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Latest revision as of 00:08, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Little Blackhawk

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    It's not a terribly long flight, but you know what? Kentucky has some nice ass airports, it's legit. Good clean approaches, lovely smooth tarmac. The taxiways actually make a decent amount of sense, and from the look of it there is a lovely pilot's concourse for regional pilots. Here a PC-12, it raises no eyebrows of course because here there are fifteen parked just over yonder! So Zinda eases the big bird into a spot, and starts shutting things down.

    "Alright now this broad is Olaf Bjornson's Daughter, so be -nice-. Her name is Elsa King, and she's making us a deal because I flew with Olaf back in the day."Zinda adjusts her crush cap, before snagging her messenger bag and finally dropping the stairs to climb out onto the tarmac. "Now no games, something feels sketch or you don't like it. You lemmie know, and we're out've here no hard feelings alright?"

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Okay," Elliot replies, nodding as she does. The girl is squinting out at the airport and standing close to Zinda as always. She is armed but only with her pistol. The rifle has been tucked away sine it is too conspicuous. There is, however, Elliot's own messenger bag which she tucks into place with the strap across her shoulders before stepping away.
    A deep breath is taken aand then Elliot nods her head once, flashing Zinda brief smile. "Can I be excited to be here yet? Promise I won't freak out in the meeting." She can't wait any longer. Slender arms go around Zinda's shoulders and then Elliot is kissing her firmly on the cheek. Just that and off they can go.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Yes you can be excited, but play it cool. We don't have oodles of cash to be throwing around just yet, alright?"This is official Blackhawks business and so of course, uniforms. This being an airport however, well there are no shortage of waves and shouts of support. Nobody asks to check baggage, nobody plays games. Zinda is recognized, and well that goodwill extends to her wingman of course. Anyway, the pair hurry across the airport to a hangar down on the end.
    "Mrs King?"The place is packed with mostly older planes in various state of being parted out, but there it is off to one side. Zinda and an older woman share a wave, before Zinda casually flags off Elliot. The purpose is clear, check the plane over...

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Yes, ma'am. I'll keep it in my skirt," Elliot responds with a wry cast to her voice. She might not even realize. the girl smooths her skirt against her thigh before moving to follow her partner into the hangars. She smiles and waves at people as they greet and cheer. Reall, Elliot looks like a miniature Zinda and is happy to laugh and wave, as excited at the crowds as they are with her. It's a new thing for the girl and that carries acrosss. She's pretty popular as a result.
    Once Zinda mentions Mrs. King again Elliot's expression is carefully neutral. She immediately returns to a business-like posture, smoothing her too short skirt against her thigh again and then placing her hands against her sides. Perfect posture accompanies this.
    Then Elliot is flagged away and zips off toward the plane they'd left behind. She can go through the usual checks faster than anyone. It's uncanny... But a lot of Elliot is.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "I love it. I mean... More blue than the pink maybe, but..." Elliot is all over the plane, frowning as she examines it carefully. She tilts her head, frowning as she examines the arresting calbe and other features. "Going to take some work to get it to the specifications we'd need. Closer to factory, maybe... Mmm. And the repainting..." The young woman is pretty good at maintaining a relatively critical tonne. She takes a deep breath as she moves back toward Zinda.
    "I like it alright. Are we getting a good price on it?" Elliot looks between Mama Elsa and Zinda then, blue eyes bright while he consider sthem both. Her excitement is thinlly veiled. Elsa will likelly have trouble detecting how deeply enthusiastic Elliot is but she's still clearly liking the plane.
    "What do you think, Z?" Elliot asks then, reaching up to drag her fingers through her hair. She pauses for a second, purses her lips, and adds, "Might need to throw in some paint."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Elsa smiles sweetly, Zinda all but deadpans. Theres a silent moment between the pair, before Zinda offers over a heavy manilla packet in trade for a stack of logbooks. "I like it if you like it Sweet Pea, go ahead and climb on in."Zinda trails behind, peering over the Saab with a little nod before peering back towards Elliot. "Alright, saddle your ass up. I want a flight plan with you never more than a hundred miles from an airport, until we go feet wet. Write it up now, and if I like it? You fly it home, otherwise I'll be doing the honors and you'll be taking the PC-12."
    Thats, blackhawks kind of stuff! Thats like, no joke difficult aviation stuff. Get in an unfamilar plane, and just -make- it work. For her part Zinda hoists herself up onto a wing and casually crosses her legs to well..sit and chew gum..because she can't smoke.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Got it." Elliot get to work immediately, climbing up into the plane and then collecting her papers together while she checks out the controls. Soon enough lLlie is familiar with the controls and turns her attention to the plans.
    Ellie writes neatly at a frenetic pace, almost like her hands are a typewriter- neat, reliable, and precise. Furthermore? The girl doesn't even refer to a map. Not only does she not hesitate but the flight plan she presents? Is completely legit. No question that Elliot has her act together on this one.
    That might be the fastest Zinda has seen anyone produce a detailed flight plan for a trip. Ever. Elliot is holding it out to her confidently, cheeks slightly flushed with the glow of triumph. A deep breath is following while the girl waits for her work to be reviewed.
    It's even worse, of course. Elliot likes pink and blue okay. It's only the pattern that saves Zinda from dealing with this monstrosity for quite awhile longer.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Would, in fact pull rank to get that thing painted if it came to that. Anyway Zinda accepts said flight plan, and proceeds to check things out against her own maps and. Well This is Zinda so it's not fast, but when she's done? She gives a nod of approval. "Stay in radio contact at all times, understood Blackhawk two? If something's off you land, if you get spooked you land."Zinda hops down finally, peering up at Elliot for a moment. "Repeat those rules back to me, no foolin. This is your first real Operation, we need to be on the same page."

