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Latest revision as of 01:05, 26 October 2017

Terror, Faceless and Foul!
Date of Scene: 10 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Lara Croft, 271, 13

Nick Fury has posed:

The message, accompanied by klaxons, screams out across a number of SHIELD channels, and a number of Triskelion hallways light up in a color-coded fashion to visually note the alert.

Standing just in front of the rear bay of a quinjet being scrambled for use, Nick Fury clasps his hands behind his back.

"Team--we've had reports of an absolutely unidentifiable home-grown terrorist strike force, sighted on University of Colorado campus near its xenobiology labs. This makes the fourth such account in several weeks," Fury states, some anger in his voice.

"They've managed to stay off most surveillance equipment, and what little we have is effectively worthless in terms of tracking who's involved," he continues. "As such, I expect you to learn as much as you can in whatever short window of time you have to do so before you take them out."

Fury clears his throat. "Since we know NOTHING of who they are, we can't necessarily take any chances about their threat level. Consider this operation soaking wet," he says, staring each assembled agent in the eye for a long moment before he moves to the next. "Will that be a problem for any of you?"

A flight officer steps up and salutes Fury. "We're ready for departure when you all are, sir."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had conveniently already been at the Quinjet landing field when the situation came up. She had already been returning from an expedition and it had gone well, so she was in good shape, carrying her bag of equipment when people started to gather around Fury...

Croft made her way to that area and she slung her bag up over a shoulder, her weapons and gear attached to the bag's exterior. She listened to the briefing, looked at a few of the other faces and then drew in an exhale.

If Fury didn't deny her access, then she'd tag along on this and attempt to assist however she can... since she had all her gear on already anyway!

Keane (271) has posed:
    S.H.I.E.L.D.'s resident alien doesn't really have any gear except the black energy field he wears perpetually, and that ridiculous 1940s-styled private-eye costume he wears when he's on his own time, outside the lab. Which is what he happened to be in when the alarm klaxons sent him scrambling to the hangars. Keane takes in what Fury lays out and gives a negative shake of his head to indicate, 'no, that would not be a problem.' Of course not. Everyone who knows his general modus operandi knows that when you send P3X-495 in you're essentially kissing all hopes of quiet, peaceful resolution goodbye and preparing for the worst possible outcome anyway.

Ditko (13) has posed:
Trained for this moment, Maine knows exactly how to react and his thick hands quickly grabbing at the supplies he's checked, double checked, and triple checked for their preparedness for such a situation. The man quickly dons his black and grey gear as he tends to, his harness, helmet and three weapons rest on his body along with several magazines for each and his specialty knife sheathed at his breast.

Hustling to the quinjet, Maine slides inside just after Lara and he quietly starts helping everyone else close the securing bar and harness before moving onto his own, next to the drop-door.

Maine's old grey eyes linger on the wall above the man opposite him as he listens to Nick's orders.

Nick Fury has posed:
"Good. I'll be at mission control. Take care of this," he says before he walks away and the technicians help get everyone loaded up.

After a relatively short low-orbit jaunt, the quinjet touches down in the middle of University of Colorado campus.

<<The xenobiology labs are only a few minutes away,>> Fury reports through SHIELD's comms.

<<The campus SHOULD be on a full lockdown, but college kids always love to 'fight the man',>> he adds.

In fact, half a dozen students seem to be playing frisbee nearby. "Whooaaaaa," one says breathlessly as the quinjet's bay opens up.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara spent the flight adjusting and cleaning her gear, leaving clumps of mud and grass falling all over the ground around her feet where she sat inside the quinjet. Once she'd finished tending to her equipment she reholstered her side arm on her thigh and then prepared her compound bow and arrow quiver, placing them around on her back... the remainder of the flight she spent with her eyes closed and her head back, just meditating (though it might look like sleeping).

When they arrived, Lara stood up and was one of the first to exit the jet since she was one of the last to board it. She placed her black SHIELD cap back onto her head and strung her ponytail through it, marching out onto the grass in combat gear... and smiling at the students playing frisbee... she had been in college herself, not that long ago.

