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Latest revision as of 02:16, 29 July 2017

Stalking the Rugaru
Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Sunnydale
Synopsis: Erica Reyes and Sam Winchester team up to hunt a man-eating rugaru.
Cast of Characters: Sam Winchester, Erica Reyes

Sam Winchester has posed:
The news alert on Sam's phone this morning had been enough to send him groaning and flopping back into bed. "Seriously?"

But nevertheless, he's here. In spite of a broken arm and some dark yellow bruising around his throat, the Hunter has made his way to this little borough to try to figure out who is...well. Eating people.

It's getting on towards dusk, and he emerges from the home of one possibly helpful witness, someone who has helped him identify a man by the name of Theo Brine as the likely culprit for the two bodies that went down to the morgue this morning. Now he's just got to find Brine.

He's dressed like a Fed, since that was his cover. It makes him stand out as he walks down the porch steps of a bright yellow house and makes his way towards a Dodge Charger parked on the street.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Eating people is bad for the population that needs to stay hidden.. so Erica is out on her own hunt, sans alpha or pack back up. She's followed the incident reports, not finding a pattern so much as a radius. She's taking that information and setting up a patrol of sorts. It's not an exact science, but being a beta werewolf out hunting things that could expose her isn't an exact science, either. She's going on research, her enhanced senses, and hoping for luck.

She is most certainly not dressed like a Fed, or a LEO of any stripe. The blonde beta is in clothes she finds comfortable - both as a look, and to move/run/fight in. Most people would not find heeled ankle boots comfortable, but they're suiting her mood as well as her black leggings and the sparkly red tunic style top she's got on. Blonde hair is in full, bouncy curls, looking like a hair care ad, her makeup subtle with tawny shades of gold and glimmer on her eyes, and a deep peach shade of gloss.

The car caught her attention first, she's come to be studying up a bit on vehicles, and a Charger is nothing to sneeze at. She knows the engine will make a purr almost like a roar at start up, and driven right is slick off the line. She may be slowing her stride to take it in, her head tilting a bit to give it a good once over, as well as the man approaching it. "Yours?" She asks, her tone a touch low and almost husky.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Yeah," Sam says, with a quick flash of a grin.

But he has little to say about himself. He studies her, then asks, "Hey, do you live in this neighborhood?"

Maybe she'll have a lead on Theo's location. He's already pretty sure the man won't be at his address, though that will be the next logical place to start looking if he can't get a better idea of where to go. And if someone talks to him first it's always easier to get them to talk to him than if he approaches them cold.

Not exactly an opportunity he's going to pass up.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"She's a beauty. I've got a bit of a thing for Camaros, myself, but this is a honey. " She's all but stroking fingertips over the paint, a glance up at him from under lashes. "I'm from around. Why do you ask?"

She'll follow up that question with a pointed look at the suit and tie, before her head cants to the left to look at him. "Searching for someone, are you?" There's a slow, almost predatory grin that forms and spreads over her expression. "If I can help.." She can't tell him she will, but she can imply it. It wouldn't do to lie to the nice young man in suit and tie.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Know a guy named Theo Brine? Seen him around recently?" It's a long shot, this town isn't so small that everyone knows everyone, but...he'll certainly shoot the shot while he's got the chance.

He only gives another slight, quick smile at that pointed look for his suit and tie. He is not, it's worth observing, particularly protective over the car. He's at least tolerant of the way that she pets it, taking it in stride. He does reach into his pocket and withdraw his badge. Agent Bill Haley is apparently at her service.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"I can't say I know him, personally. I know of him. That sort of thing, the way you hear about things someone who someone you know, knows." There's another quick flash of a smile. "He in some sort of trouble?" Eyebrows will lift, her expression her best approximation of innocent curiousity. The name had come up in the listing of people who lived in the block area epicenter.. so now she had to know if it was a coincidence or more.

