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Tempo Rubato, Prestissimo!
Date of Scene: 06 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Alison tries to settle into her other version's spot in the mansion, and ends up meeting a prospective student.
Cast of Characters: Dazzler, 858

Dazzler has posed:
While she should probably be picking through the remnants and artefacts of her alternate-self's life in private, the New Old Alison Blaire is instead parked on a corner of the stairs in the foyer with a box of stuff she's going to stow away somewhere else. There was... surprisingly little *super* personal stuff she could suss out in her room, but what she was able to id she's been sort of... studying. And since no one who knows the Alison native to this universe could possibly mistake her for the same person (unless they want to be really generous and just wonder out loud how the hell she suddenly got so much older), she's not worried about said people asking her what she's doing.

They're at least of similar enough build that jeans and shoes and shirts fit, and Ali has managed to pick out a shirt that actually covers her stomach.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
It's another day at the School and Lina has dropped by yet again. Four days in a row, she just can't keep away can she? Today she's dressed in a blue blouse and a pair of jeans. Stepping into the foyer, she looks around to see if anyone is there. "Hello again," she calls out to the room as she enters. Her eyes quickly scan the room and nearby hallways to see if anyone she knows is present (she's already met a handful of interesting people). However, the only person who seems to be around is a woman on the stairs.

Walking further into the room, she gives a small wave and says politely "Hello there. I don't believe we've met. Which, isn't surprising since I'm relatively new to visiting the school." She doesn't walk too close to the woman who appears to be preoccupied with a box of things. "Um, I don't suppose you've seen Ororo or Logan around." She knows a few other teachers, but those are the first two she met and feels the most comfortable around.

Dazzler has posed:
"Alison Blaire," she answers, giving a light salute and setting the thing in her hand back in the box for now. "Can't say as I have, but I only just got in last night myself. Haven't really checked in with all points, as it were." Pressing her lips together for a moment, she catches on what further was said.

"Visiting? Auditing classes here or something?" Ali is not entirely sure just how secret the school's mission is, so she seems a little hesitant while she steps around words.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina extends her hand and smiles as she says "Lina Whitecroft, it's a pleasure to meet you." At the mention of being a new arrival, Lina adds "Oh, you're going to love it here. Everyone is so nice and friendly. I've met a few of the teachers and they seem swell. The students are, um, all very unique. I guess the teachers are, too, come to think of it."

The question earns a giggle from Lina as she explains "No, I'm kind of a potential student? Maybe? I think something like that. At least, one of the teachers invited me to consider it. Well, two I guess. So I am. I'm just not sure on all the details yet, I'm hoping I'll run into someone who can put me in touch with the right people I guess."

Shrugging, she adds "I'm a mu--" but there's a pause in her words as she suddenly changes what she is saying, rather obviously, "--sician. So, someone said maybe I could get a scholarship to here. Or something." She seems hesitant and uncertain abou the whole thing, but simultaneously eager and excited. And she still wasn't ready to say the word so easily. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Dazzler has posed:
"Mutant?" Ali offers - it just trips right off the tongue for her, but then she's had plenty of time to deal with it herself. "It's okay kid, me too - Mutant *and* musician, you can make it all work you just gotta figure out what that means for you."

Putting the lid on the box for now, she stands up and dusts her hands off a bit, "I may have just got here but I know the general players. Hell, I'm pretty sure if you say 'Logan' three time he shows up in the nearest doorway, looming through cigar smoke over a beer." She's kidding, of course. Mostly.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina blushes faintly at the word 'mutant' and nods. "Yeah, I guess I am. It's just... an adjustment to think of myself that way. I mean, it's not like it happened just yesterday or anything. But I've gone my whole life being one hundred percent about music and now I have to split it with something else. Granted, music is still huge. My uh... talent is also kind of musical. Sort of."

Shrugging again, she asks "So you're a musician as well? Neat. I'm a singer, actually. I'm not very good with actual instruments yet because my other bandmates handle all of that."

