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Latest revision as of 00:31, 26 October 2017

Lakeside Meeting and Fireworks
Date of Scene: 07 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, 961, Athenaeum

Jubilee has posed:
Twilight's veil is fading in the west. The grounds of Xavier's are quiet, and dark. But visible from well beyond the boundaries of the school's campus is a repeated glow over Breakstone Lake. Red. Green. Pink. Blue. Over and over again, like someone's shooting off a Roman candle. And sure enough, someone is. Or she might as well be.

A young Asian woman in a turquoise tanktop and cutoff shorts stands on the shore, shooting balls of light out into the lake. Each arcs gracefully over the water, before delving beneath its surface with a conspicuous "Bloop." She seems to be singing something to herself as she erm...shoots the breeze.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden was out on one of her walks through 'No Time'. She could walk across the country in a few moments if she really wanted to, often getting lost and comfortable in that kaleidoscope of color and comfort that he powers brought on. Never growing tiring or hungry as she walked faster then the human eye could track. Eventually she made her way past the city and out of curiosity she spotted the lake, seeing the sparks of light frozen mid air as suddenly she was stood next to Jubilee from seemingly nowhere as she returned to the normal timestream.

"Hah, wow we can never find stuff like that in the City. The cops go crazy if we even think of setting anything off in the park." She said watching the light stream, no doubt she may have given the young teacher quite the shock or perhaps working in a school for mutants she was used to this kinda thing. However Kiden wasn't anyone she recognized.

Athenaeum has posed:
Mutants are an unknown quantity these days, with new ones popping up all the time with so many wierd and wonderful powers. And according to what she's found so far, Xavier's school is the best place to possibly observe (and maybe even meet) a few of these delightful abberations of the human condition.

So it is, that a small 'pop' of noise heralds the arrival of a young looking woman in a deep emerald green silk dress. A deep hood hides her features other than darkly painted lips and bright white chin that catches the moonlight. The dress itself if high necked, keeping to the contours of her torso before flaring out in full length, straight skirts that skim the floor as she makes her way towards those sparkling lights. You've got to start somewhere after all!

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee adjusts a pair of brass goggles atop her head. They are fitted with welding glass, so the lenses seem almost opaquely black. She doesn't miss a beat, tossing coloured balls of light out into the lake. She flinches at the two sudden arrivals, scared out of her wits. But the nonchalance of her expression doesn't change. "Jesus, people, don't you knock?"

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden looked around a moment, the place was pretty idyllic a harsh change from the busyness of the city she was used to. "What is this place?" She asked sort've ignoring Jubilee's shock before she looked back to her and then at the other woman who had suddenly appeared though her hooded figure made Kiden a little curious too. The teen was dressed like the ragamuffin she is, a bandanna around her neck with a white crop top and a jacket over top with a pair of jeans held up with a studded belt and some old skate shoes completing things.

Athenaeum has posed:
"I'm sorry, your lights were so pretty I just had to come and see." Ysabelle offers the startled teacher with a reassuring smile. She takes the last few steps to bring them all within easy talking distance, though respecting personal space.

"I can leave though, I'm not /entirely/ sure where I've ended up." The hood casts about, taking in the sprawling gardens and the old manor in the distance. "Perhaps a little further into private property than I'd intended..." It difficult without seeing her face, but her mouth's sheepish smile certainly looks apologetic.

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh, you're at Xavier's." Bloop. "This is Breakstone lake." Bloop. "Pretty spot, and you're both quite welcome." Bloop. "Don't mind me, I'm just bloopin'. I come here to think. And bloop."

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     "What's a 'Xaviers'?" She asked never having heard of the mutant school despite being one. She grew up and was in the inner city for most of her life so the idea of a place like this was pretty foreign to her. As Jubilee kept blooping Kiden narrowed her blue eyes slightly. "Why are you 'Blooping'?" She said a little confused but obviously no overly serious herself. "Anyways I'm Kiden." She said between the two figuring she might as well introduce herself at this point.

Athenaeum has posed:
"A pleasure to meet you Kiden, and you miss. I'm Ysabelle." She pauses, taking a moment to needlessly smoothe her dress. "I've heard of the school though, I must admit to being quite impressed at the heart behind it." She's still enjoying the light show, each spark sending tendrils of coloured light inside her hood, reflecting off gemlike eyes.

Jubilee has posed:
"I'm Jubilation. But pretty much everybody calls me Jubilee." The petite Asian girl smiles at Kiden for a moment. "Xavier's is a school for gifted people." She pauses, tilting her head. "Like you. Like...us. Y'know? So I guess you guys came for the grand finale, eh?"

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     "What do you mean 'like us'?" She said not realizing that Jubilee might've realized she could be a mutant herself. "Jubilation, that's a rad name though." She said with a little grin and then nodded. "Sure whats the finale gonna be?" She asked even as she looked to the mysterious hooded woman. "Woah you got a bit of an accent, where are you from?" By Kidens voice she was obviously a New Yorker.