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane had stripped off his trenchcoat, hat, and 3-piece suit on the flight so by the time the jet touches down there's nothing but that black energy field wrapped around him. He's waiting when the rear ramp goes down, standing on the deck plates and gripping a support strut on the inner hull, so when the bird opens up he can drop out to the tarmac. He doesn't have any agency or rank insignia - hopefully everybody knows which team the 8' tall monster in the black forcefield bodysuit is on.

    On the ground he surveys the area, looking subatomically into and through those college kids. Not that he's suspicious of them, just that that's how he sees.

Ditko (13) has posed:
Maine would have prefered ingress through a route on the roof, but this is not his op. This is Fury's show. The man. The boss.

The ancient agent steps out, keeping his submachine gun slung in front of his chest, his hands no touching the handle, but having made sure it was charged before landing. The sidearm on his hip is also loaded and primed. The man moves briskly towards the nearest form of cover, a large piece of abstract art left on the ground and pressing his back against it, pressing his fingers to his ear and listening for the orders on which building is the one they need to be invading.

Nick Fury has posed:
SHIELD augmented reality overlay displays provide--at least for those who can see them--faint guide lines toward the proper campus building.

A number of individuals stare out from various windows, peeking for a glimpse of WHATEVER it might be causing the lockdown.

Many of these individuals seem to be recording the passage of the SHIELD agents through campus, and their features seem a bit difficult to make out; it's as if they might be related, but there's nothing that really stands out about any of the witnesses.

The xenobiology and occult sciences building is large and new, standing nine stories and featuring tinted floor-to-ceiling windows. Not that the potential threats involved appear to be trying too hard to hide--they can be seen moving about inside the building, just at the edge of visibility through the tinting. They're armed, armored, and doing ... something.

Boulder police are parked all around the building entrances.

<<Don't mind the local forces,>> Fury states as the group moves closer to the building. <<They're on standby in case this goes REAL pear-shaped.>>

The officers, it seems, also resemble closely those locked down in various complexes on campus, but it's still too tricky to make out easily what the resemblance is.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes looked out from beneath the shade of her hat's brim at the faces of those on the campus and those rushing to the windows... at first it all looked pretty normal, but -something- was gnawing at her as she looked longer, -something- felt wrong about them. Maybe she was just imagining it, afterall she'd just been across the world... eating food from strange places sometimes had strange effects on you.

Lara turned to follow the one in charge and she lined up behind and to the right of Maine, her eyes glancing toward the Police. "It is nice to have them here, at least." She said softly to whomever was listening." Lara glanced to Keane then and offered the strange alien a small smile too.

Keane (271) has posed:
    As he strides over to join Croft and Maine, making no effort to be stealthy since the team just landed in a giant, flame-gouting jetplane and he's a giant monster anyway, Keane picks up on the sentiment behind Lara's smile even if he can't see the smile itself.

    By way of returning the polite gesture he answers her remark about the local police: "They're more likely to become collateral damage than render assistance of a meaningful nature." Having worked with him before, Lara might remember that the alien isn't -intentionally- rude when he makes assessments like that.

Ditko (13) has posed:
<<Not a chance.>> Maine says into the comm, his former accent long gone, but his voice is gravelly and abused.

Maine removes his fingers and then silently moves his fingers and hands giving discreet orders while he speaks them aloud.

"Team, we're splitting up for this. Three of you take the far side. Raider and Keane, you're with me. We're going in the front." He looks out from cover and nods once to himself. "Go go go. Get in, info and out."

Maine takes hold of his mp7, snaps on the suppressor with a thick click and he starts to move rapidly towards the main doors with the two others should be on his tail.

Nick Fury has posed:
Several windows get smashed out on the second and third floors, and automatic rifles begin firing out in the general direction of the assembled police and SHIELD forces.

While it's tricky to see details of the attackers' faces, it's clear that they're not wearing masks: they look EXACTLY like the police officers. They might as well be identical twins. Or at least siblings. Maybe cousins?

At any rate, the cops dive for cover as rounds pepper their cruisers.

Then several grenades are lobbed out the windows--smoke grenades--that land in front of the police cars.

Moments later, a dozen individuals in police uniforms attempt to run out the front door of the building and dive alongside the already-prone police officers. They, too, look nearly identical to their brothers and sisters in blue.

<<What the HELL is going on over there?>> Fury barks.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara heard the response from Keane and she gently nodded her head to him. "You may be right about that." Hearing Maine's orders then, Lara took a few steps faster to catchup with the older Agent and thats when Hell broke loose.