Chuckling at the mention of Logan, Lina adds "I like him. He's nice. I don't think he believes it, though. But yeah, he's one of the ones who encouraged me to consider coming here." Toying with a lock of her hair, she asks as an afterthought "So what do you play?"

Dazzler has posed:
'Logan' and 'nice' are not words Alison would tend to put in the same sentence, so that gets a silently amused reaction. "Singer mostly, but I also do guitar, keyboards, ukulele." Yes, she just said ukulele. She's also trying not to be all 'You haven't heard of me? I thought I was supposed to have just appeared with Jay-Z or something?' because everyone's tastes are different. "Little bit of other stuff, but those are the mains. It's good to be able to play something if you can swing it, but as long as you have good communication with your band it's nothing you can't overcome."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina nods quite a bit and says "Yeah, you get it. Felix is the band leader and he's pretty awesome at keeping everyone coordinated. Pluuuuus," she adds with the faintest hint of pink on her cheeks, "I might subconsciously assist in our awesomeness since I've become a mutant. I've noticed that one of my gifts is, um, kind of like boosting other people. It's hard to explain and even harder to figure out, but yeah. So when we all play together and I'm singing, we are one hundred and ten percent on point."

Tilting her head, Lina considers what the other woman says about instruments. "So... you play all three, like, really well? That's interesting. I haven't met any other musicians here yet, but a few people mentioned some. I mean, that we had some here. So I guess I shouldn't be too terribly surprised." Her eyes open a bit wider as she asks "Does your mutant power have something to do with music, too?"

Dazzler has posed:
"Not music *specifically*," Ali admits. "I absorb sound and turn it into light. I didn't grow up wanting to be a superhero or anything, so I learned to use my powers to entertain." It's only the tip of the iceberg but it's still *true.* "At first music was the easiest sound to use for my powers, though, a beat made it easier to focus."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina listens with interest as Alison explains how her power works. "Really, turning it into light? That sounds neat. No pun intended, haha. I'm not sure what I would do with something like that, but it probably has a lot of potential."

Ticking off on her fingertips, she says "I can be suggestive with my voice or my singing, which is one of the things I am considering coming here to help with. I can't always control it, see, it just kind of happens subconsciously. I don't even have to be singing or anything, just speaking makes it happen."

Next fingertip, "I have that boosting ability I mentioned, that works better when I'm singing but I think it also works when I'm speaking. I'm still testing that one out."

Another fingertip, "I can project sounds. Like, make music. Make noises. Without making noises. It's, um... easier to show you, but I don't wanna just start blasting music in the foyer so maybe another time." She thinks for a moment before ticking off a fourth finger, "I'm really good at memorizing music. Like, hear a song once and I can mimic it perfectly."

As she's about to tick off the last finger, she pauses and instead closes her fist. "So, yeah, musical powers." Shrugging, she says "It's pretty neat. I'm lucky that it works out with my singing talent. If it were something else, it might not be as convenient."

Dazzler has posed:
Alison listens, but she just kinda... glazes over a little. She's into it, but that's a lot of information to get all at once. "I like your enthusiasm, kid, but maybe save the resume for the placement exams," she says with a bit of a laugh. "If Logan suggested you should come here, I can definitely see why. If you want to hone your powers to precision, Xavier's is one of the best places to do it while keeping yourself more or less safe from mutant-hating whackjobs while you're at it."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina blushes deeply and says "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm just... I dunno. Still trying to figure it all out. Talking about it helps a little. But you're right, I should explain all that to the people in charge." Among other things. "Felix warned me about the people that don't like mutants. That's why I haven't told anyone else. I'm scared I'll run into one of those, you know? Not even my parents know. I don't think I want them to. So, a scholarship would be cool. It would explain a lot, at least, to them."

