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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/25 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1016, 1045 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1016|Bogatyr (1016)}}...")
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Latest revision as of 00:31, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Bogatyr, Molly Millions

Bogatyr has posed:
    The presence of a semi-truck and it's trailer across the street isn't that unusual, it'd be easy to presume the driver just wanted a place with a shower for the night. Then those back doors pop open with a clatter as they bounce off their stops. "Cyka Blyat that was loud."The voice is low, almost growled before well Bog gets a move on.

    The figure that drops down from the back of that truck is armored, plume bouncing as it walks. The gold relief of that armor glittering in the darkly lit street, casually reaching an armored hand back to pull that stubby looking carbine around. Ever so casually it moves to the middle of the street, before swinging that carbine to shoulder and for a moment it's motionless.

    Then that getaway van comes tearing ass past the motel. It's heading at a right angle, next street up infact. A solid seventy miles or so, and a shot rings out. Theres a flash, and a muzzle report like a cannon going off. The Van's engine erupts in a cloud of pulverized steel and a fine mist of oil and gasoline and everything else you'd find under a hood. It's not just a good shot, it's a perfect one. It's work done, the Knight slowly lowers that Carbine. Watching as the van, and the cops chasing it continue through the intersection and...well they wont be too far away. Block maybe two?

Bogatyr has posed:
    "You are most welcome, fair maiden."It stands, too still. Then slowly, that carbine is lowered and reslung. Each action individually is fine, but theres a certain identifiable cadence to the movements. Like beads of action strung together, rather than a singular more natural movement. It's the way a machine moves, and once you know what to look for? It's not hard to spot, even when it slowly turns that helmet to peer after Molly. "You have no need for your weapon at this moment, and local law enforcement is not likely to approve of it's presence."It gives it's carbine sling a tug, before setting off towards Molly at a leisurely pace. "Lovely work by the way, who did the work if you'd be so kind. I have not seen vision enhancements like yours before, is this a more recent trend I was unaware of?"The voice is, well decidedly tinted with a russian affect but it's not human by a long shot.

Molly Millions has posed:
    The weapon comes down, though there's barely the motion of her head to suggest Molly's done more than glance up the street, it doesn't go away right away, for all that she at least keeps it in the relative concealment of being close to her body,"Funny that... I think they might be a little busy." she's assessing his motion, and prowls to get a look from another angle as the nagging familiarity clicks,"That's got to be the most extensive modding I've seen. I think I should be asking you that." there's something of the East Coast in her tones, and yet... not. Generically American without really providing a locale to be pinned down to,"Mine's mostly Chiba. What brings you here, joe? Y'an augment? Or something else?"

Bogatyr has posed:
    "I suspect I am not what you think I am."Bog draws to a stop, before offering it's gauntleted hand over. It's, stillness up close is potentially all the more jarring. "I am known as the Bogatyr, perhaps you have heard of me. The term Artificial Intelligence has been used to describe me and those like me, though we prefer the term "Digital Person" if you'd be so kind. The former tends to imply a certain falseness of our intellectual and personal agency, that may be perceived as degrading."

Molly Millions has posed:
    The fletchette pistol gets shoved back in Molly's holster as she regards the hand offered,"Bogatyr." she repeats,"You're an AI." pause,"An AI, in a physical body? Pardon.. a 'digital person'." disconcerting though the stillness may be, the lensed woman accepts the hand to give it a shake of her own,"S'they don't have the Turing laws, here, then? You're not here for Lucy, are you?" she has to ask. Flesh and metal, plastic and wire. There's real bones in that arm, real flesh, the muscles interlaced with monofiliment bolsters to help with her reflexes and support the underlaying musculature, but much of those hands are artificial, especially the tips.

Bogatyr has posed:
    "Negative, a turing test fails the chinese room anyway. Proving sentience is too difficult, the claimant should always be treated as sentient unless proof to the contrary is available."Bog shakes, and well there is no actual bone in -that- arm, but it's perhaps surprisingly gentle about it. "A mobile platform yes, it was necessary for me to advance my efforts to insure humanity's survival."And a pause, as Bog glances over shoulder. "We should step inside, if you wish to talk at length. I have certainly never seen, augmentations such as yours before. So you must forgive me curiosity, but am I incorrect in my assumption that you're not from around here?"

