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Latest revision as of 00:26, 26 October 2017

Medical Checkup
Date of Scene: 07 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Solaire, Melinda May

Nick Fury has posed:
While Solaire's been given some freedom of movement throughout the Triskelion, it's never been entirely alone: an armed escort is always nearby, as is at least a pair of SHIELD scientists taking readings and observing the alien's behavior.

Even now, in the R&D laboratories where a space has been set up as a temporary quarters (or, at least, the poor approximation thereof in the midst of a lab), a small team of technicians and physicians work to complete a regular physical examination of Solaire's unique physiology.

As this occurs, Nick Fury steps into the room, wearing a thin but protective ceramic-plated radiation suit, his head encased in a clear globe.

"Mister Yrael. Or was it...Manker? In any case, nice to finally meet you. I'd have been here sooner but--as you might imagine--life can be quite busy. And I've got quite a life." He flashes a quick grin.

"I'm Nick Fury. I run SHIELD here." The man gestures to the laboratory space. "And I understand you may be wondering what the rest of this world may have to offer you."

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire's been rather well behaved. Cooperative, inquisitive, and attempting of mild humour if room can be fit in. Mostly star puns. His attention shifts, bringing his starlit gaze to Nick and offering an inclination of his head in greeting.
    "Yes, that is correct. No need to worry for having duties to attend, I am well aware the demands of duty and leadership." he answers in reply to the introduction. "Curiosity of what it may have to offer is second to learning what it needs and how amicable integration can occur. What is the reason in gauging a resource you cannot access for consequence of causing harm. Better for me to learn how I can assimilate without causing distress." he offers.

Melinda May has posed:
Outside of the laboratory space set aside for Yrael, Agent May watches from a video feed. She's quickly reviewed the information gathered about the extraterrestrial thus far, and while she thinks it extremely unlikely, she is still there as a contingency plan in case the being tries to attack the Director. She's also listening to the conversation, and is able to share intel with Fury via a shielded comm unit.

"Why the gamma radiation?" she asks of Fury, presuming he'l relay the question. Though she is pretty sure that the scientists have already asked it of the alien. Hopefully, though, this time there will be an answer that won't need to be translated from science babble.

Nick Fury has posed:
The SHIELD director nods, walking toward the alien before leaning up against one of the nearest lab benches.

"Do you?" he asks, his tone one of genuine curiosity. "I didn't know that. Maybe there's some knowledge-sharing that could be worth further interaction." He pauses for a moment, hearing the message from May.

"For example...you seem to be quite, ah, infused with? able to emanate? gamma radiation. Does everyone where you come from do that? Or is it a sign of your station?" Fury shrugs. "Or maybe some other purpose?"

"Around here, for example, expelling bodily fluid can mean different things. It's usually pretty bad, though," he adds. "Or so I hear."

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire offers a nod. "I was regeant on my home world. My youth was spend rallying neighbouring factions and settlements into the fold, assisting and spreading justice and our laws where necessary, and assimilating customs that were not contradictory to the majority. Though such things were not absolute rules, at times, the decision of majority can be blinded by lack of sympathy." he blurbs to reinforce his statement.
    And then the question, "From what I understand it is a byproduct of my augmentation. I was enchanted and then infused with the essence of a star- what my people had understood to be the ultimate source of light to counter an invading force that was darkness incarnate." a small sigh is given, "In the end it was for naught as my light had no effect. My world was locked in stasis and myself flung far from it. I apologise if my radiance is inhospitable, I can work to lessen my emissions in close company."

Melinda May has posed:
May leans a bit to look at the room geiger counter set into the wall. "Still beyond lethal doses, Director. About three times." If anything suceeds in reminding her that she's an all-too-squishy human, it's things like this. And the counter's readings that only serve to remind her of the film footage every new SHIELD agent is shown when they're trained in how to deal with radioactive situations. Cooking from the inside out just... yikes.

Nick Fury has posed:
"Hmm. I see," Fury says, nodding--although whether it's in response to Solaire or May, it's difficult to tell.

"If it's an enchantment, do you think you could be disenchanted? That doesn't sound right. De-enchanted? No, disenchanted. Regardless," he continues, "you know that if you step out of the Triskelion--and do so without the aid of a full-time decontamination team--you'll risk turning the surface of this planet into a radioactive wasteland?"

Fury taps his radiation suit. "Anyone who's not wearing one of these is likely to suffer incredible tumor growth. That's bad, by the way. And that's a 'best case' scenario. Do you know what metastasis is?" He folds his arms across his chest. "I ask because we want to prevent that...on an individual level and on an ecological one."

