her eyes at the man. "...Berbil?"

Yes, she was paying attention to it - and the flicker of light. She brings up a hand, reflexively kinda batting at that little point of light. Hmmmn.

"Can you teach me how to make one?" It was Jono that draws her attention next, although she follows his eyes towards. "Eerrrrk!" A beat. "Lion-O!" Laughing nervously, Kit brings up a hand to scratch the side of her neck, her tail flickering back and forth in agitation. "Look! Did you see all the money we made for us?!" she says, pointing over her shoulder towards Kat as he goes hither and yon.

Yes, that was quite the subject change. "We can do this every day, and buy all sorts of human things!"

WilyKat (283) has posed:
Whatever else is or was on WilyKat's mind is quickly interrupted by a very familiar voice: Lion-O's, calling him on what he said earlier about not being fed well. "Oh! It's you.." he starts off, looking to buy time in order to figure out something to say.

"We were going to get some new clothes with some of this, and.." His tail goes from flicking and swaying with pride and excitement from the success of their (mostly) legit busking efforts, only now it's drooped a ways. "..and we're trying to be more useful and learn about things here!" He's dodging the question of starving or not, but he tries to catch his sister's attention, a loud whisper. "Kit...Kit! We might have to go really soon!"

Lion-O (292) has posed:
And here comes the pinch. In this case, Lion-O reaches to grab a hold of Kat's ear without being forceful- it's merely a sign to let him know that no, he's not quite running away just yet. HIs other hand reaches back and draws the hoodie back. The red mane, the eyes, the fur... yes, that's not a human.

"And you were planning to do this while telling the people of this planet that your family doesn't feed you well or look after you?" Lion-O's tone is a mixture of disapproval and amusement at the sheer audacity. "While also playing... questionable music to them?" Yes. The hypnotic song.

"When you have packed your things and... greeted your admmirer, we can see see if Panthro needs four hands to clean his workshop."

Forge has posed:
"I could. Probably yes. Berbil?" Forge inquires. Did she just burp at him? Odd. The readings off the Thunderian start to input through his systems, he has to contain himself not to slide his goggles on and read them. Instead collapsing the mini-dish down and letting it fold back into his palm while they're distracted with Lion-O. A few steps more and he is just slightly away from the crowd, the show, its not like its not dispersing now. He'll show up again to them no doubt when he is investigating their Sphinx.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono offers a wave in WilyKit's direction as he notices her looking at him. Still no words yet. But he gets his phone out. Types. And it speaks for him, in a monotone-sounding male voice. <<Talented. What's the instrument?>> Typing out words on a text to speech app is slow going, so it's best to mince as many words as possible. He's asking what the instrument was that she was playing, since he's never seen one.

Though as she suddenly seems tense about something, just like her companion, he tilts his head. He doesn't ask, since they both seem involved in conversation with the one guy. They seem to know him, hopefully it's nothing. But the big reveal of the red-haired one's face? That gets a raised brow. He's listening, too. And he hears 'people of this planet'. He blinks. Wait, didn't he hear something about there being... robot bears and a giant cat statue? These guys do bear more than a small resemblance to felines. At least, their features seem to lean towards feline moreso than anything else.

Yokai (Sakara) has posed:
Alas, Roark Sakura has stealthed away with the crowd, turned invisible, and found his way out. Because if he had stayed just a little longer, he might've heard enough to make him want to stay. To investigate these 'cats from some other planet'.

Instead, he's well on his way to a full three gallon bucket of chicken wings and ghost pepper sauce.

OK, so maybe 'alas' is not the right word. Perhaps "Huzzah!" is better.

WilyKit (337) has posed:
"I um..." Kit turns her attention to Kat rather suddenly. They might have to leave soon?! Glancing across and spying Lion-O, she nods her head briskly to him, her smile taking on a more desperate cant as she looks towards Forge. "Berbil. It's a bear," she says, albiet distractedly.

Jono draws her attention next. The text to speech app - Kit pauses a moment for the translator to feed the Thunderian back to her. "Thank you - it's a flupe," she says, producing the instrument, complete with the little bell, for Jono's inspection. "I grew up playing it - uh, my mother taught me - uh... do you play one?"

Although she doesn't really wait for a response to that question, before going onto a hurried. "We really have to go, so, thank y-...!"

Kat was caught by Lion-O. Typically, in situations like this, Kit would bite or scratch the grabbing adult enough so that they would drop Kat and they could both make their getaway. But... it was Lion-O.

Kit's face falls. "It's Thunderian melodies! The first one was a happy festival song! They were giving us money for happy festival songs, I...!" Kit groans. More scrubbing of the workshop. "Lion-O - we were trying to help!" she says, scrunching her face up - letting her eyes get big - and her lower lip juts out, and she dips her head forward a bit, letting her eyes get bigger. Again, kinda weird on an adult, but it saved their lives as kittens. "...we wanted to do the right thing, and contribute...!"

WilyKat (283) has posed:
There comes a grimace from WilyKat when Lion-O claims his ear, a light batting following at the hand as he shifts his weight to hop back and forth in place a few times. While most of the attendees of the impromptu cat concert are shuffling off to other places, a few watch this and appear amused.

"Ow, Lion-O..! We didn't make them do anything! They liked it!" he insists in a hushed tone, beginning to shake his head only to realize that's a bad idea, so he stops doing that. "And we're..hungry a lot?" he adds, the question a probing one to see how much Lion-O buys it.

