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Latest revision as of 00:34, 27 October 2017

Reunited & It Feels So Good
Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 90, Jade

Obsidian (90) has posed:
It's been a while since Todd's seen his sister Jennifer. He hasn't really been keeping in touch as well as he should. Which he's kind of ashamed of. But, well, she's doing well and he's... not. He can't shake the feeling that he'd just bring her down if he kept in touch. Like latching onto someone in deep water. But she'd called him the day previous and wanted to meet somewhere to catch up. He suggested Bryant Park in Manhattan, mainly because his apartment was a mess and he didn't have time to clean up properly!

So there Todd is, sitting on a bench with a large bag from a nearby fast-food place. Which was probably most of his budget for the week, but at least he got them both something! He's in jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. All of which looks like it's seen better days, but at least they're wearable.

Jade has posed:
    Jennifer, on the other hand, had been doing fairly well. There had been the few years, short as they were, where she was a model. But now she'd become a pretty important photographer in the art world and, while not obscenely rich, she was quite comfortable. And, perhaps because of his lack of communication or evasiveness in his own situation, she hadn't been aware of just the sort of life Todd was living. But she'd missed her twin, and since he didn't initiate anything on his end, she'd reached out to him.
    As she rounds the corner, dressed in a stylish, and flattering black dress with high heels, she heads over to Todd. And, she greets him with a warm smile, followed by a warm hug, "Todd," she greets. "It's been too long. How've you been?"

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd smiles when Jennifer appears, and stands. He does indeed return that hug, yes! Because yes, he did miss her, even if he'd mostly been keeping out of her life for her own sake. "Not too bad," he answers. It's true, even if it hasn't been great. Once he steps back, he notes, "You look good." Then he indicates the bench, then sits, leaving room for her to sit next to him. And he also holds up the bag. "Brought something to eat. It's not much, but I figured something's better than nothing."

Jade has posed:
    Jennifer sits down, brushing her hand over her skirt as she does so, angling her knees towards her brother so she can half face him. Then that same hand moves to brush some of her hair back, "Good. Sometimes, I worry about you," she admits. "Especially when you don't keep in touch." Todd, afterall, between them had had the -much- harder childhood. And she wasn't oblivious to this.
    "Thank you," she says, earnestly, in regards to lunch. "I'm starved. I didn't get a chance to get something when I was leaving today, there was a building fire." Which, naturally, she had to help stop.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd does have the grace to look sheepish when she points out that he hasn't kept in touch. "Y-yeah... sorry about that. You know how it is, though." Though he... actually hopes she doesn't. It's not a good way to be. Still. He gives a half-smile. "I'm glad I could see you today, at least."
    That said he starts pulling food from the bag. There's two combo meals from the fast food place in the bag, one for each of them. "Not that healthy, I'll admit, but it should be alright every once in a while, right?"

Jade has posed:
    Jennifer leans over, to kiss him on the cheek, "It's fine. I eat this more than I let on," she comments, by way of fast food. She sounds almost amused, before she sets it on her other side and begins to unwrap it. "I've been patrolling with some of the Green Lanterns, from time to time. Doing my own patrols otherwise. And then the photography keeps me pretty busy, too," she admits.
    There's a pause, as she raises the burger to her mouth after laying out the napkin over her lap, "But, Todd? I'll always have time for you. Don't forget that, okay?" Yes. She's worried about him, even if she doesn't know exactly why.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd laughs a little, and then nods. "You do a lot more than most people, yeah," he agrees. "The heroing business is pretty tough. Not a lot of 'me' time, so this is quick. That and I bet you work most of it off." He smirks.
    The smirk fades, though, when Jennifer mentions that she always has time for him. "...Thanks," he offers quietly. Though he looks sheepish at this, for whatever reason. "I... admit, I know you have a lot going on, so I haven't really wanted to bother you unless it's a major emergency..." He pauses there, to eat some of his fries. A mouthful of fries will keep him from sticking his foot in there, right?

Jade has posed:
    The burger is chewed, enjoyed, swallowed. Another bite or two, before she sets it down, dabbing at her mouth some. She considers him, "You're not a bother. I only have one twin brother, Todd. And while we might not have grown up together, you're still important to me. I'm around, if you need me," she feels the need to reiterate.
    Then, she pauses, "I'm going to start talking to some people, about joining the Justice League. I'd like you to try out with me," she ventures to him. "You're able enough, certainly. And it'd be good to protect Earth, and everyone with you. To work together."