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire shakes his head, head gestures are beginning to happen frequently enough for him to pick up on.. atleast, nodding and shaking thusfar. "No, the enchantment was to keep me alive and stable during the process of infusion. This is my new natural state." he answers. Hearing about the radioactive wasteland and suit prompt him to spend a moment of silence and stillness. Visibly it's apparent that his glowing and shimmering dim and fade to what would be expected of a 'normal' person, aside the light of his eyes. His emissions are diminished to nothing, though what remains in the room won't move obviously unless chelated. "Metastasis is an unfamiliar term to me."

Melinda May has posed:
May checks the counter again and... well, it's picking up the residual radiation that was already there, but it's dropping, and at a noticeable rate. "Levels are dropping now, Sir."

She is wondering herself where Fury's going with the mention of metastatis, but of course knows better than to question. Fury clearly has a point to this. She turns back to the monitor to watch, and muses idly, "I wonder if a radiation suit to keep the rads in instead of out would work for him."

Nick Fury has posed:
Nick Fury exhales slowly within his clear helmet.

"Metastasis is a kind of wild overgrowth of cancerous cells. Like a kind of organic reverse-event horizon. Everything just explodes outward. Point of no return," he says quietly.

"You may or may not imagine that many of my more intelligent colleagues are worried that your presence might itself be a kind of metastasizing trigger. All that radiation walking around--could be lethal to anyone you spend more than a few minutes with."

He waves his hand at his own outfit. "Hence...this. I don't want my testicles to melt, you understand."

Fury takes a deep breath. "I need to ask you about this because I need to impart to you the significance of my next question. /Can/ you control this radioactive output?"

With one hand, he taps a short sequence of buttons on his other forearm. A message is sent to May: impromptu polygraph for suit necessity.

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire gives a nod of comprehension.
    "I understand now what that word means and your concerns. I can dim my radiance as I am now but it is a.. temporary measure. Consider it as if breathing inwards but not out, eventually I do need to vent excess matter or it becomes unstable and vents itself."
    The admission is met with a slow exhale. "My suit does not seem to help enough to curb my radiance to what would be safe it seems."

Melinda May has posed:
Catching Fury's tapped message, May quickly sets a few things on the recording equipment and leans forward to stucy Yrael closely while he speaks. "Not my forte, Director, but I'd wager he's telling the truth. Romanoff would be able to confirm it, and I'll make sure she gets a recording if you want her to do so."

Of course, knowing that his dialing down the rads is only a temporary thing is kind of...bad.

Nick Fury has posed:
Fury listens to Solaire, tapping lightly on the lab bench with one hand. It's Morse code: 'no need'.

"Would you be willing to work with SHIELD's braintrust for a suit that might do the job?" He cocks his head to one side, staring at the alien.

"There is another option--something that's been used in the past by a few friends of mine." Fury smacks his lips. "A secure facility. One with thick and powerful enough walls to withstand occasional radiation emanation. Like a...dump site, I guess? It's not the preferred solution."

Fury pushes himself to a standing position. "I don't like unnecessary incarceration. But I also don't like unnecessary radioactive fallout."

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire nods. "Certainly, if it helps in keeping people safe and allowing mobility, then I see no problem." he answers. "I could also bring myself out of the vicinity of the planet to reduce matter bloat. If done with the wind of your Sol, it should drift far from the planet entirely." he adds as a suggestion.

Melinda May has posed:
Well. That's useful. May is still for a moment, a thought stuck in her mind and trying to get her attention. Finally, though, it occurs to her and she shares it with Fury promptly. She's not sure if he'll think it's a great idea or a horrible one, but it's worth at least considering.

"Director, should I work on tracking down Doctor Banner to consult on this matter?" He IS one of the world's foremost experts on gamma radiation, after all.

Nick Fury has posed:
Nick Fury nods again, slowly. "That might work. It might not." He pauses for several beats.

"Here's my short-term solution. It's a combination of both: containment suit to suppress radioactive output as long as possible, followed by diffusion of radiation into high enough orbit that solar winds should cast it away from Earth."

"One moment," Fury adds, raising a finger. He turns to look at the nearest camera.

"Absolutely do that. Richards, too. He'd offer his input anyway, so we might as well initiate that conversation."

The director of SHIELD then raises his eyebrow at Solaire. "So. What say we get you an appointment with our tailors?"

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire seems energetic hearing that short-term solution. Risk is mitigated almost entirely, but it will require some schedulekeeping.
    "I am looking forward immensely to the appointment and seeing what we can accomplish."