The reaction to the threat about cleaning for Panthro coaxes a drawn-out "Awwwww..." out of him. But, they did come away with some cash and food out of it, so it's probably worth it.

Seems WilyKit is doing a better job of conversing with those still lingering in the area. When she comes back over to try to convince Lion-O herself, he joins in. "We just wanted to make some people happy, and earn something for ourselves as part of it, and show we're not kittens any more!" Kit's efforts and his earlier when working the crowd notwithstanding, of course.

Lion-O (292) has posed:
"And you can contribute," Lion-O says, his tone remaining steady. They have tried this on him before. He is immune to cute. "Honestly and without lying. The code of Thundera bids us tell the truth. Do you want to dishonor Jaga's memory by earning goodwill from our new home with false pretense?" He lets go of WilyKat's ear and then gives a look to WilyKit. It's not a hostile one, but it's certainly sharp. "I'll let you mingle with your admirors for a spell. After which we will go home."

He starts heading for his table, covering his head with his hoodie. And then he turns around. "You can come back here tomorrow. But..." he raises a finger. "I know Tygra's cooking is bad, but we don't *starve* you." And he goes back to his seat.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono kind of... feels the need to offer something here. And since nothing about this scene seems normal, when he does so, Jono offers his two pence in the way that's 'normal' for him. Which is to say, he offers the statement via his broadcast telepathy. {{Thank yer... they were entertainin'.}} It's offered honestly, at all three of the catlike people.

No, he has no idea what's going on, and he kind of feels like he just stepped into a Saturday morning cartoon's PSA about the importance of honesty, but HEY. They seem like they're young kids, and Jono's still a teen himself. So he feels like he has to stand up for them a little, even if their clearly older red-haired guardian is probably completely in the right...

WilyKit (337) has posed:
"Noo..." says Kit, likely in concert with Kat, at the first question Lion-O says when he starts dressing them down. Glancing towards the ground, the young woman kinda brings up her hand to rest on Kat's shoulder, giving it a squeeze as she shuffles a little closer to her brother.

For protection, maybe.

Looking a bit on the dejected side, Kit glances up towards Jono. "I am. We probably should go, but..." Did he just talk to their minds? She understood him without the translator hissing into her ear. Maybe she just missed it. "Did you say you played an instrument?" she asks.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat is left to rub his ear and get the mild sting out of it that way, subconsciously keeping himself closer to his sister for the moment. "No..we don't want to dishonor Jaga's memory," he murmurs. Or that of their parents, either. He then mutters under his breath, "Yeah, his cooking is why we /go/ hungry sometimes." If even /they/ won't eat it...

Unless this is all just for show, put on for the entertainment of others like the music was.

In the end he does brighten up when Lion-O tells them they can actually do this again. Success! More possible money! More possible human food! He sidles up closer to WilyKit when the hand is felt, adding to her, "You sounded great."

Jonothon's words then seem to echo inside his head, causing him to look the teen's way with a /very/ curious yet confused expression. "Uh..thanks!" But how did he do that?

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{No, I didn't,}} Jono answers WilyKit. {{But I do play one. I play guitar.}} Weird Earth instrument, no doubt. In fact, he seems to remember that they don't seem to be from Earth, because he supplies, {{Big wooden thing, six strings. Hangs 'round the body an' over a shoulder by a strap.}} Maybe they've seen one before?

It doesn't occur to him that WilyKit might be asking him that to try to get him to 'speak' again, so she can make sure she heard what she thought she heard. Or maybe DIDN'T hear what she should have?

Jono nods to WilyKat's thanks. {{I'd love t'hear yer both play again sometime.}} Today is the day of weird, he decides, so he doesn't bother questioning his own uncharacteristic outgoingness. But hey, if they ARE 'cats from outer space', they're probably just as confused as anyone else. Also music is involved; that tends to sweep all bets off the table when dealing with Jono.

WilyKit (337) has posed:
Kit finishes the shoulder squeeze with a bunt of her head against the side of her brother's head, before she turns her whole attention towards Jono, her slitted amber eyes fixating on the mutant. A beat, and she taps her translator, looking confused a moment. "Are you... speaking Thundarian?" she asks, tilting her head to the side like a bird.

"We'll be here tomorrow, it sounds like - if you bring your guitar, we can try to play together?" she asks, managing a smile through her sadness. Music was the universal language, after all.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono blinks a little at the question. {{Speakin' what?}} he asks. Apparently he's not, since he doesn't appear to have heard of the language. Though he does seem to understand a little of the confusion. {{It's... complicated,}} he notes, with a wry undertone to the mental statement.

The suggestion to bring his guitar here to play? It's a good thing he can't talk anymore; a squee would be horribly unmasculine. It's been FOREVER since he's had the opportunity to play it while out somewhere. But he manages not to seem TOO eager. And hey, he's got an added excuse -- to promote good relations with other species! {{Might be able to. Couldn't hurt to try.}}

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat gives the side of his head a few pats with the palm of a hand. Perhaps hearing someone else's voice in there is an oddity for him, something to work through and figure out on this new planet they've ended up on. He's giving WilyKit the main chance to ask Jonothon what she wants to, while he stands by and actually remains quiet for the time being. Mostly, he's playing lookout even as Lion-O keeps an eye on them.

"We're glad you liked it. Maybe you can come around again, then. She's a lot better with songs than I am, though," he explains, nodding toward WilyKit before he runs that same hand through his hair. Once the particulars are ironed out and they've agreed to try to meet up again, the time finally comes to skedaddle back to Cat's Lair, but the twins do so knowing this was a triumph: huge success!