Gunfire?! on a college campus?? (sadly more common than it used to be) but THIS MUCH of it?!

Lara ducked and darted toward a brick and cement half-wall that lined the pathways cutting through the campus grass and she made it just in time to avoid spattering bullets that sent clouds of cement dust into the air above her!

"We're under fire!" Lara said into her comms back to the Director. "It looks like the Police inside are shooting at us!" She shouted in her British accented voice. "But that makes no sense!"

Keane (271) has posed:
    When the windows shatter Keane starts weaving between Lara and Maine, surging in speed not just to get ahead of them but to put himself -between- them and the gunfire. The problem at that point is that at 8' tall he's still kind of skinny and narrow, so he covers Lara first and when she dives for cover he strafes sidewise to put his incredibly dense body between the incoming bullets and Maine.

    Not every bullet hits him and not every bullet that hits manages to interrupt his field emitters, but when it does the whole black energy field flickers like an old TV, strobing between his pale wire-mesh-wrapped frame and the black fluid-like field. When bullets hit his body and the field's down, little chips of diamondesque alien matter fleck off of him leaving tiny cracks and pinpoint craters in his form.

Ditko (13) has posed:
Wishing that he had his non-lethals on him, Maine hides behind Keane, putting his hand on the man's back to indicate his position as he moves towards cover. Thankfully college campuses tends to have plenty of concrete and odd stuff around to make the place more inviting and cultured. Today it's going to save lives.

Slidding into cover, the agent presses his hand to his comm system, activating the walky,

<<We have officers fired up, and what appear to be clones of some nature. Can't tell friend from foe. Advise.>>

Maine requests orders from Fury.

Nick Fury has posed:
<<What do you mean, police are firing? Or just fired up?! Clarify!>> Fury calls out over the comm. <<If the cops are the culprits, take them down! But you'd better be damn sure about it--get the ones that weren't there before! Hell, if need be take everyone in, if you can!>>

The now-larger police force slowly gets to its feet, looking back and forth at one another and the SHIELD team.

"What the hell--?!" "Who--?!" "Why can't I recognize you?!" "What's going on?" over two dozen voices cry out in a din of confusion.

All of them appear to have the same features--or so closely to it that they may as well be the same--but they're all also unremarkable. And, what's worse: they don't seem to be able to tell the difference among one another.

It may be no surprise, then, that sidearms and shotguns aplenty are pulled on fellow officers, and a full-blown Colorado standoff begins to emerge.

Inside the building, it looks like there's a series of explosive charges placed around columns in the lobby.

<<Status report!>> Fury says. <<Maine! Croft! P3X-495! Have you taken out the terrorist force?! Someone update, damnit!>>

Lara Croft has posed:
When Keane moved over to protect Maine next and take the hail of gunfire, Lara saw an opening and she reached over her shoulder and let her first two fingers and thumb trace oer the arrows on her back. She found the one she wanted and pulled it, notched it, rose up to her knee... drew the bow and FIRED!

Zipping through the air, a black arrow twirled and whistled its way into the windows where the gunmen were, not aimed for any of them it was aimed for the interior of the room itself, because a moment later and it was bursting with a powder blue gas that started to fill the room the gunfire was coming from.

It was a sleeping agent that also enduced a massive amount of coughing prior to passing out.

Ducking down behind the cover again, Croft spoke into her mic once more. "This is going to be a slaughter house if we don't get more information on what is even going on. Now they're firing on the Police who seem to be grossly outgunned!"

Keane (271) has posed:
    Once the S.H.I.E.L.D. team is under cover, Keane hurls himself behind a concrete pylon as well. Hunkered there he looks toward Maine. His deep voice emits across the intervening space while his damaged field emitters continue to flicker in places even though he's not taking active fire anymore, showing patches of wire-wrapped alien that seem to pucker and curl as if burning every time they're exposed to the light. "I may be able to have a meaningful impact on this."

    He pauses a moment before he adds, "Non-fatal casualties will include human law enforcers and possibly S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the affected area."

Ditko (13) has posed:
<<*Sshhhhhh*-on. I repeat: Fired upon. Man-*Ssshhhhh*>> Maine says over the radio when he decides this is enough and peek his gun out from the cover, flips it to semi-auto and gets on the radio again.

