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Over The Hills and Far Away
Date of Scene: 24 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The dangers of going camping with a Cheshire cat is that you never know when the world might decide to get weird and open portals to goodness-knows-where. And then you end up soaking wet and in danger of catching your death of cold. You know... the usual.
Cast of Characters: 87, Beast Boy

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy may hate summer nights in the city, but out on the countryside... it was a horse of a different color altogether. This is a fact that he might have mentioned to Gar at some point but refrained, out of fear that he might turn into a horse of a different (green) color just to make a point.

The campsites near Breakstone Lake were ideal for the outing- the breeze from the lake provided a wonderful respite from the stifling heat one felt in the city, and the Cheshire cat had made sure to pick the most remote, most out-of-the-way campsite for privacy. A tent had been erected, the campfire built, and food and drink bought.

As the Cheshire cat sits down on the ground by the campfire, he muses that he's going to miss this place. The advanced courses he wanted to take were cancelled, and it was clear that he wasn't going to be able to get the training he needed in his powers by comutting to the nearby college that was not, in fact, affilliated with Xavier's school and, therefore, not geared to powered students.

He would miss being at the mansion, though, and having access to the lake. His paperwork to transfer back to the university hadn't been finished just yet. While it made him sad, at least he figured it would make Adrien happy.

The cat shakes himself out of his reverie. He's not here to think about the school, or Adrien. As he fishes into the bag of marshmallows and reaches for the graham crackers, he turns his attention on the green boy whom he invited along tonight.

"So, who's up for s'mores?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy may hate summer nights in the city, but out on the countryside... it was a horse of a different color altogether. This is a fact that he might have mentioned to Gar at some point but refrained, out of fear that he might turn into a horse of a different (green) color just to make a point.

The campsites near Breakstone Lake were ideal for the outing- the breeze from the lake provided a wonderful respite from the stifling heat one felt in the city, and the Cheshire cat had made sure to pick the most remote, most out-of-the-way campsite for privacy. A tent had been erected, the campfire built, and food and drink bought.

As the Cheshire cat sits down on the ground by the campfire, he muses that he's going to miss this place. The advanced courses he wanted to take were cancelled, and it was clear that he wasn't going to be able to get the training he needed in his powers by comutting to the nearby college that was not, in fact, affilliated with Xavier's school and, therefore, not geared to powered students.

He would miss being at the mansion, though, and having access to the lake. His paperwork to transfer back to the university hadn't been finished just yet. While it made him sad, at least he figured it would make Adrien happy.

The cat shakes himself out of his reverie. He's not here to think about the school, or Adrien. As he fishes into the bag of marshmallows and reaches for the graham crackers, he turns his attention on the green boy whom he invited along tonight.

"So, who's up for s'mores?"

Beast Boy has posed:
Gar hadn't been camping in a while, and so when he was invited he jumped at the chance. And by jump, I mean he turned into a rabbit and jumped all around for about three minutes before reverting back to himself with a grin.

The day to go camping arrived, and Gar was only too happy to lend a hand. He helped pitch the tent and get the fire going and everything. The thoughtful reverie was noted but not interuded upon.

"Oh! Yes yes! Gooey marshmellowy chocolatey.. in my mouth, om!" Garfield chatters, reaching over for the supplies so he can get to toasted the white sugary fluff to perfection.

"So! Everything good?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Yeah, everything good," Tommy smirks, letting Gar raid the provisions while he pulls his tank-top over his head and carefully folds it. In concession to Garfield's previous points, he doesn't really need the shirt due to his fur. Still, he likes to obey conventional modestry rules in urban settings- not only because old habits are hard to break, but he does realize that his physique could be intimidating (even if he is *short*), and a powerful feline without a shirt looks decidedly- what was that word Professor McCoy used? Atavistic. Primal. And that might make some people uncomfortable.

Here, he was basically sharing the space with a fellow 'atavist', if the word was being used correctly (He didn't know, he never got, nor will get to take, a McCoy class). He only needed the cycling shorts he was wearing. "AC is still in the fritz, I'm still a puddle of fur most days. But I've been looking forward to this outing."

