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Latest revision as of 23:32, 26 October 2017

The Longest Distance in the world...
Date of Scene: 20 June 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Natasha meets a Star Sapphire. Not that one, the other one.
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Star Shimmer has posed:
The sun has set on the city that never sleeps. Many people are off doing their own thing. Going to work, Spending time with their families, Preparing for sleep. In the midst of these things though, A few things of note are happening. The most prominent is a small crew of men on top a bank. They are drilling their way downward into the bank. Unbeknownst to them, They drilled right down in front of a security camera which has set off an alarm.

Not too far away, Standing on edge of the Brooklyn Bridge. A woman stands with a brief case. Tears roll down her face as she peers down at the Hudson below. Inside the case, Her note. Its been a really awful day for her. She was fired from her job for being late. Why was she late? Because her child was in a car accident and... no health insurance. Its a big mess and now she simply feels helpless.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Generally, SHIELD doesn't respond to bank robberies but in this case, Natasha happened to be in the area when the call went out to authorities. SHIELD HQ relayed the call in case any of their people were in the area. Being not that far away, Natasha opted to respond only her path was taking her across the Brooklyn Bridge.

The roar of the motorcycle can be heard long before she gets close but it's just another vehicle speeding across the bridge. Nothing really to note. A small figure on the back of the machine, leaning low against the wind, black helmet and costume blending with the machine she's astride. A flick of her gaze to the person on the edge of the bridge as she passes several cars has her pulling up short, braking so quickly the bike stands on its front wheel and skids to a stop on the side near the edge. She takes off her helmet, red hair falling free, then places it on the seat. She walks slowly in the direction of the figure. She doesn't rush. That's a surefire way to mess everything up.

"Miss? Is everything okay?" she asks in a soft husky alto voice. She might just be misinterpreting it, maybe she's a tourist taking pictures. Probably not with a briefcase and no camera but one can hope.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The goof troop at the bank is failing miserably at cutting their way down into the bank safe. Its slow going. Still they are going at it to the best of their ability. Even if they are a bit slow on the uptake.

Meanwhile, At the bridge, Another voice speaks up. "Don't do it. Today is only one day. Hear us out and then, if you don't like what we have to say, you can jump. No one will stop you." Standing there, not far from Natasha, A young girl wearing a black and violet uniform. Similar to that of Star Sapphire but definitely unique. "I know you're heart is broken. I can feel it and I will help you as best I can. I promise."

"You don't understand! I can't provide for my little boy! I can't help him. My little boy is going to die because I lost my job. What am I supposed to tell him?" The woman cries as she continues to peer at the waters below.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Tell him you love him and that everything will be alright," Natasha says, staying a good distance away but getting to the edge herself. "There are resources. People that will help. It may seem like there is no hope but there always is," she says gently, her tone soothing, filled with the truth of what she is saying. She isn't even lying. She knows that there is hope, even if she never sees it for herself.

"There is always a way, until you find another job. Which you will. Your son who needs you in his life." She has no idea of the circumstances with the son but reminding the woman of that which she loves so much may help lead her back from that edge. "There is always another way."

Star Shimmer has posed:
The bank alarm finally triggers. It rings out loudly, Easy to hear from the bridge. The guys on the roof just sorta look at each other. They think they've got a few minutes before the cops get there. They keep drilling, nearing their mark to break into the vault and take everything that isn't nailed down.

The woman just looks at Natasha, "I don't know how to do any of this. I can't be a good mother to him now. He's hurt and I can't do a thing!"

The violet girl frowns. "If you jump, Do you really think you will be a good mother for your son? You won't be there for him. IMagine the life that you'd give up on. A storm only lasts a short time. Then the sun will come out again. You can do this, I promise you." The alarm snags her attention. Despite her affinity for love, she's torn between which thing to do. A Rookie situation. "Listen, I can give you the number of a person who will help you out. She'd be more then happy to, I promise that. All you have to do is say the word."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The alarm is ignored. Her choice is already made because she won't leave the woman now.

"You can do exactly what you need to. Be his mother. Be there for him. If he is hurt, he needs you more than ever. And his recovery will be dependant on you. You don't have to know all the answers," she adds in that soft tone. "That's why there are other people you can look to. Me. Her," she motions toward the violet girl. Even though she doesn't know her, they are working toward the same goal. To save a woman who is simply scared and lost. "We can help. And if we couldn't, we can find someone who can. But this is not the way. Taking yourself out of your son's life is not the path you should take. Let us help you. I can't give you a job but I certainly can help with some of your expenses until you find one. I'm sure others would too. Friends. Strangers. There's a lot of good in this world. Just come and we'll talk about it more, okay?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
The men finally do punch into the bank. They begin looting. The cops do arrive and are about to breach.