    Zinda approved it though, and she's giving the go ahead for Elliot to fly her very own jet on her very own course back home? That's, legit.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Stay in radio contact at all times, land if anything seems off even if it's just a hunch. No tricks, no games, no fooling arond. Just get our new bird home," Elliot repeats back to Zinda in her own way, nodding as she does. The girl takeks a deep breath before slowly exhaling, tucking the flight plan aaway into her plane and looking over her cockpit.
    "Okay..." Elliot takes a deep breath, pauses, and wiggles her fingers briefly. "I think I'm ready. This is going to be interesting. Good thing the manual is in here." She offers a wry grin at this and then picks up the book. "I'm ready to give this a go if you are," she affirms then.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    And a slow nod, before reaching up to pull that cockpit down. Hoisting the thumbs up, before Zinda steps away. She slips out of the way, and well circles around to stand beside the hangar. Not everyday you get to watch somone's first real "all by themselves" takeoff roll, especially when they'd been your student right? Sure there should be more ground school and test flights and, well Elliot doesn't get any of that. Not that Zinda seems bothered as she watches. Humming a few bars of 'wild blue yonder'.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    Elliot takes a moment longer to take off than she should, though that isn't a realistic measure given her level of experience in a jet. Zero hours, in case Zinda lost count. Inside the cockpit the girl is hurriedly flipping through the manual for the Saabo nly to realize she'd missed a single small check in the ignition sequences for her bird. It's all a matter of getting the small details down. Broad strokes are no problem Elliot takes a few quick, deep breaths before looking around slowly offering a thoughtful frown. She pauses for a moment, tilting her head slightly as she considers what she would like to do next. Unfortunately, her radio is on.
    "Okay, so that's... And then I... Oops. Right. Let's get that out of the way. Check this...." Soon enough, however, the bird is moving and Zinda gets to witness as Elliot takes to the skies on her own for what may as well be the first time. By the time she's wheel's up the girl is just laughing.
    That delighted, crystal clear laughter isn't going to stop for several long moments. At least Elliot keeps the stick steady. Somehow.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The Skies are clear and calm, traffic is light and the 105? Well it's solid, it tracks straight and true. At altitude it doesn't even feel fast (compared to anything with a propeller it is), it's smooth and the workload light. On a radial engined plane there are valves and temperatures to watch constantly, nevermind the general crudeness of the instruments. Figuring side slip requires actual steps to long form calculate, but in the 105? Look, theres a dial that tells you right over there. The cockpit is roomy, it's quiet, it has A/C and legit the seats are kind of amazingly great.

    This is a trainer of course, so there is a certain simplicity to everything. Switches and dials are easily marked and easy to find, and then theres the handling. It's docile, you could even call it sweet. With the gear down, and the flaps cranked down for landing it's like riding a magic carpet. The cockpit has an excellent view, and no joke the radios are almost as good as that PC-12 coming along behind.

    Of course this is 311mph vs almost 600, so Elliot and her Saab show up well ahead of Zinda. "Blackhawk 1, control. Checking in, you get down alright Little Hawk?"

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "No trouble here, Blackhawk 1. But I'm still circling. You should see me in just a sec. Regulation says I'm not supposed to land unless you are within visual confirmation range or there are other orders. We come home together. Anyway, after that I'm going to get my bird settled in and head inside to the lounge." Elliot will land immediately when asked, otherwise she waits until she can get that visual confirmation of her wingman. Still speaking in that bright, effervescent tone like she might laugh at any moment Elliot climbs out of her new bird and goess about getting it cleaned up and ready to fly again before leaving the thing to its own devices.
    Elliot is in too good of a mood NOT to have the alcohol already out and some snacks on hand for when Zinda actually rejoins her. She is perspiring lightly, her skin glistening in the light, but it doesn't stop the girl from all but skipping up to her partner. Even if she's were being chastsed it would be difficult to dampen those spirits.
    "Okay, okay. That was awesome! I already want to go up again."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    And well with birds parked, Zinda slips out of the hangar with a yawn. Smiling, amused at Elliot's joy and well she's hardly complaining. "Tomarrow, first. You're stripping that bird to the airframe, and from there? Everything gets repainted, refurbished, and then we re-arm it. With this salt air, you don't want it to rust do you?"She leans in to deliver a smooch to the forehead, before slumping and well yes. Beer and snacks, seem delightful.

    "Well come on, how was it? How do you like it? Different when the bird's -yours- right?"Something Zinda had to -steal- a plane to feel back when she was younger, but well thats another story for another day entirely.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    "Everything feels different. I mean, it was so- smooth. And shiny. And there was so much room I could fit another me in front of me!" Elliot is almost too short to be a modern fighter pilot. Facts are faccts. She is laughing again and then she's throwing her arms around Zinda's neck to hug her tightly for a second.
    "Okay, so. Snacks, beer... Um." Elliot wiggles a little bit before flashing Zinda a quiet smile. "I'll take good care of her. The works. I'll even change the colour scheme instead of letting your eyes bleed." Now Elliot is wandering off to collect one of the beers she's laid out.
    "All I know is that I can't believe how- amazing that was." Another slow, deep breath is taken before the young woman pauses for a solid second. "And there's so much more flying I have to do!" Elliot will chatter a bit more as well. It's the most talkative she has literally ever been in Zinda's presence.