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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/26 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=966, 757, 14, 170 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:966|David Hall...")
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Latest revision as of 00:36, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 26 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Legion, 757, Gambit, 170

Legion has posed:
David Haller wandered along, looking somewhat distracted, as he looked around. He seemed to be looking for something. In a bright orange jumpsuit, and loafers better suited for lounging around the house, he looked entirely out of place on the city streets.

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
There wasn't much to do about anything these days, save for lounge around safe houses. Go to the school, meet new people, go back to lounging around safe houses with her beat up foods and buckets of chicken. All of that grease doesn't do a body good, nor mass amounts of buttery biscuits that never really passed for snacks. So, heading out for at least a few sandwiches and a lovely ice cream cone was on Remy and Ruth's menu; the two walking side by side as Ruth nurses the freezy treat, blindfold affixed upon her eyes as she allows her feet to go where they would.

"Strange." She blurts out. "Hi! Remy. This is strange." It wasn't the ice cream cone, no. But the general atmosphere of the place. So many young minds, much like hers (in terms of age), were buzzing and brimming with ideas. It nearly made her inner ears itch!

Gambit has posed:
Remy looks down, pulling the ice cream sandwich away from his mouth and raising an eyebrow towards the younger mutant. "Um, hi..." Remy says his lips curling into an odd sort of smile.

"Yo' gonna hav'ta explain what is strange an' 'ow." Remy says filling his mouth with chocolate stuff and ice creamy mush

Eva (170) has posed:
The very distinct sound of a speed force speedster echos around the area as Eva arrives and is quickly in front of the ice cream line. "I need like 20 ice cream sandwiches quick." The girl states as smoke rises off of her body. She isn't wearing her usual usual attire. Doing that has met with disasterous results of late. So she is currently wearing a sports bra and tight yoga pants. Both are very much singed.

Eva Wilde's class at Xavier's doesn't start til next month. So she's resolved to use this month to train and train and train to better her abilities. This has lead her to doing not only her usual hunting but to actually start doing the hero thing. That road took her to a burning building. At least, she got the people inside the building out.

She receives her ice cream. Looking around the room, she finds a familiar face. In the blink of an eye she is near Remy and Ruth. "Hey Remy, Good to see you. I just needed to cool down and get some calories going!" She quickly begins eating her ice cream sandwiches. "Eep! Ice cream headache! Oh gone now!"

Legion has posed:
David Haller turned as he heard the sound, raising a brow curiously. Whatever it was he was looking for was forgotten for a moment, as his eyes tracked the speedster as she appeared, and started chowing down on ice cream. He walked over, slowly, hesitantly, but he did it, curiousity taking over, as he slowly reached out, with a finger, to poke her shoulder, if she let him, of course.

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
"Life. Yes." Ruth mutters into her own waffle cone. It was a lovely mix, the top part consisted of vanilla while the bottom had a butter pecan, with.. an extra smattering of roasted pecans to separate the two flavors. It was a dream. "Loud. Sorry.." She mumbles again, this time puckering her lips in a slight fish-like manner as she begins to slurp again, what eyes she would have had? They'd close in delight.

Though, Eva's emergence nearly causes her to drop it, her feet tipping, skittering quick across the concrete backwards as one messily gloved hand reaches out to catch a scoop, which splats and falls upon the ground. Then.. she frowns. "Sorry. Cold. Really cold."

Gambit has posed:
Remy's hand snaps out towards Ruth, just in case he needs to catch the girl, should her ice cream fall it'll be okay, he'll get her another one no problem.

In response to Eva, Remy lifts his hands and shoulder in a shrug and mimes through the window that he or Ruth couldn't properly hear her. Of course they could but he just mouthed silently and motioned towards his ear that they can't. Turning and putting his hand back on Ruth's shoulder, he figures Eva would understand or her new friend would keep her.

"Girl's'a goober." He laughs to himself.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks a few times as she's touched. She turns and looks. "Oh hello?" She smiles a little. Her attention goes to Remy and nods before looking at Ruth, "Oh umm. Sorry. Didn't mean to freak ya out. My name is Eva Wilde, I'm a umm... Teacher! Among other things. I was sorta helping some people who happened to get stuck in a fire." She eats another of her mountain of ice creams. "Sorry, I have an insanely high metabolism. Plus that fire was really hot!"

The young teacher smiles a little, "Okay sorry bout all this. Nice to meet you, Miss?" She hasn't met Ruth yet.

Legion has posed:
David Haller blinked, and stepped back startled. "So... You 'are' real..." He gave a slow nod, and seemed to be working through that realization. He reached towards his pocket, but didn't find what he was looking for, and started to glance about again. "What ah.... Do you teach?"

Ruth Aldine (757) has posed:
Ruth was mostly fine, save for the fact that part of her ice cream was gone, but that didn't matter too much. It just made it easier to get to the crunchy divider. As she shakes her hand off, her head lifts, her brows following suit as she puffs out her cheeks. "Huh? Who?"

With a look left and right, she approaches the glass, her messy hand pressing against it as her chin lifts in Eva's direction. "Oh! Her! Sorry." She quietly murmurs, then tilts her ear against it. "She says sorry. She says Eva Wilde. She says teacher. She says fire. She says metabolism. She says really hot!" Her teeth clench together, her messy hand drawing away from the glass as she points at her lips, which were idly coated with ice cream and little hints of chocolate sauce. "Hello. I am Ruth. Thank you." She then points back to the glass. "Man behind you. Lost. Sorry."