She'll glance at the badge, then up at him. "Awful young to be flying solo, aren't you, Agent Haley? I promise not to make any comet jokes. " There is a faint, momentary humming under her breath, a snatch of a song far too old for the blonde beta to know.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Well, lots of people know old songs, so Sam doesn't really pick up on it. His brother knows plenty of them. Instead, he merely smiles and refuses to answer the bit about how young he is, or why he's flying solo today. Instead, he tucks the badge away and acts like any Fed would act.

"He's a person of interest in an ongoing investigation, nothing more. If you can name a few of his watering holes or known associates, I'd be very appreciative. If not, I appreciate the thought all the same, Miss...?"

After all, she's got his name, now.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica moves around the car to be more up close and personal with the young man. Brown eyes narrow, just a bit as she covers taking in his scent and ponders incoming information. "Reyes. Erica Reyes. A pleasure." There's a smile up at him, one eye almost winking at him.

"So basically, you're investigating the people getting eaten." It's a toss of the dice, because it certainly isn't exactly bandied about in the news what exactly is going on. She only does because there's a source close to the Sheriff, and well, she's nosy. Literally and figuratively so. "And you think Mister Brine is having himself an all you can eat buffet, is that it?" She'll take a step to the side, a flutter of lashes.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam Winchester smells of a brisk masculine soap and shampoo, of GSR residue and salt, of the plaster of his cast and bandages, of starch worked into his jacket, of the steel of a knife and the tang of silver, of chalk and iron. She steps in there in flirty fashion, and he gives another quick smile, but takes one slow step back. Slow enough to avoid being insulted, but he is somewhat leery of letting strangers into his personal space, and it shows.

He's doing that when she says the next thing, and it catches him off guard, even produces a startled, "Uh."

Cause that doesn't happen that often, even here on the East Coast, which seems to be all but swimming in Hunters or people like them.

After a moment though...

"Well. Yeah. As a matter of fact. You know where he is? It would be great if I could put a stop to that."

Cutting the crap certainly //helps//.

Erica Reyes has posed:
There's a slow, smoky laugh as she looks up at that startled face. "Oh aren't you /cute/. Agent? Sure you are, honey. More like.. " She shakes her head, dispelling the thought with a smile. She will take her own steps away from him, a lazy little turn in there before she stops while facing him again.

"I'm already on the case... Agent." There's a smirk like the cat who has the cream. "I'm not sure exactly what he is, but thanks for narrowing my list of suspects. See, I'm not a fan of things snacking on poor, innocent people." Her smile then is at odds with everything she just said, pure predator that almost tips over the edge. "So, are you a hunter, then?" Of course, her perception of hunter may need to be broadened.

Sam Winchester has posed:
The condescension produces an irritated face: his mouth in a long, flat line, his hazel eyes narrowing as he considers her. He folds his arms and leans against his Charger, his shoulders set.

"Are you?" he counters, apparently done simply giving out information because she drops the right tidbits...or even because she claims to be more or less on his side.

Erica Reyes has posed:
There's more chuckling at his serious face. Then her eyebrows lift, a slightly wide look at him as if he's actually surprised her. "Me?" A red painted fingernail points at her chest, those brows staying arched. Her tongue runs over her teeth, and over her lips. "No. Definitely not. At least.. probably not in the way you mean it."

She will step in, but not overly close. "Tell me.. Agent. What kind of hunter are you? Do you kill everything not one hundred percent human? Do you believe that everyone has a capacity for good and for evil?" Her hand will lift to run over her hair. "I meant what I said. Some people can't protect themselves, and they don't deserve to get eaten. And things like this.. well, brings hunters like you to town."

Sam Winchester has posed:
Stepping in produces a shift of his left hand, likely near a weapon. His brows draw down.

"People are people," he says steadily. "But what defines a person is not ability, or bloodline, but what they have done, and what they intend to do. Monsters are defined the same way. If you're asking if I'm the type to murder someone just for existing, the answer is no...so long as existing as you do didn't require some sort of baptism of blood. Like Mr. Brine, who is what he is because he chowed down on the long pig buffet."

