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Latest revision as of 23:31, 26 October 2017

This is why we can't have nice Avengers!
Date of Scene: 20 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Dear Fury, you're avenger broke his nose on one of the associate's rear ends as she stopped moving when he was caught on her pants and the impact damaged Ant-man. Or Lang bounced off Darcy's ass and it broke his nose.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Ant-Man (Lang), Melinda May

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Tuesday, some time after lunch but before quittin' time. Darcy's either on her way out to do a thing or just coming in from doing a thing. Pausing to chat to the front desk - because it is always good to butter up front desk, in case you NEED a thing - she does NOT look like a SHIELD agent. She looks like one of those rebel teens. Three different leggings with all have holes in different places, all are different colors, there is some skin visible. Over these is a pleated school girl skirt and a tight tank top. She's got her hair in a high pony tail and a roller skates on her feet, and a honest to god fanny pack on. It's a Carebear fanny pack.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
There's a man in a deep crimson and black biker suit walking into the facility with a bound up and hog tied badguy thrown over his shoulder. The man in a balaclava and all black clothes with no skin showing is hefted up the desk before Ant-man speaks. "I got a late check in here." He says as his hand moves to take off his mask and he pulls in a deep breath while doubling over, seems he's not super strong at all.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Front desk starts at the hog-tied baddie on her desk, and Darcy looks over.

"Dude. Deliveries out back," quips the not-SHIELD looking girl.. who's eyes are neon barbie pink. Her lips are bright red like the laces on her skates. She glances at Front Desk.

"Call Containment," Darcy says to Front Desk, tone sounding a bit authoritative before she smirks back at the biker suited guy.

"Can I get a name, Handsome?"

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Even doubled over as he is, Scott looks up to Darcy and then somehow slumps his shoulders even more, defeated by her words. "I- I'm Ant-man... c'mon." He says pointing at the helmet.

Anyone in SHIELD should recognize most of the avengers, right?

"I just- *Breath* I just brought him here." Scott says taking a deep breath and starting to stand up straight. "Can't you get one of the nameless goons to come get him?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeah. I'm fucking with you," Darcy says, chuckling as Front Desk is calling Security.

"Whacha bag him for?" she asks now, picking up the helmet to look at it, completely fearless.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott doesn't stop her and just looks at her, with his head cocked to one side. He's supposed to be the one fucking with people and says as much. "That's my job." Not officially, but he is the funniest avenger. By far.

"This loser was trying to interfere with a sting operation the cops were running... I ... happened to be close by." Scott winks, "Good luck and gooder timing." ... Did he just say gooder?

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Not any more. I took it. There was a vote and every. Democratic and shit," Darcy deadpans with a smirk. How? Talent. Multitasking talent. Darcy has a gift.

"My timing is goodest. How were you close by, though?" Darcy asks, straightening and putting one toe down so she doesn't roll no where... all so she can put the helmet... UGH! Pony tail! She tucks the helmer between her knees LIKE A PRO and moves to yank out her hair tie.

Melinda May has posed:
The containment team arrives to cart off said trussed up person, and as they depart, May is standing in their wake. She looks at Darcy disapprovingly for messing with Lang's suit helmet, but waits to see how long it takes the younger woman to realize she's there. She ... might not be in Darcy's line of sight.

Oh, and her arms are crossed.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott allows her to try on his odd looking helmet and grins, "Nonsense, the avengers aren't exactly the most 'democracit' of organizations." Scotts says crossing his arms giving May only a glance over Darcy's shoulder and a single eyebrow raised on his large forehead in gretting, waiting to see how long Darcy takes to notice.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Helmet pulled on, she looks about, spots May, yelps, flails as wheels start to roll, but she keeps her feet and off comes the helmet.

"FUCK. May! Seriously? Monkey Jesus!" Darcy blurts out, holding the helmet back out to Ant-Man.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott refuses his helmet, "Nope, you put it on last, you're the ant-man now." He jokes, but seriously, she's gonna carry it for him the whole time now.

"Agent May, glad to see you, uh, uuuuh, still kicking around." He chides, smiling and stepping up to push Darcy with a hand on the small of her back, oh the joys of skates.

Melinda May has posed:
"Language, Lewis." Yes, May did just say that. "Mr. Lang. Still attempting to live up to your reputation, I see." She steps closer, idly wondering how Darcy will react to Scott's trying to push her. Inwardly, she'd like to see the kid shoulder check Lang and maybe teach him to mind his manners a bit more.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Serious? Badass. Gimme shrinking button," Darcy says, tucking the hemlet under an arm and making grabby hands with the other at Lang. Of course, then May pulls a Rogers on her and Darcy looks over at her like she took her MoJo. Of course, Scott tries to push her and Darcy huffs, spreading her feet, turning toes in and shoving back with her hips so that she doesn't really roll anywhere.

"YO! Sugarant, watch the wheels. I will drop ya."

Oh! Speaking of Cap. The bruise his Serum Bits left on her shoulder? fadig nicely. Now, she's got a doorknob shaped one on the opposite arm. Life

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott is not one to be taught manners easily. "I have a reputation?" He says, his jaw dropping in sheer shock and surprise. "What kind of reputation do I have?" He asks, winking over to Darcy, "See, people know meee."

Scott stops pushing as it seems May isn't taking them back deeper into the 'Skellion at this juncture anyways. "I was trying to push you, but now I don't know where I was aiming." He says with a shrug and shakes his head, "No, the 'shrinky' button IS the suite, and I'm sure you don't want me standing here in my undies." Plus she likely couldn't fit, too short and too big.