He grab his stick and his provisions, and slides over to be by Gar's side near the fire as he assembles his s'more. "How about you? Finally picked a place to live or are you still window shopping?" Literally. He imagined Gar might fly up to penthouse window to take a look inside to see what the place looked like before they made it show-room ready.

His mind was weird like that.

Beast Boy has posed:
"still window shopping. I got to fly into this one place - they left the window open cause they were replacing some drywall - I didn't like really like the layout, so I left," Gar says, completely confirming that not only does it fly to windows to peer into them, he take open windows as an invitation. Gar has an open door / open window policy. A warm smile is given as Vorpal slides over near him, the expression welcoming him to the fireside and the making of the smores. SMORES.

"It's getting on criminal, how long the AC's been out. Maybe you should move."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I've been thinking about it but I can't really afford a place with that view anywhere else. I mean, I'm right by the beach, how can you beat that?" He finishes a perfect s'more and proceeds to get it nice and gooey using the firepit. His ear twitches a little as if hearing something. Probably just sounds coming from the other distant campgrounds, carried by the wind.

"So, wanna do something? There's always Truth or Dare," the cat says with a mischievous grin, "Or we can have a swim in the lake. The water looks nice and cool..."

Beast Boy has posed:
"You could live ON the beach?" Gar counters, having a bit of chocolate on a grahm cracker, another cracker waiting, balanced just so on his knee. Marshmellow skewered, he sets it ner the flame so that it warms and toasts slowly. He glances at that ear, but if Vorpal says nothing, he doesn't either.

"Truth or dare? Isn't that just us getting to know each other and then making risky choices?" he counters, grinning too and not sounding like its off the table. "A swim would be rad, sure. Fresh water, right?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Por que no las dos?" Vorpal says, transforming briefly into a certain little girl from a well-known commercial before the illusion is dispelled. "Let's do both. We can start swimming after this perfect gooeyness is ready to be devoured," he says, giving his s'more-on-a-stick some love from the fire. "So I go first- I choose Truth, so ask away!"

Beast Boy has posed:
"Tengo un gato con los pantalones," Gar replies mimicking Martin Lawerence perfectly.. bad accent and everything. It's clear that he has no idea what he just said. He doesn't speak spanish. Grateful for the translation, Gar nodnods, smiling still and looking at his very slowly toasting marshmellow.

"Okay. Truth... hmm... When's youre birthday?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"April fools," Vorpal answers, twirling the s'more a bit. His ear twitches again. Very faint music, someone must be having a party in one of the camps. "That's easy, now you choose- Truth or Dare?"

Beast Boy has posed:
"Seriously?" Gar asks, expression a little dumbfounded before he laughs brightly.

"That's so awesome!"

Gar checks his marshmellow then returns it to the fire's warmth.

"Hmm... truth."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Okay... who was your first kiss?" The cat grins and brings out his s'more. It's just about done for what he usually likes, so he blows on it to cool some before he starts nibbling away on it. "Someone's playing some weird music out there. Must be a new age group or something."

Occasionally the breeze will blow and the sounds will be slightly clearer. Flutes, or instruments that sound like flutes but have a strange vibe to them. Maybe a string here or there.

Beast Boy has posed:
"Stacy Thatcher, first not for the camera kiss. It was okay," Garfield replies, turning his marshmellow so the other side can get golden brown and delicious. He takes a moment, as the music is metntioned to listen, but unless he shifts into a cat or a dog, he can't make anything out. And that would be a waster of smores. So, Garfield just smiles and takes Tommy's word for it.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I choose... hmm... dare," The cat gets up and walks over to the edge of the lake, just a few inches from the shore itself. He's watching the shore, but his attention is still on Gar as he chews on the marshmallow. "Just don't make it something like walking around in my undewear, 'cause I already am."

Beast Boy has posed:
"What would be the point? You're covered in fur. Unless you're hung like a sabertooth, you probably won't show anyway?" Garfield comments, as natural as anything as he sets his perfectly toasty marshmellow onto the chocolate and uses the other cracker to hold it down while he extracts the skewer.