Looking around, she asks "So, what kind of music do you like? I'm into lots of different things, but I always wonder what other people like. Everyone has different tastes, you know?" Her hands are now clasped behind her back and she's shuffling her feet, still feeling awkward over the whole 'mutant power' monologue earlier.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison Blaire grins wider, "Hey, it's all right. I can be kind of a motor mouth myself sometimes. Someone magically daggered a mask to my face once to shut me up!" The way she says it sounds like it was a long time ago, and no big deal, and... like maybe it didn't come out totally on purpose.

"I love all kinds of music," she says, going right back to the changed subject. Quickly. "You never know where inspiration is going to come from, and you can't close yourself off to any avenue of it. What I *make* tends more towards the electro-pop-rock-alt stuff, whatever they're calling it right now. I made my name with dance and I still love a sick beat, but when I get the chance to sing these days I prefer to go more for message than going solely for the groove."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina blinks a few times at Alison's mention of her face being masked in order to keep her from talking. "Wow, that sounds awful..." She shudders, visibly unnerved at the idea.

Lina smiles broadly and nods in agreement with the woman. "Oh, yes, I completely hear you there. I really like some of the songs with a good beat, but it's also good to like songs that have powerful lyrics behind them. It depends on the situation and the audience, I think. I like a diverse amount of music, too, and I'm always trying to add new songs to my playlist."

Dazzler has posed:
"There's art in any way you do it, and there's nothing like connecting with an audience that's really into you and what's going on." Ali drums her fingertips against each other, trying to think of other stuff to share that isn't terrifying tales of superheroic mutant life from parallel dimensions... failing a little. "When did you decide you wanted to perform? Did you always want to sing?"

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina nods at the question asked of her. "Oh yes, since I was a little girl. Eight or so, I think? Something like that. So I've been singing for half my life." Tilting her head, she asks the same question in return. "How about you? Always been into music, or did you get into it because of your powers? Just wondering." She takes a seat on the lowest step of the stairs. "I'm always standing around, it's nice to just sit for a bit." She tugs at a loose thread on her blouse before turning her attention back to Alison.

Dazzler has posed:
"Performing was in my blood, I starting trying to sing before I could even talk. My mother was a jazz singer, but my dad was a Judge. I don't know how they ever met in the first place, but love stories are weird that way." Ali leans back a bit on the stairs, crossing her legs at the ankles, "My powers didn't show up until my first gig at a school dance. I blinded... ohhh, five or six kids, totally on accident. Luckily nobody realized the lights were coming from *me*, but it gave me a damned good scare."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina listens to the story and smiles at the mention of her parents' love. When Alison has said her piece on that, Lina responds "Yeah, romance can be weird. I mean, you can't control who you like... it just kind of happens. And then, well, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't." Muttering under her breath, she adds "And then there's the friend zone..."

As far as Alison's powers, Lina's only comment is "I'm sorry that the circumstances were less than ideal." Looking around, she asks "So... what do you do here? I mean, I know it's kind of forward of me but I'm guessing you're a member of the staff." Smiling, she adds "So it makes sense that I'll find out anyways if I transfer. May as well tell me now." Gotta love her logic.

Dazzler has posed:
"I might be?" Ali .... should really know the answer to that. "I think I saw something about Music Classes in that other m-- My paperwork upstairs?" Her brows knit a little, "I said I was new, right? Like, literally just got in last night new. I haven't lived in an... *at the* Institute in a long time, I'm not super up to date." She normally doesn't hold on to a terrible bout of lying like this, but if she chases away a prospective student she wouldn't be happy with herself. "Where *are* the rest of the faculty?" she wonders out loud suddenly.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina blushes again and nods. "I'm sorry, you did say you just got in. I just figured, I guess..." She trails off, though, not finishing her thought. "In my experience, they wander around the grounds doing things. Logan spends time in the garage a lot, I think, working on his motorcycle. Not the one he actually /uses/ mind you. This old one he tinkers with." Shrugging, she adds "If it makes him happy who can fault him. Or maybe just keeps him entertained, since... that making him happy might be stretching it a little."