Gambit has posed:
Remy looks at Ruth as she touches the glass and leaves a splotch of ice cream trailing down the window. He reaches out with his finger to draw in the splat, drawing a cute smiley face in the glass between them and Eva, then points back towards David, seems she has someone curious about her situation as Remy and Ruth are busy outside eating their treats.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Oh I teach Supernatural Studies. Basically, what to do when the things that go bump in the night might want a piece of you." She frowns and nods, slowing her speech down. "Sorry, It is very easy to forget to slow my speech down when I am excited. I just rescued some people from a burning building."

Legion has posed:
David Haller gave a nod, "Right..." He continued to nod slowly. He looked at the others, "Are you teachers too?" He asked, skeptical on the idea, it seems.

Gambit has posed:
Remy lifts his hand up to take a finger into his mouth and suck off the ice cream off the tip and puts it back on Ruth's shoulder and chuckles at the girl. "I t'ink she's figurin' it out." And then starts to lead her off towards China town. "Let's see if we can find us a game o' t'ree card montey!"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks and gives a little wave. Already she's through half the ice creams and about to get into another one. "So whats your name?" She asks the man curiously.

Legion has posed:
David Haller gave her a nervous smile, "I'm David. David Haller. It is ah... Nice to meet you. Are you a princess too?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little. "A Pleasure to meet you David. " When asked about being a princess she has to laugh, "I could only wish. I'm just a normal girl who has a rather unique set of skills. My abilities let me do stuff that only a few can do faster. I wanna keep improving."

Legion has posed:
David Haller raised a brow, "People can go faster?... I could barely see you when you ran up... Still looked on fire."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods, "Yep. I am still adjusting to the Speed Force. People like the Flash are insanely fast. He can run circles around me while I'm running at top speed. My top speed is around mach 3."

Legion has posed:
David Haller swallowed, "Like... That's how fast jets fly, right? And you can run that?" He gave a nod, and rubbed his arm, pinching it idly.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and nods, "Yes I can. I have to be careful what I wear when I run that fast though. Last time I burned up the clothes I was wearing and melted my shoes." She laughs. "Its my special ability."

Legion has posed:
David Haller raised a brow, and looked her over critically, "That's a fun side effect. Does it happen often?" He mused, seeming to get more comfortable atm.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Its why I'm wearing this stuff. Its close to my body. There is a field around my body when I run. It keeps me safe from the negative effects of that crazy speed. As long as I don't wear anything that might exit that field, I don't have that problem."

Legion has posed:
David Haller watched her, "Oh?" He reached out to poke her skin again, "How far is the field?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Its only when I'm running. Its the speed force. Its not something I can physically see but, I can tell by the fact that I've not burned up this outfit yet. I am going to gamble about a few inches though. If I run at high speed and pick someone up, That field covers them too.

Legion has posed:
David Haller raised a brow, "So... It extends to others, but will burn off clothing if it's not tight enough?... That seems... Uneven, doesn't it?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Keep in mind we are talking about speeds over 2300 miles per hour. That is like the distance from New York to Los Angeles. That aura protects people. Also the clothing I was wearing was a baggy jacket and baggy jeans. The shoes I was wearing weren't designed for running either."

Legion has posed:
David Haller nodded, "Right.... Yeah. That's.... Yeah." He gave a nod, and continued to look her over. "Sure. I guess... That works. I mean, why wouldn't it?" He seemed to be working it out in his head.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva finishes off her ice cream, "Would you like a drink? I could use one. That ice cream sorta got boring after a bit." She gets up and smirks a little."

Legion has posed:
David Haller looked at her curiously, "I ah... I shouldn't drink. Not really. That could be bad, actually." He stood as well, "Um... Maybe another time though? Or, you know... Maybe you could explain this stuff more as well."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva looks at David and snickers, "Ummm.... Not alcohol. I'm underage still!" She winks at lightning arcs in her eyes. Then... with a crack she's gone. A few seconds later she's back with a pair of ice cold Soder Colas. "You sure?"

Legion has posed:
David Haller raised a brow at the lightning arcs. His head whipped to the side to watch her run off, and then followed her again as she ran back up. "That's... Useful." He put his hand out for the soda. "I guess... I have a while longer, before they'll miss me."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva She hands over the cola and snickers. "I love my speed! Its fun to actually go that fast. I mean running around at mach speeds is crazy. Running on water though, thats where things get really fun!"

Legion has posed:
David Haller looked to her curiously, "Why would that be more fun?"

Eva (170) has posed:
She snickers a little, "Because you gotta watch out for the waves. If you trip you're going for a swim. Plus the resistance of the water would hurt a whole lot."

Legion has posed:
David Haller thought about it for a moment, "The.... ah.... thing, doesn't protect you from the water?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "The Aura protects me from the negative effects of speed. The problem is, water slows you down really quick No speed, No aura."

Legion has posed:
David Haller frowned, "But what if you swam at super speed?" He looked to her, "Or can you not swim?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva shrugs, "Never thought of that. Might have to try that. I've not really done a whole lot of swimming but I think it could be fun!

Legion has posed:
David Haller gave a nod, "Make sure to learn normally first. Or at least, wear a vest... Or would that be too bulky?" He frowned, thinking about it, looking her over. He sipped on the cola.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little, "Tell you what, I need to get going. I wanna get something that isn't ice cream in me. Thinking maybe some authentic Indian. I think I know a place that could be good." She smirks. "Thanks and it was nice talking to you!"

Legion has posed:
David Haller looked over, eyeing her a moment, until she continued to speak, and gave a nod, "Oh good. Alright. I'll ah... see you next time, I guess?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and nods as that lightning crackles about her. "Until next time David." With that she's gone leaving a streak of lightning in her wake. She quickly runs her way clear to upstate new york for her food.