"Dare, hm...? Tonight. The dare is: After swimming, I dare you to let me take a cat brush to you."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The cat turns around, eyes wide. "-I'll have you know... that there is no way I can actually respond to that without embarrassing myself in one way or another. Damnit."

He turns around. Did he just see a light? There, across the other shore. Way across. That doesn't look like any of the campgrounds. Curious. His own night vision isn't showing him much.

"And deal. Let me guess- you brought one such brush in your bag just in the odd chance?" He smirks and finishes the s'more, now more interested in the other shore than on this particular delicacy, which he chomped down with admirable switfness. He dips one foot in the water. Chilly. "Your choice now."

Beast Boy has posed:
Garfield just smiles innocently, eating half of his smore in one go.

"Pretty much," he agrees, head tilting as he spots Tommy's distraction. He sets his skewer down sot he sticcky point wont get dirt on it, and the pushes up to go stand by Tommy's side.

"Truth: Whacha looking at?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Just some weird lights," Tommy mutters and points. "Right over- there, there they are." From this distance, they look like the paper lanterns you'd see in Japan, but they're hovering at a height where one would have to be eight feet just to hold one up... and they're being held up, because they're wobbling and moving between the trees before vanishing again.

"See what I mean? That's weird..." Tommy puts a an arm around Gar's waist, resting a hand on his hip. He may not be aware he's doing it, either.

"How about we put out the fire and take that swim prematurely? This looks like a mystery to me."

Beast Boy has posed:
"Sure thing," says Beast Boy with the easy grace of a superhero. The arm about his waist is merely leaned into. Phusical contact is oh so nice. Mysterious lights while out on a camping date? Let's totally go check it out! Kicking bad guy butt is totally romantic. Smore finished, Gar turns into a very big labrador and quickly buries the fire with some dirt before running back over to Tommy's side.

"Did you know that Nessy's totally a fresh water animal?" And off he bound toward the water.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The cat smirks. People assume all cats hate water, but the Cheshire cat isn't really a standard feline. He takes a running leap and pushes off the shore, diving into the water. When he surfaces, he follows into an easy breaststroke with surprising grace. He used to be in the swimming team in highschool and still practices regularly (though under his illusion, because people start complaining about fur in the pool...) however, his endurance doesn't last as long as it used to last and he doesn't swim as quickly simply because his fur adds to the weight. It's one of the reasons he tries to keep it trimmed and as short as humanly possible... which is why, even though the heat kills him, he still does need clothing. He's just too embarrassed to say it.

Fortunately, although the lake is a decent size, he manages to get to the other side and touch bottom before he gets too tired, though Gar may notice he is panting. He rises out of the water, wet fur clinging to hi, and he has to spend a bit to brush away the red mane that clings over his eyes for a few seconds. He's also shivering, because wet fur is also a chill trap. He jogs in place for a few seconds "Okay, truth: boxers or briefs?" he whispers. Yes, he's still playing the game, because.

The lights flare up again- this time they are further down. He starts off towards the trees.

Beast Boy has posed:
Garfield too dove right in. But a few moments later he shifted into a fresh water creature. A smaller Loch Ness. He was able to swim faster than Tommy and so stayed beneath the surface, enjoying himself and playing around before Tommy got near to shore. Garfield shifted then into a cute green otter to make his way on shore and shake out most of hte water before shifting back.

"Briefs. Boxers are loose and floppy and no thank you," Gar whispers back eyes on the lights. He too starts after them.

"Truth or Dare?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Truth!" Tommy whispers and darts between the trees. He takes a quick look back at Gar to see if he's even wet or not-if he's not, he's going to envy shapeshifters so much.


Right there, in a clearing up ahead, there are lights, and there's a burst of music that washes over them.

And then, it's all dark. No music, no lights, just a clearing.

He steps into the circle of the clearing and frowns.

"Okay. This is... weird."

Beast Boy has posed:
Gar's damp. He got most of the water off as an otter.

"How real can your illusions get?"

Asked right as they slip into the clearing and...

