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Latest revision as of 00:30, 27 October 2017

Graveyard Shifts and Songbirds
Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Black Canary

Ares has posed:
    The city doesn't magically grow forth from the bedrock beneath it. It takes the gift of hours granted, joined with the sweat of a builder's brow, and the occasional spill of blood. Any city grows this way, rising higher against the skyline with shadows deep and the lines of the buildings tended to by those who make their care the path of their life.
    Manhattan's no different. Late at night there are those who try to repair the damage done to it, hiding their efforts from the dawn so that the rest of the city isn't disrupted. A construction crew labors during those times so that business marches on. It's just that sometimes, the city demands more blood than sweat.
    The first sign of mayhem had been the short sharp crack of gunfire on the construction site. It came from the men who had gotten out of a quartet of black SUVs. Each of the men who now fanned out on the first level of the work site wore severe black and white masks that each looked as if they belonged in a distant theater. A black and white monkey, a raven, a stork, a bull, and many others all walked the land with their weapons in hand. No alarms were sounded as the building was far from being finished, and the workers were being gathered up together into a huddled mass even as the voices of the masked men were heard.
    "Don't move."
    "Don't speak."
    "Don't give us a reason to shoot you."
    They seemed to be looking for something, as to what, only they knew.

Black Canary has posed:
In this neighborhood, said buildings tend to be close together, with only slim alleys separating them, eating up as much space as they can to stuff in as many apartments and as many people as possible. Not all are owned by slumlords, but there are certainly plenty that could benefit from a little tender loving care, even thsoe not damaged by the latest metahuman brawl.

Also, they make dandy rooftop highways for a certain class of people, one of which is currently parkouring across the top of several tenements, when the gunshot echos through the area, causing her to stop.

This is a blue collar neighborhood, but shots are not common, all the same. After a moment, Black Canary focuses on the unusual activity at the building site, then begins making her way over, frowning to herself. "Allllmost home, too." she says, but a part of her is a bit happy that she's in the right place and right time to do something.

As she gets closer, she drops down to the street, clmibing down a fire escape, then making her way over to vault over the wooden fence around the site to drop down quietl on the other side.

Ares has posed:
    Her timing is perfect as she arrives she will espy what passes with those men. It's a glance, all that she needs. Those black suits and white masks stand out amongst the men who wear helmets and work clothes. The weapons in their hands seeming deadly with the dark metal that devours the light. But for now she has time, how much of it is unsure, but none are being held at gunpoint, and none have been struck down. Not yet at least.
    There's a distant rumble and the hiss of air brakes as a semi tanker trunk pulls slowly into the build site, being waved into position by two of the armed men. They roll past where the thirty or so workers stand. Should she spare a glance for them very little stands out... a mix of backgrounds, heights, and builds. One of them is taller than the rest, but they all wear their yellow hats and over suits that befit them.
    But then a van pulls up as well, empty when the back doors swing open. A man in an extravagant kimono steps out and proceeds to gesture to the men. Short sharp words are heard, ushering them into action.
    It might seem almost a peaceful situation, but then one of the gunmen pushes one of the workers onto his knees and aims a gun at his head.

Black Canary has posed:
Normally, she'd take this a bit slower until she could find a way to separate the thugs from the hostages...buuuut it looks like she's not going to have time to do that. Nor, really, to plan this out a bit better, like getting to a higher point above them to drop down. When she sees the gun coming down, she knows she's run out of time as she breaks into a run.

Rather than warning them, she pitches her voice as her lips part, and a loud SCREEEEEEEEE escapes her throat, the weakened sonic blast washing over the thugs. It's kept low, mostly to disorient, since she can't avoid possibly catching the hostage.

Predictably, the first reaction of the thugs is to grab their ears to cover them. Which nicely means the guns are pointed up about the time she arrives, and then she's among them, launching into a sweep that takes the would-be executioner off his feet, his gun spinning away as he slams into the ground. Her sweeping leg comes down, planting and rising up on the toes as she kicks off from her bent leg, shouldering into the thug across the way, as she shifts, smoothing capturing his gun arm and then sending him flying over her shoulder towards his two friends as the trio goes down in a tumble of limbs.

