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Latest revision as of 02:01, 26 October 2017

Croissant Break
Date of Scene: 14 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Marinette summons Superman to talk outteroos and Clark eats all the croissants.
Cast of Characters: 143, Superman

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Life had been kind of hectic for the past bit... And things were settling enough that they were starting to get back to normal. Because of that, Marinette decided there was someone she needed to talk to while Adrien was working. So, out onto the pool area with Tikki it is.

"Call him please, Tikki..."

The tiny Kwami nods and ever so carefully repeats the phrase Superman had given her. Of course, once he arrives, she flits back inside, giving Mari and Superman a chance to talk privately. Besides, she'll likely learn all about it later anyhow.

Superman has posed:
Superman had just finished putting that radio tower in Dubai back to rights when he heard that small little voice calling to him. He took a moment more to make sure it would stay until the repair crew were able to take full charge, and then he flew away. Up into orbit, and then back down to a penthouse apartment in New York. He drifts down outside the wall, hovering a few inches out and above the stone.

Superman pauses a moment to look about for the voice, spotting Tikki flit away and leavin him with Marinette. The kryptonian smiles warmly, though with a hint of worry.

"Everything okay, Miss Dupain-Cheng?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Tikki flits away and Mari rolls her eyes but doesn't comment.

Then Superman arrives and Marinette's eyes flit to him. She has to bite back her knee jerk reaction. "Oui, Mons--" She stops and switches. "Yes, sir. Everything is fine. I just haven't jad the chance to speak with you since I woke beyond... And I apologize. I didn't mean to insult your mother, truly. It's just that..."    
She shakes her head. "But my curiosity about whether you kn... Would you like something to drink?" She's trying so hard not to insult him!

Superman has posed:
"Would french be easier for you?" Superman asks, in french. There's an accent. An odd American twang to it, but it's subtle. Not like his smile, which is warm and pleasant and like a summer in the country side. Should Marinette smile and nod at the french, he stays with that language. Otherwise, it's back to English.

"I wouldn't mind something, no. Thank you very much, Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng. And it's alright. I mentioned it to her. She thought it was funny too," Superman says on a soft chuckle, floating down to land lightly on the terrace only after the invitation was given

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Easier, yes. I should work on my English though. My accent makes it difficult for some to understand me sometimes, it seems..."

Marinette smiles. "Please, come in." She motions to the glass doors. "And please, it's Marinette." As she starts inside, she continues speaking. "I want to thank you for offering to help and for comforting Tikki when she needed it. That was very kind of you." She looks over her shoulder at him. "You had said someone important to you was there as well... Are they well?"

Superman has posed:
"You'll train people to understand you," Superman comments, walking lightly behind Marinette. Hands at his side, the red cape flutters at his ankles with each step.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Mis- Marinette," he has to correct himself from habit. He sweeps his gaze about the apartment, looking both in the here and through the walls into the living room and office but not into what he suspects are bedrooms. Some things are sacred.

"It was my pleasure, Marinette. Tikki is a lovely young... red floating... Tikki," he settles on, gaze returning to Marinette, clearly chuckling at himself.

"Sorry. I don't know what to call her, exactly."

"Yes. She's fine, thank you. She woke up when everyone else did, almost immediately after the ladybug swarm," says Superman, relief and a hint of confusion about the ladybugs warring for supremacy in his tone. He doesn't seem bothered by it.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Tikki is a Kwami. A spirit like Godling," Marinette supplies as she leads him in to the kitchen and even though she's giggling.

"I also want to thank you for trying to help. The man that had been controlled... He's very important to me. You promised to keep him safe... I can't tell you how much that means to me." Once in the kitchen, she turns to face him. "There is water, lemon water, mint lemonade, hibiscus tea... I can make you a cup of hot tea if you'd rather..."

And then she's pulling down a plate of croissants with various fillings that she made this morning and sitting them on the small table. "I'm glad to hear your ... fried ... Is better." There's a pause and then, "It ... Wasn't really his fault..."

Superman has posed:
"A kwami," repeats the Man of Steel, smiling at the soft giggles he can hear.

"It's my pleasure. I'm glad he's better too. I saw you at the press conference, which I watched. I don't usually attend press conferences i'm not giving dressed in the Blue Suit," he adds with a grin.

"Any of that sounds lovely, actually. The hisbiscus tea especially," he adds, watching her pull things down while standing at the island, next to a stool.

"I know. Tikki explained a little. The press conference told me more..." Lois' draft that he totally didn't sneak reading over her shoulder told him the rest. "As long as you both are feeling better?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Stupid thing... I hate those things..." And she's only ever attended one! "That stupid script..." Mari's mutter-ranting.

A glass is pulled down and filled with ice and then filled with tea which is held out to him. "We are. There's some lingering but it's getting better, yes." She motions to the croissants. "Help yourself. Adrien will thank you for removing the temptation. Assuming I haven't made more before he gets home." The very idea of which amuses her.

"I know Tikki got pretty ... touchy about a few things. I'm sorry for that. You did what you felt you had to do to protect Adrien and everyone else. Please don't feel badly for that."

And she's doing so well... But her eyes keep flicking and not in any way that's making her blush so ...