He cocks an eyebrow. "Are you warning me off because you want to handle this yourself, or are you testing the waters to see if I'll partner with you for this one night?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Not all people are people, though. Or we wouldn't be standing here." There's a pointed glance at his hand, then up. "I'm not going to attack you. I'm not stupid. I have a lot more to fear from you and your kind than you do from me." Her chin comes up, her eyes studying his for a long moment. "Eww. Blood stains are so hard to get out of nice clothes. The smell takes forever to get out of your nose too."

"Handle it myself? I don't know what it is, exactly, or the best and easiest way to kill it." Then comes a grin and a chuff of a laugh. "So yeah, I guess the latter. Be my one night stand, Agent?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam Winchester arches an eyebrow as Erica says she has more to fear from him than he from her, but doesn't argue the point either way. He doesn't pull a weapon, so that's got to be some sort of net positive. Even her somewhat disarming quips about bloodstains don't produce much change. He's studying her.

Be my one night stand, she asks, and he opens his mouth to answer.

His phone rings. He checks to see who it is.

"I need to take this," he says. "Rugaru, fire, and I'll be happy to have help on the search."

He steps back from her, turning away, his face and body language evincing instant concern as he asks quietly into the phone, "Winifred? Everything okay?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
She will take the no weapon brandishing as a positive step in their relationship. Erica will even stand still and pretty while he studies her after she couldn't resist that line. There's only a hint of a smile that almost in smirk territory.

She will step back to let him check his phone and give him the illusion of privacy, though she can hear him easily. She's pondering the new word, Rugaru. She's heard Garou from roleplaying nerds at the library back in middle school, but.. no. She's quietly pondering.. and eavesdropping.

Sam Winchester has posed:
He listens pretty carefully, frowning thoughtfully. "Have you tried angelica root?" he answers at last. "I can probably pick some up; I'm out on a hunt right now."

He listens again, winces, "Because it's routine, Fred, and because you're already busy with that. No, I don't need you to drive out here right now, I promise. I found a little back-up in the field."

He blinks, glancing over his shoulder. "I promise I won't. And I'll be happy to bring you some. See you soon."

He hangs up the phone. Looks at Erica. Clears his throat. "That was my um-- " He clears his throat. "My Fred. Anyway, these things only die by fire. Checking his address is going to be my next step. We can ride together."

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Your Fred has a pretty feminine voice." There's a flash of a grin, a toss of blond curls behind a shoulder. "What's the Angelica root for? I'm not familiar with that one." There's a faint frown, a hint of a line between her eyebrows. She's thinking again, which can be either good or bad.

"Sure. But I don't have anything to set him on fire with, on me. This was more a recon, jump him if I get a chance sort of thing. Let's just say the...backup I would have would not approve of me doing this." She comes around the side of the car.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"She does have a pretty v-- feminine voice," Sam agrees. He clears his throat and starts driving, noting, "I brought a couple of propane torches. Douse in alcohol, pull the lighter, done."

He gets in his side of the car and buckles the seatbelt, frowning.

"Why wouldn't your quote unquote backup approve of you doing this?"

He demurs, for the moment, on the subject of the uses of angelica roots, choosing to play that one closer to his chest.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica laughs, as she sits turned in the passenger seat to face him as she listens to his heartbeat. "Hey, whatever works. I just don't like all the attention his killings are getting. So is your Fred... /your/Fred? " There's that very clear emphasis.

"Let's just say I have a lot of macho, over-protective men in my life. They don't seem to understand I can handle myself just as well as they can." She shrugs. "Blah blah blah, putting yourself in needless danger, and so on."

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam takes a moment to tap on his phone, pulling up public records until he can locate Brine's address. He plugs it into his GPS and then pulls the car out into traffic, glancing over at her. At first he doesn't answer because something protective closes over his face-- who knows how that information might be used? But finally he lets out a grudging: "Yeah." Then? He's turning it right back on her.