She takes a moment to get in a few stomps and kicks to send the remaining weapons spinning out of reach. "Hi boys. Bit late for a contract negotiation, and you've got WAY too serious about them, looks like..." She turns her gaze to the man in the kimono.

Ares has posed:
    Even as she sees the gun taking aim, there was a moment she might have noticed even as her boot crushed gravel while she set herself into motion. Just a bare moment as the taller construction worker stepped forwards. His voice lifted as he snapped sharply, "Cowards!" It was a simple slap of a sound that caused the gunman to look up and for his hand to tense on the trigger...
    But then she was on them. That loud noise lashed the air as she cried out, the waves of impacting causing each of the men to stumble, to step as their worlds shattered. To them it is the worst thing they've ever heard, if only they knew it was a gentle canary cry in comparison.
    The first few moments among them it is all her. She can feel the impact of each strike, clean, precise. An arm is twisted and a shoulder dislocated. Another goes down as her shoulder crashes into his chest. Weapons are sent scattering, even as she hurls another man into two others. But she was not able to catch the gunmen, not all of them.
    The man in the kimono snaps in Japanese that she can understand if no one else there besides the henchmen, // Kill them, kill all of them! Set the bomb! // Even as he's turning to dart behind a line of armed men though they're still reeling.
    There's a metallic click-click as rounds are chambered by some of the far and that tall man steps into the line of fire with a growled, "No!" He breaks into a run towards the two who are drawing a bead on the whirling dervish of Dinah Lance, only for a sharp report to sound, a /KRAK-KA-KRAK/ is heard sending three bullets down range. One slams into the tall construction worker as he runs, a spatter of blood bursting forth and ruining his oversuit... for a moment it breaks his stride but then he barrels right into those men.

Black Canary has posed:
It's too fast for Dinah, she's starting to shift, getting ready to dive out of the way, when the tall construction worker goes barreling fast. "WAIT!" she manages...but it's not enough to stop the bullets as one punches through the man. She swears under her breath, following up his charge as he slams into the men. She launches into a snap kick aimed at the wrist of one of the thugs to knock his weapon clear, her gaze flicking to the tall man again as she takes in the wash of red running down his back from the bullet hole as he knocks the other thugs flying from the impact.

Well, he's still moving, and those thugs definitely look like they're no longer an immediate threat..." Her eyes scan back to the truck and the men near it. He did say BOMB, didn't he? She's torn for the moment between pursuit and making sure the remaining thugs don't put any further bullets into her helpful samaritan guy.

Ares has posed:
    As she swings her gaze around some of the men who had their weapons destroyed or lost turn their attention on her. The first announces his arrival leaping /just/ past her in a flying kick as he shouts loudly, "KIYAI!" Perhaps an attack for true, or perhaps a distraction, as the second one swirls in cleanly, the toe of his shoe kicking up gravel and dust as he tries to sweep the legs out from under her while she evades the flying kick even as a third thug tries to step to the side, seeking an angle to strike.
    But she's not alone now in the melee as the tall man in the oversuit seems to growl as he tears his helmet from his head and sends it hurtling into the side of the head of one of the men who shot him. The other takes a swing at him and has his arm caught, turned, and then suddenly he's thrown to the ground where there's a short sharp /crack/ as the arm is broken. If she has the time... the wherewithal in the flow of combat she might well see the way the man moves, the precise execution of technique. A style akin to something the O-Sensei has taught in the past...
    Yet the stranger twists to the side, jamming back to stab a short sidekick into the abdomen of one of the men who had been flanking them, bringing them back to back for a brief moment. He takes a spare instant to cock an eyebrow at her, brown eyes meeting hers. A single instant before the chaos of combat draws them back into it.

Black Canary has posed:
Ooookay. Definitely not your average construction worker.

