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Latest revision as of 23:12, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 19 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Little Blackhawk

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    There was some confusion as to how to get Zinda to the plane at first, it's on a base but they didn't provide the ID cards necessary so...yeah Zinda just talked her way on base. Then there was much time spent in an office making calls before, yeah alright the aircraft is released. By then, well christ it's been six hours. Yet she lights off a text all the same. We are go. Proceed at best speed towards home, will catch up with you. And well there is the boring but perfectly capable PC-12 they took out to NYC to fly home but this will mark the longest single solo flight Elliot's ever been assigned. There are thankfully, safe skies abound.

    Zinda climbs into that cockpit, before extending a thumb out to the ground crew. Theres a moment spent configuring radios, before she finally cranks that canopy down and starts her taxi. <<Blackhawk 2, Blackhawk 1 here. How you doing over there, everything groovey?>>

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    <<The birds seem pretty fond of me,>> Elliot observes in a dry voice, squinting as he looks out throug hthe canopy to survey her surroundings.The girl lightly purses her lips, tilting her head slightly as she does so, and takes a few deep long, careful breaths. There's a slow pause while Elliot considers the cockpit at large, checking all the dials and meters in a maner that resembels curiosity as much as professionalism. <<Looking good so far,>> the blonde then confirms. She handles the plane perfectly, at least while there is nothign going onto distract her from flying- like gunfire. "This is great! How long is this flight total, Blackhawk 1?>>>

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    <<Well ugh, one minute.>>Because well she's got ATC on the other line, before she can get the bird airborne and cranked over. She's a professional, which is why she doesn't you know. slam those throttles open and head for the heavens above, but that isn't stopping her from thinking about it anyway. Thinking -real- hard. <<With landing pattern, you should be wheels down in about four hours. Which is good, because there's a stormfront looks like maybe five and a half.>> And a pause as she hustles that bird up to her cruising altitude, cranks on the radar and starts looking for one particular bird out there.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    <<Copy that, Blackhawk 1. I'm just going to cruise and enjoy the clouds,>> Elliot replies, taking a deep breath as she does so. Thegirl blinks for half a second but otherwise keeps her hands steady on the controls, guiding the plane with a careful hand and a steady eye. For simple tasks, the ones she's seen? Elliot already flies like an accomplished pilot.There are just another hundred thousand things to see on top of that. <<Call me again when you get free of dealing with that nonsense. Blackhawk 2, out.>>

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    It's, well Zinda knows her flight times. Four hours and three minutes, the F-15's reached the island first for obvious reasons. She's left the landing lights on, thankfully because those stormclouds do look serious and boy howdy are they coming. Zinda has been busy of course, because well now they have planes! Whilst thats just one F-15 so far, she still takes the time to clear out most of the hangar. Stowing aircraft down in storage, and freeing up the majority of that hangar. Two PC-12s, Elliot's Hawk, Zinda's Black Widow and now an F-15 she's already blocked and taped to get it ready for paint.

    She does have time to get a beer and a change of clothes at least. Cardinals T-shirt and a predictably short skirt, before retiring to the lounge to watch the baseball game. If Elliot needs her, well of course she'll call for her. Same with SHIELD and everyone else, not like they ain't got the Blackhawk number now.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    Elliot doesn't show up for baseball. She's not nearly as into sports as Zinda at the end of the day and she has a lot of work to do before she will be able to reenter the lounge. That is to say, she's practicing. Elliot has out various manuals and is learning how to disassemble and reassemble engines, guns, and so forth with what ends up being remarkable alacrity.
    So it's probably halfway through the game when Elliot- dressed in a blue sundress that highlights her eyes- movess to join Zinda oon he couch. She's carrying a tray of snacks. Chicken wings, loaded potato skins, and... Hummus. Elliot likes it with crackers. She silently takes a seat beside her partner on the couch, scanning over the screen and setting the food down onto the coffee table in front of them. The only real proof that Elliot spent most of that time working and not just goofing off is the perspiration on her forehead.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Hey sweetpea.."Or so Zinda greets with a smile. She offers over a beer, before scooting over to make room for Elliot on the couch. "Good flying today, by the way. You're really getting the hang of that Pilatus, I know how floaty they can be on approach especially with that storm coming in. You did good, You wanna give the eagle a crack tomarrow?"Pausing to snuff out her cigarette, and get after what can only be described as iconic baseball watching food. Not the Hummus, but well Zinda won't complain.
    "It's not a great game unfortunately, cards seem really off their mark this season. They keep this up and they'll have to catch it on the river card, if they can survive that long."And well this is Zinda so of course she worries about baseball. She doesn't seem to worry about a whole lot else, not AAA or SAMs or airplanes crashing into the ocean or all the rest. No, just baseball.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    Elliot can eat everything and still stay a size zero but she still tendsd toward healthier options when she isn't being extremely active. She shifts her weight along the seat and leans into Zinda a little bit, snagging a cracker to dip into her hummus while the sccreen is dedicated all due attention. Zinda gets a nod in response ot the question about the eagle,quickly fllowed by an effusive smile. When it comes to baseball Elliot actually gives the other pilot her full attention for a moment before turning back the screen.
    Yes, Ellie will also tuck into the wings and potato skins. Really, if she didn't have the hummus and crackers she might eat it all herself. That could easily be the secret of this food arrangement. Finally during a brief break Elliot asks, "You ever watch.... Figure skating?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Figure skatin-, no. I mean if it's on the olympics, well sure as shootin. Otherwise naw, I don't hate it or nothin."She gives a shrug, nibbling away rather casually. "Baseball was something we had back when I was a kid, and all through the war. Just nice to have something around still that feels like it hasn't changed, you know?"Zinda being as awesome as she is though? She reaches over with a hmmm, snagging the remote and offering it over with a yawn. "We're losin though, you wanna watch somethin else?"

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Nah, this is okay. I was just curious what else you watch." Elliot blinks a few times, glancing from the remote to the television. "I'm starting to figure out all of the rules, she adds after a moment, tilting her head intoZinda's shoulder as she does. "I was just curious. I always liked watching the routines and... Um." She pausesfor a second before shrugging. "...Routines. Anyway." The remote is taken and held thoughtfully as pitching begins again. "Baseball was a thing when I was ak id. No one wantedd to teach me the rules though so I got kind of confused."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well the important thing for right now, is that wildcards get voted into the series at the end of the season. This rate, only way the Cardinals are gonna get into the post-season."Or so She explains, finally reaching for another beer. "I don't mind figure skating though, the routines are nice but I like the cute outfits."because of course she does."It just seems unfair to me, all those things with like a subjective score. No good way to objectively score it I know, just seems like a lot of opinion."

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Oh, um. Yeaah... I really just like the outfits too," Elliot admits, wrinkling her nose before she breaks into a series of soft giggles. "I like the routines alright but I'd rather do gymnastics. Figure skating looks like it might be fun though." She wiggles in her place on the couch and takes a deep breath. She holds it for a second and then exhales slowly. "The scoring is really weird. Gymnastics has thesame problem, really.." She pauses for a second. "I'd love oo skate iwth yo usometime though. If you wanted to learn, I mean."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I think I'd be so inclined when the weather turns cold, but you're the gymnast."She leans in to plant a smooch on Elliot's cheek, before rising. "Well game's a wash, so I guess I better get to it. I'm gonna go ahead and get some ordinance plugged into the Eagle, and get a shower in."And a grin, as she snags her coffee. "You though, you're off duty the rest of the day. Take it easy, this was your first big solo-flight after all, remember?"And with that, well she doesn't poof but she does slip off.