"Sounds intense," he says. "So you figured you'd come out, solve this problem, show them what you could do? Why this case, specifically?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica gives a touch of a nod, a put upon pout. "Aww, so the one night stand is out, Agent?" She teases, a grin slowly creeping over her mouth. "Shame, that." She doesn't really sound all that terribly put out, as her eyes shift to look out the window.

"Hmm?" Then her head turns to look at him. "No. I figured I would come out, try and stop an actual monster that's /eating/ people and the cops don't really know how to handle. They can posture all they want. It's even sort of cute, sometimes. But this is more about stopping the killings. "

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Good," Sam says. That's all he's got to say about that, but...it sounds like he needed to be sure.

He steadfastly ignores her teasing though! At least verbally. It's just kind of what he does, clearing his throat and making the Face again.

The house isn't very far away. He pulls into the driveway. The home is dark, though Erica's nose will catch the scent of human blood on the air. Leading away from the home, in the back.

Sam doesn't seem surprised that it's dark and probably empty; it's just a starting place for the trail. Nevertheless, he unbuckles and gets out, heading to his trunk. He pops a false bottom, revealing a veritable weapons chest, and withdraws a propane torch and a bottle of booze. This, he offers to Erica with his good hand.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"If you need a motivation, go with the easiest to believe: Self preservation." Erica tells him, eyes on his profile. "You do know I was kidding about the one night stand thing. You just left it hanging there, and really, you can't dangle gifts in front of a girl and not expect her to take them."

She will climb out of the car, and while she moves to the trunk, her expression appropriate for the arsenal in the trunk. "There's blood in the air. Literally can smell it. Human blood. So you stay behind me, got it?" She will glance at the booze and the torch, but there's no sassy comment about wasting booze.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam looks amused and a little exasperated when she tells him to stay behind her. "Fire's the only thing that kills them, you should take these," he says. "I've got my own to carry with me."

Though if she doesn't, he'll just close up the trunk and take what he's already brought out. "Well, fire and certain special weapons I can't get access to, but for the most part, fire's the sure thing."

Still, she can bet he's filing away that tidbit about being able to smell the blood in the air.

It's also worth noting that he doesn't stay behind her. He tucks the small torch in the inner pocket of his windbreaker, as well as the booze. He tilts his head-- there's a 'bang bang bang' sound from the back of the house, like the wind repeatedly opening and closing a door. He nods thoughtfully, and starts around the side of the house. She'll have to walk fast to keep up with those long legs, should she want to take point!

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica will take those offerings to make fire. She has no intention of passing up the right to kill this thing, the way it apparently has to be done. Good lord, she never thought she'd be working with a hunter. Well, other than a certain family of them...maybe.

"Agent!" It's hissed and angry under her breath, those heeled boots almost silent as she walks through the grass. "You're already hurt, and /human/. Seriously, stay behind me. I can take more damage than I would appear to, okay?" She will squirm between him and the house to try and take point to the corner of the house. She'll close her eyes and concentrate on things other than sight to tell her what's going on.

Sam Winchester has posed:
He never thought he'd be letting something /not human/ take point because he is. He sees the sense in her words, though he looks...decidedly put out about it.

She'll be able to smell the trail more than see it, which means it's a good thing she's here. Though there are a few bits of blood and other things that have hit the ground in the man's yard, it's the smells that drift into the woods behind the house, which seem to stretch on for several acres, his being the point where the subdivision backs onto undeveloped land. It's not a trail that Sam would have had an easy time following, though he might have guessed to go into the woods easily enough.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica's reasoning is sound, even though she hasn't shared it yet. He's already short an arm, and she can take way more damage than he can. She's hoping to not have to, but the whole point is to protect the innocent humans, right?

"Woods. Blood trail." She whispers, eyes opening to look at him. If he's watching her face, he may catch the way her eyes gleam a golden, glowing hue for just a second before she's moving again, stalking for the woods.