Dinah doesn't have time for the brief moment of meeting his eyes, her brows raising slightly, before they're pulled back into the melee again. She spins left, bringing up an arm to block the worst of the spray of gravel, taking the moment to step close before following up with a right cross aimed at the kicker that snaps his head back as he staggers backwards and slams hard into a pillar, crumpling. The third has his opening, charging in in a flurry of quick punches, Dinah dancing back, bringing up her arms to block, then twisting to catch an attempted kick on her upper leg before kicking out straight into his solar plexus, the thug wheezing as he folds and crumples to the ground. Dinah uses the impact to twist slightly as the first charges at her again, having recovered from his flying kick, straight into what smoothly develops into back kick that catches him someplace quite sensitive. The thug lets out a sound like air escaping a balloon and staggers backwards, his eyes bugging out slightly.

Ares has posed:
    Another thug is hurtled past her and hits the back of the tanker truck. The number of thugs has dwindled definitely even as one agh-agh-aghs while his eyes bulge and he slowly falls over onto his side. But there are still a handful menacing them. But the man in the kimono shrieks a cry of anger and proclaims, // I have to do everything myself! // Once that's said he turns and runs towards the cab of the truck, planting a boot on the step and trying to pull himself up.
    Then she'll hear the worker's deep baritone voice as he growls, "Get the bomb? I'll hold this." He rounds back to try and face the four remaining that are stepping around them, each striking a particular stance as they make ready to strike out at them in unison.

Black Canary has posed:
Another glance, and a quick nod, as Dinah meets his eyes again. She'll have to trust that he knows what he's doing...because a bomb won't help ANYONE here.

She breaks into a run, smoothly diving under a high kick by one of the remaining thugs in the line between her and the truck, and coming gracefully back to her feet. // I know, good minions are so hard to find these days! // she comments as she barrels into man in the kimono, checking him hard into the cab, before sliding her hands up to try and shift to an arm lock. // Why don't we just skip the whole bomb thing and you just sit down nicely until the police get here? //

Ares has posed:
    That high kicking thug is crushed bodily into the back of the truck, but even as she darts past she'll see one of the thugs get a headlock on the man from behind, causing him to stagger back while one of the masked men strikes hard at his throat with a shouted, /EEYAH!/. It all becomes a blurred and wild melee while she's closing with the kimono-wearer.
    But then her shoulder crashes hard into the leader of the crew and sends his mask clattering off to the side. All attempt at fighting back is surrendered in that moment as she's able to twist him around and get his arm locked into place.
    // NO! // He shrieks in japanese, // No one can witness my hideous disfigurement! // As he tries pitifully to try and shield his eyes and face from view, bowing away and falling to his knees.
    But then there's a loud crash as somehow all three of those remaining thugs and the tall men smash through the side of a temporary shed structure, all of them disappearing from view though none of the thugs emerge. Yet her attention might be snared by the whirl of red and blue lights and the distant sirens of the police arriving.

Black Canary has posed:
// Sorry, they don't really go for your good side in the police photos... // Dinah notes as she twists the man around, taking him to the ground, then dips a hand into a pocket, tugging out a zip tie that she uses to quickly secure his arms behind him, then his ankles together, then stands up, looking at the other thugs still standing. "Sooooo...who's next?" she says cheerfully, cracking her knuckles. And violence shall ensue!

By the time the police arive, the remaining thugs have been similarly zip-tied and left for their tender attentions, as Dinah goes in pursuit of the worker and the remaining three thugs, leaping through the hole. And hoping he's okay...he didn't come back after all...

Ares has posed:
    When the woman vigilante cracks her knuckles, the thugs who are left conscious have the wherewithal to at least hold up their hands weakly in some show of surrender. But by that point the other construction workers have stepped out of their places being held captive, some are taking it on themselves to bind some of the gunmen. One of them has found one of the SMGs and is covering them while their friends are securing the others.
    The foreman walks up to her, "That was damn impressive, lady. Damn impressive!" He's a short balding man with a cigar stub that's probably been there for a few years. "We owe ya big." He turns around, "Get those guys locked up tight, cops're on their way. Anyone see what happened to Aaron?"
    "Aaron went all kung fu and got thrown in there."
    Some of them are already poking around, but inside there is only the three unconscious thugs, still out even as some of the squad cars roll up to a halt at the entrance of the construction site. But Dinah might catch the small blood trail that leads out the other side of the shed and up... up towards that fire escape whose ladder is still swaying a bit from use.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary shoots a smile at the foreman as she looks back, though her eyes still have an element of worry to them. "My pleasure, glad I happened by when I did." she says to him. "His name is Aaron?" She glances back at the hole. "If you'd be happy to take care of these guys for me, I'll go see if I can find him, he might have gone out the other way." She pats the foreman on his shoulder. "Thanks!" She slides through the hole, then heads towards the blood, before building up a bit of speed to jump and kick off from one of the walls to leap up and grab for the ladder before she climbs out of sight, in pursuit!