Pointing in the direction of the rec room, she says "I know there was an ice cream party in there yesterday. But I've really only met four teachers. Is Logan even a teacher?" she wonders out loud to herself. "Anyways, four of the adults I guess is a better way of putting it." Tapping her lower lip, she continues "Come to think of it, I've met more staff than students. Huh. But I guess that makes sense with summer vacation and all."

Dazzler has posed:
"Logan is a teacher like I'm a cheerleader," Alison can't help herself from blurting out with all the acerbic sarcasm she can muster without effort, which is a lot. "Lorna was telling me she made ice cream kabobs, that brat. I got in afterwards and there was *nothing left.* I pranked her good, though, to make up for it."

Leaning a little towards Lina, Alison stage-whispers in a conspiratorial fashion, "I made her think I brought doom from an alternate universe!" She just brought *herself*, so YMMV but still.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina giggles at the comment about Logan, but refrains from saying anything. She rather likes Logan, after all. But it was still funny. "Yeah, the ice cream kabobs were delicious. I had one with choclate and vanilla and mini sugar cookies. Mmm, so good. I'm not surprised they all got eaten, there were quite a few people there when I left."

The talk aboout alternate universes causes her to gape a little. "Wait, that's a thing? A real thing? Like parallel universes where my hair is bright red and I dance instead of sing or something crazy like that?" Her hands come up to her cheeks and she just eyes Alison. "Oh my God, can you imagine if me-me met parallel universe-me." Okay so maybe she doesn't quite grasp the concept exactly.

Dazzler has posed:
"The first few times is exciting, but it can get old real quick," Ali deadpans. "Multiple dimensions and universes are a thing, time-travel is a thing, clones are a thing... You're young yet, you'll see." Ali mms, adding quietly, "Especially if you stay here."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina kind of just stares at Alison for a bit. "Seriously? All that science fiction crap is for real? You know, this other teacher said that ghosts were real and other scary monster type stuff. Is there anything that people have actually made up that /isn't/ real? Sheesh."

She brings her hands back down and just sighs. "I really hope I'm not getting myself in too deep with this whole School thing. But I'm pretty sure if I don't learn how to control my powers, someday, something will go really badly for me. So here I am. Now I just have to figure out how to enroll, or transfer, or whatever. And convince my parents that it's a good idea. That may be a bigger challenge than all the paperwork."

Dazzler has posed:
"Take Jeannie.. err, Miss Grey with you when you talk to them," Ali offers. "From what I recall she was pretty good at getting parents with the program, first time I met her they were picking up a new student." Reaching over to pat Lina on the shoulder, she just kinda... smiles. "The universe is way too big to limit to just *human* understanding and emotion, kiddo.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina tilts her head thoughtfully at Alison's advice. "I haven't met her yet. But I'll take your word for it. Anything to help convince my parents. I'd rather /not/ have to use my power to do it. I want them to agree of their own free will, you know?"

Taking a deep breath, she nods as Alison mentions the potential of the universe. "I guess if you can imagine it, it exists somewhere, right? I mean if you think about it half the stuff people make up could be reality somewhere else and they've just been exposed to it. Sea monsters and dragons and stuff that all existed or exist somewhere else. The imagination can be a powerful thing, but sometimes I wonder if there's a bit of truth to that stuff. I guess now I know."

Dazzler has posed:
"Now, excuse me if this is rude or anything, but... are you homeschooled? No TV?" Ali wonders, pressing her lips together just a little bit, "There's metahuman stuff in the news all the time. The Fantastic Four came back from space with superpowers, Superman is an alien from a dead planet, Aquaman and Namor are kings of the sea... you're only just now really allowing for expanded weirdness? Life is expanded weirdness!"