<<P3X, Croft, team Bravo. Enter the building and secure. Now.>>

Maine then keeps his sights on the officers, even through the smoke clouds, using the tools SHIELD has provided such as heat, infared, something, maybe in some specturm he can find out who the real cops might be...

Nick Fury has posed:
The remaining gunmen in the building slump to the ground by their not-fully-prepared charges, taken out by Lara's smoke arrow. The charges that have been set seem to have timers set for just under five minutes and counting down.

The standoff outside remains tense, and a number of guns have their hammers cocked back. "Easy now...easy now..." quite a few officers say to one another.

<<Damnit, Maine!>> Fury snaps. <<Are you paying attention out there or do I need to put you out to pasture, old man?!>>

As one of the officers suddenly pivots, turning to aim his pistol toward Maine, it becomes clear: the model is not QUITE standard-issue. And less than a dozen of them have it.

It's right at that moment of revelation, though, that the standoff drives off a metaphorical cliff as everyone begins opening fire on one another--and, where close enough, turning those point-blank shootouts into close-quarters brawls.

Lara Croft has posed:
Laying on her back, Lara heard the command from Maine but she also had a memory of Keane's abilities and when he said he was going to take action in a way that might take everyone down she stayed where she was behind the cover of the brick half-wall and then placed her fingerless gloved hands over her ears to shield her hearing!

Ditko (13) has posed:
Maine quickly realizes the difference but it's just a moment too late, but that will not stop him from doing what he has to. There's too many lives in danger for him to hesitate further.

Leveling his submachine gun he takes kill shots when able, making sure to remove the targets that pose threats to the officers.

After a moment, he stands up, keeps his shoulders hunched, with his weapon sighted he's moving like a machine, closing the distance on the distracted combatants.

Keane (271) has posed:
    When he finished making his proposal, the little fibers lining Keane's 'mouth' had already started vibrating just in case he got the go-ahead. He waited, then, for the actual word, and then just before Maine gives the order, that is to say when the intention to speak the words enter Maine's mind, Keane breaks cover and starts sprinting toward the general melee of police officers and the occupied building beyond them. As fast as the alien moves he doesn't have much time to let the sonic reverberation build up, but even a few seconds is enough to backload the equivalent sonic mass of a heavy metal concert into his dense body makeup.

    Even though the guns are pointed his way and he's charging into that mess of point-blank shooting too, the alien rushes right into the middle of the indeterminate police and terrorists, points his face-hole straight at the ground and releases a sub-sonic blast of white noise at that pent up volume.

    The resulting shockwave from that force, subsonic or not, is enough to lift his feet off the ground and stumble some of the guys around him, and the rest of it is scientifically proven to affect the human brain and nervous system in a way that saps the will, driving most to sleep in a matter of seconds if they want to and a matter of minutes if they aren't paying attention. At this volume, between the force of the expanding shockwave and the sonic neural attack, the hope is that anyone not put gently to sleep is knocked physically unconscious.

Nick Fury has posed:
A number of rounds get fired almost at once.

Maine drops several with his own.

Keane disorients and knocks out a number more sonically.

About half of those shot or struck fire wildly--with five shots hitting other officers. Two are glancing shots that break skin but not much else. Two hit close to vital organs. One is an unlocky headshot.

And just like that, the assorted police officers are on the ground and out for the count, whether that means unconscious, dying, or already dead.

The charges in the building, meanwhile, continue counting down.

<<Someone better tell me that whatever happened was a coordinated action,>> Fury says, the restraint of screamed obscenities apparent in his voice.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara felt the sonic blast as Keane delivered it. She'd thankfully prepared for it and after it had passed she sat up from her covered position and looked... A second later and she was on her feet and running for the building, slamming herself through the doors she finds two gunment inside both coughing from the arrow gast sent into a nearby room. Lara deatched a metal climbing tool from her hip and delivers an upward swing straight into one of the men's face! Sliding her body around the second man recieves downward strike from the weapon to the back of his neck and head!

"The charges are counting!" Lara said then in a breathy voice as she looked to the set-bombs and stood there, rocking back and forth on pure adrenaline now. "I am not a demolitions expert. Not like this!" She said into her comms.