Athenaeum has posed:
"Greece originally, though I travel a bit." The magus says, listening to the explanation with interest. "Alas, I have no claim to the title of mutant, but it really is wonderful to see humanity moving forward again. Stagnation is the precurser to extinction after all." Her eyes twinkle as she smiles, looking from one to the other. "Are you a student here Jubilee? Or a teacher?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh, I'mma teacher. I teach gymnastics mostly, and a bit of English as a second language. Since English is sorta MY second language, too." Jubilee's accent betrays nothing but sorta...California? She gives a low whistle. "Greece, eh? That's wild. I assume anyone who approaches me out of thin air is probably a mutant, but I guess that's probably racism." She scratches the back of her neck. "Or somethin'." She turns back to the lake and kneels down on one knee, holding out her hands toward the water, with a little more concentration marking her features. Droplets of light seem to flow from her palms and form up together several feet out over the water. Slowly, they congeal in a brighter structure that hovers over the water with the slightest of shimmering undulation, almost as if it is, itself, a reflection on the water. The shape of the Parthenon emerges as the image solidifies in ivory shimmering light, burning like hundreds of sparklers. "Tadaaaaa."

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     As Jubilee mentions mutants she gained a bit of a grimace, part of her wasn't even comfortable with the fact she was one but that was part of her reality these days. She watched the stream of lights with an obvious bit of wonder as she leaned back a bit to take it all in. "Woah, thats cool. So that's like your power, making fireworks and stuff?" She asked curiously unsure if that was the extend of what Jubilee could do. "So this is a school for mutants then? What's the point of it all?" She asked somewhat bashfully not wanting to appear /too/ interested. After all she was a rebellious runaway and had a image to maintain.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle actually laughs, clapping her hands together in wonder. She can't help adding a little something though. Words flutter from painted lips in a language that resonates with the world around her. Running her palm in a wide semi circle, small spots of green flame appear in the air, coalescing like fireflies until they create ghostly outlines of the Greek Pantheon. All the major Gods standing around the parthenon in heroic poses.

Once she's finished, she grins sheepishly. "A magician, rather than mutant. But we're not so different it seems."

Jubilee has posed:
"None of us are all -that- different," Jubilee admits with a smile. "The point is that the school not only addresses the abilities and powers that we have, but it also addresses educational needs, all the way up through college level. It gives us a place where we can learn in a safe setting. And learn our powers in a controlled environment. Some kids have a lot to learn about how to control their own powers. Without y'know, accidentally killing somebody." Jubilee glances to Kiden, with a nod. "There's always somethin' new to learn. This is one of my abilities, yeah. I have a couple of others..." She trails off vaguely. "You should come for a visit, yeah? I mean just check it out and meet some of the people here. It's pretty rad, for a school. We even have a few speedsters like yourself."

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     "Oh uhh it's not exactly speed but I know it sorta looks that way." She said with a nod not seeing any reason to go into details after all that kinda stuff didn't really matter. She reached up and scratched the back of her neck at the offer looking aside a moment and unsure exactly what she should do. "Yea I guess I could hang out sometime, I dunno. I doubt I'd fit in. I mean I got kicked out of my last school." It was hard to tell her age exactly but she had to be old enough to have just gotten done with her junior year and moving into senior most likely.

Looking to the Greek mage nearby she seemed a little surprised. "Woah like 'magic' magic?" She said unsure exactly what the woman meant. She'd never witnessed anything magical before even though she spent most of her time around other runaway mutants.

Athenaeum has posed:
Ysabelle giggles, the sound a little out of sorts with her otherwise refined visage. "Yes, /magic/ magic. I even cast spells and wave my hands about." The following deep smile takes any sting out of the words, she's apparently not above laughing at herself.

"Books and scrolls and all that sort of thing. Though lately I've been asked by SHIELD to consult on anything occult. So I suppose you could say I'm as much walking library as anything else." She looks at the others as she speaks, but can't help her eyes being drawn time and again to the shining model on the lake. "It really is /quite/ beautiful..."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee watches the Parthenon with its fireflies and gods, the glow illuminating her face in the deepening darkness. "It is. I'm rather impressed, m'self. And I make that kinda shi--stuff all the time." Half-smiling, she lowers her hands, severing the ties between her hands and the plasmoids that sparkle above the water, reflecting perfectly in the placid water below. "SHIELD...that's impressive, too. I gotta come out here more often. We get the coolest tresspassers, EVER." She winks to Ysabelle and Kiden, before exhaling a deep sigh. "I'm 'fraid I'm gonna have to get goin' for tonight. I've got a gym callin' my name." She kneels again, this time to tie one of her pink Converse sneakers, then rises again. "I do hope you guys will visit more often. You're more than welcome. Tell 'em Jubilee said it was cool." She scrunches her nose a moment thinking. "On second thought, don't mention my name. It might just do you more trouble than good. Take care, Ladies!" And with that, Jubilee traipses off into the underbrush, whistling a song that sounds suspiciously like "When Tomorrow Comes" from Les Miserable, as she disappears into the darkened wood.