Sam Winchester has posed:
If he notices, he gives no sign. He gives a quick nod, but follows behind.

She'll be able to catch tracks. The hungry rugaru isn't really concealing his trail, not to her senses. Soon, she will hear it...the distant sounds of chewing, of tearing flesh, the snarl of someone trying to eat entirely too fast, so fast that his breath is catching deep in his throat and blood is clogging up his gorge. Someone is hard at work on victim number three, in a clearing up ahead.

She's also hearing it long before the 'Agent' is, though he's alert, looking this way and that, bottle of alcohol uncapped in his left hand.

Erica Reyes has posed:
She will turn a hint of green, a hard swallow to try and choke back her gorge rising at the sounds and the smells. She will even press the back of her hand to her mouth, swallowing again audibly. "Got him in the act. Are you ready?" She will start uncapping her own alcohol, her eyes focused on the cap a moment.

Then with or without him, she will hurry forward with light, quiet steps to use alcohol and flame to try and ambush the ... whatever it was he called it again. Anything to make those noises stop.

Sam Winchester has posed:
She might be treated to a sympathetic look on Sam's part. An opening of his mouth. He's ready to handle this. He's hardened to it...

But then she's off.

She'll be treated to a sudden snarl. The thing whirls around. It just looks like a human, though blood streaking down his face and neck will outline a skin color roughly analogous to a maggot's. It looks a lot like there are worms crawling /beneath/ his skin, too. He lets out a snarl and launches for her, sensing a threat to his meal.

He moves with superhuman speed, and when he tries to grab her and slam her down it will be with incredible strength as well. Sam is racing to catch up, but there's a moment where he's not close enough to do anything at all...

Erica Reyes has posed:
Poor 'Agent'. He will see that she's really not human. She's fast, though, fast enough to brain the bastard and strong enough to break the bottle of booze over his head when she does it. The second it takes though, means she gets slammed to the ground, and there's a grunting/growling noise that comes with it. "Better not be messing up my hair.." The girl has her priorities.

She will roll to move out and away from the.. god, whatever the hell it is now. She will keep it's attention on her, provoking it and trying to get the Agent a chance to light it up.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam drops the bottle of booze immediately, grabbing the torch out of his windbreaker with his left hand. Whatever else can be said for him?

He moves fast for a human, and he rolls with the changing circumstances with ease, not allowing himself to be taken off-guard by the fact that his companion moves that fast. She'd already said she wasn't human, and speed is often a hallmark of people who aren't. He's also used to working with another person. She moves out of the way, and that's all he needs. There's a flicker and a whooosh; he lays the flames on liberally.

The screams the thing makes are pretty horrific.

"Keep the heat on," he instructs; they're small torches, and if nothing else they need to make sure the thing well and truly dies.

Erica Reyes has posed:
She will circle back once he starts the fire going. Her own torch will be held out from her body a little awkwardly, but there's hairspray in her hair. Safety first! But she will glance at him even as they both apply the flames, her nose wrinkling and twitching at the truly god awful smells she's subjected to on new levels.

"Once he's ashes, then what?" She'll call over at him, as the.. well, what was once Theo Brine, mild-mannered neighborhood man, seems to be be shrivelling.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam 's torch runs out of propane. He dips down and grabs the alcohol that he was carrying, throwing the bottle into the flame of the creature that is now rolling around and screaming on the ground. It shatters, and flames roil. "We salt his ashes, and then salt and burn the body of his victim here," he says. He's quiet; they have done what they came to do in a way that was almost routine (as, in all actuality, many of his hunts are), and there is a victim who ought to be mourned, but for now he's just...working.

"We don't need the victim coming back as a pissed off spirit. Much as I'd like to call the cops and walk away, then let whomever this is get a proper burial, these are pretty much exactly the types of circumstances that result in me having to dig up bodies later because their ghosts are roaming around killing people, and we might as well skip the step while we still have some burning going on."

