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Latest revision as of 00:09, 27 October 2017

Places everyone!
Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Clayface, Robin (Wayne)

Clayface has posed:
Proffitt Studios the former movie production studio which created many classic horror films. It closed down eight years ago due to financial issues and was purchased by Basil Karlo using some of his ill gotten gains.

The lot itself is mostly unused buildings, the parking lots are empty save for a few vehicles, the lights flicker at night or are broken all together. The fences around the place have no trespassing signs and warnings about guard dogs. However, in the back of the lot there is one building that is active. Lights are on, music plays and people mill about the old stage production building with the double doors to the studio open. The electricity is from a gas powered generator keeping the lights on and the music.

The various people, which Damian will no doubt watch before he makes himself known all seem to be pretty cheerful but many of them are dressed in what seem like costumes. Belly dancers, Strippers, Army soldiers, Wise old Gypsy ladies, a muscular construction worker in a hard hat, a white dog that sits at a table playing checkers with an eight year old girl. Clayface is nowhere to be seen but maybe one of them will know where he can be found?

Several people are working on repainting the building's interior and the old Gypsy lady along with the exotic dancers seem to be working on a new costume, hand stitching it. None of them seem to be armed and they all seem to get along fairly well with the soldier organizing everything.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Out of the shadows from the hangers a boy jumps down landing in the middle of the open area. He had taken the time to prepair for this, and looked around at the other figures around him. The boy standing back up at around 4' tall frowns at the figures that are around. He might of been able to stealth further in, but the trail lead here and experience has tought him that it is better to make a reasonable first impression other then jumping out of a shadow behind them. He was wrapped in a cloak that covered most of his features, but on his face a black mask that looks like you could buy at any store, though this one seems to be cover with ash.

What is under the cloak might be unknown right now, but it might be safe to assume he has a weapon. The figure gives one last glance before speaking loudly though his tone seemed like a boy's voice.. "Come out.. I am not a bat I am not here to arrest you or anything silly like that. I am not going to walk through all these intricate traps.. I don't care if you have a hostage." he pauses for a moment, then continues. "I know much of your work, and I think you usful though I am not as patient as the heroes in this area"

Clayface has posed:
Pretty much everyone in the studio looks over at the new arrival who snuck into their home. They look at the diminutive figure, then each other, then back at Damian and they start to smile at each other. Conversations start up around him as most of them go back to work chatting about how cute he looks pretending to be Batman. Is he playing at being a hero? A villain? They really do get younger every year. One of the woman makes a comment about how he could really use a new cloak. That one has no flair. Some nice stitching to decorate it. The soldier calls out in a loud voice, "We need another Timmy!" and the boy who was playing checkers jumps up from his chair looking confused at first then looking at the soldier, pointing at Damian. The soldier nods then Timmy points to himself like 'Me?!' and the soldier nods again before walking over to the crafts table and assembling a plate of food.

Timmy taps his thigh and his dog jumps off the chair too walking over with the boy to talk with Damian. "Hi. You're looking for Mr. Clayface?" he asks. "He's asleep." Damnian could have swore Timmy was a girl when he was casing the place. Maybe it was the long hair.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy just sighs, as he listens to them speak he doesn't move, just waiting for them to continue he looks at the one that told him about 'Mr Clayface'. "I need his attention, I am not against doing it the hard-way, but I am in a hurry and fighting is a waste of time." He takes a torwards the 'Timmy' and looks down at him examining the boy. "It would be a shame if I had to use someone else to get the job done because his people rather insult me then doing what is best for him."

He shakes his head, and turns from the boy moving back towards the large doors of the studio, though he takes out a couple of small items he keeps in his palms he doesn't place them on anything, just looking like if he were to be attacked he was ready. "It is for the league..." he adds finally almost as an after thought.