"Okay. I... I will try. May I have a hand over the railing. This friend, can they give me a job?" She asks as she turns around. "I don't want to lose my son. That is all that matters to me."

The violet girl wraps the woman in a violet bubble and lifts her up and sets her on the more safe side of the Bridge. The Violet girl then steps forward and gives her a hug. "If you have a pen I will give you the number. Sadly they won't be able to give you a job but, there is little they can't do with a computer, including getting you all the help you could need. I will let her know your situation. You can trust me. I won't mention the bridge, I Promise." She smiles a little.

As soon as she is able to write down the number which happens to be her own number, She looks over at Natasha, "If you are okay here, I will be right back, I want to see if the police have everything under control."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha walks over, closing the distance to the women. "Go, see what's happening. And here," she adds as she pulls out a small button. She offers it to the heroic young woman. "If you need help, push that." If she uses it today, so be it. If not, she'll have it for another time. It is a direct link to the Black Widow, allowing her to have a GPS location of the device although there is no audio with that particular one. She does pull out her own card which identifies her as a member of SHIELD, which she offers the rescued woman. "This is my direct line. If I don't answer, leave a message. But for now, let's get you off this bridge. Where's your son?" She automatically picks up the briefcase, offering it to her.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The woman smiles and nods. "He is at Mount Sinai. Thank you Miss. Romanova. That is really nice of you. SHIELD? I almost thought they weren't real. I'm happy to be proven wrong.

The Violet woman smiles, "Will do, Thank you." She smiles a little and lifts off. "Meet you both at the hospital." With that she leaves a violet streak in her wake.

All the way over to the bank. She sees the hole in the roof and the police down below. "They are coming out the roof." She comments softly to herself. So she just stands there, arms crossed under her chest looking menacing as possible. Someone took brooding lessons from the Bats!

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the woman flies off, Natasha focuses back on the woman. "SHIELD is very real although we try to stay under the radar. It's better that we aren't noticed. It means you're safer. Now, we need to get to Mount Sinai. You ever ridden a motorcycle? Or we can get a taxi if you prefer," she adds, knowing that the idea of being not wrapped in metal for safety is not appealing to a lot of people. She motions to the black bike sitting nearby with the helmet on the seat. "Your choice. And tell me what's going on with your son."

Star Shimmer has posed:
"I... I've never ridden on a cycle before. I've ridden a bike but not since I was a little girl. Lets go on the bke." She moves over to the bike not really knowing what to expect. "He was in a car accident this morning. My friend was... She offered to take him to school. She got t-boned and my son took the brunt of it. He has several broken bones on his right side, including his arm and leg."

Meanwhile, The trio of thugs begin poking their heads out of the hole. All of which are all smiles! They just got the score of the decade. They begin looking around and find, the violet girl. "Hi guys, You just messed up. Drop the stuff you just stole and put your hands behind your head.

The men panic and begin fumbling for guns. Finally The violet girl gets annoyed and wraps them in a violet bubble. Loot included. She flies them down to the street below and turns them over to the police.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The helmet is offered to the woman. "Safety first," Natasha says with a wry grin. Even though she'll be going without one. She pulls out a tie and puts her hair out quickly in a knot at the nape of her neck. Then she climbs on the bike. "Just swing your leg over. Settle behind me. Put your arms around my waist and hang on tight. I won't go too fast. Unless you decide you like it. Then all bets are off."

Hopefully being a bit lighter will help the woman focus on something other than her worries. She's not forgetting this woman is still on the verge and anything could push her back to the edge of that bridge.

Once the woman is behind her, she'll start up the bike and merge into the moving traffic with practiced ease.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The woman nods and puts the helmet on. Then carefully she gets on the back of the bike. Wrapping her arms around Natasha's waist she is ready to go. "Ready when you are Ms. Romanov!"

Once the Robbery is officially foiled, Nightingale takes flight. She was of course called Star Sapphire again which just annoys her to the very core of her being. No matter how many times she says that she isn't Star Sapphire she gets that. So she just gives up on it and flies her way to the hospital to wait for the arrival of Natasha and the woman.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    A short time later, they are at the hospital. They meet their new ally who has already arrived. She gets a nod of greeting from Natasha before the pair of them are escorted to the critical care unit by the woman they rescued. There, they are not really permitted into the room since they are not family. Even SHIELD ID probably wouldn't make a difference and Natasha doesn't try it. She respects their rules as they are necessary for the healing of their patients.

But they are able to stand just outside where the glass window allows a view of the room. They can see the boy in his bed, resting it seems. Natasha looks to the woman. "Go sit with him for a while. He'll be glad to hear your voice. Don't worry about money or anything else. I'll talk to the hospital and take care of everything."