And then: "Thanks. For taking point." Acknowledging that if he'd been the one the rugaru had launched itself at...he'd probably be missing some chunks of himself by now.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Salt and burn his victim?" She sounds curious then, and more than a touch skeptical. "What? Venge-- So ghosts are a real thing, is what you're telling me." She seems to take that almost in stride as her torch runs out.

She will shake her hair back, and look at him for a moment sidelong. "Do you have like.. cliff notes on these things? What else is there? I thought what I knew was bad.." There's a flutter of fingers. "I had to take point. I couldn't see over your head." She'll just make a joke out of it.

Sam Winchester has posed:
The joke softens him. He laughs, betraying a boyish smile and a sparkling eye. "Touche," he says.

But he's looking at her curiously, even as the rugaru seems to be pretty dead. He is watching the flames, not really wanting to start anything that might give Smoky the Bear a fit, but the ground is a bit wet from a recent rain. Instead, he digs around one-handed until he finds a satchet of salt, which he upends all over the poor corpse without looking too closely at it. This is all to the good since it looks like the man's ribcage just sort of exploded out of his skin.

"I am surprised to hear that from you," he says slowly, "but I guess being part of the supernatural lineup doesn't give you a crash course on everything else that's out there. The short answer is...everything? Everything you've ever heard of or seen in an old fairy tale has an analogue that actually exists? And that's on top of the dozens of aliens, mutants, and various and sundry other things that imitate them all pretty well but don't share the weaknesses in the lore, or the penchant for just being horrible."

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Yeah well, the tall, dark and handsome thing works for you." Thankfully the light from the flames may cover that Erica is ever so slightly blushing, because blushing does not fit with the facets she's presenting. She will stomp out a little flame leaper before it can spread, before she's watching him spread salt over ..things best not looked at or thought of.

"Well, it would be like just because you're tall, I should expect you to know all about basketball? I mean.. I wasn't... born this way. I was bitten and turned. Which is a good thing, really. I know you probably think that sounds crazy. But being offered the bite.. saved my life. But no, I .. there's a lot of things out there I am sure I know nothing about."

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam takes a deep breath and chivalrously tries to drag the corpse one armed onto the burning corpse of the thing that killed him, not wanting to force Erica to touch the thing. He grunts, strong for a mere human but definitely at a disadvantage. "Guess that's true."

Bitten. "Werewolf?" he guesses, having seen some of the other signs. But...taxonomy is really tricky, despite the lore. "Not, I gather, the sort that eats human hearts." Or else she wouldn't be out here, getting pissed off about rugaru. Besides...someone who eats hearts probably doesn't turn green when a similar sort of thing is happening, and she'd definitely looked disgusted.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica will move to help him without a word, though her head will turn to the side and she will breathe through her mouth for a bit. Gack. She'll look at him after, letting go of the poor victim and brushing her hands against her leggings as if it will erase the memory of all of it against her skin.

"Not going to shoot me if I say yes, are you?" Then there's another swallowed, choking sound. "No. I like my meat medium rare and from a cow, thank you." She watches him carefully, ready to move. "I mean, I get pretty pissy around the full moon and all, but.. I don't.. Like my Alpha said. I'm a predator. I don't have to be a killer. "

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam lets go once they've moved it, then extends his hand over the fire. He's not being ironic or funny. He's just trying to kill some germs until he can get back to the car and douse it in more alcohol.

He looks up at her with a serious expression on his face, and says, "You don't have anything to worry about from me. Person, not monster, regardless of what you can do. It sounds like you're trying to stay that way. You came out here to stop something terrible...and you did. Your Alpha the one who doesn't like you putting yourself at risk?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica is going to go home and bathe in anti-bacterial soap and then follow it up with a rubbing alcohol dousing. She's seen death and blood and fighting, but this is different. She also may burn this outfit, because there will be no way she can wear it again.