Ares has posed:
    "Aaron, John Aaron." There's a small frown as the foreman looks at her, then looks around at the chaos that's left over from the battle. "You find him..." The guy frowns, "Everyone's been a lil squirrely about that guy. Somethin' strange about him. But you find him, tell him we won't tell the boss a thing, a'right?"
    But as he says that she's already gone. He lifts his eyes watching the female vigilante negotiate those leaps as if they were nothing and then he murmurs, "Capes. Man. Capes are messed up." But then he rounds back on the people there.
    "A'right get back to work, get this under control. Heya officer."
    But then she's gone from the work site, alight upon the rooftops with the skyline limned by the moon hanging high above. The trail is easy enough to pick up. Just a few spatters of ichor here and there as she follows the path. Then she reaches the edge of the roof and can see across to the far apartment building. It's there that she might catch sight of him, standing in the shadow of a stairwell and taking off that oversuit to reveal jeans and a t-shirt beneath. A t-shirt that's ruined by the spatter of blood.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah calls back down as she disappears from view. "Got it!" She rapidly climbs up to the roof of the building, following along until she reaches the end of the trail, then pauses to kneel down as she looks across. Hmm. Well. Better than bled out somewhere around here. The fact he's still standing with a through and through shot like that is actually pretty impressive.

Canary backs up a bit to give herself a running start, then gracefully vaults across the intervening space, landing lightly on the other side not far from Aaron. "Hey there...you're looking chipper for someone who took a bullet..." she says, clasping her hands behind her back as she saunters closer. "Your foreman said the others won't tell your boss a thing about what happened, if it helps...but we should probably get you some medical attention." She pauses out of arm's reach, tilting her head curiously.

Ares has posed:
    The first time they each get a clear look at each other and from this angle it's not exactly a flattering moment. The tall man's features are twisted into a tilt of mixed consternation and annoyance as he pulls off that yellow construction oversuit. He turns his head slightly when she comes into view and those dark brown eyes narrow. For a moment he'll take her measure, down then up again as his gaze lights upon the line of her athletic form. Not like the second glances she'd often get from the male of the species, the lurid grin or lascivious glare. No the way he considers her it's as a possible threat, measuring her stance, the reach of her arms and legs. As if she could strike at any moment.
    But then he balls up that suit and tosses it aside, leaving it for whatever super of the building to come collect it later. He says quietly, levelly to her as he examines the place the bullet struck, "You fight well." His features twist slightly with a grimace of pain but then he withdraws the bullet and tosses it aside as well with a faint click-cla-clink as it hits the rooftop.
    "You used three different styles in rapid succession. As far as I could tell."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary puts a hand on her hip, cocking it as she watches. "Thanks...good eye. Judo, boxing, and akido, if it matters." Her blue eyes sweep over Aaron as she reaches up to brush a stray lock of hair back over her ear. "You've had training too." she notes, raising a brow and wincing slightly as the bullet is extracted. "...ow. You okay? Or are you one of those types who doesn't mind bullets?" A night breeze ruffles over both, swirling across the rooftop. "I mean...that's got to be a little unhygenic...""