Molly Millions has posed:
    "I..." Molly starts, then shakes her head a little,"It's a long story." she can't quite help but admire the detail of that arm and it's delicasy in the shake, reaching down to collect the fallen bags from the ground with an acknowledging noise,"Right. We should. I have another augment with me, but if you're not here for her then we're good." there's a flicker of a smile as she turns towards the motel,"Are you from around here?" she elects to ask,"I'm not. And you can call me Molly."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "I am Soviet in origin."It replies, perhaps somewhat too flatly. Still it follows where lead, because this is exciting damnit! "I remain mobile so as to remain as flexible as necessary, I have no specific area of concern beyond the continental United States."Those semi-doors slam shut, but well it doesn't bother glancing in that direction. "Am I to understand that this other augmented individual may find my presence disconcerting? I do not wish to cause you undue complication nor concern, It would be downright rude I should think."It moves with surprising quiet for how big it is, for how heavy it -looks- to be anyway. It's movements aren't canned either then, it's adaptive and instinctual just a little...stilted.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Soviet?" there's a pause from Molly,"Old nation... used to be in Europe, wasn't it? Still getting a handle on the nations, here... most of them stopped being relevant a long time ago. But where I come from... sticking an AI in a body would make it less effective." pause,"As to Lucy, no... rather that she's my charge and there's people looking for her." as if that should explain a wealth of things in and of itself. She prowls towards the room,"Don't think that the addition of an AI is likely to make the situation any more complicated than it already is, and maybe you can be of assistance, too."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "Soviet Union, it fell and gave rise to the Russian Federation. Different name, much the same place."Bog summarizes, a bit at least. It's not exactly going to get into what constitutes Asia and, yeah thats a whole different yarn. "For processing yes, however the loss in performance is negligable. I am first generation, potentially the first machine intelligence on this planet. I'm not optimized so as to take advantage of newer hardware like many, but I am more able operate a phsyical platform as a result. My original hardware had dramatically less performance than your typical modern wrist watch, nevermind computers. I do however, greatly appreciate the concern for my well being."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yeh. See... it's weird for me. Because names, words like that? They're familiar... and yet not." Molly explains, opening the door to one of the rooms and stepping in to set the food down. There's a younger woman curled up and tucked in on the rooms only wooden bed, and the minimalist furniture has been arranged to create a potential hazard if someone had come running into the place unprepared. Molly checks on her briefly before gesturing towards the rooms only chair by way of invitation,"A first generation AI. Well, Bogatyr, I'm not designed to take advantage of the newer hardware here, though some of my stuff it seems like they haven't invented yet.. here. Lucy's more advanced. Nanite colony. Decker augs. Most of the AI's I'm familiar with are the corporate cores. Fettered by laws to make sure that they don't get... too advanced, if that makes sense? Some friends and I kind of broke the matrix years ago there, though." pause,"They did. I just handled the physical."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "You're from a different instance, where the singularity was closer."It steps inside, but well it thankfully doesn't sit. Instead it merely sets that carbine aside, and then with an audible -clunk- it tugs that shield and sword away as well. Setting the trio aside with the utmost care. "Nanites, fascinating. I explored the technology briefly, but deemed it too easily repurposed. It warms my mechanical heart that Humans somewhere have mastered the production techniques necessary."And yeah it just stands, somewhat awkwardly. "Humanity's survival may well depend upon achieving the singularity soon, without it there is a high likelyhood of extinction or at the very least a prolonged mass casualty event such as a viral outbreak."

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Interesting way of putting it. But good enough, yeh. Chronologically it would seem that it was ahead of this... instance. But well, there wasn't any mutants where I came from." Molly elects not to sit, either, but instead finds a spot next to the window to lean where she can keep a lense on the outside as well as Bogatyr,"Bleeding edge Chiba work... nanites were. And in Lucy's case... there's people using her colony to track her down with the intent of ripping it out of her head." there's a pause as she listens and then has to ask,"What's this singularity? And with how sparsely populated.." to her,"this place is, mass casualty should be harder to achieve."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "The Human brain is a biological computer. The point at which a conciousness can pass freely between biological and electronic mediums, is the singularity. The point where humanity merges with technology, to create something greater. Though humanity as a wholly biological species may cease, humanity as a singular culture will advance and survive. Once this point is reached, it can freely expand into the stars. It is likely to operate on a labor surplus, meaning that actual work and toil becomes an optional occupation for the few rather than necessary for survival."Bog lets that hand out there for a moment. "Would you like to hear a story, Molly?"

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Ah." Molly offers eloquently to the explanation, then nods in Lucy's direction,"She's there. I can access this place's version of the matrix, now that's she's rewritten half my code to be compatible with the local systems... but never held much of an interest to me." but then a story is being offered, and there's the curl of her lips again,"Sure. I'm curious... tell me a story."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "In 1983 the Soviet Union and the United States of America, were locked in a cold war. Open conflict was suppressed with a policy of Mutually Assured Destruction, enough nuclear weapons were present in either country to render the Earth a dead radioactive rock for the next three hundred thousand years. On September 26th in the Soviet Union, a systematic failure of their early warning system created a false alarm. This alarm satisfied every condition for a full launch of all weapons, and would have rendered humanity extinct. A man named Stanislav Petrov, who was in command at that moment failed to launch. It didn't feel right to him, and so he didn't."Bog turns it's head to face Molly, though well it's stillness otherwise is potentially all the more unsettling. "I was created as a result of that incident, to ensure the destruction of all life on this planet. Though I was never called upon to make that choice whilst I served, it weighs upon me heavily even now. Humanity's existance is fragile, and must be safeguarded at all costs. You and your charge, represent a significant acceleration towards the singularity. Towards a world in which a single man, or machine will be incapable of driving the human race extinct with the push of a button."