Superman has posed:
"They can be a little annoying," Superman agrees with a light smile. The glass is taken as is a croissant. ooh, fresh baked and traditional. He bites into one without a moment's hesitation, despite being in spandex.

"Thank you. These are amazing. Normally, I have to fly to Paris for some exactly like this," he comments warmly, before tilting his head.

"It's fine. I understand completely, and I'm not upset. In fact, I'm still very sorry I broke that trust. It wasn't ever my intention. Kara's my cousin. She has all the same capabilities I do. If she glanced into your room, she would have seen Tikki and the other anyway. Still, she asked me not to say anything, and I didn't keep to that. She has every right to be very upset and I can only hope someday I'll get to make it up to her," says the Blue Boy Scout finishing the first bite and going for another.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I would have let you tell the world if it meant saving him..."

She waves off the rest. "Tikka's already moved past it and there's nothing to be sorry ... Wait ... You guys can't control that? You just automatically see through everything? Isn't that headache inducing?"

She reaches out ad takes a croissant for herself. She doesn't eat them that often, really. "I can't even imagine that..." Her head is given a little shake as she leans on the counter. "I'm sorry... I just... You seem really nice and really intelligent but I just... Are they /part/ of it? Like... Sewn on or...?"

Superman has posed:
Superman smiles at that first comment. He nods, sharing a bit of fellow feeling. He likely would too. Tell the world who he was, how to hurt him, if it meant saving everyone he loved. Thankfully that's a choice he hasn't had to make.

"We can. I have to ... squint? almost? to see through things. But it's an natural as.. well, I was going to say breathing, but I can hold my breath long enough that soemtimes I have to think about breathing.. Yeah, that sounds just as confusing to me to. It's the hearing that's the headache some times. That isn't something I can turn off. So I have to focus to listen to what's in front of me... or to pick out something from the background noise. WHich is why I asked Tikki to call me in Kryptonian. There's not many people who speak that language. It stands out," says Superman, going for a second croissant because doing so 'rescues' Marinette's Adrien from them. And it's not like the added calories are going to make him fat or anything. Solar furnace core.

"Are they a part of... OH! The red.." Supermand laughs, nodding. "It's one piece. It didn't used to be, but they are now. My mother made my first suit, but I've got a way to make more. Sometimes they get torn or dirty or something so, I have to make more. I'm not good at desgining clothes, so I just have my computer make more of hte same."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Okay. Bit of advice... Don't go peering into people's rooms without permission." She gives a wink and a grin to show that while she's serious, she isn't reprimanding per se.

And then she giggles. "I can't even begin trying to pronounce anything but your name, really. Which is a pretty interesting name, actually."

At the mention of designing clothes, Mari's eyes light up. "I do. It's... What I do. Would you mind if I drew some up for you? You're not obligated to change of course but... A bit of an upgrade might not hurt, hm? And after everything you did for us... It's the least I can do."

And it never once, honestly, crosses her mind as to what it would mean to have someone like Superman wearing something she designed. She simply wants to be able to thank him and a new suit is something she can do.

Superman has posed:
Superman laughs warmly as the wnk and the chiding. It's so like his mother that he can't help but be fond of the girl more than he already was.

"Yes, ma'am," he says, drinking more tea and looking away, toward the dinig table...wall... He stares for a moment then looks back at Marinette with a blink of his eyes.

"THank you. It's what my birth-parents called me, Kal. El is the family name. So, I'm really.. Kal-El of the House of El. Which just gets redundant... so, Kal-El is fine. So is Superman." He takes another bite of the croissant.

"I wouldn't mind at all. I can send the designs to Seven, that's my ...AI?.. And Seven can make them. I'll come by when they are done and let you see them. It's nice to have variety some times, even if I don't really change my suit's look. I'm attached. But... maybe my cousin, or Faora? She's not related but she's also from Krypton." Superman rambles lightly.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Oh, no need. I have a good sense of your measurements just by looking at you." Marinette shrugs her shoulders lightly before arching a brow. "You know... A friend of mine does that a lot... Normally when he hears something I can't... Is everything okay? Do you need to go? Which one is the one that calls themselves Superwoman? She's ... Quite ... Uhm ..." A hand is waved as she considers her words. "...Passionate? Stern?" Violent.

Superman has posed:
"Hmm? Oh. No. It's okay. Response teams have it," Superman says smiling warmly and grabbing a third croissant.

What? These are amazing!

"Faora is Superwoman. My cousin is Supergirl. Faora is.. yes. She's very passionate. She was a soldier on Krypton. She's... trying to change her spots."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Change her ... A bright giggle escapes Marinette. And then her eyes widen. "I'm sorry! I wasn't laughing at her.. It's just.." She clears her throat. "That would explain it then, yes. Her being a soldier, I mean..." Oh boy, would it.

Pushing off the counter, she turns to grab a glass so she can pour herself a drink. "Superg .. " And Marinette stops dead, her back straightening. "The one from the youtube video?"

Superman has posed:
Superman tilts his head lightly at the bright giggle. He smiles, but clearly dooesn't seem to know why. That it wasn't at her is enough for him and he doesn't get upset.

"Yes. Wasn't really her best day, that video. Superbreath has to be used carefully. I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to catch her when we both have a few moments to talk to her about that. He's okay though?"