Ares has posed:
    "Oh, I mind." His voice is a deep baritone, making most sentences sound like a protracted growl. But he walks over towards the side of the building and casts his gaze over it before he turns his attention back to her, even as the wind catches the remains of his shirt. He turns his head to the side and says levelly, "Hurts like hell."
    But then he leans over and begins to draw on a length of twine that reaches across from this building to the next, causing a faint squeak as he leans forwards and 'liberates' an overly large black t-shirt that proclaims in bright green letters, 'HULK SMASH!' But now with the new shirt he pulls off that torn bits of the one that remains.
    It's just a moment and she'll be able to see the man's strong sharply defined musculature, each line firm and looking as if carved from a bust of marble. But what is more is she'll see a rather strong bruise just over his third rib, and that small wound where the round struck clean, but for whatever reason that wound is no longer bleeding.
    Only now the HULK shirt is pulled into place and he grimaces a bit, turning his consideration fully upon her. "What do they call you?"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah, being a perfectly healthy young woman, can't help but take a moment to appreciate the pure mancandy of the moment. Just a little bit. You don't see muscle definition like that all the time, after all. She makes a mental note to circle back around and replace the shirt when she gets the chance, returning her gaze to Aaron's face when he turns back to her.

She does notice the bruise, and the lack of bleeding. "...Black Canary." she answers. "...quick healer, then? I appreciate the help back there." she offers, not wanting to seem ungrateful. And being a bit less on edge now that she's seen he's in no danger of bleeding to death. Concern has been replaced by curiosity at this point.

Ares has posed:
    When a man spends a good chunk of his existence doing what he can to make sure he keeps on standing while others don't get up... it becomes hard to shake the feeling of the moment, the anger, the surge of adrenalin. So if she can read the displeasure, the hint of a scowl on his features, it's not for her. And as she speaks she can almost see him try to come to grips with the snarling growl of whatever wants loose each time battle is joined.
    "Black Canary," He repeats as if trying to place it or rather... as if it fit. For he looks at her with those intense brown eyes and he says simply, levelly. "It fits in some ways, but does not speak enough of who you are."
    Still coming down slowly he says, "Are they all alright? I..." He never likes to leave a battlefield, but then he says. "I do not interact well with police."

Black Canary has posed:
While Canary is mostly relaxed, there's still a certain watchfulness as she senses the emotions churning through the man across from her. She's good enough at reading people that she can tell he's not immediately moving to attack her however, and that he seems to be able to tamp down whatever it is.
"No one else got hurt...even none of the thugs too seriously. Sounds like your coworkers are going to cover for you too." She smiles wryly. "Well, it probably doesn't speak completely of who I am, but that's the point of taking a pseudonym when you're in my line of work. Causes less trouble for you when you're done fighting on rooftops for the night." She tilts her head. "...and what should I call you? John Aaron?"

Ares has posed:
    "John is fine," He looks across at her and despite the momentary turmoil he'll catch that smile and find himself returning it, albeit almost grudgingly. He furrows his brow and looks away, shaking his head as if that momentary lapse annoyed him. But he smirks and tells her askance, "And they said they'd cover for me? That's good..."
    For a time he leaves those words hanging there but then she is a comrade in arms is she not? She deserves some measure of trust, "Our union boss, has had problems in the past with mutants." He takes a few steps away from the edge of the building, finding a place to lean against the edge of an old industrial air conditioner whose fans are still barely going. But it provides a place for him to rest and watch her. "Will see if I have a job on Monday."
    "Where did you study?" He asks her calmly, the faint growl leaving his voice. "Your skills are exceptional."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah makes a face at that. Not the first time she's run into metahuman prejudices like that, but mutants certaily get it worse than most. She follows the taller man over, picking out a spot herself as she perches on one of the vents for the roof. "They seemed to have your back. I think it'll be okay." she offers, then kicks her legs a bit, leaning back on her hands. "Where I learned to fight, you mean? All over, really. I like picking up new forms and styles when I can, so I tend to join a new dojo when I find one and work my way up the ranks until I've learned what I can. Then I just focus on adding it to my training routines." It's nice to talk to someone who seems to have some knowledge of martial arts, Dinah finds. She doesn't run into nearly as many people like than when she was a bit more active. The though brings a faint twinge before she banishes those memories. She's over it. Mostly.
"You seem like you've got some solid moves yourself. That wasn't just brawling down there. What style was that?"