Ditko (13) has posed:
<<On our part. Yes. Oh the boys in blue. No. The invaders. Very. But they weren't counting on us.>> Maine reports back as he stands over a downed man in blue, lowering his submachine gun to pull out the clip, inspect it's remaining capacity and slams it back home in the handle.

<<Croft, Team Bravo, Sit Rep, now.>> Maine requests as he starts to move back towards the building, with his free hand motioning to P3X to move in and catch up to Croft after he hears the report about the charges.

"Go. I'll catch up." Maine says. He wont, but he'll go make sure all the charges are found.

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane nods to Maine when the man waves him onward, then turns to race after Lara. Catching up in the building entryway and pausing there just long enough to scan around the area, he takes a few long strides to bring him up to the first set of charges and squats down to examine the device. "Come here," he demands of Lara, pointing at the device with one black-field coated claw. "These devices are childishly simple," he points at the high-tech timing device set into an armored box on top of a large barrel which is presumably filled with enough explosive, alone, to take the building and surrounding area down.

    "Once you peel away the outer casing, which they haven't adequately booby trapped," he punches one of his claws through the side of the box to demonstrate how simple it is to sever the booby-trapping wire, then physically rips the box off the barrel top to reveal a printed circuitboard bristling with wires, capacitors, transistors, and other components that may or may not be familiar to the Tomb Raider. "All you have to do at this point," the alien points out, reaching with the claws of one thumb and forefinger to pinch at a particularly odd-looking integrated circuit component that's highly recognizable because it's big, flat, and E-shaped, "is this." He pulls the component off the board and the circuit whines loudly as the power dies.

    "You can do that with a knife, a good hard yank, and a little caution not to cut any wires or pull any components but this," he holds up the E-shaped one in front of Lara to show her. "Got it?"

    Of course, it also helps if you can see through the box somehow. Hopefully the booby-trapping wire is in exactly the same place on all of them, right?

Nick Fury has posed:
Luckily, the explosives all do appear to be set up in a uniform manner as the one taken apart by Keane. There's only three more to defuse with 2:45 to go.

<<I'm thinking that if you all make it back, there's going to be some mandatory bomb squad training,>> Nick Fury says in a flat tone. <<It'd be cheaper than recruiting new agents, so...make sure to take care of all that.>>

The living police officers outside remain mostly unconscious, although two or three very, very groggily shift about on the ground, slipping in and out of the waking world.

Ditko (13) has posed:
That's not good for a person to be out so long, but that's how it goes sometimes in military engagements. Maine however is busy walking through the halls of the lab building. Finding another charge he steps up to it, and pulls the knife from his chest sheath, carefully going over the device when Nick's jab comes over the line.

Maine, in his ever stoic gravelly voice, <<It's a bit late for bomb diffusal lessons.>> Maine reports, as he removes the cover, carefully severing the trap wire and examining the device for a moment or two.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was speaking into her comms when Keane entered and moved to explain. "Bomb classes... right. Sounds, great." She said before motioning to Keane and exhaling in relief that he seemed to know what to do.

"Normally, I would probably just evacuate the building and let it blow up." She said with a faint and nervous smile on an already nervous voice.

Lara's brown eyes watched the Alien explain how to disarm the device and she realized that it really wasn't terribly difficult.... which seemed shocking to her.

"I guess they didn't expect anyone to be here, why booby trap them well then?" She said as she moved to the next one to disarm it as well. She accomplished it, sure, but she did it with a bit less grace than that of Keane and a hell of a lot more clear caution... but time was of the essence, obviously, so she still worked as quickly as she could.

Keane (271) has posed:
    As she moves on to the next bomb, Keane answers Lara. "I am being over-critical of human technology," he admits as he watches her work. "I believe they intended to defend these devices until detonation, or until just before detonation, at which time locating and defeating the booby trap with human perceptive matrices would be suicidal." When she's done, he looks around carefully seeking more units and, spotting one up a corridor, trots toward it.

    "Moreover," he keeps talking whether Lara follows him or not, seemingly unaffected by the brisk pace of jogging up the hall, "I doubt anyone would consider removing the integrated circuit. There's a sixteen point nine two four percent chance of detonation by that method of disarmament, which in this particular rig is significantly lower than the probability of unintentional detonation by shorting connections while making a lower-probability cut."