Star Shimmer has posed:
The Woman smiles and nods. "Thank you. God bless you too!" She quickly goes in to sit with her son.

The Violet clad girl smiles a little as she looks in on the pair. "That is what makes it worth it." A violet aura forms around her. "Thats a lot of love in there. She'd have regretted losing her son. He is the driving force in her life. She'd do anything for him. The idea that she couldn't..." She shakes her head. "Sorry. Nice to meet you by the way. My name is Nightingale. I'm a Star Sapphire."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
While she doesn't personally know what a Star Sapphire is, Natasha doesn't let on. She offers her own hand. "Natasha Romanova, Agent of SHIELD," she says by way of introduction. She doesn't mention the Avengers thing in general conversation although she's been in the press enough that many people recognize her as such. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nightingale. I appreciate your help out there." She looks at the woman in the room with her son, a small smile on her lips. "Her son would've been lost without her but sometimes it's difficult to see past personal pain. She just needed to know there's hope."

It's strange. While she talks of hope, she doesn't always have it. Yet fighting the good fight, moments like this? Almost makes her think she's not just blowing smoke.

She looks back over at Nightingale.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "A pleasure to meet you, Agent Romanova." She takes a deep breath. "She is the reason I was in the area. I could feel the distress in her heart. Shattered love is a nasty thing." She frowns a little and looks in on the two of them. "I definitely agree with that. Her son would have grown up wondering why his mother abandoned him. I am happy it turned out this way." She smiles a little bit.

She looks inside once more. Its a good thing seeing a mother and son together. "By the way, that bank robbery... I swear I helped put away the Three Stooges." She laughs.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha files away that information as well. Star Sapphire. Sensing emotions. She's going to have to do some research when she gets back to the Triskelion later. "Oh really? They were that bad?"

At that moment, a hospital employee shows up with a clipboard and looks like they might be going into the room. "Excuse me," Natasha steps in front of the door, not caring that the person towers over her 5'3" frame. "If this is about paperwork and financial responsibility..." Because they have that look about them. "Now is not the time. You can get with me later for anything regarding their bills." She pulls out another card from a hidden pocket, offering it to the administrator. Only when they walk away, looking none too pleased but not going to buck with a government agent, does Natasha turn back to Autumn.

"And please call me Natasha. So the alarm was a bank?" she prompts.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles and laughs a little over the way that Natasha is handling the nurse. She leans against the wall and smiles a little. "Yeah it was a bank. They decided they were going to drill into the vault right in front of a security camera. They set off a silent alarm which drew the cops there then they set off the more audible ones. I waited on the roof because I knew they would try to get out that way. I took em down and turned them into the police. They were not very bright. I'm amazed they didn't drill themselves in the foot."

Then something clicks. Not everyone knows about the ring corps and Star Sapphires aren't exactly common on Earth. "Ummm... Do you know what a Star Sapphire is? Not trying to sound rude or anything. Just curious."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The story about the stooges has Natasha smiling. She always liked the Stooges oddly enough. They are much more cerebral than people gave them credit for. Course, she remembered seeing their movies when they were new. Not something she's sharing.

At the question, she shakes her head negatively. "Not a clue," she admits, not embarassed about her lack of knowledge. Hard to know what everything is out there in the world, even for an agent. "But I figured I'd do some research. Hearing it from you will make this infinitely nicer than digging through SHIELD records," she says with a smile and a soft chuckle.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles and her ring ignites. Seven different symbols are made and they float in the air. The most easily identifiable one is the Green Lantern emblem. Then there is another that is the same one thats on her outfit. "In this galaxy there are 7 different corps that use power rings. The most easily recognizable is the Green Lanterns. They are fueled by willpower and act as an intersellar police force. Then you have Sinestro Corps which are fueled by fear, The Orange Lanterns which are fueled by Averice, The Red Lanterns fueled by Wrath, The Blue Lanterns who a fueled by hope, The Indigos which are fueled by compassion and the Star Sapphires which are fueled by love. Each uses their own power rings which are among the most dangerous weapons in the known universe in the right, or wrong, hands. As a Star Sapphire, I am drawn to hearts in distress. With my ring I can do all sorts of crazy stuff including making light constructs. Its actually really cool."

She smiles a little. "Trust me, I am far from powerful with the ring. I'm still learning actually. I've not even been off world yet. No need to worry about me causing trouble. Well. Most of the time. Star Sapphires and the Red Lanterns are the most dangerous to wield. Them because the ring will take over their bodies. Star Sapphires because Love can be fickle and it can overtake us."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As each of the corps are explained, Natasha tries to think of the ones she's heard of. As expected, it's the Green that come to mind. She knows there have been several of those about during her lifetime. The Red catches her attention as she relates to it the most although the Sapphire pings on a few levels too. Not that she's ever going to be a corp member but it's automatic to think where one falls when listening to the explanations. She doesn't interrupt, watching the symbols and listening clostly.