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina shakes her head. "Nope, I'm not home-schooled. I kind of live under a rock. I pay attention to music more than anything and... I honestly kind of ignore the rest. Let me rephrase, I guess...." She points to herself with her thumb and adds "I kind of pay attention to /my/ music and ignore the rest. I know about mutants, sure. Everyone does. And, yeah, there are people from other planets, but I never really thought about alternate realities. Like. Other universes and stuff like that. I figured with all the tech we have now and all the supers we've basically found all there is to find."

Shrugging, she adds "And I've never heard about sea monsters or dragons being real. People who can do crazy stuff, sure, that's like... run-of-the-mill by now isn't it? Just not in my circles. I've always just been a normal teenager who wanted to be in a band, pays attention just enough in class to make decent grades so my parents don't get on my case and that's about it. No mutant friends, no super heroes in my world."

Laughing, she adds "I don't even go anywhere most of the time. Would you believe my parents have /never/ let me go to a concert. Like, ever. It's all music I download or hear on the radio. And those radio people with their news stories exaggerate /so much/ I just change the station when they start talking about all that crazy stuff happening everywhere. I don't watch the news." Thinking about it for a second, she adds "Man I may as well be home schooled." Pausing, she adds "I didn't even admit I was a mutant until Felix came and flat out told me I was and then it took like a month before I passed the denial phase and admitted it. And then we promised not to tell anyone because, like, I've heard the stories. People don't /like/ mutants. Not everyone, but bad people. And I don't need that kind of trouble."

Dazzler has posed:
Alison Blaire says, "If nothing else, kiddo, learning about the world and everything around you will help your music," Alison offers after all that. "It's not good for you to be so limited in experience -- even though you're a teenager, you should be engaging with the world around you and not insulating yourself. You can't reach out and touch people with your art if you're too busy only ever looking inward.""

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina suddenly looks pensive at what Alison said. "You know, I guess you're right. I mean... it is kind of stupid to just ignore all the stuff happening. It's just all so bad. Mutants being bashed and places getting blown up and you know all that kind of stuff." She shrugs again and says "But you have a point. If I don't pay attention to what's going on, well, it is kind of silly in a way. I've just never really cared."

Smiling broadly, she says "Thanks so much for the advice. I think from now on I'm going to keep my eyes a little bit more open to what's happening and the possibilities. And stop focusing so much on myself. That's actually really kind of selfish and I don't want to be that kind of person. Maybe coming here will help with that. Even if it does take twising my 'rents arms a little."

Dazzler has posed:
"It's not just *bad* stuff that happens either, there's plenty of good and beautiful and wonderful things out there. Ignore everything and you'll miss everything," Ali beams. "But you've got the picture. Experience fuels art, whatever that art is, and the only way to get better at all of it is to live it like you've only got the one."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina nods at Alison's assessment. "Yeah. You're right, of course. I need to get out of the hole I've jumped into and take life by the horns. Or... wait, I think I said that wrong. Shrugging, she says "Anyways. Yeah. You're totally right. I need to pay more attention to things happening around me. For lots of reasons."

She smiles as she looks around. "Well, I should probably get going. I'm sure I have taken up enough of your time. You've been so nice and helpful, though. That's what I mean, everybody is super nice and helpful here. Oh man, if I get in, this is going to be AWESOME." The word 'awesome' is practically sung as opposed to spoken.

Dazzler has posed:
"The pleasure's mine, ki--" Alison stands up to be polite as Lina starts gathering herself to leave. "I could keep calling you 'kid', but what did you say your name was? I don't think I caught it," she asks.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
"Lina Whitecroft," she says with a smile. "And again, thank you so much for your time. The advice was really helpful!" As she turns to head out, she calls over her shoulder "Oh, and if you do teach here I want to know what because I am totally taking your class." Another big grin and she's out the door, at least for now.

Dazzler has posed:
"I'll let you know, sure thing Lina," Ali waves... then phews when the girl takes off. "As soon as -I- know. Teaching? Eeesh." She plops back down on the stairs and goes back to the box, studying it's contents like it's gonna reveal something to her.