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd smiles, a genuine one, even if it is a rather small smile. "Thanks. I appreciate it. Same here; not sure what I can do, but let me know if I can help you with something." He figures that'll probably be heroing business; Jenn's got her civilian life together pretty well.
    But here she's talking about joining the Justice League. He pauses then. Thinking. "That's... a tall order, I think..." Another pause. "I wouldn't mind working with you... but I don't think I'm exactly League material," he notes. His powers take a slightly darker tint than he figures most of the JL would appreciate...

Jade has posed:
    "You don't give yourself enough credit," Jennifer says, with confidence, to Todd. She was always the optimistic one, even if she was born with the bright green skin. "You'd offer a unique perspective on things. And, you've only ever used your powers in ways that dad would approve of. You haven't let it consume you. That speaks to your strength." She smiles at him again, warmly.
    "There are some that might be suspicious, but, you're talented. And, I think we -both- could get there on our own merits." Meaning, not riding on their father's coattails. Or using his name.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd tilts his head a bit, a thoughtful look on his face. Well, half thoughtful and half almost pained. "Maybe," he concedes. "But they're very much in the public eye. They have to consider their public image too. It'd be like a charity organization putting somebody that looked like a demon in charge of the PR division. Sure, he might be a great guy, but..."

    Now the mention of getting there on their own merits? That gets a frown. Though he notes, "THAT much, at least, I can agree with." There's a bitter undertone to his voice as he says this; Jenn might remember that he doesn't seem to get on with their father too well...

Jade has posed:
    Jennifer sighs, and picks the rest of her burger back up, finishing it off, and wiping off her mouth again, before continuing, "At least consider it? For me?" Clearly, it means a lot to her, that he'd at least try. She angles to face him once again, "Promise me," she urges him, giving him a rather sweet, half pleading, and half insisting look. And then, waiting, expectantly for that promise. Or, potentially, the rejection of such an idea.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd has had no real time to build up an immunity to Jennifer's 'wibbly-eyed' pleading look. He looks distinctly uncomfortable at the look being aimed at him, seeming confused. "Er, uh..." he hedges, as if trying to figure out what to say. "Well... I mean... I just don't think they'll be keen on me joining," he admits. "So, I mean... I have nothing against the idea, I just don't think the JL will be on-board. And if they say no, that's it."

Jade has posed:
Jade says, "
    "Just think about it. That's all I'm asking. Promise me," she asks again, "That you'll at least give it serious, earnest thought, Todd." Then, Jennifer's lips twists into a sly sort of smile, "Think of all the cute men you'd get to meet," she teases, lightly.
    However, she nods, "And the worst they can say -is- no," she agrees. "But, at least you'd have tried. I'm not certain they'll let -me- in. But I feel I have to." Her hand moves to his, warm, and squeezes. "I'd just like you there, with me."

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd can't help but snort a laugh at the 'incentive'. "Most of which are straight," he counters. "Like dangling a juicy steak in front of a hungry pitbull -- bad idea all around." Despite his words, his tone is amused. "Though, you do have a point. Plenty of eye-candy, at least."

    He pauses as she squeezes his hand, and returns in kind. "You do have a point there too," he admits, as she point out that they can't really do anything but say no. It's not like they can ruin his life any MORE, after all. So... he nods. "I'll give it some thought," he promises. "But I'm not gonna chase them down for it. And if they say no, I'm going to leave it be. Fair?"

Jade has posed:
    "Fair," Jennifer conceeds, content as she can be. She knew, of course, that it would be an uphill battle. But, the fact she got this far she's pretty happy. "That's all I can ask."
    One leg crosses over the other, neatly, then and she brushes her hair back a little more. "So. What's new in your life? All we've talked about so far is me, and me trying to convince you to do things. What's my brother been up to?"

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd offers a smile, a rather nervous one. He's not sure what Jenn will do if the League says no. Or, as far as he's concerned, WHEN they say no. He's not expecting them to agree to it. He's not concerned about getting turned down. He's concerned about what the imminent rejection would do to his sister...
    The question, however, draws his attention away from that matter, and back to the present. He chuckles, turning where he sits and leaning against the back of the bench, so he can face her as well. "Ah, not a whole lot. Same stuff, different day more or less," he says. He doesn't want to talk about his difficulties, because he doesn't want to make her worry.