"Nothing? This is weird," Garfield comments, shifting into a wolf to get a better scent of the situation.

Get it?

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Real images, real sounds, real sounds. You can't disbelieve it. I just can't create anything solid." The cat starts walking around the clearing. Gar's senses would pick up only the normal smells of the forest, but for a moment there is an almost overhwelming scent of grass, cut grass. "This is very we-"

And then Vorpal's voice is silenced. He's not in the clearing anymore.

Far away, deeper into the forest, Tommy's voice clearly shouts- "GAR!" it sounds as if it is getting further away at an impressive amount of speed. There is a scent, Tommy's scent, and it does lead deep into the forest.

Beast Boy has posed:
Gar's wolfish nose works overtime, sniffing and huffing along the ground, scenting grass and more grass and then Vorpal's voice is... wait what? The green wolf looks up, not seeing but hearing, smelling. Gar gets an idea of where before he takes off. Two lopes later a green unicorn takes off with a burst of fleet footed speed and grace. He must follow the cat!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The scents of the forest shift subtly as Garnicorn dashes through it. The look changes, as well- the further Gar dashes, the more the forest looks and smells like old growth. Check that, ancient growth. Tommy' voice goes silent, suddenly, but the scent is true and leads Gar to the right location.

Whether or not Beast Boy has time to look up, he might notice that the stars are... strange. Different, at any rate. Of course, it depends on how much of an amateur astronomer the green superhero might be.

The chase culminates in a clearing- a rather large clearing, the center of which is dominated by a large, round stone dais upon which a figure sits on a rustic seat carved out of stone. It is hard to see any features, due to the cloak and multiple layers.

It's amazing they're not cooking alive. Actually, the weather is suddenly much /cooler/ and breezier, as if it were the middle of the fall instead of just after the Summer Solstice.

Tommy is there, too, hovering in front of the cloaked figure, turning slowly in the air without uttering a word.

"Be welcome," the figure speaks without moving, a soothing, mellifluous voice echoing in the clearing. The trees that surround the clearing are old... almost impossibly so, trunks that would take a dozen men clasping hands to surround the circumference of one, canopies that stretch to the sky, swaying with the breeze.

Beast Boy has posed:
Garnicorn uses the fleetness and speed of his borrowed form well, noting the changes to the forest without slowing. Something had his friend, his employee, his date! Something was going to pay the TRex for that.

In the clearing, Garnicorn canters to a stop, huffing softly and not noticing the stars at all. A cloven hoof paws the ground.

"Be returning that which is mine," Garnicorn states, borrowing Jeremy Iron's voice. Because that man is a bad ass.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I'm afraid your pet no longer belongs to you." The figure stands up, casting off the cloak to reveal a rather distinguished-looking gentleman with long, thisle-down hair. His outfit is antiquated, but exquisite. "It became mine to claim when it crossed over into my domain. I believe it shall make an entertaining gift for my lady... as, of course, all of these other gifts as wel."

He gestures to the clearing, but there is nothing.

Except, if Gar pays close attention, there is something.

Here and there, he may get faint impressions of... not exactly people, but *presences* hanging in the air.

Over here, there is a distinctly feminine presence, but all that can be glimpsed from it are filigrees of light, like moonlight reflecting on long, voluminous hair. Over there, footfalls- no, not footprints, but the gracefulness of nimble feet. Over to the side, a flute-like voice (that was the sound they heard earlier) but tied to no visible throat. And, occasionally reflected by the moon, the brilliance of moonlight reflected by clear eyes. It's not as if there is such a thing as *physical* creatures there, but there is... distinctly, the impression of the embodiment of those characteristics.

"You are peculiar yourself. Your coloration reminds me of some of our kinfolk, though never as vibrant. Perhaps I might trade you your color for a procession of Saturdays, one afer another?"

He clenches a long, slender hand, and Gar may notice that his skin is no longer green. Instead, he looks as if he would have looked, had the Sakutia and its cure not invaded his system. On one of the nearby mirrors hung by the trees (what an odd thing!) he might catch a glimpse of himself: blond, blue-eyed, just like his father.