"I'm a monster... but that's PMS and nothing to do with being a werewolf." There's a grin cracked there, before she's turning her head, looking around. With the stench of burnt flesh and other things, she's nose-blind. "My alpha is.. complicated. He pretends not to care and is over-protective, all at once."

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam keeps a close eye on the fire. Sadly, remains take awhile to burn, so it's not a quick process. He's listening sympathetically though, even as he pauses to push a...bit...back into place with a hastily seized stick, just to keep it all under control.

"Sounds like it," he says. And then he frowns, concern darkening hazel eyes. "He's not abusive or anything, is he?"

Because he has to ask.

Erica Reyes has posed:
There's a studied gaze positioned near the fire without actually looking at it or it's fuel. She's had enough of the burning flesh stuff for now. "So salting and burning keeps people from ghosting?" She asks, because she's desperate for something to distract her thoughts.

She blinks, eyes jerking to his face as they go wide. "Abusive? He's a bit of a moody dickhead sometimes, but.. no. Alpha or not, I wouldn't stand for anything like that. He just.. sometimes it's hard. I'm the only female beta he has, right now. "

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Yes," Sam says. "It forces their spirits to move on. If there's an active ghost, it burns them up while they're active." He's content to share some knowledge with her, as long as it's focused...he can't begin to give her the Cliff's Notes of everything that's out there. It's just too much for him to even stuff into his own brain. "If you're being attacked by one, salt forms a barrier that holds them at bay, iron disappates the apparition for a short time."

Her reaction seems to satisfy him, and he relaxes. "I thought there was usually only one beta at all in a wolf pack," he admits, with the tone of someone who is already admitting that they don't know how it works to begin with.

He awkwardly pulls off the fake FBI windbreaker, getting hot, and the suit jacket.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Hmm. Seriously, you should work on a cliff notes version of this stuff. A memento for all your one-night-only partners." She's recovered enough to tease him again, lips curving in a shallow smile. "There's always some sort of drama since I got bit, so I haven't had a lot of time to ponder what else may be out there." She shrugs, rubbing her hands together.

Then there's a grin for him, a shake of her head. "Alpha needs three betas to really cement his power as an alpha. Whether he bit them or not doesn't necessarily seem to matter. He offered each of us the choice. I took it because being a werewolf was ...better."

Sam Winchester has posed:
He smirks a little at the Cliff Notes thing, saying dryly, "Even the Cliff Notes would be about the size of your standard Encyclopedia Britannica at this point, but I'll keep it in mind. I can always use more blunt objects to hit people with if nobody wants copies."

But soon he's got more questions for her. "Than dying? Or was the situation different? I trust you made the choice for a good reason...I'm just interested in hearing what it is."

Finally, (//finally//) he starts kicking dirt over what is now mostly smouldering ashes, signalling that he and Erica will be able to walk the Hell out of here soon.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"All right, so flash drives. Online data bases. A google Drive document. Something." There's an answering smirk to his. "It could be helpful when big, dark and handsome hunter isn't around and shit is going down." There's a roll of her shoulders, as she moves to help him kick dirt over bodies.

"Eventually, yes. I had epilepsy. Seizures, the medications mostly stopped the seizures, but the side effects.." Her voice is quieter now, softer. There's almost an air of vulnerability to the blonde beta as she speaks. "I hated being that way. Living in a fog, never sure when I would lose control of my body, my mind. He came and offered to take it all away."

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Huh. You know, given the number of people I've met up with who are doing my kind of work out here, or are touching on it, some sort of database or forum or both isn't the worst idea ever. We could probably get a handle on threats better. Most of the Hunters I know prefer to do it old school, but..."

She's got his wheels turning, truly.

But now he's listening once more, to her tale. He motions to her, turning his back on the dead fire, ready to walk out of there with her. But he's listening intently. "I can see why you'd take that offer," he says gently. "Better than anything modern medicine can provide. Did you know everything you were getting into, when you said yes?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
"I'm okay on a computer, I could transcribe stuff, keep things up to date. Help out with stuff." She offers quietly, the offer coming at odds with the shallow blonde image she knows most people do not look past. "Old school is great.. but when you could share what you learn.." She shrugs again as they head out of the woods.