Ares has posed:
    While she spoke he watched her steadily, and at points he would nod as he listened. But now as they take their rest, it is easier for each to gauge the other, to get the subtle feel of the other's 'chi', what so many martial artists would merely call the heightened perception one has of another when they both have trained. For her he can tell that she has trained deeply into the arts simply by the way she holds herself ready, by how those blue eyes met his without a hint of intimidation and perhaps a small touch of... challenge?
    As for him there is something subtly otherworldly about him, something that speaks of authority, a control of self and stance and manner that speaks of confidence in him and his control of the situation. A more mystical martial artist might claim to see the way their chis would roil and dance subtly even as the two artists gauge each other without crossing fist against fist.
    "Odayakana Mizu," He tells her as he looks at her sidelong. A slight quirk to his brow is given her way as the tall man says, "The path of gentle water," But then he looks away and a small rueful smile touches his lips he adds, "And maybe mixed with a little football hooliganism."

Black Canary has posed:
She can feel that strangeness in him, that feyness. She can't put her finger on exactly what that is, but she's felt it before with those who look human but....aren't. Entirely. It's rude to point that sort of thing out normally though, so she doesn't bring it up overtly, just measuring, much as he does.

"Hmm....I'm not familiar with that one, though it sounds fascinating." She grins. "And nothing wrong with some off the field roughness mixed in, really. Sometimes it takes people off guard when they expect something more...subtle." She leans forward, pushing off with her hands. "Maybe you can show me some of it sometime. Or at least tell me a bit more about it?" she offers.

Ares has posed:
    A fingertip lifts to scritch at the stubble of his beard along his jaw. He watches her as she moves, getting to her feet and sliding off of the industrial air conditioner. "And how would I find a Black Canary in the phone book?" He folds his arms over his chest and watches the young woman as she steps back somewhat. But the smile on the corner of his mouth is a touch amused as he responds, "Chances are I'll end up at a pet shop with a bird cage and a year's supply of bird seed."
    He does, however, push off the side of that air conditioner as well to stand before her, looking down at the small blonde woman who saved his work crew.

Black Canary has posed:
The woman's grin widens at that. "That IS the drawback of having a secret identity, you just don't get those 411 listings." she admits. "But I know where you are, after all...or at least where you work." she reminds, hands on her hips as she refuses to retreat further, even with the man looming over her petite height. She briefly toys with the idea of handing out a number...one of her burner phones, of course, not her PERSONAL civvie number...be good Dinah, you just met him, and you know nothing about him....even if he is, as Huntress would put it, 'yummy'.

"I'm sure I can stop by and say hi when you've got a free moment, maybe?" she offers.

Ares has posed:
    For a few moments he looks down at her and those deep brown eyes hold onto that almost playful blue-eyed gaze of hers and despite the effort he puts into projecting that grim growly exterior, it breaks for a bare moment as he looks away and a small smile slips into place at the corner of his mouth. He shakes his head and then looks down as the toe of his boot lightly pushes some gravel out of the way. But then he looks at her sidelong and says quietly, "You're a vigilante, a specter of the night. I'm sure you can find me when you need to."
    But then he looks back to her and squares up a touch, not exactly drawing back from that subtle nearness as they stand close. But he then says lightly, "Or you can meet me at Zhao's dojo, off 31st. Will be there most of the evenings this week."
    His smile returns, but this time it reaches his eyes as he adds, "But you'll have to wear something so I'll recognize you. What with your secret identity and all."

Black Canary has posed:
She considers that, turning it over in her head. "Hmmmmmm..." She clasps her hands behind her back, bouncing on her toes absently. "Alright." she decides. "I can do that." She taps her lip. "Mm...how about a royal blue top? That should stand out, enough that you can tell." Though she suspects as good as he is at reading stances he'd recognize her by her stride, if nothing else. "How's that?"

Ares has posed:
    "Til then, Canary." John gives her a level nod and then steps back as the moment passes. He rests his hands on his hips and then, perhaps just before she leaves, he'll tell her. "And thank you."