Jade has posed:
    "Seeing anyone? Doing anything - important?" Like, superheroing, she clearly means. She looks at him expectantly, as apparently this is Very Important information that his sister defintely needs to know. Then she tacks on, "Sorry. But, when you don't keep in touch, I have to catch up. And that means getting grilled." She does not look apolgetic. Maybe a bit amused. But, not apologetic.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Again Todd chuckles. "No, I'm not seeing anyone," he replies. "I promise, you'll be the third person to know if I do, right after me and whoever it is." He seems pretty amused too. Though the mention of doing anything 'important' gets a bit of a smirk. "Well... yeah. Been doing some... work around the city. Nothing huge so far. Mainly just thugs dragging people into alleys."

Jade has posed:
    "Don't worry. I'm not seeing anyone either." Jennifer looks mollified that he -would- tell her though, if the situation changed there. Then she snaps her fingers, "You should meet Janet. Janet van Dyne. She's going to redesign my costume, for free. I'm doing a photoshoot for her, in exchange. Uncredited, of course. But I bet she could help you with a new costume, too. And material. If you want." She's pretty sure that, by now, Todd's costume probably at the very least is in need of a bit of care. At least, if looking at his current clothing were any indication.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd blinks at this, at the mention of a costume redesign. "I don't actually think I've seen your costume," he notes. "Not recently, anyway. Has you changed it since the last time I saw you in it?" Which was probably the first time they met. Or when they went to track down their dad, one of the two. Like as not it hasn't been recent.
    Though at his own costume? "Well, uh. I don't exactly use one," he notes. "I change my body into shadow, and everything goes with it. I'm not sure why it looks like it does, but... I'm still wearing clothes."

Jade has posed:
    "Yeah, I had a new one made about two years ago. But, I think it can still be improved on. Even if just to fit better. I could use the Starheart, probably, to make one appear for me, but I'd rather just focus my abilities where they need to go," she explains. Then, adds, "Don't worry. I'm not seeing anyone, either. Maybe it's our curse," she teases, some, but with good humor. "Everyone wants to look at the green-skinned girl, or imagine what she looks like under her costume, but, well, we all know what Kermit said." Still, she's amused, more than letting this get her down at all.
    She exhales, "Next time, I buy us lunch. Deal? We can have some lunch on top of the Empire State Building." She grins, sharply.

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    "'It's not easy being green'?" Todd adds, a teasing note to his voice. He chuckles. To the mention of her using the Starheart for a costume? "Also if you get knocked out your costume might disappear since you weren't concentrating on it anymore," he points out. Definitely wouldn't help her keep the people wanting to see what she looks like under her costume from doing so!
    As for lunch at the top of the Empire State Building? "I'd like that," he notes. "So long as I don't have to get dressed up. I'm not exactly the tuxedo sort." He sounds amused here, but she probably knows that by now, at least.

Jade has posed:
    "Alright. So, I'll be getting in touch with some of the Justice League, probably start with Superman. See if we can't get a meeting with him, and we'll - just see how it plays out. If they don't think we're ready yet? Then, well, maybe we can consider making our own team." Jennifer's pretty set on always being a hero, and not just living up to her father's reputation, but making her own way - and making Alan proud of her. She's never made that a secret.
    "No tuxedos," she agrees. "Just us. Maybe I'll even wear shorts. Who knows. But, we'll have a good meal. And, we won't be so long in talking either. Let's plan for next month, at the latest."

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd gives a nod to her plan. "Seems like a good place to start," he agrees. "Though if you want the best chance, you'll need to find some way to pre-emptively convince the ones who probably won't like the idea. Convince them individually, and when the League makes their decision, they might be less negative." Sure, he's not keen on the idea himself, but he knows what it means to his sister. He'll support it, if only for that.
    As for next month? That gets a smile. "Are we making it a regular thing?" he asks. "Wouldn't mind that, actually. Might be a good way to keep in touch." That way he doesn't feel like he's bothering her, if he's expecting her to want to see him.

Jade has posed:
    "It'll be a thing," she agrees, and nods to his wisdom about meeting the team separately, getting their votes individually. "Yeah. Good point," she agrees, clearly not having thought -that- far ahead. She reaches out, to squeeze Todd's arm, warmly. "See? That's why I need you around. You look at problems differently than me. Together, we're unstoppable."

Obsidian (90) has posed:
    Todd smirks. "I think it's less that I look at them differently and more that I look at them expecting everything to go wrong," he counters, at least half-teasing. Even if his words are more or less true. He IS a pessimist, after all. "Still, even I can't predict everything that could go wrong. So be careful."