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Latest revision as of 00:56, 26 October 2017

Ecce Militem
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, 812

Nick Fury has posed:

"You're CERTAIN this will work?" Nick Fury, looking over a thick dossier of highly classified materials, asks to a semi-circle of individuals in SHIELD-branded lab coats.

They look back and forth to one another. One, a Dr. Francine Andersen, speaks up: "Sir, we're not certain of anything about this. But it's our best shot to replicate the results of the initial serum."

"I'm not sure you're going to REPLICATE them," Fury responds. "But that's not a bad thing. I want something UNIQUE, just like what we got before."


"Colonel Fury," an older Dr. Francine Andersen, senior SHIELD scientist says. "I believe we've got something to show you regarding the Super-Soldier Project."

"Oh, do you, now?" Fury responds, the eyebrow rising above his good eye.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
the Scientist Smiles and nods as he says. "Yes sir. One of our volenteers, "and he hands a Dossier to Directer Fury, "Marcus JAmeson has completed the process ahead of Schedule. There are 29 others almost ready to begin the final refinement process. And each one of them will have their own unique talents and strengths." He says Allowing him to see The Dossier, "Mr Jameson is in the Excercise area now if you would care to see." he says.

The Doctor had chosen his candidates very well, each of them from the military, each one willing to put their duty and service above their own interests. A Psycological neccesity it was deemed. "In fact he is ready for his first mission I feel."

Nick Fury has posed:

"Just to be clear: you're CERTAIN this will work? Absolutely certain?" Fury sighs and leans back against his desk. "I only ask because there's another group working hard on a similar project you may have heard of. 'Codename: NUKE,' I think, they're calling it."

"Uh..." a meek scientist says, clearing his throat. "How about 'mostly' certain?"


"Please, lead on," Fury says, exhaling slowly and deeply. "I take 'ahead of schedule' to mean he hasn't snapped and killed a dozen MPs yet. That's good and all, but the last thing we want is for word of an accelerated schedule to reach the ears of a mob of low-bidding contractors."

As they walk, Fury scratches his ear. "What kinds of missions has he been trained for as part of project development? Or is he meant to be a prototype for general infantry?"

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
As Fury heads through the Facility they eventually reach the workout area as they can see a large man on his back benching a large amount of weight. Estimates put the weight at two metric tones and he is lifting them repeditively with out much of a sweat. "Correct and even if it had come to that we have included a couple of Fail safes. The first one is a fault enzyme, he can't produce a certian amino acid. An injection once every twenty four hours is required. Incase he did go insane and escape. At 24 plus 6 he will start to show mental confusion. Lack of focus. 24 +12, he will be come lethargic, at 24 plus 18 he slips into a coma. At plus 24... he dies."

"Mr JAmeson and his fellows were made aware of this as a safety precaution. And if needed as an absolute last result, We incorperated a deadman's switch." and he pulls out a small remote control, "This when used with the proper clearances sir, will activate an explosive charge behind his spinal cord. Death is instant." He says and will offer the remote control to Fury. "We did all we could to keep their pain to a minimum and treat them like people. They responded better. I feel this is why Groups like Hydra will always Fail at producing super soldiers. They want slaves, who follow orders without hesitation. Not soldiers who think for them selves."

"He would be good for special task force missions, a small group of fellow soldiers grouped together with extraordinary abilities."

Nick Fury has posed:
Nick Fury sighs and sets his jaw. "Let me ask you this--how many people know about this switch?"

He looks about the room, counting the number present.

"I expect that--worst case scenario, and I've got to hit this thing--Jameson's not the only one who'll need to go bye-bye," Fury continues, staring down at the switch. "Not that I feel particularly comfortable having such an exploitable extortion-device in my hand. Can't really say someone's truly 'free' with this sort of thing hanging over them."

"Still," he adds, sighing again, "better than anyone else having it."

Fury slowly approaches the exercising man. "Doing alright there, soldier?" he asks.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
As Fury is show a number of settings including the ones that will cause select soldiers to be detonated. As The Scientist says, "We can remove the explosive device, as well as correct the faulty gene code no problem sir. It was simply a precaution incase the process drove some of them mad." he says and "Only my team knows of it and you sir. It's a highly encrypted code sir." and As Fury approaches the Solider he turns his head and then lifting the weights up he will slot it into the wall as he will get to his feet in a formal salute.