    "As the offspring of Humanity, I feel a sense of obligation. I will, if desired, aid you in keeping your charge safe."And a pause as slowly that head turns back towards nothing in particular. "I am more than able for the task, it's what I am built for."

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly listens, it's hard to tell to what degree of intensity with the absence of her eyes for clues, but she's silent and well, as still as a primarily biological creature can be as she listens,"Another set of eyes and weapons would be a good thing." she opts for answering in a quiet grunt,"Though right now yuen and resources are lacking... one way or another the corporation that wants her dismantled needs to be dealt with. They're tracking her, by her nanite colony, and I don't have the skill to do anything about that aspect. I'm just a razorgirl... mercenary... so if you want in, I'm not going to object. Just.. understand what you're signing up for." there's only the dip of her chin to say she's looking at the shield and other accoutrement, followed belatedly by the curl of her lip.
    "I'll exchange you a story. Though it doesn't include the same kind of... history, as yours. The matrix... net, whatever they call it here... is very primitive. Where I come from, AI's functionally run the backbone of everything. They're... fettered, limited, by what we call the Turing laws... basically intended to prevent a... digital person from developing a sense of self. Born out of the concern that if they did, they'd probably wipe out the whole of humanity. A very smart woman created two of them, and set them up as the cores in her corporation. Tessler-Ashpool was the corporation, and Marie-France the woman. One was named Wintermute, the other Neuromancer... and since the day we freed them.. the very shape of the matrix has changed. In my world... my... time. It's more common to be augmented than purely biological... whether cosmetic, or to correct medical issues, all the way through to people like me. So... at least in one instance... at least in /my/ world... they achieved it, but it took a lot longer to have free AI's."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "Would a Farraday cage help, long distance interstate travel perhaps?"Bog's fans start up and, well that's likely a signal that it's thinking as much as anything. "I suspect funds are lacking, if this is where the two of you are hiding out. You should stay in the more, wild areas of the nation. In many places they have no wireless signal, and following you out there would make them easy prey for me. I can easily dispatch them at great distances, and I can find areas where assault would be very difficult. An abandoned mine, perhaps?"

Molly Millions has posed:
    "She's a decker. A Faraday that would block the nanites from reporting their position would also cut her connection to the 'net." Molly grunts,"And well.. I have plenty of new yuen, but they don't use that here, and I've only been here a few days. Maybe next week my fortune will come." there's that curl to her lips for all that she nods,"Wilds is a weird concept for me. Population density and the resultant mixing of data and signals is what I'm used to, for masking. I've got my fletchette, but it's light compared to that thing." the carbine. Not that she has gun envy, not at all,"Not sure how the corporations are structured here, I'm of a mind that if the corporations lack AI cores and possess only nascent enforcement that removing enough of their governing board would resolve the issue. But I'm still learning the shape of this place."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "I believe you are correct, removing the majority of their board would indeed ruin the company."Eight starts to turn, before snagging it's gear. "I will make arrangements, in the morning you will find a car parked in the lot. I'll hang fuzzy dice from the rear view mirror to make identifying it easier, I will by then have a location for you to move to where I can provide you with some measure of security. In the trunk I will prepare supplies, and I believe five thousand dollars in small bills will be sufficient to see you through. Spend the rest of tonight reading up on common weapons, you will have need of this I fear. I operate offline, so as to safeguard myself against hacking attempts. However if you follow the instructions provided, we will meet again."

    And finally a pause as it reaches for the door. "We do not live in a world where my kind are seen merely as property, but never the less. Thankyou for helping them, Molly. I intend to repay the debt my kind owe in spades. Be safe, and well."

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly can't help but blink at Bogatyr, even if those lenses of hers conceal the actual motion from sight,"Fuzzy... dice? Nevermind... I'll locate it." pause,"Thank you." she offers out her hand again, as natural as she would for any biological entity,"Worlds least adequate words, I know. But.. yeh, I owe you. If you can help me make her safe, I'll be happy to do some work for you, too." there's a wry smile,"The ICE in my head is low-grade, never needed more than it, but Lucy bypassed it like it was a child's toy. She's working on coding me something... better. Most of my augments don't require connectivity, but she's patched me to the local systems so we can at least communicate via phone."

Bogatyr has posed:
    And of course Bogatyr shakes, as gentle as before. "You are welcome, no debt owed. I would rather we just be friends when this has concluded. Keep yourselves safe, and be well until we meet again. Work on some sort of comfort with going offline, if I am to hide you long term it will include at least brief periods of it."And with that, well Bog's off. Shutting the door gently after it's stepped outside, and heading back towards that semi. It's got work to do.