Melinda May has posed:
May doesn't even want to contemplate Darcy with shrinking capabilities. It's by far more horrifying than Scott standing around in his skivvies, and that's pretty scary already. "Was that the only reason you stopped by, Mr. Lang?" She's not chasing him off, or anything. Just asking.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Maybe your reputation is the size of an ant!" Darcy quips, because she had to, grinning as she straightens up and spins herself so she's facing May and Lang both now. It's a smooth swivel of hip.

"I don't think you want people knowing you only as the Little Guy, ya know?" she adds, winking in reply before looking thoughtful at his comment about the button being the suit.

"So... what you're syaing is that in order to get your powers I have to ge tinto your pants? Challenge accepted." Yes. Darcy with size chaning abilities must NEVER happen.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
"I suppose it was. Guess I need my helmet back to go out and keep saving the world, one crook at a time."

"I can't help that being small is my gift to the world." Scott says, reaching out to take his helmet back from Darcy and smiling awkwardly the whole time.

"That's right, Skater-girl, that's um... yeah." He can't even say it without blushing as he starts to turn towards the door to hide his red cheeks. "Challenge, um... extended, I guess? Proposed maybe?"

Melinda May has posed:
If May weren't on the verge of rolling her eyes, she'd be amused at seeing Lang flustered by Darcy's lack of a brain-to-mouth filter. And he SO just stepped right into that. She's not even bothering to help him out.

"Lewis, don't." She doesn't specify what.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Dont.... give him back his helmet? Okay!" And Darcy rolls herself backwards smoothly, glancing once to see that it was clear while holding the helmet over her head.

"Oh, Tiny Man. I'm so getting into your pants now! You have no idea." Hop, spin, and now you have to try to catch a Darcy onwheels who's rolling forward. While laughing.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott's still reaching for his helmet, but has yet to retrieve it as Darcy's holding it hostage. "Um... why?" He asks, bluntly looking between May and Lewis.

With Darcy rolling away Scott reaches for her, accidentally hooking his finger in one of the many holes in her legging. "Ah- ah - uuuh, stop." He says, hopping along behind her trying not to rip her pants.

Melinda May has posed:
It's just about all May can do to NOT sigh at the antics of the pair. Though... they could be a very efficiently distracting team out in the field. ... if they're fighting something or someone that CAN be distracted. Otherwise, they'll just annoy the daylights out of everyone else.

But, Lang's brought this on himself. She's not going to rescue him from Darcy. He's on his own.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Hey! Me in yor pants. Not you in mine!" Darcy quips, dropping suddenly to a ball so that fuck it! tights rip. What's another hole in her holiest of holey leggings? IN a ball around the helmet for a moment - and thank god for knee pads right? - Darcy shoves her rear end up as Scott hophophops those final hops toward her from his own momentum, meaning to butt-check him so she can roll him to the left and use that motion to shove herself to her wheels and then off again.

Today's lobby game? Keep the helmet away from Ant-Man! May is referee!

"AND THE WHY IS REASONS!" she calls out loudly.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott's previously broken nose bounces off the rear of Darcy and he ends up sprawled out on the ground with his other hand rubbing at his face in pain as his other arm is stretched and still hooked into Darcy's pants.

"Owww." He groans, not able to do much but be tugged by Darcy's momentum. "What is even happening." This whole situation is beyond bizarre, even for him.

Melinda May has posed:
Okay, time to break this up. May steps toward Darcy and Scott. "That's enough." She reaches a hand out to the man to help him back to his feet. "Lewis, give Lang his helmst back." She is NOT going to fill out the paperwork explaining how and why Scott suffered an injury in the Triskelion entryway. Just no.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It didn't tear? Damn! These tights too good.

"Fuck, you heavy," Darcy states as she hockey stops quickly, waiting patiently with a toe stop down to steady herself for May to help Lang out and then very peacefully holding the helmet out to him.

This is totally not a Charlie Brown and Lucy moment. Girl Scout's honor. (Darcy was never in scouts!) Look! Darcy' even smiling.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Slowly getting back up, Scott gives his thank you's to May. Patting his chest and knees to clean any dust off from the floor.

"I'm not THAT heavy." Scott says with a hidden frown as his hand is pressed against his nose, the part that hurts the most, but he slowly reaches out for his helmet, his blue eyes cautiously lingering on Darcy, not trusting her.

"Anything else I CAN do for you May?"

Melinda May has posed:
"Keep me informed of any sightings of the Winter Soldier." Wow, May thought of something to ask Scott really quickly. Clearly, it was already something she was thinking about. "Doesn't matter what time of day or night, you inform me the moment you see or hear anything."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy is not Lucy. Lucy's a bitch. Darcy only plays one on a MUSH. Helmet handed over, she tips her head.

"Want an escourt to medical?" she offers with complete open friendliness, as if she wasn't just playing full contact keep away with him.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott glance to May and nods, "I'll let you know." He says nasally as he's still holding his nose. Then the hero turns back to Darcy and nods once, his eyes closing in this big smile. "You'll have to show me. I never been." He says, again his hand move to her back, but between her shoulders this time in another push.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
This time, Darcy bends her knees and keeps her feet forward, letting Scott propel her forward.

"Sure thing, Tiny! It's over thisaway. I'm like a regular," she quips like it's being a familiar face at Cheers or seomthing.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott starts to hum under his breath. "Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your naaaAAaaame." Off key and breathily as he's trying to be quiet about it.

"Cause you're always having to escort people there who you hit with your big butt and boobs?" He says jokingly, still with his hand over half his face, pinching his sore nose.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"That. And beause I get hurt a lot. Well, I bruise easily so everyone ASSUMES I get hurt a lot," Darcy replies, rolling slowly to keep pace with Scott. If he pushes her along now and again, she doesn't say anything. Less work for her. "Dude. We should karoke."