Clayface has posed:
Timmy says, "Oh, a job! He'll like that." smiling widely like one of the kids from a TV sitcom. Just too cheerful, too happy. "Everyone! We need to wake up Mr. Clayface!" he calls out and then there are other calls echoing his as the word is passed around. Timmy says to the small hooded figure, "We'll be just a moment. Help yourself to the crafts table if you want." They all stop what they are doing, putting down the sewing and sealing up the paint cans, cleaning the brushes. They walk towards the backstage area of the building walking through the side door leading behind the red production curtain. Surprisingly three crows fly in from outside and a stuffed teddy bear gets up from where it was laying on a table, jumps down and walks with them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy looks at the food, and shakes his head. "I am saving room for some meal they are having at Lux." He looks around a bit, while he waits watching the pile grow. He puts away the explosives for now as this was going to get him where he was going without violence. It did happen once in a while, but it was rare so it looked like he was waiting watching out in the shadows to make sure they were alone. "I hope that when the time comes for the mission he will be awake."

Clayface has posed:
As disturbing as all this may be, at least it doesn't take long. Once they are all together in the backstage there is a uncomfortable slurping, mushing sound then the voice of a grumpy, just waking up man with a deep gravel like voice. Clayface, in his true form slides his hand between the curtains and pulls one back stepping out onto the stage, "I'm awake" he mutters as he keeps lumbering off the stage stepping down by extending his legs to the floor level and then moving his torso to match them at the right height. He towers above most people at 12 foot tall but Damian is a little shorter than his normal clients so he takes a knee in front of the kid to make it less of a neck breaking proposition for Damian to talk to him. "You got a job for me?" The people, the dog, the birds, even the animated teddy bear, they are all gone now. Not a sound from behind the stage. Not a murmur or a cough, not even a breath to be heard.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy doesn't seem worried as he approaches, just watching him calmly as he ducks down. "Indeed I do, I need you to try to kill a woman, but fail. Then when you fail I need you to drop this.." he flicks a coin to him. It is a simple coin with large whale on one side. "It is pretty self explainable I figure someone with your skills might be able to pull this off, though there might be further missions if you are able to pull this off without the target realizing what you are doing." he looks at him eye to eye. "If you can do what they say you can do then this should be easy. I won't threaten you if you fail in your mission, as I have been told I should be nicer to those I hire. Just know that you sould not take this mission if you do not believe you can pull it off."

Clayface has posed:
Letting the coin fall into his leg and sink inside it. Clay lifts his large hand and the coin pops out of his palm. "Oh, I can do that. You just need to answer the standard questions. Who is my target, who do you want me to be when I do it, and how close do you want it to be to death?" then he looks down at the hooded figure and asks, "And aren't you a little young to be not threatening people with death? I thought the league only trained adults?" Clay thinks the kid must have heard of the league but can't really be one of them. He wants to make sure he'll get paid a fair wage.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy nods, "Good... Good." he turns away walking to the side a bit.. "It is very simple Scandal Savage, enough to convince her she is in real danger, and I am different that is why I am here and not grandfather. He does not see you as usefull because you are.." he waves a hand in your direcrtion. "You.." he shakes his head, but continues... "I do, and so if you are waiting for them you will be waiting a while for to them you are not even worth using."

Clayface has posed:
Grandfather? Clay face smiles at the young kid and stands up flipping the coin into his mouth, "I like you kid. You got giant stones on ya. The enemy of my enemy. I can respect that." he says as he puts his hands on his hips. "Is there a time line you need? ASAP? Do you want to make it public or an intimate affair?" he asks.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy looks at him, and nods. "I will have the time place, and person I want you to imitate in the fight ready for you on our next meeting. Not all of gotham's, villians as you said it, are as cooperative so I believe this meeting was manditory." he takes a step.. "Meet me at the Two-Face Club... alone." and with that, he jumps... Though with just a jump he gets an easy ten feet landing on the lower end of the building. As he balances on the beam he landed on he glances down at him to add "One last thing, if anyone even me comes to ask you about this before then... say nothing. Some of our enemies are quite good at disquise. The password is Joe Dirt.." Then with that he leaps again dissapearing further up the building as he runs off into the night once again!