"I am doing well Sir. Just working some stiffness out from the last few days they kept me in bed." and he stands at formal attention. Fury is his superior officer effectively.

Nick Fury has posed:
Slipping the small dead-man device into his pocket, Fury places his hands on his hips. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Last time I checked, SHIELD prefers its agents to be doers, not dozers. With maybe a couple specific exceptions, at least," he adds, offering a toothy grin and glancing back to Dr. Andersen.

"When was your last psych eval, Jameson?" Fury asks, stepping close to the man. His one good eye glances back and forth between Jameson's own, and he sniffs audibly. "Gotta make sure I'm not getting a bill of goods here. There's a LOT of build-up in this project. Would hate to learn that it came down to subject issues..."

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
As Jameson stands there in front of Directer fury he allows himself a small Smile. "Indeed sir, Doctors have been careful not to push us to hard when we needed the rest but I still felt at times I could do more then they allowed." Arguing with Doctors is a no win. Besides they are spending who knows how much money on this augementation processes.

"My last Psyche exam was two months ago. Before the Final augemnation process began sir. Wasn't as painful as some of the previous stages. Uncomfortible as hell, but more than acceptible. Sorta like constant athritis aches and pains which are now mostly gone."

Dr. Anderson said. "The Residual aches should begone in a few more days. Just muscles readjusting to a new level of enhancement."

"Considering it is a new process I am surprised I have had any serious complications." Jameson is refering of course to the 29 who dies in the process, and the 91 who reached various points before it was far too dangerous for their health to complete future enhancements without killing them.

Nick Fury has posed:
"Not pushing you too hard?" Fury's eyebrow rises again, and he glances over his shoulder at the scientist. "You serious, Andersen? How'm I supposed to know this boy can do his job when it COUNTS if you're not actually taxing him to the full extent of his abilities?"

Fury takes a step back to look Jameson up and down. "I don't have any confidence that you're complication-free, son," he says coolly. "As far as I'm concerned, you're untested and unproven. Now, you tell me...is that assessment wrong?"

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
As he listens and says, "That is my personal opinion sir." James says.

The Doctor says, "All of his base line for strength, endurance, speed, agility, and duribility have all be there in the dossier sir. Jameson gone through several training Since the Process has finished. PErhaps we are under estimating his abilities however. If he feels he hasn't been pushed to his absolute limits to his breaking point."

Turning to JAmeson. "I would agree with that assessment Doctor. You are at your breaking point until your body is screaming in pain sir."

Nick Fury has posed:
"Well," Fury says quietly, "I think...I think we need to see Jameson here push himself until HE thinks he can't take any more. And," Fury adds, raising one hand and pointing his index finger at Dr. Anderson, "that does NOT only mean physically."

Fury leans in toward Jameson, dropping his hand back to his side. "You want to get in on SHIELD ops, soldier, you'll have to prove to me that you can handle them. I'm willing to give you that chance--but it's just that CHANCE." He leans in further, toward Jameson's right ear. "These don't come often. Think you're up for it?"

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
Marcus Jameson nods as he says, "Yes sir. I am more than willing to take that Chance sir. I didn't agree to this process for my benefit. I joined this project to help protect people. My father said, if you are in the military for the rank and honors. You are in it for the wrong reasons." he says respectfully.

Nick Fury has posed:
Nick Fury nods, stepping back to put some space between himself and Jameson. "Alright, then. We'll see exactly how well you'll do. Stay frosty, Jameson; you'll get your orders soon enough."

He turns to Andersen. "You keep pushing him--at least 20% beyond what you're saying is his current limit. If he's not straining, I'm not interested. Let's not have to shelve the project after fifteen years."

Then, Fury pivots on a heel and begins walking toward the exit to the exercise area.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
JAmes of course Salutes Fury before he departs and he offers himself a small smile as he will do exactly that and he will work hard to prove his physical abilities as well as mental. At this point given how late it is in the day the Doctor nods. "6 am Sharp we begin, Let's push you to your absolute limits."