And then it is gone, replaced by his usual green self. "Of course, to merely take it would be unbecoming of me. Perhaps you would like to wager it of me?" He smiles genially.

Beast Boy has posed:
Garnicorn takes all this in, the antiquated suit, the mention of gifts, the there but not there beings. He prances a bit, tail swishing behing him as he listens, considers... then starts as he notes a foreleg turning a stunning brillant white. The mirror is spotted, and Garnicorn doble takes. That reflection of himself isn't something he's seen in ...a decade or more. It has him stopping for a moment, looking at the now alien reflection.

Dude... he looks SO weird! His head tilts as he sees his usual self again. That's SO much better! Garnicorn turns back to this creature.

You know... Pete's Dragon was a furry fluff ball.. Smaug was so much more the bad ass.

Smaugar unfurls his wings, tail lashing behind him and destroying some of the smaller trees.

"Or," rumbles Benedict Cumberbatch's bass voice, "you can give me back what's mine, and any other innocent you think you might want to take before I set fire to your entire forest before eating you."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The gentleman with the thisle-down hair looks at Graug with admiration. "Ah! The noble art of shape-shifting." There is a moment of three seconds where the man seems to concentrate, and suddenly the world shifts around him. He becomes a tower dragon with deep, crimson scales and glowing eyes. It looks very, very old and massive. In height, it seems to match Graug. And then, it grows a little more, as if to drive a point.

"It seems to me that I have found the competition in which you will claim what was once 'yours.' A contest of guises! I have not had a good one in over a thousand years! Beat me and you shall claim your boon. But if I beat you..." he raises a claw and his saurian grin is truly horrifying, "Then I will claim your name, and you are to serve me until age snow white hairs on thee."

"But heed my warning- I have always managed to be bigger, much MUCH bigger and greater, than my opponents."

Beast Boy has posed:
Noticing the way his 'opponent' counters his shape-shift and then goes to make his size larger than what Gar had offered says something. He equates size with power, with worth. Alright then....

"Please! This wouldn't be a far contest. This is bit a wee little lizard," Garfield challenges back, mind flipping through the possible creatures that can undo the larger creatures. Have to keep this arrogant guy going bigger to make this work. After all, was it not the MICE than saved the mighty Lion from the sacrifical table?

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"You... you /dare/?" The ancient dragon's eyes blaze like the cauldrons of hell. He rears himself up and grows even larger before Garfield's eyes. His tail rolls like a mountain down the forest, crushing trees behind him.

The Cheshire cat manages to not get crushed by a massive claw that paws at the ground by virtue of floating out of the way. It isn't clear whether he is doing it voluntarily or not- by how still he is, it almost looks as if he may not be conscious at all... his eyes are open, though, but he simply seems to be incapable of motion.

"Wee Lizard indeed! Tremble before my might and despair. Will you now admit defeat, you pathetic salamander?" the creature's scales are enormous now, almost the size of a car, each.

Beast Boy has posed:
Garfield watches, keeping Vorpal in his peripherial. His own shift is by degrees as his opponent grows so that he is a bit smaller. His final closing act, after all, will likely need to be swift.

"That? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwnn. Pathetic. I have a beast whose smallest toe is the size of the head of that newt of a shape." Acting. It's all acting. And convincing too! Garfield was ROBBED of the Oscar! ROBBED I TELL YOU!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"You will rue that insult." The fae are mercurial. They are voluble and easy to insult... but, fortunately, they have their own code. It would simply be unthinkable to shift into something enormous and step on Gar for his insults. No. He must be humilliated, he must know his defeat. What is the good of killing an enemy, if they don't know they have lost

The creature is now truly colossal, after one effort that draws magic from miles around to perform. The stone cracks under massive claws the size of houses, the creature's neck stretches skyward, the low rumbling of its voice causing the earth itself to vibrate.

"You. Cannot... surpass.... this." Its breathing is slow, and so it is its speaking. Its sides heave with every breath.

Beast Boy has posed:
"In a heartbeat and with the utmost of ease," Smaugling-Gar retorts with careless ease, shifting a bit to 'keep the creature's face in sight' (really: moving closer to Vorpal).