"Modern medicine didn't have much to offer me at all. No real life, no chance of ever having kids, being able to drive, none of it. At least now.. I have the options." There's a grin, a look up from under lashes. "There's always fine print when someone offers you your dearest wish. I knew most of it. What he could tell me, he did. There were things in motion he didn't know about at the time."

Sam Winchester has posed:
Hmmm. Sam contemplates that. He doesn't have a lot of time for such things, and it's a good offer. At last he says, "Sam Winchester. I'll get you a card with my real contact information to you when we're back at the car."

He nods to her explanation, saying, "Fair enough. You knew you'd be entering this whole...Alpha, Beta, Other structure then, at least, before you signed on the dotted...bite."

He picks his way carefully where she might not have to. By now, it's gotten so dark that his human eyes are only making out outlines.

Erica Reyes has posed:
"I knew Agent Haley was a crock from the get-go. But you're cute, so I let it slide." Erica teases him, carefully taking his arm to make sure he misses a mostly gone tree stump that might have meant a trip and fall otherwise. "Well, I knew he was the alpha, he told me he was building his own pack. But yes, before I signed on the dotted bite." There's a snort of amusement in there.

"So you.. do this all the time? How does that work?" She's curious now.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Thanks," Sam says, as she steers him clear of the stump. He looks not at all apologetic over 'Agent Haley,' saying, "It got me the information I needed though! Admittedly, I expect it to work a little better when I'm a little older, but usually when people tell me I'm too young I say 'you flatter me' and they buy it."

He's hesitant to answer, but decide's fair's fair. "All the time," he admits. "And I guess it works the same for pretty much all of us. Some monster kills a loved one, you find you can't turn your back on the fact that the world is lousy with terrible things, you decide to do something about it. Though in my case I was an infant at the time, and I kind of inherited the whole thing from my Dad and my brother. Grew upon the road. Got out once, but it's not really something you get out of. Pretty much ever."

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Have you tried getting a little face scruff going on? I mean, can you? It might help the young looking thing." There's a low laugh. "I pumped you for information I needed too. So I guess we both scored, hmm?"

She glances up. "That's rough. I.. it's not like that for me. I'm protecting.. well, protecting my pack, those closest to us. I don't need people running around screaming werewolf, you know?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam smirks and says, "Yeah. I shaved it off in service of another disguise I plan to use later though."

He /did/ let her pump him for information. Though it worked out this time, that's something he'd better watch out for next time.

He shrugs to the comment that it's rough. "There's meaning in it," he says. "A satisfaction in protecting people. Knowing that what you do matters. Not that other things don't, I just mean that's what I get out of it. But for your bit, there's a lot to be said for looking out for family."

The house is in sight, which means the car isn't far. Sam says, "Is there somewhere I can drop you off?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
"What, innocent frat boy disguise?" She teases. She'll get solemn a moment, biting on her bottom lip. "Well, truth be told, this isn't the first thing I've hunted. Just the first one without my pack." It's a fine line of distinction.

She'll shake her head, a hint of a sad smile. "I'm good walking, but thanks. Think I might wander around a bit, try to absorb the idea that there's so many things out there. You okay?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam smirks but doesn't elaborate on what he's got going on. He notes the sad smile, but figures he understands what he's looking at.

No, she does not want to lead a Hunter back to her pack.

Well, that's fair.

"I'm fine," he promises. "It was good meeting you. Take care of yourself, okay? I'll see about getting in touch on this database thing. Gotta think on how to do it in any kind of an efficient way."

He opens his car door and slides into the front seat. "Call me if you're in trouble."

Erica Reyes has posed:
It's not the pack thing, so much, that has that touch of sadness in her smile. "Well, make sure you do. Though you might want my number." She'll rattle off her cell, before she winks at him. "Good night, Agent One night Stand."