Nick Fury has posed:
<<Do you people even know what it costs to get Damage Control out to a site that needs full structural replacement?>> Nick Fury asks, exasperation in his voice. <<Do you even care? You don't care. I'm the only one who cares,>> he mutters, the comm still live.

As the bombs are taken care of, the sounds of automobiles approaching can be heard.

Luckily, it's SHIELD support units--and lower-level agents are already disembarking the armored wagons to begin restraining the downed police officers and providing first aid support where possible.

"What the hell?" one asks. "They look exactly the same."

"Hang on," says another. She places a small device on the ground--a localized EMP generator. In a fifty-foot radius from the device, all electronics go dead.

Instantly, the similar resemblance each police officer had dissipates, as if their faces had been masked or otherwise scrambled and, now, suddenly de-scrambled.

The SHIELD support staff begins stripping anything that might possibly be electronic off the officers' persons, which they then put into suitcase-sized Faraday cages.

Back in the building, the timer in the bomb Maine's looking at picks up countdown speed as he severs the wrong wire.

Ditko (13) has posed:
Still calm as ever, Maine's stoic face seems emotionally dead inside,

<<I could use some help down here.>>

He calls over the radio as his knife hovers over the device, this should be childs play, but he's not exactly in his element, electronics tend to not be his strong suit. Or at least when they're attached to explosives inches from his face.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was following Keane along as what he was saying was mildly interesting to her, and she wasn't even sure why. "How can we be sure we have them all?" She asked then to him. "We'll know when we're not dead, right?"

Lara could hear Fury complaining over the mic about them not caring about property damage, which... wasn't kind of true, destroyed property DIDN'T mean a lot to her, but she surely wanted people to be safe.

At the sound of Maine requesting assistance, Lara would then turn and jog toward where she figured he was... "I can do it." She told him, inserting herself between him and the bomb. She was eager for this stuff now, it was kind of 'fun' in a morbid way... but Lara Croft had a few morbid tendancies in her that might not be what people would expect when looking at her.

With the counter nearly finished, she worked quickly, her eyes darting about and fingers nimbling manuevering. She ceased the bomb with seven seconds on the timer.

A light exhale, she held part of the bomb up to Maine and smiled at him softly. "My favorite number.."

Keane (271) has posed:
    While Lara went off to finish off Maine's bomb, Keane finished the one in his hallway. That was three, Keane had counted earlier. Three, after the first one he disarmed. The alien's subatomic vision sees into and through things very well, through walls and floors to a good distance. He would know if there were any more, right? Hopefully.

    Long before Lara's 7 second save, he's doing a final assessment, looking carefully to make sure there aren't any left but that one Lara and Maine are working on. It's true that Keane doesn't have any concept of property. That isn't to say that he doesn't understand the value of education and the facilities used for that purpose, and he certainly cares for sentient life. He doesn't want bombs to go off any more than anyone else does, even though he might be able to survive if he was in the building if one did.

Nick Fury has posed:
The explosives are taken care of. But what was their purpose?

Outside, one of the SHIELD technicians finds a set of biological samples in stoppered test tubes, taped to the thigh of a 'police officer'.

<<We have ... something, sir,>> the technician calls in. <<Unlabeled. Need quarantine conditions on-site.>>

Immediately, a quarter of other SHIELD staff don clean suits and begin erecting an inflatable and soon-to-be sterile site for decontamination.

<<Alright,>> Fury says to all agents involved in the operation. <<Looks like they wanted to hide the theft of SOMETHING in the building. Not sure yet what, exactly. But we're going to need to scrutinze every millimeter of it to find out.>>

He continues: <<let the CU chancellor know: school's out until further notice.>>

Ditko (13) has posed:
<<Roger.>> Maine says, to Nick before stepping out of the room, his grey eyes glancing at Lara for a moment and then breaks off as he leaves.

Eventually he finds the head master of the school to deliver the news. "School's out for summer." It's not a question, it's a direct statement of fact. Maine turns from the man as he tries to argue with the soldier. <<Croft, Boyd, Ripper, and Smith. You heard the boss. Scan the whole department. If anything seems out of place, report immediately.>>