"You're an infant of a thing! Your head is not even near the bottom of the clouds!" Garfield adds, making sure to yell now so he can be heard. The thing about large forms? They need a lot of air. The thing about flying high like a bird, Garfield knows the air gets really thin up there.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The dragon roars. It's a good thing that his head is pointed upwards, because otherwise the sound and the shockwave would easily deafen anyone in the path of the roar... even cause permanent hearing damage. Fortunately, roaring looks better when done with a stretched neck to the clouds- so vanity saves the day, some. With one defiant puff, it bloats up in size to such magnitude, it is almost impossible to conceive how such a creature might walk without causing tremors and quakes. "Insolent-"

Its growth stops, and then for a moment it begins to sway. Air has grown thin, there's just not enough. There is wheezing, a desperate attempt to draw breath...

Its eyes, enormous like small lakes, lose focus.

And then it very, very slowly begins to fall on its side. Fortunately for Gar, he's falling *away* from them... but the size of something that large impacting the earth is bound to cause... well. Fortunately, it is going to take a little before that enormous mass impacts the ground.

Beast Boy has posed:
Plenty of time to grab Vorpal in careful talons and take to wing to clear out of the way, heading back the way he had come. The magic of the area was fading. Surely there's a crack in whatever brought them here. As he moves, he flicks a glance about to look for these other gifts - people? - to rescue if he can, but... Vorpal is number one priority right now!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
When Vorpal is grabbed, there's a reaction from the 'presences' in the area. It's almost as if something were clinging to Vorpal now, trailing after him. He doesn't move or make a sound, so it is hard to know whether he is aware of anything that is going on...

Impact. Off in the distance, a cloud of dust rises. The shockwave expands outwards, sending trees flying this way and that. It's still a ways off, but it's advancing quickly-

There. Up ahead. There is a light coming from between the trees- brighter and more vibrant than the dusty light coming from this world's moon-

Beast Boy has posed:
Speed! Smaugarfield is too slow! So mid flight, Beast Boy shifts into a sleeker dragontype. Still green but the body shape is one meant for flight, sleek and powerful. He aims for the light, ducking trees far more easily in this form, even as it requires him to hug Vorpal to his belly with all four limbs.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The world becomes a blur as Gar flies, and there is now a massive wall of earth, dust, wind and wood chasing after him. It seems almost impossible that he could escape it-

and then suddenly there is nothing there at all. The woods have changed back to their young growth and the night is silent, except for the occasional cheers and partying from the other campgrounds. Gar breaks out of the woods and is flying over the lake in no time.

As for the things that trailed after Vorpal?

A quick glance behind him, should he start slowing down (and it is heavily recommended, under the circumstnaces) will see those shimmering forms, those hints of *something* there. They hang in the air for a moment, and then they speed away in different directions, probably in search of their owners. Perhaps.

Vorpal suddenly stirs under Gar, hands reaching out to clasp the dragon's sides and an unintelligible voice saying something. Maybe it's a yelp.

Beast Boy has posed:
The moment the world reverts back to what it was Garfield's wings open to coast him to something more manageable. A glance behind him, noting those shimmering things, is ended when Vorpal stirs in his talons. Happy to feel Vorpal stirring, Gardragon ends to the water, barrel rolls to his backtosses vorpal up just enough to dislodge him so that Garfield himself can shift into Nessy from the Loch in Scotland and then gracefully catch the cat again on his back.

"Hey! There you are! Welcome back! That was some ride huh?" Oh the relief in his voice!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And there's suddenly a lot of incoherent babbling from Vorpal, as if everything he had wanted to say during his immobilization was coming up at once. Eventually, though, he starts rambling and just holds on to the plesiosaur-like creature's long, slender neck, and doesn't let go until they're close enough to shore that he can leap out and onto shoulder-height water. Without saying a word, he walks back towards the camp, shuddering, fur drenched.

Beast Boy has posed:
Garfield shifts back to himself, wakling after Vorpal. He can read the concern on the cat's body and he heard the rambling if it wasn't understood. A moment or two, and then Garfield rushes forward to wrap his arms about the other.