When Autumn stops speaking, Natasha considers for a long moment. "I would think that Star Sapphires would be the most powerful. Since through love all the others are effected. If I understand correctly, the rings choose the people because they are worthy or something? " Not exactly a Thor's hammer sort of thing but similar perhaps in her mind. "Is it the same for the Star Sapphires and how long have you been one?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Smiles a little, "Oh The Violet light is exceptionally powerful. Namely because there is no real counter to it. For instance, Greens don't fair well against the Yellows because Fear shakes willpower. Things go on like that. Love is dangerous. The AI in my ring explained to me what used to happen with some of my predecessors. They would be so overwhelmed by Love that they would love their senses. They would kill the person they loved most and encase them in violet Crystals. That person would be held in stasis so the person would never be apart from them. Its a nasty thing. Its why I have to be careful about controlling myself."

She smiles a little and shakes her head. "The rings are semi-sentient. They are drawn to those who exemplify the emotions that fuel them. A person who is constantly angry might draw a red. A person who consistantly inspires hope may draw a blue ring. Me? I have a lot of love in my heart which drew this one. Its... Not something that happens easily. There are sentient beings all over the galaxy so for one to come to me? Its kinda amazing." She blushes softly. "I've been at this for about 2 months. For combat, I've had some training by way of some friends. Good ones."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I can't say that I understand it all completely but you must be an exemplary person for it to have chosen you," Natasha comments, air still friendly and curious. That whole bit about people being encased in crystals? That got her concern but she never shows a bit of it. She knew the green rings were powerful but she didn't know just how many varieties there were and what they could or could not do. As long as they're on the side of good, all is well. But the darker ones sound like something she should learn more about. Just in case.

"Two months?" she echoes after. "That's not a lot of time. If you ever need more training, you're welcome to stop by SHIELD. I'll put in a word that you might be coming. I can help with physical stuff as could some of my associates but I can't really help with the powers. I may put out some feelers for you in my groups if you like, see if anyone has ideas or wants to help out."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "I may take you up on that offer. Currently I've been working with some friends in Gotham. Namely Batwoman. She's been teaching me the some basic hand to hand stuff. I am still learning. I'm a quick study but Its a long road. I've gone home black and blue more then a few times. You learn quick when it means trying to come up with excuses why you look like you went 12 rounds with a boxing champ."

Nightingale rubs her head. "As for powers, I only know two people I can go to for help honestly. Green Lantern and Star Sapphire. I've not seen Star Sapphire lately and Green Lantern seemed more like he wanted to evaluate my threat level."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Occupational hazard," Natasha murmurs. "We usually automatically evaluate everyone as a threat. I have a sense of people in some ways. Well, not like you or powers. I just can read body language and things. It gives me an edge in my work. You genuinely care. Out there on the bridge, it was obvious. If you're a threat, you're a better actress than I am." Not that it would be known but that's a pretty difficult task with Natasha's espionage background. "I know a few superpowered folks although none of wielders of rings. We'll see. Even if I don't, one of them might know someone. It's all about contacts."

She goes back to the combat training. "Going home black and blue just means you're learning. My own training was more than bruises. But it made me good enough that I can be an Avenger despite being merely human so I guess I can't really complain about it." Torture is more what people would consider her time in the Red Room but she can look back and understand it to an extent. No, she doesn't think it was right but it did create her.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles a little and nods, "Yeah I do try to keep control of myself. I am only a threat when I choose to be and in those cases, there is usually a good reason for it. I mean If I go full force, using all the love in my heart to attack? I could blow holes through buildings without batting an eye."

She nods slowly and smiles, "I wouldn't trade any of it. Sure I take a beating but it is very much worth it. I know if I ever lose my ring, I am still able to do thing. I will still be a capable fighter, Still able to be a part of a team, assuming I ever find one."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Keep working at it. I have no doubt you will in time," Natasha says with honesty. Perhaps there is something with her abilities. Or maybe it's just Autumn herself. She's making Natasha feel positive and, of late, that's been in short supply in her life. She's been filled with doubts, with darkness, focusing more negatively. Yet now, she is feeling uplifted. Hopeful. Powers or no powers, the Nightengale has made that happen. Hopefully it will remain after they have parted company. "Not sure what team is a good fit. And I have no idea if the Avengers are hiring. But I will get your name out there at the very least."

There is a faint beep sound and Natasha reaches up to her ear, touching an almost completely hidden bud in her ear. A moment later, she's frowning before focusing on Autumn. "I'm sorry to say that duty calls. It's been a true pleasure meeting you," she says.