"Hey! Handsome cat?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And then Vorpal blinks, stopping. He turns to look at Garfield and suddenly puts his arms around him. He tries to talk once... twice... and then, finally, he says with his nose an inch away from Garfield's:




He lets out a laugh, either from shock or actual relief, or because he thinks it was actually awesome, but he buries his face in Gar's shoulder and laughs, "OH MY GOD!"

Beast Boy has posed:
Could be all of it! And that's okay. That's what this life is about. So, Garfield holds the wet feline to him, petting his pet and making a note that the brushing is bound to feel amazing and help the frayed nerves.

"Completely mental," Garfield says, borrowing Ron Weasley's voice. "Brilliant, but mental."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Eventualy Vorpal stops laughing, movingto the "Aaaah...hehehe..." portion of the laughing fit that everybody eventually comes to, before falling silent again. There is no fire, of course, they put it out before embarking on this adventure, but the green eyes glint as he raises his head and smirks, looking at Gar eye to eye.

".... come to claim what's yours, eh?" he says.

Beast Boy has posed:
No fire? No problem! Even SMALL dragons breathe fire. Like that Norweighn Horntail that Hagrid hatched. But for the moment, dragons must wait for there's a cat smirking at him.

"Yes. That dude was a theify thief," Garfield replies, grinning right back.

"Sit? I'll get the fire gowing and then find you a towel.... and that cat brush I pormised."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The cat laughs and sits down cross-legged on the ground. "Alright, go get the brush, I'll be right here."

He lies. As soon as Gar heads for the tent, he's going to follow him, silently- as cats are wont to do- and invisible. An illusion of him is lefft behind, sitting, while his invisible self follows Gar.

And the moment he least expects it... he POUNCES the green teen, becoming visible just at that moment.


Beast Boy has posed:
Let go, Garfield turns, turns into that tiny dragon to hiccup-burp a fire into being. Back to himself and Garfield gets the logs set back up, smiling at Vorpal behind him thinking the cat is just getting closer to the warm flames.

Garfield turns away then, moving for the tent. Silent cat is silent, and invisible. Even when Garifled glances back to check on Vorpal, all the green teen will see is Vorpal by the fire, being a wet cat. Triumph is when it is least expected, for Garfield ahas at finding the brush. Just as he straightens to hold it up, Vorpal pounces.

"Whoah!" Garfield explains, falling to the ground under Vorpal. A heartbeat and Garfield is laughing, arms wrapping about the cat, holding him ni a hug.


Vorpal (87) has posed:
And he is dripping wet, of course. Dripping on Gar, even as he is held by him and he squeezes back, laughing as well. Until he isn't laughing anymore, and the Cheshire plces a small, gentle kiss on the side of Gar's neck and presses a wet cheek to the other's.

"Hey..." he says quietly, squeezing Gar to him. "You saved me."

He then pushes himself up so that he is straddling Gar, looking down at him with a humorous curl to his lips, hands pressed against the green teen's chest. "... and who told you I am *yours*, pray tell?"

Beast Boy has posed:
Kissed, Garfield smiles warmly, eyes closing, chest sighing softly.

"Of course I did. I'm a hero. it's what i do," he quips, eyes opening to peer at the feline straddling him. He can feel the claws against his chest.

"No one. And I'm not out and out claiming, but crazy cakes back there was welcome to assume whatever he wanted as long as it got you safe and sound and out of his grasp, right? Right. Though, if you WANTED to be me, that would be okay too... Though on second thought, you totally are my employee as Tommy and my boyfriend as Vorpal so. I guess I want to change my answer to: You did."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Oh? I don't remember consenting to being your boyfriend," The cat says, leaning down so that his face is a few inches away from Gar's, water drip-drip-dripping from his red mane onto the green forehead, "I only consented to *date* you."

He is obviously teasing.

"You're all wet now," the cat says quietly. He leans down and touches his nose to Gar's. His lips stop just an inch from Gar's.

Then he says, "You can brush me now," and he slides off Gar and onto the tent, crossing his legs and grinning over at him on the ground.

Beast Boy has posed:
Gar grins right back, knowing the cat is being as a cat tends to be. He can't be upset. It's part of the feline allure.

"Yes. Yes, I am. Your fault," he murmurs, nose to nose. Just tip his chin up, that's all he'd have to do is tip his chin up... and then the cat is up and into the tent and...

Of course he is. Silly killy.

Grinning, Garfield moves over, finding a place behind Vorpal and grapping a towel on his way. He starts at a shoulder, rubbing then brushing then rubbing then brushing, move to a new spot, repeat.

Yes. He's done this before.

Never on a feline quite so... large. But, first time for everything, and technique isn't much diffferent.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The cat purrs and closes his eyes. He leans back into the brushing, and sighs softly. AS he is brushed, he arches his back, finding the experience completely unusual but invigorating- this is clearly the first time someone has brushed him. He actually begins to purr, and keeps his eyes closed for a while. Eventually, though, he opens his eyes halfway and reaches behind him, a hand reaching back to touch Gar's leg.

"Aren't you cold, too?"

Beast Boy has posed:
By the time Vorpal looks back, Garfield's shifted into his own version of the Chershire Cat. And he's mostly dry.

"Only a little," he admits. "Turn? So I can get your arm and side?"

There's a smile again, cat eyes glowing since he's facing hte fire light. LASERS CHARGED!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal does as he's told, and chuckles upon seeing the glowing cat eyes. He studies Gar, looking at a green mirror of himself. His tail lashes for a moment, and then he raises an eyebrow. "Pity. I would have liked to return the favor."

He reaches out with the arm that isn't being brushed, and traces the other cat's cheek, rubbing at his temple.

"... I guess it wouldn't be too bad... being yours." He teases, "I do wonder what it'd be like. To be someone's boyfriend. I mean." He pauses. "In case I ever decide to allow it..." He smiles.

Beast Boy has posed:
"Never said you can't return the favor. The brushing that is," Garfield retorts, grinning a fair approximation of the Chershire's grin. Cheek and temple rubbed, Garfield closes his eyes, a kitty kiss, and rubs his head into the touch before he opens his eyes again to keep brushing.

"I've always wanted to be a cat's hooman," he states with a sagenod and a smile. "Because that's how it works. I am aware of this."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal chuckles and turns around fully to face Garfield. He reaches out and pushes him, lightly, so he has to sit back and make a lap. And this is what he takes advantage of as he slides to sit on Gar's lap, hands resting on either side of his neck. This doesn't impede Garfield from continuing the brushing, but it does let the cat be closer.

"Alright... I give. Garfield Logan." He lets his hands reach out to each side of Gar's cheeks, stroking the fur there. "I'll be your boyfriend," he says quietly, the teasing smile dropped for a moment of unmasked sincerity.

Beast Boy has posed:
Grinning softly, Garfield pausing in his brushing for a moment to wrap his arm about the orange feline. He purrs warmly, leaning forward to nuzzle his nose against Tommy's.

"Awesome," Garfield states happily, not caring that wet orange cat is making him wet green cat.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy grins and reaches out to put his hands on Garfield's cheeks, giving him a sly grin, leaning forward to bump noses. "Go ahead and switch back, because I'm getting all that fur wet." He leans forward, almost as if he wants to topple Gar over. Or maybe he's just being the pesky cat he usually is.

Beast Boy has posed:
"Well, you are waterlogged," Garfield reasons, chuckling and shifting back. The water that was in his fur turns into tiny rivlets that run down his arms and chest and side.

"There. Let's keep drying you off, hmm?" he offers, smile not fading.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Sounds like a plan to me," the cat grins and reaches towards the entrance of the tent, pulling at the entrance until he finds the zipper. "But first let me close this in, because the breeze is going to give me the shivers." He is shivering- not as much as when he first came out of the water, though.

It's just a touch and then a dash of his chaos magic and the entrance begins to zip itself down. Tommy then turns around and grins. "Alright, then, lets proceed!: